Vismants ZAULS
Born: September 4, 1961, Riga, Latvia
- Non-linear Optics, Electrooptics
- Optical Second Harmonic Generation
- Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering
- Langmuir-Blodgett Films
- Thin Organic and Piezoelectric Films
- Ferroelectric Composites
- Ferrofluids and Liquid Interface
- Interferometry
- Application of Lasers
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1984
- Dr.phys in Optics (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries),
- University of Latvia, Institute of Solid State Physics, 1990
- Technician, Engineer, Laboratory of Electrooptics (1983 - 1984) , Researcher
(1984-1996), Senior Researcher (1997 - ), Ferrolectric Material Division, Institute of
Solid State Physics, University of Latvia.
- Lecturer in optics, Division of Optometry, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics,
University of Latvia, 1997 -
- Visiting Researcher, Moscow State University (1984 - 1985); St.Petersburg Institute of
Fine Mechanics and Optics (1986-1987); Faculty of Physics of Charles University in Prague,
Czech Republic (1989); University of Osnabrueck, Germany (1993); University of Aalborg,
Denmark (Nordic Scholarship Award) (winter 1993/94)
Recent/Representative Publications:
- V.Zauls, A.Gajevskis, I.Popova, M.Kalnberga, E.Birks, Z.Zaula, G.Liberts, A.Sternberg,
C.Czurda, E.Seidl, H.Weber. Structure and superconductivity of YBa2Cu3O7-X - BaTiO3
composites. Ferroelectrics, 1992, vol. 131, pp. 375 - 378.
- G.Liberts V.Zauls. Measurements of molecular hyperpolarizability by hyper-Rayleigh
scattering technique. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 1995, vol.35, No.5-6, pp.
- Jensen H.R., Zauls V. Study of optical excitation of longitudinal waves inside a metal
slab. Optics Communications, 1995, vol.114, pp. 363 - 369.
- V.Zauls, G.Liberts, Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering and SHG Studies of IPB molecules and L-B
films. Notions and perspectives of Nonlinear Optics, ed. by O.Keller. World Scientific,
1996. pp.586-594.
- M.A.Rutkis, E.Wistus, S.E.Lindquist, E.Mukhtar, G.Liberts, V.A.Zauls, A.B.Klimkans
E.A.Silinsh. Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Indandione-1,3 Pyridinium Betaine.III: Linear
Dichroism and Non-linear Optical Properties. Adv. Mater. Opt. Electron., 1996,
vol.6, pp.39-50.
- V.Zauls. Non-linear optical diagnostics of betaine type organic molecules with enhanced
SHG response. A NorFa Nordic-Baltic Workshop on Molecular Electrooptic Materials,
Gothenburg, Sveden, June 17-18, 1996
- G. Liberts, V.Zauls SHG Thermal Imaging in Ferroelectric Media. Proc.the Tenth
International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF96), Rutgers
University, East Brunswick, August 18-21, Poster P2-11, p.149.
- G.Liberts, V.Zauls. SHG Thermal Imaging in Ferroelectric Media. Submitted to Transactions
of IEEE, 1996.
- E.Klotins, K.Kundzins, A.Sternberg, V.Zauls, B.Andersen, A.James. Study and modelling of
trapped charge effects in ferroelectrics: application to piezoacoustics, In: Optical and
Inorganic Dielectric Materials and Devices. Editors: A.Krumins, D.K.Millers A.Sternberg,
J.Spigulis, Proceedings SPIE, vol. 2967, pp.138-143.
- V. Zauls, G. Liberts, J. Shakars and A. Cebers . Thermo optical mirror on the free
ferrofluid surface. Proceedings SPIE , 1997, vol 2967, pp.260-265.
- G.Liberts, V. Zauls. Thermal imaging in artificial nonlinear media, Proceedings SPIE
, 1997, vol 2967, pp.225-230.
- G Liberts, V. Zauls and O. Neilands. Non-linear Optical Properties of some
Indandione-1,3 Pyridinium Betaine Derivatives, Proceedings SPIE , 1997, vol.2968,
- E.Klotins, K.Kundzins, A.Sternberg, V.Zauls, B.Anderssen, A.James. The strain response
of ferroelectric multilayer actuators under combined action of electric field and uniform
load. To be published in "Ferroelectrics".
- A. Sternberg, M. Tyunina, M.Kundzinsh, V.Zauls, M.Ozolinsh, K.Kundzinsh, I.Shorubalko,
M.Kosec, L.Calzada, L.Pardo, M.Alguero, R.Kullmer, D.Bauerle, J.Levoska, S.Leppavuori,
T.Martoniemi. Composition-structure-properties correlation in ferroelectric thin films.
Submitted to Journal of the Korean Physical Society. Proceedings of the 9th
International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF-9) Aug.24-29. Seoul, Korea, 1997.
- M.Tyunina, J.Levoska, A.Sternberg, V.Zauls, M.Kundzinsh, I.Shorubalko, S.Leppavuori.
Pulsed laser deposition of relaxor ferroelectric films. Poster P.VI.E, Sept 29-30
Jouy-en-Josa, France,1997.
- M.Tyunina, R.Kullmer, A.Sternberg, V.Zauls, M.Kundzinsh, I.Shorubalko, J.Pedarnig,
D.Bauerle. Piezoelectric response of pulsed laser deposited heterostructures PZT/YBCO,
PLZT/YBCO. The 2nd European Meeting on Integrated Ferroelectrics. Report O.IV.G. Sept
29-30 Jouy-en-Josa, France,1997.
- L.Calzada, M.Alguero, L.Pardo, V.Zauls, M.Kundzinsh, A.Sternberg. La-modified lead
titanate thin films for microactuator applications. Poster P.IV.E, Sept 29-30
Jouy-en-Josa, France,1997.
- L.Shebanovs, A.Sternberg, V.Zauls, and A.Krumins. Some New Ceramics and Thin Films of
Pb(B3+,Nb)O3 - PbTiO3 System. - Ferroelectrics,
2002, vol. 267, pp. 271-276
- I.Aulika, V.Zauls, K.Kundzins. Direct AFM analysisof surface nanoscale roughness and its
influence on the optical properties of PMN thin ferro-electric film multilayers. -
Latvian J. Physics & Technical Sci., 2006, N 2 (II), pp. 93-101.
Research Projects:
- (Researcher). Ferroelectric Multilayer Structures and Thin Films for Actuator and
Applications. (COPERNICUS ERBCIPACT 940236 project) (1996-1997).
- (Researcher). Composition-Structure-Properties Relationships in Ferroelectric Thin
Films. Latvian Council of Science (1996-1998).
- (Researcher). Nonlinaer Surface Optics. Latvian Council of Science (1996-1998).
- (Researcher). Investigation of the Adsorbtion of Organic Macromolecules at Fluid
Interfaces Using the ADSA-technique, Elipsometry and SHG. Deutsche
Forshungsgemeinschaft. (1997-1999).
- (Head of Project). Dielectrical and Optical Properties of Multidimensional Polar
Materials for Microactuator and Photonics Applications. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 -).
Marital status: Married, two children
Last update 07.09.2007