Born: May 26, 1935, Riga, Latvia
- Organic Analysis
- Wood Chemistry
- Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Lignin
Brief description of main research:
Analytical chemistry of lignin - elaboration of functional group determination methods
for lignins and their modified derivatives. Chemical modification of lignins - introducing
of aminogroups. Thus the lignin is converted from polyacid to polybase, enabling its
practical utilization in novel fields. Some aminolignin preparations show the selective
activity as bile acids absorbents in medicine.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry, 1958
- Postgraduate studies, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1962-1965
- Dr. chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1966
- Dr. habil. chem., Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, 1993
Honours and Awards
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium 2nd Award (for the monograph: G.Zakis,
L.Mozeiko, G.Teliseva Methods of Determination of Lignin Functional Groups), 1975
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium 1st Award (for the monograph: Synthesis of
Lignin Model Compounds), 1980
- Included in 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century, in Honour of an Outstanding
Contribution in the field of the Chemistry of Lignin, International Biographical Centre,
Cambridge, England, 2001
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Arvids Kalnins Prize, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Secretary-in-chief , Editorial Board for Wood Chemistry , 1974 - 1995
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
Chemistry, 1993 - 1996
- Member of Latvian Union of Scientists
- Member of the International Lignin Institute, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1996 -
- Wood Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Riga Technical
University, 1995 -
- Analytical Chemistry of Wood, Faculty of Chemistry, RTU, 2000 -
Recent/ Representative Publications
- G.Zakis, B.Neiberte, M.Meksa. Aminoderivatives of lignin( Review). - Wood Chemistry
(Riga), 1991, N 4, pp. 3-21. ( in Russian).
- G.Zakis, B.Neiberte, M.Meksa. Method for obtaining of lignin aminoderivates - acid
sorbents. - Latvian Patent N P-93-422 (1993) ( in Latvian).
- V.Smogol, L.Maksimova, A.Mayore, G.Zakis. Specific absorbtion activity of new
international vegetations sorbent. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
B., 1993, N 1, pp. 78-79. ( in Russian).
- A.Mayore, V.Smogol, L.Maksimova, G.Zakis, B.Neiberte. Chlorohydrate of
N,N-diethylaminohydroxypropoxylignin - sorbent of choletriol ( cholic acid). - Latvian
Patent N P- 93-609 (1993) ( in Latvian).
- G.Zakis. Functional Analysis of Lignins and Their Derivatives , 1994, Atlanta (USA):
TAPPI Press, 94 pp.
- I.Andersone, B.Andersons, G.Zakis, M.Druze, E.Chirkova, J.Grâvitis, O.Bikovens. Lignin
and its modification as sorbents. - In: 4-th European Workshop on Lignocellulossic and
Pulp. Stresa, Italy, 1996, pp. 501-505.
- O.Faix, B.Andersons, G.Zakis. Determination of carbonyl groups of six Round Robin
lignins by modified oximation and FTIR spectroscopy. - Holzforshung, 1998, Bd.52, N
3, S. 268-274.
- G.Shulga, G.Zakis, A.Melkis, B. Neiberte, J.Gravitis. Interpolyelectrolyte reactions
with participating of alkaline nitrolignin. - Latvian J. Chem., 1998, N 4, pp.
81-86 (in Russian).
- G.Shulga, G.Zakis, B. Neiberte, J.Gravitis. Synthesis and properties of novel
polyelectrolyte on the basis of wood polymers. - Cellucon'99. , Int. Symposium on
Recent Advances in Environmentaly Compatible Polymers, March 24-26, 1999, Abstracts, p.
- B. Neiberte, G.Zakis. Aminolignins - active sorbents for environment protection from
heavy metals. - Thesis: Ec-Balt'2000, 26-27 May, I, pp. 125-126.
- G.Zakis, B. Neiberte. Amino derivatives of lignin. 3. Reaction of lignins with
diethylepoxypropylamine. - Latv. J. Chem., 2000, N 4, pp. 89-96 (in
- G.Shulga, G.Zakis, B. Neiberte. Comparative properties of modified acidic and alkaline
lignins. - Baltic Polymer Symposium, 2001, Tallin, 11-12 Oct., pp. 258-263.
- G.Shulga, T.Betkers, P.Solodovnik, G.Zakis, B. Neiberte, A.Angelovsky, Z.Dzalbe. New
composite materials for building purpose from polymer wastes of natural origin. - Baltic
Polymer Symposium, 2001, Tallin, 11-12 Oct., pp. 264-269.
- A.Verovkins, B.Neiberte, G.Zakis. Chemical characteristics of Latvian aspen wood kraft
lignin. - Eco-Balt'Riga, 2004, 6-7 May, pp. 53-54.
- G.Zakis, B. Neiberte, A.Verovkins. Nitrogen-containing derivatives of lignin and their
applicability. - In: Eight European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp.Utilization
of Lignicellulosics and by-Products of Pulping, Aug. 22-25, 2004, Riga, pp. 451-455.
- G.Zakis, B. Neiberte, A.Verovkins, V.Smogol. Amino derivatives of lignin: 4. Amination
of lignin in composition of lignocellulose complex obtaining of bile acid sorbent.
- Latvian J. Chem., 2006, N 3, pp. 287-291.
Research Projects:
- G.Zakis (Head of Project). Synthesis from Lignin a Medical Preparate - Sorbent of Bile
Acids. Latvian Council of Science (1991 - 1993).
- G.Zakis (Head of Project). Modification of Lignin and Lignin Containing Materials by
Nitrogen Containing Functional Groups. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996)
- G.Zakis ( Head o Project). Functional Modification of Lignins on Purpose to Change Its
Sorbtion and Other Properties. Latvian Council of Science ( 1997 - 2000).
- G.Zakis ( Head of Project). Chemical Investigation of Lignin-by-Product of Potential
Pulp Industry in Latvia - to Find Its Practical Application. Latvian Council of Science
( 2001 -2004).
Briefly about my Family and Hobby:
My wife, Daina Zake, is also a chemist and is working at the Study Department of the
University of Latvia. We spend summers in Jurmala by the beautiful Latvian river
Lielupe and so my hobby is fishing and gardening, as well as picking mushrooms in autumns.
Last update 20.10.2007