Professor Valery Zagursky Head of Laboratory of Mixed Signal Systems
Institute of Electronics and Computer Science,
University of Latvia
Dzerbenes iela 14
Riga, LV 1006
Phone: +371 67543391
Fax: +371 67 555337
E-mail: zagursky@edi.lv
Born: July 10, 1943, Russia
- Signal Processing
- Information Technology
- Testing and Design of Mixed Circuits and System
- Integrated Acquisition and Monitoring Systems
- Communication Systems and Networks
Work Experience:
The laboratory have been working in the field of
information technologies based on quasisporadic signal conversion and processing for more
than fifteen years. Research and development activities have been carried out in parallel
and implemented in a number of instruments and integrated systems. The developed methods
and algorithms have been used to create: ASIC for high precision time and frequency
measurement, random pulse sequence characteristic's recognition with psec resolution, nsec
dead time; a high performance dynamic analyzer for television and optoelectronic images
with high resolution when applied in cancer diagnostics and testing photopatterns;
analog-digital subsystem (ADS) for radar signal processing, high speed local communication
network for real time heatvision image conversion, transmission and processing, techniques
and software tools of an integrated system for measuring and testing of dynamic parameters
and characteristics high speed, high resolution ADC IC's; integrated parallel multichannel
system for testing of modes of aircraft engines in natural operational environment.
Four doctor dissertation have been performed during the
research work.
Languages: English, Polish, Latvian,
- Riga Technical University, 1968
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electronics (Riga), 1972
- Senior Researcher, USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Control Problem (Moscow), 1978
- Dr.habil.sc.comp. (Doctor of Science in former USSR),
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Institute of Cybernetics (Kiev), 1990
- Professor, Institute of Electronics and Computer Sciences
(Riga), 1993
- Engineer-electronic (1965-1968), Junior Researcher
(1968-1973), Senior Researcher, (1979-1983), Institute of Electronics & Computer
Science, Latvian Academy of Sciences
- Head of the Laboratory, Institute
of Electronics & Computer Science, 1983-
- Lecturer, Riga Technical University, Faculty of Automation
& Computer Science, 1979-1985
- Senior Lecturer, Riga Technical University, Faculty of
Automation & Computer Science, 1985-1991
- Associate Professor, Riga
Technical University, Faculty of Automation & Computer Science, 1991-1997
- Associate redactor, Journal Automatics & Computing
Technique, 1989-1993
- Redactor, Journal Automatics & Computing Technique
Honors and Awards:
- The Latvian Government Award for junior researchers, 1974
- The Latvian Government Award, 1980
- Silver and bronze medals for developments from Committee of
Soviet Union Exibition, 1985 and 1976 correspondingly
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1987
- Full Member, Baltic Academy of Technological Sciences, 1994
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Union of Scientists, 1992
- Member, IEEE Computer, Instrumentation & Measurement,
Communications, Circuits & Systems Societies, 1996
- Member, Association for Computing, 1997
- Editor: Journal Automatics & Computing Technique,,
- Member, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science
Council for doctor degree awarding, 1991-1997
- Design for Testability of the Mixed System, the European
Exhibition/Conf. CEBIT 95, Hannover 8-15 March,1995.
- Subsystem for Characterization of ADS, SampTA 95, Riga
(Jurmala) 19-22 Sept.,1995.
- Signal Processing and Acquisition Systems, Riga Technical
University, 1994
- Complex System and Network Architecture, Riga Technical
University, 1996
Recent/Representative Publications:
- N.J.Semyonova, V.Zagursky. A metod for determining the
parameters of a nonlinear dynamic model of ADS's, Proceedings of VII European Signal
Processing Conference EUSIPCO 94, 13-16 Sept., 1994, Appleton Tower, University of
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, pp.271-275.
- V.Zagursky, N.Semyonova. Method for dynamic parameter
identification of analog digital systems, Automatics & Computing Technique,
1994, vol.28, No.4, pp.47-54.
- V.Zagurskii, M.Sirovatkina, A.Karpov. Expert media based on
multichannel acquisition system, Automatics & Computing Technique, 1994,
vol.28, No.6, pp.39-45.
- V.Zagursky, N.Semyonova, A.Gertners. A method for testing
dynamic characteristics of analog-digital converters in spectral domain, Proceeding of
the 4-th Biennial Conference, Oct. 9-14, 1994, Tallinn, Estonia, Institute of
Electronics, Electronics Competence Centre, 1995, pp.207-211.
- V.Zagursky, N.Semyonova, A.Gertners. A method for
identification dynamic parameters of mixed signal circuit, Proceeding of the 4-th
Biennial Conference, Oct. 9-14, Tallinn, Estonia, Institute of Electronics,
Electronics Competence Centre, 1995, pp.211-217.
- V.Zagursky, A.Karpov, M.Sirovatkina. Design for testability
of analog-digital system using behavior model, 21-st European Solid State Circuits
Conference ESSCIRC'95, 19-22 Sept., 1995, Lille, France.
- A.Gertners, V.Zagursky, D.Saldava. Behaviour model of ADC
IC`s: Extraction of parameters and identification ETC, The European Design and Test
Conference ED&TC96, User Forum, 11-14 March, 1996, pp.197-200.
- A.Gertners, V.Zagursky, D.Saldava. Behaviour model of mixed
ADC systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Manufactured in Netherlands, Journal of
Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, 1996, No.9, pp.1-9.
- V.Zagursky. Characterization techniques for mixed signal system.- Proc. Int. IEEE
Systems Readiness Technology Conf. AUTOTESTCON'97, Sept.22-25, 1997, Anaheim,
Californ., USA, pp.77-82
- V.Zagursky. Information technology for flexible and distance learning.- Proc. &th
World conf. of Contining Engineering Education, Torino, Italy, May 11-14, 1998,
- V.Zagursky, A.Getners. Analog-digital systems descriptions for signal processing and
control applications. - Proceedings of Intern. Conf. Test Technology for Millenium
AUTOTESTCON'99, Aug.30-Sept.2, 1999, San Antonio, Texas, USA, pp.101-105.
- V.Zagursky, S.Smirnovs. Coding and online transmitting system for medical researches. - Proceedings
of Intern. Conf. Test Technology for Millenium AUTOTESTCON'99, Aug.30-Sept.2, 1999,
San Antonio, Texas, USA, pp. 206-211.
- V.Zagursky, E.Ginters. Speech signal recovering in packet-switched communication
networks. - Proceedings of Intern. Conf. On Signal Processing Applications and
Technology ICSPAT'99, Nov.1-4, 1999, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp.164-168.
- V.Zagursky, Dz.Zibinch. Electrocontact microdisplacenebt testing subsystem. -
Proceedings of Intern.Conf. on Electrotechnological Services for Africa AFRICON'99,
Sept.28-Oct.1, Cape Town, South Africa, 1999, pp.176-179.
- V.Zagursky. A.Gertners. Analog-digital systems descriptions for signal processing and
control application. - Proc. 10th Miditerranean Electrotechnical Conf., MEleCon'2000,
May 29-31, 2000, Cyprus, pp. 112-116.
- V.Zagursky. Method for testing and characterization of analog-digital system. - Proc.
International IEEE Systems Readiness Technology Conf, AUTOTESTCON' 2001, Philadelphia,
Pensilvania, USA, August 25-29, 2001, pp. 115-120.
- V.Zagursky. Method for testing and characterization of analog-digital system. - Proc.
8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Malta, Sept. 2-5,
2001, pp. 312-317.
- V. Zagursky, I.Zarumba. Investigation of mixed signal nonlinear systems. - Proc.
Internat. Conf. 'Probabistic Methods Applied to Power System (PMAPS)', 2002,
Napoly-Italy, September 26-29, 2002.
- V. Zagursky, A.Riekstinch, I.Zarumba. A statistical method for analog-digital system
testing in time and spectral domain. Proceedings of IFAC Workshop DECOM-TT, October
3-5, 2004, Bansko, Bulgaria, pp.376-381.
- V. Zagursky, A.Riekstinch, I.Zarumba. Communication network for distributed multimedia
servers. Proceedings of 7th IASTED Intern. Conference on Computer
Graphics and Imaging CGIM2004, August 17-19, 2004, Kauai, Hawai, USA,
- V.Zagursky, I.Zarumba. Verification of Mixed- Signal Non-Linear Objects. Proceedings
IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP 2005), September
1-3, 2005, University of Agraval, Campus de Gambelas, Portugal, , pp. 132-136.
- V.Zagursky, I.Zarumba. Evaluation of The Analog-digital System in Dynamic conditions.
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP
2005), September 1-3, 2005., University of Agraval, Campus de Gambelas, Portugal, ,
pp. 115-119.
- V.Zagursky. Design Test Signal Tools for Investigating Analog- Digital Converters,
Electronic Devices and Systems. Proceedings IMAPS International Conference, September
15-17, 2005 Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, pp.187-191.
- V.Zagurskis. Wireless Multimedia System based on the CSMA/CA Media Access Algorithm.
In: Second IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless
and Mobile Networks, November 14-16, 2006, Tampa (Florida), USA (in press)
- V.Zagursky, N.Semyonova. USSR Authors Certificate
No.1032431, ADC dynamic error measuring methods, 1987, Int.Cl. H03 M 1/10
- V.Zagursky, G.Gotlib. USSR Authors Certificate
No.1529453, Device for control dynamic error for ADC, 1989, Int.Cl. H03 M 1/10
- V.Zagursky, G.Gotlib. USSR Authors Certificate
No.1640832 , Message signals communication device, 1991, Int.Cl. H03 M 1/10
- V.Zagursky, N.Semyonova. USSR Authors Certificate
No.1631724, ADC dynamic characteristics method and device for it's realization, 1991,
Int.Cl. H03 M 1/10
Research Projects:
- V.Zagursky (Head of Project). Problems of Analog-Digital
System Metrology. Latvian Council of Science
- V.Zagursky (Head of Project). Creation and Investigation
Whole Dynamic Testing Methodology of Heterogeneous Analog-Digital Systems. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996)
- V.Zagursky (Leading Researcher). Distributed Systems for
Local Monitoring of Dynamic Objects. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996)
- V.Zagursky (Head of Project). Creation of Information
Technology for Codesign and Test High Performance Analog-Digital Systems. Latvian
Council of Science (1997 -2000)
- V.Zagursky (Head of Project). Design
and Test of Mixed Signal Systems (MSS) for Multimedia Implementations . Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004)
- V.Zagursky (Head of Project). Verification of the Multimedia Systems with Mixed Signals
(MSMS). Latvian Council of Science (2005 - )
Last update 25.10.2007