Professor Peteris ZVIDRINS
Chair of Centre of Demography,
Head of Department of Statistics and Demography
University of Latvia
Raina bulvaris19
Riga, LV 1586
LatviaPhone: +371 7034787
Fax: +371 7034787
E-mail: Peteris.Zvidrins@lu.lv |
Born: May 31, 1943, Kraslava district, Latvia
Languages: English, Russian, Latvian (mother tongue)
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Economics), 1965
- Dr.oec. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries) in Population
Statistics, University of Latvia, 1970
- Dr.habil.oec.(Demography) (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Moscow State University,
- Research in Demography, London School of Economics, 1975 - 1976
- Fellow of Population Council (New York), Princeton University (OPR), 1990
- Research in Demography, University of Helsinki, 1987 - 1988
- Research and Training for reform, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada,
Toronto, 1994
- Training courses on Demographic event hystory analysis, Geneva University, 1994
- Research in Demography, Statistics Norway,Olso, 2007
- Head of the Department of Censuses, Senior Researcher, Latvias Central Statistical
Office, 1965 - 1970
- Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Faculty of Economics,
University of Latvia, 1970 - 1979
- Head of Department of Statistics and
Demography 1979 - , Professor 1982 - , Chair of Centre of Demography, University
of Latvia, 1982 -.
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990
- 1992
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992 -
- Member of New York Academy of Sciences, 1995 - 1997
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Karlis Balodis Prize (in economics), 1996
- Man of the Year, American Biographical Institute, 1996
- International Man of the Year 1996/97, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge,
- NATO Research Fellowship, 1996 - 1998
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Margers Skujenieks Prize (in
population statistics); 2004
- Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2006 -
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of International Union for Scientific Studies of Population, 1979
- Member of European Association for Population Studies, 1985
- Chairman, Baltic Association for Population Studies, 1991-1992
- Vice-Chairman, Chairman, Latvian Council of Science,
1993 - 1995
- Member of Expert Commission, Economics and Law, Latvian Council of Science, 1993 - 2010
- Member of Senate and Board, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1993 - 2000
- Member, Scientific Council in Economics,University of Latvia,1992- (Chairman,1992 -
- Chairman, Scientific Commission of Senate, University of Latvia, 1996 - 1998
- Member, Scientific Council, University of Latvia, 1990 -
- Member, Governmental Demographic Commission, 1993 -
- Member, Editorial Council for Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia, 1993
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1996 - 2001
- President, Latvian Statistical Association, 1999 - 2010 (member of Board since 2011)
- Expert, European Commission - for Science, Research and Development, 1999 - 2003
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 1993 -2000, 2003 - 2008
- Member of the Terminological Commission of the LAS and Chairman of the Demographic
Commission, 1995 -
- Head of the Demographic Research Group, Strategic Analysis Commission, 2004 - 2008
- Member of the Professors Council in Demography, Political Science and Sociology,
University of Latvia, 2007 - 2010
- Chairman, Supervisory Council of Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004 - 2012
- Member of the Promotion Council in Demography and Management Sciences, University of
Latvia, 2006 - 2012
University of Latvia:
- Demography, 1970 -
- Demographic Statistics, 1972-
- Theory of Statistics, 1970-1985
Recent / Representative Publications
- B. Mezgailis, P.Zvidrins. Population of Soviet Latvia. Riga: Liesma, 1973, 372 pp. (in
- S.Shlindman, P.Zvidrins. Investigation of Fertility. Moscow: Statistics, 1973, 176 pp.
(in Russian).
- J.Krumins. P.Zvidrins. Life Expectancy in Soviet Latvia. Riga: Liesma, 1976, 178 pp.(in
- P.Zvidrins. Population of the Great Britain. Moscow:Statistics, 1979, 184 pp.(in
- P.Zvidrins. Demography. Riga: Zvaigzne, 1983, 320 pp.(in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins (Ed. and co-author). Population of Soviet Latvia. Riga: Zinatne, 1986, 256
pp. (in Russian).
- P.Zvidrins, M.Zvidrina. Population and Economics. Moscow: Misl, 1987, 128 pp.(in
- P.Zvidrins. Demography. Riga: Zvaigzne 1989, 354 pp.(in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins, I.Vanovska. The Latvians: A Statistical and Demographic Portrait. Riga:
Zinatne, 1992, 165 pp. (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins. Recent Changes of Ethnic Structure in the Three Baltic States.- In : Demography,
Economy and Welfare. Lund University Press. 1995, pp. 336-350.
- P.Zvidrins (Ed. and co-author). Family and Fertility in Latvia. Riga: University of
Latvia, 1996, 106 pp.(in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins (Ed. and co-author). Population Replacement in Latvia. Riga,
1996, 86 pp. (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins. Changes in living standards and depopulation in Latvia in the 1990-s. - Social
Indicators Research, 1998, vol. 43, N 1/2, pp. 121-140.
- P.Zvidrins, L.Ezera, A.Greitans. Fertility and Family Surveys in Countries of the ECE
Region. Latvia. - United Nations: New York and Geneva, 1998, 112 pp.
- P.Zvidrins. Changes of Ethnic Structure in Latvia in the 1990-s. Riga, 1998, 58
pp. (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins (Ed.). The Second Part of Life Span in Latvia. Riga, 1998, 68 pp. (in
- P. Zvidrins (editor and co-author). Population development in Latvia on the eve of 21st
century. - Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia, 1999, N 3 (24), pp. 4-22.
- P.Zvidrins (Ed. and co-author). Population projections in Latvia: 1998-2025. Riga, 1999,
74 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.Berzins, P.Zvidrins. Population development in Latvia. New demographic faces of
Europe. The changing population dynamics in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Berlin - Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 2000, pp.183 - 197
- P.Zvidrins (Ed. and co-author). Demographic development in Latvia. - Humanities and
Social Sciences. Latvia, 2002, N 2.
- P.Zvidrins. Executive report NIEPs Workshop on Gender Relations, Family Building and
Patterns of Work (Oudenaarde, 29 Nov. - 1 Dec., 2001). Brussels, 2002.
- P.Zvidrins (editor and co-author).Explanatory dictionary of demographic terminology.
Riga, 2001, 130 pp.
- P.Zvidrins (Ed. and co-author). Demographic development in Latvia. - Humanities and
Social Sciences. Latvia, 2002, Nr. 2(35). pp.5-7.
- P.Zvidrins. Workshop on Gender Relations, Family Building and Patterns of Work
(Oudenaarde, 29 November 1 December 2001). Brussels, Ministerie von de Vlaamse
Gemeenschap.2002, 32 pp.
- P.Zvidrins. Demography. Riga: University of Latvia, 2003, 280 pp. (in Latvia)
- P.Zvidrins (Ed.and co-author) Population of Latvia at the beginning of the XXI century.
Riga, 2004, 38 pp (in Latvian).
- Socio- economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Latvia. United
Nations (UNECE), Prepared in cooperation with the Centre of Demography, University of
Latvia by the team under supervision of Peteris Zvidrins. New York and Geneva, 2003, p.97.
- P.Zvidrins. Development of Latvias population: presence and future.- In: Latvia
in Europe:Visions of the Future, 2004, Riga: Latvian Academy of Sciences,
pp. 258-273.
- P.Zvidrins. (Ed. and co-author). Population and Labour Force. Humanities and
Social Sciences. Latvia, 2004, N4.
- P.Zvidrins. (Ed. and co-author). Population and Labour Force. Humanities and
Social Sciences. Latvia, 2004, N4.
- P.Zvidrins. Depopulation. - In: National interests: in search of content Commission
of Strategic Analysis. Research Papers. N1. Riga: Zinatne, 2004, pp. 74-104 (in
- P.Zvidrins. Population. - In: Encyclopedia of Latvia.Vol 3.Riga:2005,
pp.14-18 (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins. Demographic processes in Latvia.- In: Yearbook of Politics Latvia 2004.
Riga: Zinatne, 2005, pp. (in Latvian).
- A.Berzins, E.Vitolins, P.Zvidrins. Dynamics and differentiation of population ageing in
Latvia. Riga:LU Akademijas apgads, 2006, 31 p.
- P.Zvidrins., E.Vitolins. A look into future:latest demographic projections.- In: Demographic
Situation: present and future.Riga: Zinatne, 2006, pp. 94-117.
- P.Zvidrins. Projections of population size and age structure.- In: Demographic
development of Latvia at the beginning of 21st century.Riga: Zinatne, 2006,
- P.Zvidrins, E.Vitolins. Projections of population size and labour force in Latvia. Riga:
RTU, 2007, pp.43-49 (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins. Demographic situation in Latvia at the beginning of 21st century. - In: Replacement
of generations and migration in Latvia.Commission of Strategic Analysis. Research Papers.
N4(15). Riga: Zinatne, 2007, pp.9-28 (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins. Demographic Development in Latvia in the early 21st century. - In: Yearbook
of Politics Latvia 2006. Riga:Zinatne, 2007,pp.114-130.
- P.Zvidrins. Direct demographic losses caused to Latvia by the USSR occuapation Regime
from 1940 to1990 //Population Processes and Policies: Humanities and Social
Sciences. Latvia. Riga: LU, 2008. N1 (54), pp. 6 25.
- P.Zvidrins. Replacement of generations and migration in Latvia. - In:Yearbook of
Politics. Riga: Zinatne, 2008. pp. 59-77.
- P.Zvidrins. Direct demographic losses due to deportations and other soviet actions. -
History of Latvia. 2008,.N1(69), pp.76-89 (in Latvian).
- A.Berzins, E.Vitolins,P.Zvidrins. Dynamics of population ageing in Latvia
characteristics of old people. The results of statistical scientific research 2009.Research
Papers. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. 2009, pp.5-13 (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins. (Ed.and co-author). Demographic development of Latvian regions. Riga: LU
Akademiskais apgads, 2009, 44 pp. (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins. Depopulation in the Baltic States. - XXVI IUSSP International Population
Conference. Abstracts. Paris, 2009, p.199 (Extented paper on www.iussp.org.).
- A.Berzins, P.Zvidrins. Depopulation in Latvia and other Eastern European countries. The
results of statistical scientific research 2010. Research Papers. Riga: Central
Statistical Bureau of Latvia. 2010, pp.30-39 (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins. Depopulation in Latvia. (Ed.and co-author). Riga: LU Akademiskais apgads,
2010, 60 pp (in Latvian).
- A.Berzins, P.Zvidrins. Depopulation in the Baltic States. Lithuanian Journal of
Statistics. Vol 50,No1.Vilnius, November 2011, pp.39-48.
- A.Berzins, P.Zvidrins. Changes of ethnic structure in Latvia. - The results of
statistical scientific research. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. 2011,
pp.5-15 (in Latvian).
- S.Feifere, P. Zvidrins. Labour and economic growth through education and research in
Latvia. Europien Integration Studies. N5(2011), Kaunas University of Technology,
2011, pp 26-31.
- P.Zvidrins, I.Indans. Migration in Latvia: trends, effects and prospects. - In: Scientific
Series of Lomonosov Moscow State University International Migration of Population:
Russia and the Contemporary World. Vol.25. Moscow, 2011, pp.152-165 (in Russian
- A.Berzins, P.Zvidrins. Demographic development of Latvians and minorities at the
beginning of 21st century. - The results of statistical scientific research 2012.
Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. 2012, pp.5-11 (in Latvian).
- P.Zvidrins. Demographic devepolment in the Baltic sea region. - Proceedings of the
Latvian Academy of Sciences (Section A), 2012,Vol 66, N5/6, pp.49-61.
Research Projects
Head of Domestic Projects:
- Changes of Demographic Structures in Latviaat the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries
and Their Consequences. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2003 ).
- Differentiation of Population Ageing and Prolongation of Length of Active Life. Latvian
Council of Science (2002 - 2003).
- Latvian Demographic Development Projections. Latvian Council of Science (2004
- 2006).
- Demographic Development of Latvian Regions. Latvian Council of Science (2007
- 2008).
- Depopulation in Latvia: Development, Reasons, Consequences. Latvian Council of
Science (2009 - 2010).
- Demographic Development of Ethnic Latvians and Minorities. Latvian Council of
Science (20011 - 2013).
Head of Latvian part of International projects:
- The Dynamics of Population Ageing in the Central and Eastern European Region (1996-2003
- Current Development in Demographic Structures in the Central and Eastern European
Countries (1997- 2003)
- Family and Fertility Surveys in the Central and Eastern European Region (1995-1999)
- Changes of the Ethnic Structure and Characteristics of Minorities in the Baltics
- Network for Integrated European Population Studies (1999 - 2003).
Last update 10.01.2013