Born: August 12, 1935, Jelgavas rajons, Latvia
- Fuel and Energy Complex Planning including Renewables and Nuclear energy
- Energy Economy, Efficiency and Ecology
- Heat Supply Systems
- Gas Supply Systems
- Energy Market
- Energy Audit and Monitoring in Buildings and Industry
- Energy Utilisation
Languages: Latvian, Russian and English
- M. sc. of theoretical physics, University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and
Mathematics), 1966
- Postgraduate, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1972-1979
- Dr.sc.ing., (Candidate of Science in former USSR - Ph.D. in Western countries). Title of
Thesis: Complex Methods for Utilization of Energy Resources in Industry. Georgian
Institute of Energetics and Hydrotechnical Buildings, 1984
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Title of Thesis: Integrated Investigations of Heat Supplying Systems:
Energetical and Economical Efficiency, Ecology. Institute of Physical Energetics, 1993
- Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, 1994
- English as a foreign language study in The Queens University of Belfast, 1998
- Head of Scientific Group, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1986-1993
- Manager of Postgraduate Studies and Diploma Design, 1991-pres.
- Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1993-
- Head of Energy Efficiency Centre, Institute
of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994 -
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- President, Latvian Member Committee/ World Energy Council (WEC), 2001
- Member of WEC Group Europe, from 1992
- Member of WEC Energy Efficiency Policies & Indicators Technical Committee from
- Deputy Chairman, International Centre for Energy and Environment Policy ICEEP (for
Central and Eastern Europe Countries), 2001
- Member, Latvian Affiliate of IAEE, 1990
- Member of Board, National Energy Confederation, 2001
- Expert of Promotion Council P-12 Riga Technical University 1995-
- Associated Professor of Riga Technical University, 2005 - 2010
- Deputy Chairman, Editorial Board of Latvian journal Enerģija un
Pasaule(Energy and World) 2003-
- Member of Advisory Editorial Board of Polish Academy of Science Enegy Policy
Journal 2010-
Honours and Awards:
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and JSC Latvenergo (Latvian Power Company) Alfreds
Vitols Prize, 2003
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and JSC Latvijas Gaze (Latvian Gas Company) Prize,
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences, SIA ITERA LATVIJA and RTU Prize,
- Honorary member of LAS, 2010
Participation in Research Projects:
- Head of Project Strategy of Energy Efficiency and Saving for Development of Latvian
Fuel and Energy Complex. Latvian Council of Science (2001
- N. Zeltins (Head of Part of Project) Integration of the Technologies for Rational
Use to Ensure Sustainable Development of Energy Sector in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2002 2005)
- World Energy Council project WEC Task Force on DH/CHP Regulatory Issues in Transition
- Centre of Excellence Integration Centre for Central Europe for Research in Energy
Supply from Fossil Fuels and Renewable Sources (CENERG), Energy Institute, Poland,
Warszawa. (2001-2004)
- EC FR 5 (Project Acronym EPA, Proposal No. NNES 2001-00421)
Analysis of Policy Instruments and Identification of Tools for the Implementation of
Rational Energy Use and Renewable Energy Sources in EU Candidate Countries (2001-
- EU project ASPIRE (Achieving Energy Sustainability in Peripheral Regions of Europe ,
EIE/06/027/SI2.439975: 1/10/2006 31/03/2009, leader in Latvia
- EU Project Electricity Research Road Map
In Europe (ERMInE):
National project leader 2006
- The Latvian State research programme Research and development of modern methods and
technologies in energetics: for environment-friendly renewable kinds of energy, the energy
supply reliability and efficient use of energy. Project 5 Improvement and management
of efficient methods and technologies of the use of energy leader 2006-2009
- The Latvian State research programme Technologies for Innovative Production and Use
of Energy Resources and Provision of Low Carbon Emissions by means of Renewable Energy
Resources, Support Measures for the Mitigation of Environmental and Climate
Degradation. Project 2 leader 2010-2013
Publications from 1994.
- Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N., Stripnieks Yu.
Energy efficiency problems in Latvian
Industry // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1994, Nr. 2: 47-52.
- Knaps A., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
Fuel scheduling of power stations of compensations
of long term consumption variations in hydro thermal systems (on the basis of the Latvian
system) // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1994, Nr. 3: 65-67.
- Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N., Stuits I.
Lokaler Brennstoff zur Landenergieversorgung //
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1994, Nr. 4: 75-77.
- Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N., Stuits I., Stripnieks Yu
. Energy situation and Demand Side
Management (DSM) in Latvia // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1994,
Nr. 5: 68-70.
- Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N
. The development of the Latvian Energy Market in the
Baltic Region // IAEE, 17th Annual International Energy Conference. Conference
Proceedings, Vol. II, Stavanger, Norway, 1994: 9 p.
- Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N., Stripnieks Yu.
Energy efficiency and economy in Latvia
// Workshop on the Energy Future for Central and Eastern Europe to the Year 2010 Given the
Need for Energy Efficiency Improvements, Las Diablerets, Switzerland, 1994: 7 p.
- Kreslinsh V., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
The Development of combined heat and power
generation in east Europe: Possibilities to pool eastern and western Energy systems //
Proceedings from the Third International Symposium in the World Energy system: Global
Perspectives on Strategies, Budapest, Hungary, 1994: 223-225.
- Zeltinsh Nameys, Zebergs Victors, Klavs Gaidis and Kreslinsh
Vilnis (1995) The
role of the Latvian power system in enlarging the Baltic interconnected Electricity
Syustem //Perspectives in Energy, 1994-1995, volume 3, pages 251-254.
- Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N., Stripnieks Yu.
Energy Conservation Policy in Latvia and
Baltic Region for the Next Century // IAEE, 18th International Conference "Into
the Twenty -First Century: Harmonising Energy Policy Environment and Sustainable Economic
Growth", Conference Proceedings, Washington DC, USA, 1995: 233-241.
- Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N., Davis A.
Possibilities for Creating Future Global Fuel
and Energy Supply Systems in Baltic States // 16th Congress of World Energy Council,
Division 2 PS/SRD 2- 4. Social Aspects of Energy Supply, Tokyo, Japan, 1995: 49-55.
- Kreslinsh A., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
East European-type DHS for future energy
supply // 16th Congress of World Energy Council, Division 3. PS/SRD 3- 1. Rational
Energy End-Use Technologies, Tokyo, Japan, 1995: 27-31.
- Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N., Viksna I., Stripnieks Yu
. The improvement of heat
supply systems of the East European type in Latvia // Fourth International Energy
Efficiency & DSM Conference "The Global Challenge" Berlin, Germany, 1995:
- Kanders U., Pinnis J., Krūmiņš V., Zēbergs V., Zeltiņš N.
Siltuma zudumu
samazināšana un kombinētās apkures energopatēriņa momitorings ēkām //
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1995, Nr.1: 42-58.
- V. Vrubļevskis, N. Zeltiņš
Centralizētās siltuma apgādes sistēmu
efektivitātes paaugstināšana // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
1995, Nr.6: 53-63.
- Namejs Zeltiņš
Par kongresu Tokijā //Enerģētikas Vēstnesis Nr.2 (104)
1996. gada 18. janvārī
- V. Zebergs, N. Zeltinsh, Yu. Pastors, G. Klavs
un citi Energy Tariff Project
- Latvia // Edited by Niels J. Harne - Nelleman, Nilsen & Rauchenberger. Danish
Energy Research Programme, 1996: 223 pp.
- V. Zebergs, N. Zeltinsh, V. Mishkinis
Inter-Baltic energy co-operation research
programme project // IAEE, 19th International conference Global energy transitions
with emphasis on the last five years of the century. Proceedings. Budapest, Hungary, 1996:
- Inga Puikevica - Puikevska, Namejs Zeltinsh
Latvian Energy Economy Sector in
Transition Period // Ecological energy conception of the Baltic States in the
transition period (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Environmental Engineering)
ZESZYT, (ISSN 0867 - 2172) 1996, Nr. 2: 61-96.
- V. Zebergs, N. Zeltinsh
Integration of the Baltic Gas Sector into the Nordic System
// Future integration of the Baltic Sea States gas supply (International symposium),
Tallinn, Estonia, 1996: 10 pp.
- U. Kanders, V. Vrubļevskis, N. Zeltiņš
Ēku energopatēriņa monotorings un
optimizācija // LU Cietvielu fizikas institūts. 12. Zinātniskā konference,
referātu tēzes. Rīgā, 1996: 72. lpp.
- Zeltinsh, Zebergs, Stripnieks
LATVIA:Energy efficiency and Economy //The
fourth annual EAST EUROPEAN WORKSHOP Proceedings for participants SHELL-MEX HOUSE,
London IAEE, 1996:14 pp
- J. Michna, H. Käär, V. Miskinis, N. Zeltins
// Aktuelle Wirtchafts - und
Energieproblem der Baltishen Statten // 6. Zittauer Seminar zur
energiewirtschaftlichen Situation in den Lä ndern Ostenuropas, 1996: 11 S.
- V. Vrubļevskis, N. Zeltiņš
Par ēku un būvju siltuma zudumu un siltuma
patēriņu normatīvā aprēķina koordinēšanu // Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 1996, Nr.4: 27-34.
- V. Vrubļevskis, N. Zeltiņš
Optimāli efektīva ēku ārējo norobežojošo
konstrukciju siltuma aizsardzības spēju paaugstināšana // Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences, 1996, Nr.2: 32-37.
- V. Zebergs, N. Zeltinsh, A. Davis
Integration of energy systems of Baltic
States into the North - European system for the sustainable energy supply development //
20th Annual International Conference, Int. Ass. for Energy Economics. Vol. II, New Delhi,
India, 1997: 561-570.
- Ekmanis J., ZēbergsV., Zeltiņš N., Stuits I.
Latvijas siltuma enerģijas
ražošanas un izmantošanas sistēmu attīstības metodiskie pētījumi // Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1997, Nr. 3: 60-65.
- N. Zeltiņš, I. Vīksna, A. Saulītis
Termogrāfijas izmantošanas pieredze //Semināra
Termogrāfijas izmantošana siltuma zudumu diagnostikā rakstu krājums, Rīgā, LU
fiz. mat.fak.,1997: 4 lpp.
- U. Kanders, I. Vīksna, N. Zeltiņš
Ēku energoefektivitātes novērtēšanaun
siltuma zudumusamazināšanas pasākumi //Semināra Termogrāfijas
izmantošana siltuma zudumu diagnostikā rakstu krājums,Rīgā, LU fiz. mat.fak.,1997:
3 lpp.
- Čaikovska M., Petrovs B., Zeltiņš N.
Ēku siltuma bilances enerģijas
zudumu un ekonomijas aprēķinu programma AUDIT // Latvian Journal of Physics
and Technical Sciences, 1997, Nr. 4: 36-49.
- Zebergs, N. Zeltinsh, A. Davis
North Europe Gas Prospects with Latvian Underground
Gas Storage // 20th WORD GAS Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1997: 5 pp.
- J. Michna, V. Miskinis, N. Zeltinsh
Implications of transition period
conditions on energy policy in Baltic countries being in transition // Energy
Strategies in the Baltic States: From Support to Business (WEC Baltic Regional Forum,
Riga, Latvia) Vol., 1997: 146 -153.
- H. Käär, J. Michna, V. Miskinis, N. Zeltinsh
Actual energy efficiency
problems in Baltic sea countries being in transition // Energy Strategies in the
Baltic States: From Support to Business (WEC Baltic Regional Forum, Riga, Latvia) Vol.
II,1997: 59 - 64.
- V. Zebergs, N. Zeltinsh, I. Puikevica - Puikevska
Energy efficiency and
conservation problems in the Baltic States and co-operation in research projects // Energy
Strategies in the Baltic States: From Support to Business (WEC Baltic Regional Forum,
Riga, Latvia) Vol. II, 1997: 90 - 100.
- I. Viksna, A. Saulitis, N. Zeltinsh
Measurements of buildings thermal
insulation and airtightness using thermographs method // Energy Strategies in the
Baltic States: From Support to Business (WEC Baltic Regional Forum, Riga, Latvia) Vol. II,
1997: 135 - 144.
- N. Zeltinsh, V. Zebergs, G. Klavs
East-West European Co operation: Convergence of
Energy Policy in Latvia and Poland // ENERGY CONSERVATION POLICY Proceedings of the
conference: Potential of Co-operation of Poland on Energy and Environmental Policy
with Baltic Sea Countries Institute of Environmental Engineering PAS, Warsaw,
ZESZYT NR 2/97, 1997: 45-60.
- N. Zeltinsh, V. Zebergs
Urgent energy policy problems in Latvia and
possibilities of their solution in co-operation with Polish economy // ENERGY
CONSERVATION POLICY Proceedings of the conference: Potential of Co-operation of
Poland on Energy and Environmental Policy with Baltic Sea Countries Institute
Environmental Engineering PAS, ZESZYT NR 2/97,Warszawa, ZESZYT NR 2/97, 1997:
- J. Michna, H. Kä ä r, V. Miskinis, N. Zeltins
Actual energy efficiency
problems in Baltic sea countries being in transition // ENERGY CONSERVATION POLICY Proceedings
of the conference: American-Polish Co-operation for Energy Efficiency Institute
Environmental Engineering PA S, Warszaw-Zabrze-Ustron, ZESZYT, 1997: 19-29.
- N. Zeltiņš
Enerģētikas stratēģija Baltijas valstīs: no atbalsta uz sadarbību
// Enerģētikas Vēstnesis Nr. 19 (147) 1997. g. 11. septembris.
- J. Michna, V. Miskinis, V. Vares, N. Zeltins
Aktuelle Wirtchafts - und
Energieproblem der Baltishen Statten // 7. Zittauer Seminar zur
energiewirtschaftlichen Situation in den Lä ndern Ostenuropas, 15.10.1997:7 S.
- J. Michna, J. Kapala, V. Miskinis, U. Rudi, N. Zeltins
Aktualle Probleme der
Effektiven Energienuncug in Den (Am Baltikum Liegenden) Transformationsstaten. // 7.
Zittauer Seminar zur energiewirtschaftlichen Situation in den Lä ndern Ostenuropas, 1997:
12 S.
- V.Krēsliņš, Yu. Pervušins, N. Zeltiņš
The Interconnected Baltic Power
System: technical basement and development problems // Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 1997, Nr.5: 17-63.
- J. Kapała, N. Zeltins
Measurement of impurity emissions from a coke oven
battery by method of conventional conduit // Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 1997.Nr. 6: 3-18.
- J. Kapala, N. Zeltins
A direct way of estimation of impurity emission from
the coke cooled by wet method // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
1997,Nr. 6:19-28.
- Sitenko L. Zeltiņš N.
Pilsētas iedzīvotāju siltumapgādes variantu analīze
// Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1997,Nr. 6: 40-51.
- V. Zebergs, N. Zeltinsh, V. Kreslinsh
Latvian and East-European market:
towards the EU Policy // 21st International Conference of the IAEE Experimenting
with Free Markets: Lessons from the Last 20 Years and Prospects for the Future
Proceedings, Volume 1, Quebec, Canada, 1998: 233-242.
- Ekmanis Yu., Zeltinsh N., Geme V.
The project Ecological energy conception of
the Baltic sea countries implementation possibilities of the results in Latvia. //
Energy conservation policy. Polish Academy of Science, Institute of
environmental engineering. ZESZYT NR 1-2/98,Warsaw, Poland, 1998: 35-47.
- N. Zeltinsh, I. Stuits, I. Viksna,T. H. Gulbrandsen
Energy Efficiency Centre-
Experience of International Collaboration in Innovation Sphere between Latvia and Norway
//The International Conference and Exhibition Baltic Dynamic, Riga, 1998: 6 pp.
- A. Davis, Yu. Ekmanis, V. Zebergs, N. Zeltinsh
The Efficiency of DHS with
Decentralised CHP and the Low Temperature Network for Latvia // 17th
Congress of the World Energy Council, Division 2, Houston, Texas, USA, 1998: 483 - 491.
- J. Kapala, M. Chaikovska,V. Miskinis, Ü. Rudi, N. Zeltins
Wirtschafts- und Energieprobleme der Baltischn Staaten // 8. Zittauer Seminar zur
energiewirtschaftlichen Situation in den Ländern Osteuropas, 1998: 16 S.
- J. Kapala, P. Kaleta, F. Krawczynski, R. Maksymowicz, Z. Mantorski, J. Michna, V.
Miskinis, N. Zeltinsh
Mathematisches Modellieren der Rationalisierung von
Energieverbrauchspozessen // 8. Zittauer Seminar zur energiewirtschaftlichen Situation
in den Ländern Osteuropas, 1998: 9 S.
- J. Kapala, J. Michna, Yu.
Ekmanis, N. Zeltinsh Research- based
Ecological concept of energy management for the Baltic States in transition period // Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences (ISSN 0868 - 8257), 1998, Nr. 5: 3 -13.
- Osh A., Zebergs V. and Zeltinsh N.
The role of new technologies for
rehabilitation of heat supply systems in Baltic countries. // New Equilibrate in the
Energy Markets: The role of New Regions and Areas. 22nd IAEE Annual International
Conference, Proceedings Volume2, Rome, Italy 1999: 390-398.
- Kapała J., Miškinis V., Rudi Ü., Čaikovska M., Zeltiņš N.
Actual Economic
and Energetic Problems of the Baltic countries // Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences (ISSN 0868 - 8257), 1999, NR. 3: 3 -19.
- Rīzners V., Stuits I., Zeltiņš N.
Vidus- un Austrumeiropas pārejas
ekonomikas enerģijas saimniecības attīstības tendences [Development tendencies of
energy facilities in Central and Eastern European countries in transition (in Latvian)]
// Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1999, NR. 3: 20 -29.
- Davis Adrians., Zebergs Viktors, Zeltinsh Namejs
North Europe Gas Prospects
Latvian Underground Gas Storage // World Markets Series BUSINESS BRIEFING Global Gas
& LNG Industry. World Markets Research Centre. London, UK, June 1999: 68-70.
- Puikevica-Puikevska I., Viksna I., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
Liberalisation of
Latvian Gas Sector and Outlook of North European Gas Market // 20th Annual
North American Conference of United States Associations for Energy Economics. Conference
Proceedings, Orlando, Florid, US, 1999: 415-423.
- Čaikovska M., Zeltiņš N.
Energy efficiency policy: CO2 reduction
in Latvia // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1999, NR. 4: 16 21.
- Chaikovska M., Davis A., Zeltinsh N.
LATVIA //Emerging Energy Legislation in
Central & Eastern Europe: market orientation; international compatibility; business
implications. World Energy Council. Report 1999 update: 95 - 104.
- Ekmanis J., Zeltinsh N., Kapała J., Michna J.
Methodical Problems on Energy
Conservation Policy in Central and Eastern Europe Countries // World Energy Council,
Regional Forum Central and East European Energy Policies, Markets and Technologies for
21st Century Vilnius, Lithuania, 1999: 308 - 315.
- Davis A., Freibergs G., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
Latvian Underground Gas Storage
for Developing Baltic and European Gas Supply System // World Energy Council, Regional
Forum Central and East European Energy Policies, Markets and Technologies for 21st
Century Vilnius, Lithuania, 1999: 138 - 187.
- Osh A., Viksna I., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
Heat supply: Development Problems and
New Technologies // World Energy Council, Regional Forum Central and East European
Energy Policies, Markets and Technologies for 21st Century Vilnius,
Lithuania, 1999: 379 385.
- Davis A., Freibergs G., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
Technological Progress and
Development of Heat Energy Market // IAEE 1999 European energy conference
Technological progress and the energy challenges, Concurrent sessions proceeding.
Paris, France 1999: 132 140.
- Chaikovska M., Miškinis V., Rudi Ü., Schlichta G., Zeltins N.
virtschaft- und energieprobleme der Baltischen Staaten // 9. Zittauer Seminar zur
energiewirtschaftlichen Situation in den Ländern Osteuropas, 1999: 13 S.
- Kapała Jan, Kaleta Piotr, Michna Jerzy and Zeltinsh Namejs
Metody programowania
racjonalizacij użytkowania energii // Instytut podstaw inżynierii Środowiska PAN,
1999: Część I-37 storon.
- Kapała Jan, Kaleta Piotr, Michna Jerzy and Zeltinsh Namejs
Metody programowania
racjonalizacij użytkowania energii // Instytut podstaw inżynierii Środowiska PAN,
1999: CzęśćII-40 storon,2 załączniki.
- Michna J., Kaleta P., Kapała J., Maksymowicz R., Mantorski Z., Miskinis V. Zeltinsh N.
modelowanie procesow racjonalizacji użytkowania energii // PAN IPIŚ PRUE ZESZYT NR
1/1999: 52 p.
- Kanders U., Kļaviņš J., Vīksna I., Zeltiņš N.
Remote heat loss diagnostics
using thermographs measurements //Latvijas Universitāte, Cietvielu fizikas institūts,
16. zinātniskās konferences referātu tēzes, 2000: 91.
- Ekmanis J., Zeltiņš N.
Five years co-operation of Polish and Latvian Academies
of science in the field of energy and ecology // Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 2000, NR. 1: 3-8.
- Zeltiņš N.
, Puikevica-Puikevska I. Latvijas enerģijas efektivitātes
tīkls // JOULE-THERMIE Starptautiska semināra Racionāla enerģijas izmantošana
rūpniecības uzņēmumos un ēkās rakstu krājums, Rīga, SKONTO zāle 2000: 15 lpp.
- Zeltiņš N.
Polijas un Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmiju piecu gadu sadarbība
enerģētikas un ekoloģijas jomā // Zinātnes Vēstnesis 2000, Nr. 8(195)
- Chaikovska M., Shlihta G., Zeltinsh N., Miškinis V., Rudi Ü.
Actual economic
and energetically problems of Baltic countries // Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 2000, Nr. 2: 10-22.
- Davis A., Freibergs G., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
Latvia the new key region for
increasing natural gas supply reliability and security in Europe //21stWorld Gas
Conference, Nice, France, 2000, Abstracts, WOC 10: 310 p.
- Davis A., Freibergs G., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
Baltic energy market
liberalisation and development of North European energy supply // 23rd IAEE Annual
International Conference, Conference Proceedings, session 3, Sidney, Australia, 2000: 10
p. (CD ROM).
- Davis A., Zebergs V. and Zeltins N.
Latvian Energy Sector in Transition to Free
Energy Market // Regional WEC European Energy Forum KYIV-2000 Market transformation
in the energy industries. Perspectives for the beginning of the third millennium,
Proceedings 2, Kiev, Ukraine, 2000: 45-50.
- Chaikovska M., Stuits I. and Zeltinsh N.
Hard Coal in the Balance of Energy
Resources in Latvia //Restructuring and privatization of the coal industries in central
and eastern Europe and the CIS, World Energy Council, London, UK, 2000: 119-124.
- Ginters V., Kreslinsh V., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
The Diversity of Fuel in
Energy Production as Preconditions to Stabilise Energy Market // Regional WEC Energy
Forum FOREN 2000 Technologies for Liberalised Energy Market, Section IV Regulatory
environment to promote sustainable and efficient technologies, Neptun - Olimp, Romania,
2000: 67-72.
- Ginters V., Stuklis I., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
Latvian power and gas supply
systems in transition to European market // IAEE Annual European Energy Conference 2000
Towards an Integrated European Energy Market, Papers day 2, Bergen, Norway, 2000: 9
- Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
From National to Regional
Electricity Market in the Baltic States and Northern Europe // 21st Annual North
American Conference of the USAEE/IAEE Transforming Energy, Proceedings,
Philadelphia, USA, 2000: 6 p. (CD ROM).
- Chaikovska M., Miškinis V., Rudi Ü., Shlihta G., Zeltins N
. Bericht
aus den Baltischen Republiken // 10. Zittauer Seminarzur energiewirtschaftlichen
Situation in den Ländern Osteuropas, Zittau, Germany, 2000: 30 S.
- Ošs A., Puikevica-Puikevska I., Zeltiņš N.
Aims and Expectation of Desirable
Introduction of Latvia in the EU // Energy conservation policy , Special issue
dedicated to integretion of Central and Eastern Europe Countries with European Union,
Poilish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Zeszyt Nr.1/2000:
- Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
From National to Regional
Electricity Market in the Baltic States and Northern Europe //IAEE Newsletter Fourth
Quarter, Cleveland, USA, 2000: 16-18.
- Ekmanis J., Zeltins N.
Activities of the Europe Management Academy in Energy and
Environmental Policy in Central and East European Countries // In Energy
conservation policy Institute of Environmental Engineering PAS & Europe Management
Academy, Zeszyt Nr 2/2000 (PL ISSN 0867-2172), Zabrze,
Poland, 2000: 11-14.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
Skolu renovācijas projekta 1. kārtas rezultāti (2000. gads) //Latvijas
Republikas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija, Izglītības sistēmas attīstības
projekts, Izmaksu efektivitātes apakšprogramma, 2000: 12 lpp.
- Blazevics J., Davis A., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2001) The impact of various
ecological risk factors for the Baltic Sea in the development of oil transport //
24th IAEE International Conference 2001: An Energy Odyssey Omni Hotel
Houston, Texas - USA: 10 p. (CD ROM).
- Kanders U., Kļaviņš J., Čaikovska M., Vīksna I., Zeltiņš N.
Reduction of greenhouse gases pollution load to the environment on the Latvian scale //
Abstracts and readings of the 17th Scientific Conference dedicated to the 40thannivesary
of Problem Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics, University of Latvia, Institute of Solid
State Physics: Pg. 87.
- Osh A., Ekmanis Y., Zebergs V. and Zeltinsh N.
(2001) Energy policy in Latvia //
International Journal of Global energy Issues, Energy conservation policy in Central
and Eastern European countries, UNESCO, Volume 16, Nos.1/2/: 64-81.
- Kapala J., Michna J., Ekmanis Y. and Zeltinsh N.
(2001) Still transition or a
new situation in energy conservation policy in Central and Eastern European countries? // International
Journal of Global energy Issues, Energy conservation policy in Central and Eastern
European countries, UNESCO, Volume 16, Nos. 1/2/3: 242-251.
- Petrovs B., Vīksna I., Zeltiņš N
. (2001) Enerģijas
audits datorprogramma dzīvojamo un sabiedrisko ēku auditam // II Pasaules
latviešu zinātnieku kongress, Tēžu krājums, Rīga: 530.
- Zeltiņš Namejs, Rubīna Maija, Kanders Uldis
(2001) Energy
Production and Greenhouse Gases Pollution Load to the Environment on the Latvian Scale.
// II Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress, Tēžu krājums, Rīga: 539.
- Petrov B., Zeltinsh N., Silinsh A.
(2001) Program of energy audit for
residential and public buildings // 7 REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2000, Naples, Italy,
CD-ROM: 177-190.
- Blazevich J., Davis A., Mikelsons K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2001) Development
of Baltic Energy Sector in Central Europe Energy Market // 18th World Energy
Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, CD - Technical Papers: 16 p.
- Ekmanis Juris, Frormann Detlef, Kapala Jan, Michna Jerzy, Zeltins Namejs
Analysis of Energy and Environment Policy in the CEE countries: from the
preparatory phase to post transition // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, NR.5: 3-13.
- Michna Jerzy, Frormann Detlef, Bartoš Jaroslav, Gnedoy Mikola, Kaleta Piotr, Kapała
Jan, Krawczyński Francizek, Mészaros Géza, Miškinis Vaclovas, Rousek Jan, Rouytcheva
Maria, Rudi Ülo, Rugina Vasile, Viksna Ints, Zeltiņš Namejs
(2001) Energy
conservation policy //Polish Academy of sciences, Institute of environmental engeneering.
Zeszyt Nr 1/2001: 226 p.(in English, German and Russian).
- Čaikovska M., Miškinis V., Rudi Ü., Šlichta G., Zeltiņš N. (
2001) Actuelle
virtschaft- und energieprobleme der Baltischen Staaten // 11. Zittauer Seminar zur
energiewirtschaftlichen Situation in den Ländern Osteuropas: 16 S.
- Petrovs B., Viksna I., Zeltins N.
(2001) Methodological and technical aspects of
energy liberalisation in Latvia //10th Forum: Croatian energy day Energy sector
linearization and Privatization in Transition-Economy and EU Countries: Experiences and
Perspectives Zagreb ,Croatia: 73-82.
- Zeltiņš N.
(2001) Pasaules enerģijas padomes 18. kongress // Enerģija un
Pasaule Nr. 6(11): 12-15.
- Zeltiņš N.
(2001) Pasaules enerģijas padomes 18. kongresā // Enerģētika
un sabiedrība: energo, Latvenergo, decembris Nr. 6: 22-23.
- Michna Jerzy, Kapala Jan, Ekmanis Juris, Frormann Detlef, Zeltins Namejs,
Kaleta Piotr (2001) International Center for Energy and
Environmental Policy (ICEEP) for Central and Eastern Europe Countries // Polish Academy
of sciences, Institute of environmental engeneering. Zabrze, Düsseldorf, Riga. Energy conservation policy Zeszyt Specjalny: 28 p. (in English,
German and Russian).
- Kanders U., Kļaviņš J. Zeltiņš N.
(2002) Ēku energoefektivitātes
monitorings pirms un pēc to rekonstrukcijas: LU Cietvielu Fizikas Institūta pieredze // Zinātniski
praktiskā semināra Ēku norobežojošo konstrukciju siltumtehnika II rakstu
krājums, Latvijas Universitāte, Vides un termodinamisko procesu matemātiskās
modelēšanas laboratorija: 32-1 32-10.
- Michna Jerzy, Frormann Detlef, Zeltins Namejs and Kaleta Piotr
(2002) Present
and future energy and envairolmental policy problems in central and eastern European
countries //International centre for energy and environmental policy, Bulletin No.
- Kirīte M., Stuits I., Zeltiņš N.
(2002) 10 Darba gadi atjaunotajai Pasaules
Enerģijas Padomes Latvijas Nacionālajai Komitejai // Latvian Journal
of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2002, NR. 2: 3-23.
- Zeltiņš N.
(2002) 10 sadarbības gadi (no Pasaules Enerģijas Padomes Latvijas
Nacionālās komitejas vēstures)// Enerģētika un sabiedrība: energo, Latvenergo,
maijs Nr. 2 (8): 32-25.
- Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. and Zeberga E.
(2002) Baltic power system structure and its integration in European
electricity market // FOREN 2002/WEC Regional Energy Forum "Energy Markets and
European Integration" Technical papers (CD), Neptun-Olimp, Romania: 7pp.
- Petrov B., Puikevica-Puikevska I. and Zeltinsh N.
(2002) Program of energy audit
for residential buildings// The Ninth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality
and Climate Indoor Air 2002 (CD), Monterey, California, USA: 6 p.
- Ekmanis J., Zēbergs V., Zeltiņš N., Zēberga E.
(2002) Par
energoefektivitātes problēmām Latvijas enerģētikas sektora ilgspējīgas attīstības
veidošanas pētījumos (Energy efficiency problems in the concept of the sustainable
development of the Latvian energy sector) // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, 2002, NR. 3: 3-12.
- Stuits I.
and Zeltins N. (2002)
World Energy Council Latvian member committee last 10 years of activities// Post REHVA 45th General Assembly Conference proceedings,
Latvian Academy of Science, Riga: 179-191.
- Sitenko L. Zebergs V. Zeltins N. Zeberga E.
(2002) Macro economical analysis
methods of energy efficiency // Post REHVA 45th General Assembly
Conference proceedings, Latvian Academy of Science, Riga: 152-155.
- Akermanis A., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2002) The heat supply systems in Latvia //
Post REHVA 45th General Assembly Conference proceedings, Latvian Academy of
Science, Riga:41-48.
- Ekmanis J., Zēbergs V., Zeltiņš N., Zēberga E.
(2002) Latvijas
enerģētikas sektora ilgspējīgas attīstības energoefektivitātes problēmas //
Rīgas tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti 4. sērija Enerģētika un
elektroenerģētika sērija 4, sējums 6, Izdevniecība RTU: 36-43.
- Mikelsons K., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N.
(2002) European and World
Experience for Creating Baltic Liberalized Electricity Market //Proceedings of 22nd
USAEE/IAEE North American Conference Energy Markets in Turmoil: Making Sense of
it All Vancouver, BC, Canada, CD.
- Ekmanis J., Zēbergs V., Zeltiņš N., Zēberga E.
(2002) Energoefektivitātes
paaugstināšanas pētījumi Latvijā // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, NR. 5:3-15.
- Rudi U., Zeltins N., Ašmantas L.
DECLARATION of World Energy Council Member
Committees of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia //Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, 2002, NR. 5:62.
- Mikelsons K, Ribickis L, Ekmanis Y, Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2002) Free
electricity market: Baltic experience // International Electric Research Exchange -
State power China forum Jinan, China, CD, 8 p.
- Petrov B., Puikevica-Puikevska I., Zeltinsh N.
(2002) Evaluation
of energy efficiency in residential and public buildings with the program of ² Energy
Audit² // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, NR. 6: 3-19.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2002) Enerģētikas pētījumu apmaiņas forums Ķīnā //
Enerģētika un sabiedrība: energo, Latvenergo, decembris Nr. 5(11): 16-19.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2002) Pasaules enerģijas padomes 2002. gada Izpildasambleja
Kairā // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr. 6 (17): 10-14.
- Akermanis A., Sarma U., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2003) Present
situation and trends in reconstructing the heat supply systems in Latvia // "Towards
local energy systems: revitalising district heating and co-generation in central and
eastern Europe", World Energy Council: 41-56.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2003) Vislabāk teikt patiesību... (Viļņā izvērtē
Baltijas Valstu un Krievijas Federācijas elektroenerģijas tirgus attīstību) //
Enerģija un Pasaule Nr. 1(18): 10-13.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2003) Inženieris, zinātnieks un savas Valsts patriots
(Viktors Zēbergs) // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr. 1(18): 20.
- Z
ēbergs V., Zeltiņš N. (2003) Elektroenerģiju ģenerējošo avotu
attīstība ilgtermiņā // Enerģētika un sabiedrība Nr.22: 23-24
- Zeltiņš N.
(2003) Elektroenerģijas pārvades saite Lietuva Polija
// Enerģija un Pasaule Nr. 2(19):18-20
- Davis A., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2003) Energy saving policy and
emissions decreasing: Latvian experience // Proceedings of International Energy
Conference Energy Technologies for post Kyoto targets in the medium term, Risø
National Laboratory, Denmark: 375-384. http://www.risoe.dk/rispubl/SYS/syspdf/ris-r-1405.pdf
- Mikelsons K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2003) Sustainable
development problems of Latvian energy sector //26th Annual Conference
International Association for Energy Economics New Challenges for energy decision
makers, Prague, Czech Republic, CD: 7 pp.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2003) Reģeneratīvā enerģētika Pasaules enerģijas padomes
skatījumā // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr. 3(20): 40-42.
- Ekmanis J., Zēbergs V., Zeltiņš N.
(2003) Latvijas energoavotu ilgtermiņa
attīstības vīzijas // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, NR. 3:
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2003) Līdzsvarota attīstība Starptautiskās enerģētikas
ekonomistu asociācijas skatījumā // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr. 4(21): 12-15.
- Osh A., Zeltina, L. and Zeltinsh, N.
(2003) Cooperation between the developed
countries and the Republic of Latvia in the field of energy: globalisation, Int. J.
Global Energy Issues, Volume 19, Nos. 2/3, 2003: pp. 212-224.
- Zeltiņš N., Zēbergs V.
(2003) Kurināmā veidu perspektīvas
Latvijā //Žurnāls Būvē, # 08 2003 (32)
- Ekmanis Y., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2003) The prognostication problems of the
development of generating capacities in Latvia // Rīgas tehniskās universitātes
zinātniskie raksti Enerģētika un elektrotehnika sērija 4, sējums 9,
Izdevniecība RTU: 15-21.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2003) Kā nodrošināt ilgtermiņa līdzsvarotu attīstību
investējot enerģētikā tuvākajā laikā // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr. 5(22): 22-23.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2003) Černobiļas AES realitātes impresijas // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr. 5(22): 24-27.
- Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2003) The Integration
of Post Transition Countries in European Free Energy Market // Proceedings of 23rd IAEE
North American Conference, Integrating the Energy Markets in North America: Issues
& Problems, Terms & Conditions Mexico,
Mexico City, Camino Real Hotel, CD: 8 pp.
- Petrov B., Puikevica Puikevska I., Zeltins N.
(2003) Evaluation
of potential possibility of energy efficiency in dwelling // Proceedings:
Healthy Buildings 2003, Singapore: 675-680.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2003) Dabas gāzes tirgus attīstība Ziemeļamerikā,
Austrumeiropā un Rietumeiropā // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr. 6(23): 14-17.
- Zeltiņš N.
(2003) PEP Latvijas nacionālā komiteja Ziemassvētkus un
Jauno gadu sagaidot // Enerģētika un sabiedrība: energo, Latvenergo, decembris, Nr.
5 (16): 19.
- Stuits I., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2003) Institutional support on
energy and environmental policy in Latvia // Int. J. Risk Assessment &
Management, Volume 4 Nos. 2/3, 2003, UK, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN 1466-8297:167-191.
- Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2003) Long-term forecasting problems of the
Latvian energy sector development // Central Eastern European energy conference,
Warsaw, Poland, http://www.ien.com.pl/cenerg/polska.htm
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2004) Starptautiska konference Singapūrā Veselīgas ēkas
2003// Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.1(24): 50-52.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2004) Pasaules Enerģijas Padomes 2004. gada paziņojums par
naftas un dabas gāzes tirgus attīstību // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.2(25): 25-27.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2004) Ieteikumi iekštelpu gaisa kvalitātes uzraudzībā
biroju ēkās un publiskās telpās Honkongas speciālajā administratīvajā reģionā //
Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.3(26): 80-84.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2004) Pazemes gāzes krātuves energoapgādes drošības
pamats // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.4(27): 68-73.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2004) Notikums enerģētikā ar globālu ietekmi // Enerģija
un Pasaule Nr.5 (28): 12-14.
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2004) Sašķidrinātās dabasgāzes nozares renesanse //
Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.6 (29): 76-79.
- Davis A., Gedrovics M., Ekmanis Yu., Zeltins N.
(2004) Trends
in the Development of the use of Natural Gas in Latvia in the EU Context //Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 2004, NR 1: 3-13.
- Davis A., Gedrovics M., Ekmanis Yu., Zeltins N.
(2004) Natural gas an
instrument for the improvement of energetic and environmental indicators //Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 2004, NR 2:3-14.
- Davis A., Gedrovics M., Ekmanis Yu., Zeltins N.
(2004) Complete
utilisation of smoke fumes produced from natural gas a source for decreasing fuel
purchase costs and emissions //Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 2004,
NR 3:3-10.
- K. Mikelsons, M. Paegle, V. Kreslinsh, Dr. K. Brinkis, V. Zebergs and N. Zeltins
(2004) A New Era in the Electric Market Management for the Central & East
European Post-Transition Countries and Some Environmental Aspects // 24th
Annual North American Conference of the USAEE/IAEE Energy, Environment and Economics in
A New Era, July 8 - 10, 2004 Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC, USA,CD:10 pp.
- Melko A., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2004) Energy efficiency managing problems in
post-transition countries // Proceedings of 3rd European Congress on Economics
and Management of Energy in Industry, Lisbon, Portugal, CD.
- Mikelsons K., Davis A., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2004) Latvian
underground gas storage facilities for the development of a safe gas and power supply
system of North European gas /IRAEE International Conference on "Energy &
Security in the Changing World", Teheran, Iran, CD: 10 pp.
- Mikelsons K., Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2004) A New Era in the Energy Market Management for the Central & East European
Post-Transition Countries // The 24th annual North American
Conference of IAEE/USAEE, July 8-10, 2004, Washington DC, Capital Hilton Hotel, CD: 10 pp.
- Brendow K., Delic M., Elleriis J. Silvennoinen A., Sigmond G., Zeltins N.
others (2004) Regulating District Heating and Cogeneration in Central and Eastern
Europe // A Report of the World Energy Council: 142 pp.
- Mikelsons K., Davis A., Ekmanis Y., Zebergs V. and Zeltins
N (2004)
A Long-Term Forecast for the Development of the Latvian Energy Sector Due to Its
Integration into the Baltic and North European Region //19th WEC Congress,
Sydney, Australia, Abstracts: 108-109.
- Ribickis L., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2004) Energetical and power
electronics researches in Latvia // 11thInternational Power
Electronics and Motions Control Conference, Proceedings of EPE-PEMC 2004 Conference
Riga, Latvia, Vol. 4 of 7: 4-479 4-482.
- Yuris Ekmanis, Jerzy Michna,
Andrzej Stania, Namejs Zeltins
(2004) Uncertainty in energy conservation policy // Foundation for Energy and
Environmental Policy, 6 Wolności , 41-700 Ruda Śląska , Poland, ISSN
0867-2172, ZESZYT NR 4/2004:38 p.
- Zebergs V., Zeltins N., Actina G.
(2004) Latvian possibility fulfil the EU tasks
of implementation of renewable energy // INSTITUTE OF POWER ENGINEERIN, Centre of
Excellence Integration Centre for Central Europe for Research in Energy Supply from
Fossil Fuels and Renewable Sources Thematic Workshop The possibility to use the
renewable Energy sources in the Central-Eastern European Countries Warsaw, Poland: 9 pp
- Zebergs V., Zeltins N., Actina G., Zeberga E.
(2004) New member
sate Latvia electricity market problems // SESSA conference Perspectives and
Challenges of EU Electricity Enlargement Berlin, Germany, DIW Berlin, report 15: 3
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2005) Pasaules Enerģijas Padomes Latvijas Nacionālā
Komiteja laiku griežos // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.1 (30): 14-16.
- Prof. Marek Jaczewski, Eng. Temenuga Manoilova, Eng. Pavel Liedermann, Eng. Jiri
Prochazka, Dr. Ylo Rudi, Prof. Karoly Remenyi, Eng. Gintaras Adzgauskas, Prof. Namejs
Zeltins, Dr. Jan Soliński, M.Sc. Hanna Burczy, Dr. Gheorghe Balan, Dr. Vasile Rugina,
Prof. Stefan Fecko, Eng. Milan Bohac and M.Sc. Natan Bernot
OF POWER ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE CENERG Warsaw, April 2005:67 pp. http://cenerg.ien.com.pl
- Zeltiņš Namejs, Zeltiņa Larisa
(2005) Globālās enerģētikas
ilgspējīga attīstība Pasaules Enerģijas padomes skatījumā //
Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.3 (32) :38-41
- Zeltiņš Namejs
(2005) Vai atomenerģētikas
renesanse? // Starptautiska konference Enerģētikas
neatkarība - mūsu iespējas LR Ekonomikas min. http://www.em.gov.lv/em/images/modules/items/item_file_5644_2005.ppt
- Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2005) Latvian Energy Outlook //
Development agency for Ruda Slaska INWESTOR, ISDN 0867-2172, ZESZYT NR 5/2005: 26 pp.
- Adrians Davis, Inga Puikevica Puikevska, Viktors Zebergs and Namejs Zeltins
Energy Efficiency Problems in Post-Transition Countries //28th IAEE
conference, Taipei, Taiwan, CD: 11 pp.
- J.Barkans and I. Zicmane
, (2005) Peculiarities of Annual Flows of World Rivers
// Preface of N. Zeltins, Latvian Member Committee/WEC, RTU, Riga: 211 pp.
- Mikelsons K., Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2005) Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy Problems in the New EU Countries //The 25th
annual North American Conference of IAEE/USAEE, Omni Interlocken Resort, Denver, CO,
USA, CD: 10 pp.
- Jan Soliński, Marek Jaczewski, Tomasz Golec, Temenuga Manoilova, Ylo Rudi, Gintaras
Adzgauskas, Namejs Zeltins, Viktors Zebergs, Natan Bernot
(2005) Energy sector of
the Central and East European countries present situation and outlook to 2030 //INSTITUTE
- Michna Jerzy, Stania Andrzej, Kalka Marek, Zeltins
Namejs and
others (2005) Main risk sources identification on energy conservation policy in
CEE countries // International centre for energy and environmental policy, Energy
conservation policy, Poland, Zeszyt (issue) Nr. 1/2005:42 p. p.
- Zeltiņš N.
(2006) Enerģijas efektivitāte: fantāzija vai realitāte? //Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.2(37): 4247.
- Zeltiņš N.
(2006) Kādu ceļu iesim?// Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.2 (37): 20-29.
- Davis A., Jesinska A., Kreslins A., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
Increasing role of underground gas storages for reliable supply of gas to Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and NW Russia and prospects of development of Incukalns
underground gas storage // 23rd World Gas Conference, Amsterdam, 2006,
CD: 13 pp.
- Frormann D.,
Michna J., Stania A., Ekmanis J., Zebergs V., Zeltins
N. (2006) Present Risk Management problems on Energy and
Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe countries //Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2006, NR 3: 66-73.
- Frormann D.,
Michna J., Stania A., Ekmanis J., Zebergs V., Zeltins
EAST-EUROPEAN COUNTRIES//Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2006, NR 5:
- Ilmārs Stuits, Namejs Zeltiņš
(2006) Pasaules Enerģijas Padomes
Latvijas Nacionālās Komitejas 80 gadi / 80 Years of Latvian National Committee of the
World Energy Council //CD Enerģētika Latvijas nākotnei: 24 lpp.
- Mārtiņš Gedrovičs un Namejs Zeltiņš
(2006) Dabas gāze: instruments
enerģētikas un vides indikatoru uzlabošanai / Natural gas: a tool
for improvement of energy and environmental indicators ///Energy
for the Latvian future, Latvenergo and Latvian Member Committee of World Energy
Council, CD; 21 pp
- Mikelsons K., Kreslins V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N.
(2006) Crunch Time for the European Gas
System: Reliability of Supply // 26th USAEE/IAEE North American
Conference Energy in a World of Changing Costs and Technologies Ann Arbor, Michigan,
USA, CD: 9pp.
- Petrovs B., V. Zēbergs, N. Zeltiņš
MODELĒŠANAS ATTĪSTĪBAS PROBLĒMAS //Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, 2006, NR 5: 46-58.
- Krams Ž., Dr. B. Petrovs, Prof. Dr. V. Zēbergs un Prof. Dr. N. Zeltiņš
(2006) Siltumnīcas efekta gāzes CO2 izmešu samazināšana ietaupot
elektrisko un siltuma enerģiju // RTU zinātniskie raksti sērija 6, sējums 21,
(Mašīnzinātne un transports, Siltumenerģētika un siltumfizika)Izdevniecība
RTU, Rīga 2006: 77-83.
- Actiņa G. M. oec., Dr. B. Petrovs, prof. Dr. V. Zēbergs un prof. Dr. N. Zeltiņš
KAITĪGO IZMEŠU SAMAZINĀŠANAI // RTU zinātniskie raksti sērija 6, sējums 21,
(Mašīnzinātne un transports, Siltumenerģētika un siltumfizika)Izdevniecība
RTU, Rīga 2006: 52-63.
A. , Zeltina
L. , Namejs
Zeltins (2006) Small- and medium-sized enterprises in Latvia: economical and
social aspects // International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
2006 - Vol. 6, No.1/2 pp. 124 - 150
- Davis A., K. Mikelsons, V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins
(2007) Comparative Studies of the
Results of Reforms in the New EU Member State Latvia // From Restructuring to
Sustainability: Energy Policies for the 21st Century the 30th International
Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics in Wellington, New
Zealand, 18-21 February 2007, Proceedings, CD: 14 pp.
- V.Vrubļevskis, V. Zēbergs, N. Zeltiņš, I. Puikevica-Puikevska
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2007, NR 2: 32-40.
- V. Zēbergs, N. Zeltiņš, Ž. Krams, I. Silantjeva, L. Gračkova
Dependence of Energy efficiency and GG emissions on the energy structure and fluctuations
in consumption //Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2007, NR 3: 3-14.
- Davis A., Mikelsons K., Puikevica-Puikevska I, Silantjeva I.
, Zebergs V.,
Zeltins N. (2007) The methods of analysis for raising the energy efficiency and
the reduction of greenhouse gases // 27th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference:
Developing & Delivering Affordable Energy in the 21st Century, USA, Houston, Texas,
Book of extended abstracts: 24-25. Full text: http://www.usaee.org/usaee2007/submissions/OnlineProceedings/zeltins%20full.pdf
- Dr. A. Davis, K. Mikelsons, Prof. V. Zebergs and Prof. N. Zeltins
(2007) Increasing
Interdependence of the Latvian Energy Sector in the Regional and Global Energy Systems
//20th World Energy Congress, Rome, Italy: On flash drive 13 pp. http://www.worldenergy.org/documents/roma_2007_final1.pdf
- G.Actina, L. Grackova, V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins
(2007) Management
Methods of Energy Efficiency and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions // 16th
Forum of the Croatian Energy Association, Proceedings, Zagreb: 74-86.
- J.Ekmanis, V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins, I. Silantjeva, L. Grackova
(2007) Management
of the energy efficiency process // 4TH EUROPEAN CONGRESS ECONOMICS AND
- A.Dāvis, K. Miķelsons, V. Zēbergs, N. Zeltiņš
(2008) Latvijas enerģētikas
sektora ārējās neatkarības palielināšana reģionālo un globālo energosistēmu
ietvaros // Enerģija un Pasaule Nr.1 (48): 26-30.
- R.Ney, J. Michna, J. Ekmanis, N. Zeltins, V. Zebergs
Technical Sciences, NR 1: 41-51.
- V.Zebergs, N. Zeltins, G. Actina, I. Puikevica, I. Silantjeva, I. Grackova
OF MANAGMENT // Rigas Tehniskās Universitātes zinātniskie raksti
Siltumenerģētika un siltumfizika sērija 12, sējums 1, RTU Izdevniecība RTU, Rīga,
2008: 26-38.
- B.Petrovs, N. Zeltins, V. Kreslins, G. Actina
(2008) Multicriterial
evaluation methods for the selection of competing energy-efficient technologies //
Rigas Tehniskās Universitātes zinātniskie raksti Siltumenerģētika un siltumfizika
sērija 12, sējums 1, RTU Izdevniecība, Rīga, 2008: 109-121.
- K.Mikelsons, Prof., Dr. V. Zebergs, Prof., Dr. N. Zeltins, M. oec. G. Actina
The Energy Efficiency Scale of the Infrastructure in the Energy Efficiency
Management Methods of the Energy Sector //31st IAEE International
Conference Bridging Energy Supply and Demand: Logistics, Competition and Environment
Conference Program and Extended Abstract, Istanbul, Turkey: 309 p, Full text: http://www.iaee08ist.org/Sessions.php ,
- J.Ekmanis, V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins, V. Vrublevskis
(2008) Thermal Characteristics
of New Building Materials and their Effect upon the Energy Efficiency //Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences, NR 3 (Vol. 45): 3-13.
- Dr. A. Davis, Prof., Dr. V. Zebergs, Prof., Dr. N. Zeltins
(2008) The growing
competition of the LNG in the gas market // 2nd IRAN OIL REFINING FORUM Teheran, Iran,
11-12 October 2008, CD: Day One.
- R.Ney, Y. Ekmanis, J. Michna, N. Zeltins, V. Zebergs
(2008) THE
REPUTATION RISK MANAGEMENT Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, NR 5: 48-59.
- Juris Savickis, Adrians Dāvis, Viktors Zēbergs, Namejs Zeltiņš
Sašķidrinātās dabasgāzes (SDG) konkurentspējas palielināšanas gāzes tirgū //
E&P Nr.6(53): 70-75.
- Dr. A. Davis, Prof., Dr. V. Zebergs, Prof., Dr. N. Zeltins and Ing. L. Grackova
(2008) Optimization Methods of the Wind Energy Application Depending on the Structure of
the Power System and the Underground Gas Storage Facilities // Third
International Renewable Energy Conference (IRES), Berlin, Germany, CD: 8 slides
- Karlis Mikelsons, Aigars Melko, Gunars Cvetkovs, Prof. Juris Ekmanis, Dr. Vilnis
Kreslins, Prof. Viktors Zebergs and Prof. Namejs Zeltins
(2008) Advanced Hydro
Technologies: Latvian experience //The IERE Forum, General Meeting and Workshop, Cataratas,
Brazil, http://www.iere.jp/NonMembers/Activities/General_Meeting/GM8/3rd.html
- F.I. Molochko, A.F. Molochko, J. Ekmanis, N. Zeltins, V.
OF THE CRITERIA FOR DAMAGE FORECASTS // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, NR 1: 15-24.
- V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins, A. Davis and V. Kreslins
(2009) An Energy Policy Model
For the Efficiency Management of Thermal Energy // Cold Climate HVAC Sisimiut,
Greenland 16-19 March 2009 , on flash drive: 8 pp.
- V.Zebergs, N. Zeltins, I. Puikevica-Puikevska, V. Vrublevskis
(2009) Low energy
buildings in industry: economics and management // ECEMEI-5: 5TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON
Proceedings, CD: 10 pp
- Viktors Zebergs, Namejs Zeltins, Adrians Davis and Visvaldis Vrublevskis
Methodological Problems of Evaluation of the Building Envelopes Depending on Their Thermal
Inertia and Balance Temperature // The Fifth International Workshop on Energy and
Environment of Residential Buildings and The Third International Conference on Built
Environment and Public Health (EERB-BEPH 2009) organized by Hunan University, The
University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University, May 29-31, 2009, Guilin, Guangxi, China,
Proceedings, Volume II: 1385 1394, on flash drive
- Karlis Mikelsons, Adrians Davis, Viktors Zebergs, Namejs Zeltins
Environment: The Global View Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Francisco,
California, USA: 9 pp. http://www.usaee.org/usaee2009/submissions/OnlineProceedings/FINAL%20RAPORT%20LATVIA.pdf
- Viktors Zēbergs, Adrians Dāvis, Namejs Zeltiņš, Vilnis Krēsliņš
Enerģētikas politikas modelēšana efektīvam siltuma enerģijas menedžmentam //
E&P Nr.3(56): 69.-71.
- Viktors Zebergs, Namejs Zeltins, Karlis Mikelsons, Adrians Davis
(2009) THE
European Conference Energy, Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Economies
Vienna, Austria, Executive Summaries: 114-115.
- Dr.sc.ing A. Davis, Dr.sc ing. A. Jesinska, Prof., Dr. habil. sc. ing. Andris Kreslins,
Prof., Dr.habil. sc. ing. V. Zebergs, Prof., Dr. habil. sc. N. Zeltins
OF UGS // Proc. 24th World Gas Conference Buenos Aires, Argentina,
2009: 7 pp, on flash drive
- V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins, G. Actina, L. Grackova
International Renewable Energy Storage Conference
IRES 2009, Berlin, Germany, CD: 6 pp.
- Dāvis A., Ješinska A,. Krēsliņš A., Zēbergs V., Zeltiņš N.
(2009) Gāzes
piegādes riska novērtējums Baltijas valstīs un PGK riska kritēriji // E&P
Nr.6(59): 58-61.
- Technical elements for the assessment
of energy planning actions Atbildīgais
izpildītājs Latvijā: prof., Dr. habil. sc. ing. Namejs Zeltiņš (2009) //Projekts
ASPIRE (Achieving Energy Sustainability in Peripheral Regions of Europe Ilgtspējīgas
enerģētikas panākšana Eiropas perifērijas rajonos) 32 lpp.
- Namejs Zeltiņš
(2010) Godājamais lasītāj! // Energoforums Nr. 7 (23)
2010.gada marts, ievadraksts par enerģētikas problēmām
- Juris Ekmanis, Viktors Zebergs, Namejs Zeltins
(2010) Adaption of the general
policy assessment methodology for the management of energy saving process // ENERGETIKA.
2010. T. 56. No. 1. P. 1-7, Lietuvos mokslų akademija: Lietuvos mokslų
akademijos leidykla
- V. Zebergs, A. Davis, N. Zeltins, K. Mikelsons, E. Vanzovics
(2010) Industrial
low-energy buildings //10th REHVA WORLD CONGRESS Sustainable Energy Use
in Buildings Clima 2010, Antalya, Turkey, Clima 2010 Abstract book p.105. Full text
Clima 2010 CD ROM: 8 pp. ISBN Code of the CD is 978-975-6907-14-6
- Viktors Zebergs, Adrians Davis and Namejs Zeltins
(2010) Methodology
for the promotion of the implementation of renewables in supported regions and
municipalities // 33rd IAEE International Conference The future of energy:
Global challenges diverse solutions, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 10 pp.
Session 26: http://ab3e.org.br/rio2010/conference-program/concurrent-sessions/june-08/
- Juris Ekmanis, Viktors Zebergs, Namejs Zeltins and Visvaldis Vrublevskis
European Conference Energy Economy, Policies and Supply security: Surviving in Global
economical Crisis Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-28 August 2010: 11 pp. C:\Users\cat\Documents\Publikacijas\2010Vilnus\IAEE2010_Vilnius\node\ufiles\Zeltinish_Latvia_Latvian
Full paper Vilnius_0.pdf
- Juris Ekmanis, Viktors Zebergs, Namejs Zeltins
METHODOLOGY of energy saving FOR THE acceleratION OF THE crisis resistance
//Proceedings of the second international conference "Energetika XXI: economy,
policy, ecology", Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance,
15.10.2009-16.10.2009, Saint Petersburg, 2010:184-195
- J.Ekmanis, V.Gavars, K.Mikelsons, E.Tomsons, N.Zeltins
ENERGETICS IN LATVIA // 21st World Energy Congress, Montreal, Canada:
16 pp. https://www.multisoftevents.com/WEC10/Abstract_Papers/007dfbad-c87e-4c48-85d9-c4a0fda99d68.pdf
- U.Kanders, N.Zeltins
(2010) Correlation Analysis of
District Heating Processes by Means of Temperature Contour Method // Proceedings
of the IASK International Conference E-Activity and Leading Technologies & Inter
TIC, Oviedo Spain 8-10 November: 71-78
- Karlis Mikelsons, Viktors Zebergs, Namejs Zeltins and Vilnis Kreslins
Conventional and unconventional management methods of energy efficiency for
peripheral regions // 29th Annual North American Conference of the USAEE/IAEE Energy
and Environment: Conventional and Unconventional Solutions Calgary, Canada http://www.usaee.org/usaee2010/submissions/OnlineProceedings/Full%20text%20Calgary%20LATVIA_final.pdf
- Ojars Kehris, Juris Savickis, Viktors Zebergs, Namejs Zeltins
(2010) THE
Association Hrvatsko energetsko društvo (HED) 19th Forum, 15-10 November,
Zagreb, Croatia CD: 9 pp.
- N. Zeltins at el.
(2010) Energy Efficiency: A Recipe for Success // World
Energy Council, London: 170 pp.
- J.Ekmanis, V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins, A. Davis,
(2010) Risk-reducing problems of
the Latvian gas supply// Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 34, Nos. 1/2/3/4, 2010 Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd., London: 78-90
- J. Michna, N. Zeltins, V. Miskinis, U. Rudi, A.Prakhovnik, J. Rousek, V.Rugina, F.
Molochko, L. Elek, T. Manoilova, Z. Mantorski, D.Frormann, L. Bednarz, V. Wilda (2010)
KATOWICACH, Nr. 22Zarządzanie ryzykiem racjonalnego użytkowania Energii I Środowiska
w krajach Centralnej i Wschodniej Europy: 90 pp.
- J.Michna, J.Ekmanis, N.Zeltins, V.Zebergs, J.
CURRENT METHODICAL PROBLEMS // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, NR 1:
28-41, DOI: 10.2478/v10047-011-0003-z (DOI-Digital Object Identifier)
- Juris Ekmanis Daniels Turlajs, Namejs Zeltins and Sigurds Jaundalders (2011)
Interaction of Liquid and Heating Surface During Nucleate Boiling Processes //
Proceedings of the ASME/JSME 2011 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference AJTEC2011 March
13-17, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, US , AJTEC2011-44286: 6 pp. http://www.asmedl.org/dbt/dbt.jsp?KEY=ASMECP&Volume=2011&Issue=38921#MINOR10
Last update 31.05.2011