Leading Researcher
Project LeaderLatvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
21 Aizkraukles Street,
Riga, LV-1006, Latvia
Phone: +371 6551822
Fax: +371 67550338
E-mail: aez@osi.lv |
- Bioorganic Chemistry, Chemistry of Physiologically Active Compounds
- N-Heterocyclic Biologically Active Compounds
- Biologically Active Magnetic Nanoparticles
- Structure Biological Activity Relationship
Main Research:
Targeted improvement of pharmacological properties of biologically
active compounds using chemical modification approach; Synthesis of organosilicon prodrugs
with psychotropic and antitumour properties on the basis of nitrogen containing
biologically active compounds; Targeted drug delivery enhancement using silyl modification
and magnetic carriers application; Synthesis and investigation of mixed ligand
organometallic complexes as antitumour agents; Design, synthesis, physico-chemical and
biological study of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical application; Structure
biological activity relationship determination along synthesized compounds with
psychotropic, antibacterial, antiinflammatory and antitumour properties.
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian.
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry), 1968
- Lomonosov Moscow State University (Chair of Natural Compounds), Moscow. Diploma work: Synthesis
of pentanucleotide GGTTT. Speciality: molecular biology, 1971
- Dr. chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Shemyakin
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Thesis: Gangliosides
of Normal and Leukemic Bovine Lymphocytes. Speciality: bioorganic chemistry,
chemistry of natural and physiologically active compounds, 1981
- Dr. chem. of Latvia, 1992
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
- Junior Researcher, 1971-1983
- Senior Researcher, 1983-2006
- Project Leader, 1993-
- Leading Researcher, 2006-
Visiting Scientist:
- Gothenburg University, Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry and Transfusional Medicine,
Gothenburg, Sweden (Prof. B. Samuelsson), 1994
- Odense University, Chemical Department, Odense, Denmark (Prof. B. Pedersen), 1995
- Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Thessaloniki, Greece (Prof. A. Geronikaki), 1998
- Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Institute of Bioinorganic and Radiopharmaceutical
Chemistry, Germany (Prof. H.Spies), 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium Award, 1987
- Person of the Year Award (Marquis Whos Who in the World), 2006
- International Scientist of the Year 2007 (IBC)
- 21st Century Award for Achievement (IBC), 2007
Recent/Representative Publications:
- E. Dyatlovitskaya, A. Zablotskaya, Y. Azizov, L. Bergelson. Gangliosides of calf thymus
and of normal and leukemic bovine lymphocytes. Eur. J. Biochem., 1980, 110,
- E. Lukevics, A. Zablotskaya. Silyl Method of Synthesis of Nucleosides, 1985,
Riga, Zinatne, 440 pp. (in Russian).
- E. Lukevics, A. Zablotskaya. Synthesis of Ftorafur. Chem. Heterocycl. Comp.,
1991, 27, N12, 1271-1299.
- E. Lukevics, A.Zablocka. Nucleoside Synthesis: Organosilicon Methods, 1991, Chichester:
Ellis Horwood, UK, 496 pp.
- E. Lukevics, A. Zablotskaya. Silyl modification of drugs. Metalloorgan. Khimiya,
1993, 6, N3, 263-284.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, E. Pedersen. Simple and effective method for the synthesis of
3,5-substituted 1- ß-D-arabinofuranosyluracil.
Chem. Heterocycl. Comp., 1996, 32, N7, 835-837.
- E. Lukevics, I. Segal, A. Zablotskaya, S. Germane. Synthesis and neurotropic activity of
novel quinoline derivatives. Molecules, 1997, N2, 180-185.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, A. Kemme, E. Lukevics, R. Berger, H. Spies. Reactions of
hydroxy-group containing 3+1 mixed-ligand rhenium(V) compounds. Part 3.
Synthesis and physico-chemical investigation of O-organosilicon-containing 3-thia-, 3-oxa-
and 3-methylazapentane-1,5-dithiolatooxorhenium(V). Ann.Rep. FZR-270, 1999,
- A. Zablotska, I. Segal, E. Lukevics, H.-J. Pietzsch, T. Kniess, H. Spies.
3+1 Mixed-ligand oxorhenium(V) complex with 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline. Ann.
Rep. FZR-270, 1999, 143144.
- R. Berger, F. Wust, A. Zablotska, M. Friebe, H.-J. Pietzsch, M. Scheunemann, M. Reigys,
H. Spies, B. Johannesen. Miscellaneous results of determining the partition coefficients
and ionization constants for rhenium and technetium coordination compounds by using HPLC. Ann.
Rep. FZR-270, 1999, 202209.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, S. Germane, I. Shestakova, E. Lukevics, T. Kniess, H. Spies
Synthesis and biological activity of '3+1' mixed ligand (3-thiapentane-1,5-
dithiolato)oxorhenium(V) complexes bearing 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro(iso)quinoline and quinoline.
Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2002, 16, N9, 550-555.
- T. Kniess, H. Spies, I. Santos, A. Zablocka. Synthesis of hydroxyl silylated rhenium and
(99mTc)Technetium 3+1 mixed ligand complexes. J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm.,
2002, 45, 629-636.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, S. Germane, I. Shestakova, I. Domracheva, A. Nesterova, A.
Geronikaki, E. Lukevics. Silyl modification of biologically active compounds. 8.
Trimethylsilyl ethers of hydroxyl containing thiazole derivatives. Chem. Heterocycl.
Comp. 2002, 38, N7, 859-866.
- E. Lukevics, A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, S. Germane, Ju. Popelis. Silyl modification of
biologically active compounds. 9. Synthesis and biological activity of novel derivatives
of 1,3-disilabenzo[5,6]cyclohexene derivatives. Chem. Heterocycl. Comp. 2003, 39,
N6, 813-818.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, E. Lukevics. Unexpected O-methylation of
N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline and -1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline in
silylalkylation by trimethylchloromethylsilane under phase-transfer catalysis conditions. Chem.Heterocycl.
Comp., 2004, 40, N7, 958-959.
- I. Segal, A. Zablotskaya, E. Lukevics. Silyl modifiation of biologically active
compounds. 10. Lipid type organosilicon derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline and
N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro(sila,iso)quinolines. Chem.Heterocycl. Comp.
2005, 41, N5, 613-624.
- I. Segal, A. Zablotskaya, E. Lukevics, M. Maiorov, D. Zablotsky. Ferromagnetic
nanoparticles containing biologically active alkanolamines: preparation and properties. Magnetohydrodynamics,
2005, 41, N4, 317-323.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, S. Belyakov, E. Lukevics. Silyl modification of biologically
active compounds. 11. Synthesis, physico-chemical and biological evaluation of
N-(trialkoxysilylalkyl)tetrahydro(iso,silaiso)quinoline derivatives. Appl. Organomet.
Chem., 2006, 20, N2, 149-154.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, Yu. Popelis, E. Lukevics, Shipra Baluja, I. Shestakova, I.
Domracheva. Silyl modification of biologically active compounds. 12. Silyl group as true
incentive to antitumour and antibacterial action of choline and colamine analogues. Appl.
Organomet. Chem., 2006, 20, 721-728.
- A. Geronikaki, D. Hadjipavlou-Litina, A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal. Organosilicon containing
thiazole derivatives as potential lipoxygenase inhibitors and anti-inflammatory agents. Bioinorg.
Chem. Appl., 2007, Article ID 92145.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, S. Grinberga, A. Gaukhman, E. Lukevics. Unusual reaction of
N-(2-methoxyethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline with ethyl acetate in the presence of
silica gel. Chem.Heterocycl. Comp. 2007, 43, N2, 250-251.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, M. Maiorov, D. Zablotsky, A. Mishnev, E. Lukevics, I.
Shestakova, I. Domracheva. Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles with iron oxide
magnetic core and biologically active trialkylsilylated aliphatic alkanolamine shell. J.
Magn. Magn. Mater., 2007, 311, 135-139.
- A. Zablotskaya, I. Segal, E. Lukevics, S. Belyakov, H. Spies. Tetrahydroquinoline and
tetrahydroisoquinoline mixed ligand rhenium complexes with the SNS/S donor atom set. Appl.
Organomet. Chem., 2007, 21, 288-293.
- Segal I., Zablotskaya A., Lukevics E., Maiorov M., Zablotsky D., Blums E., Shestakova,
I. Domracheva I. Synthesis, physico-chemical and biological study of trialkylsiloxyalkyl
amine coated iron oxide/oleic acid magnetic nanoparticles for treatment of cancer. - Appl.
Organomet. Chem., 2008, 22, 82-88;
- Zablotskaya A., Segal I., Lukevics E., Maiorov M., Zablotsky D., Blums E., Shestakova,
I. Domracheva I. Water soluble magnetic nanoparticles stabilized with biologically active
ligands. - J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2009, 321, 1428-1432.
Research Projects:
- A. Zablocka (Head of Project). Synthesis and Investigation of Biologically Active
Compounds Containing Si-element Labile Bond. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- A. Zablocka (Head of Project). Silyl Modification of Biologically Active Compounds. Latvian
Council of Science (1997-2000).
- A. Zablocka (Co-Coordinator of Project). Silylgruppenfunktionalisierte Tc-Komlexe. WTZ
- A. Zablotskaya (Co-Coordinator of Project). Silyl Modification of Some N-containing
Biologically Active Substances Possessing Antiinflammatory Properties. NATO (1998).
- A. Zablotskaya (Co-Coordinator of Project). Organosilicon-containing Rhenium Complexes
With Increased Lipophilicity for Radiotracers Design. NATO (2000-2003).
- A. Zablotskaya (Coordinator of Project). Organosilicon-containing Rhenium Complexes. DAAD
- A. Zablocka (Head of Project). Synthesis and Investigation of Lipophilic Rhenium
Complexes as Nuclear Diagnostics for CNS and Tumour Diseases. Latvian Taiho Foundation
- A. Zablocka (Head of Project). Thiazole Derivatives: Synthesis and Study of Biological
Activity. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004).
- A. Zablocka (Head of Project). Synthesis and Pharmacological Investigation of Lipophilic
N-containing Biologically Active Ligands and Their Organometallic Complexes. Latvian
Council of Science (2002-2005).
- A. Zablocka (Head of Project). Targeted Improvement of Pharmacological Properties of
Quinoline Based Biologically Active Compounds Using Chemical Modification Approach.
Latvian Council of Science (2005-2008).
- A. Zablocka (Head of Project). Biologically Active Eelement Containing N-heterocyclic
Compounds and Synthetic Magnetosomes in Solution of Drug Delivery Problem. Latvian
Council of Science (2009-2012).
Last update 23.12.2009