Ingrida VITINA
Born: December 13, 1934, Riga, Latvia
- Theoretical Electrochemistry
- Mechanisms of Electrodeposition
- Formation of Structure of Electrodeposited Metals
- Interdiffusion of Substrate Metals and Coatings, Formation
of Intermetallic Layers
- Electrodeposition of Composite Coatings Metal-Inorganic
Languages: German, English, and Russian
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), 1960
- Dr. chem. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Riga Technical University, 1968
- Dr. habil. chem., Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1994
of Inorganic Chemistry of the Riga Technical University -
- Senior Engineer, 1962-1965
- Senior Researcher, Electrochemical Laboratory ,1968-1986
- Leading Researcher, Electrochemical Laboratory, 1986-1987
- Head , Laboratory of Metal Electrodeposition, 1987 -
Honours and Awards:
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1975
- The Latvian State Prize (for the Development of
Electrodeposited Coatings for Corrosion Protection), 1987
Professional Activities and Memberships:
International Scientific Collaboration:
Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion of the
Academy of Sciences of Russia, 1974-1991 (Joint Research Project on the Electrodeposition
of Superconductive Nb3Sn and Sn-PbMo6S8 layers).
Representative Publications:
- I.Vitina, B.Purin. Electrolyte for Electrolytic Tinning. - The
Patent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ¹ 135.1879 (May 1,
1974) Int. Cl. C23B 5/14 5/46.
- I.Vitina, B.Purin. Wässriges galvanisches Zinnbad und
Verfahren zum galvanischen Verzinnen. - Bundesrepublik Deutschland Patent ¹ 2224613,
26.5.1976. Int. Cl. C25D 3/32
- I.Vitina, B.Purin. Electrolyte for Electrolytic Tinning. - Japan
Patent ¹ 1045390.
- The Changes of Structure upon Thermal Treatment of Gold
Coatings Electrodeposited on Vacuum-Sputtered Ti and Electrodeposited Ni-B or Ni-Fe
Layers. - Thin Solid Films, 1995, vol. 270, pp. 380-386.
- Formation of Intermediate Intermetallic Layers on
Interaction of Electrodeposited Sn, Ni-Fe, Ni-B Coatings with Different Metallic
Substrata. - J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., 1997, pp. 1-26.
- The Changes of Structure upon Thermal Treatment of Gold
Coatings Electrodeposited on Vacuum-Sputtered Ti and Electrodeposited Ni-B or Ni-Fe
Layers. - International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films , April
24-28, 1995, San Diego, USA
- Preparation and Characterization of Composite Tin/Chevrel
Phase PbMo6S8 and Tin/Titan-Niobium Carbonitride. - International
Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, April 21-25, 1997, San Diego, USA
- Characterization of Aluminium Alloys and Titanium Surface
Structure. - XI European Congress on Electron Microscopy EUREM'96, August 26-30, 1996,
Dublin, Ireland.
- The Research and Study Interdiffusion of Electrodeposited and Sputtered Layers. -
High-Temperature Corrosion Research in Progres. 1997 AP-10333-CD, 1998. Electric
Power Research Institute Review (USA), Corrosion and Protection Centre (UK).
- Electrochemical preparation and structure of the Sn-Ca5(PO4)3(OH) composite coating. -
Proc. VII International Baltic Conference "Materials Engineering-98", pp.
- I.Vitina, V.Rubene, M.Pelecis, I.Zalite, O.Kovalova.
Preparation and characterization of composite tin/Chevrel phase PbMo6S8
and tin/titanium-niobium carbonitride Ti0.63Nb0.34C0.38N0.58.
- Thin Solid Films, 1998, 323, pp. 23-30
- I.Vitina, V.Rubene, M.Lubane, V.Belmane, A.Krumina,
A.Knipele. Structure and phase stability of the chemically deposited Au layers on
electrodeposited Ni and Ni-B layers. - Surface and Coatings Technology, 1999, 120-121,
pp. 430-437.
- I.Vitina, I.Zalite, V.Belmane, J.Grabis, V.Rubene, O.Kovalova, Nanodispersed refractory
compounds in the electrodeposited metal coatings. - In: Nanostructured Films and
Coatings (Ed. G.-M.Chow, I.Ovid'ko and T.Tsakalakos), NATO Science Series, vol. 78
High Technology, 2000, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 103-111.
- I.Vitina. Characterization of structure and Phase
Composition for Gold and Cobalt-Tungsten Layers in the systems Au (electrodeposited,
Chemically Seposited)/Co-W/Cu. - Abstr. International Conference on Metalurgical
Coatings and Thin Films, ASV April 30- May 4, 2001, p.51.
- I.Vitina, V.Belmane, V.Rubene, P.Pultraks, M.Lubane,
I.Jansone. Electrodeposition of composite coatings of tin-disperse phase
hydroxylapatite Sn-Ca5(PO4)3(OH)+Ca3PO4
to modify surfaces of metal implants. - Extended Abstracts of the 7-th International
Conference, September 11-14, 2001, Arachon, France, pp.204-205.
- I.Vitina, V.Rubene,
A.Knipele, A.Krumina, M.Lubane, V.Belmane. The stability of structure and phase
composition of x-ray amorphous cobalt-tungsten and gold layers in the systems Au
(chemically deposited, electrodeposited)/Co-W/Cu. - Latv. J.Chem., 2002, Nr.4, pp. 389-399.
- I.Vitina, A.Knipele, V.Rubene, V.Belmane, P.Pultraks, M.Lubane, M.Berzin, A.Krumina, I.Jansone.
Electrodeposition of composite coatings of metals Sn, Co-W/disperse phase hydroxylapatite
- International Conference "European Materials Week 2002", Germany,
Munich, 30 Sept. 2 Oct. 2002, Proceedings disc [mw 2002 111pdf.],
- I.Vitina, J.Grabis, I.Zalite, V.Belmane, V.Rubene,
Structure and properties of electrodeposited composite coatings metal-nanodisperse
inorganic compound. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2004, , vol.
40, Nr. 3. p. 259-268.
- I.Vitina, V.Rubene, V.Belmane, A.Krumina, M.Lubane,
J.Aak. Phase and structure stability of thin gold layers in the systems of various
metal alloys and metalized ceramics. - Materials of the XIII-th International
Baltic Conference "Engineering Materials and Tribology", 2004, September 23-24, Riga, pp. 123-129.
- I.Vitina, V.Belmane, V.Rubene, P.Pultraks, M.Lubane,
I.Jansone, A.Krumina. Electrodeposition of nanostructured composite thin
layers of Co-W; Co-Mo/hydroxylapatite on the metal alloys for implants. - Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2006, 5, pp. 29-36.
- I.Vitina, V.Rubene, V.Belmane, A.Krumina, M.Lubane,
J.Aak. Stability of structure, phase and elemental composition of
chemically and electrodeposited Au layers in the multilayer systems. - of thin gold layers
in the systems of various metal alloys and metalized ceramics. - Latvian
Journal of Chemistry, 2006, Nr.3, pp. 207 - 220.
Research Projects:
- I.Vitina (Head of Project). Electrowinning and research of functional metal,
metal-inorganic compound thin layers and electrochemical modiffication of material
surfaces. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2004 )
- I.Vitina (Head of Project). Electrochemical Mechanism of
Formation of Thin Layers of XRD-Amorphous Metal Alloys and Metal-Inorganic Compound on
Different Metal Substrata. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004)
- I.Vitina (Head of Project). Mechanisms of the Cathodic Process of
Electrodeposition and the Formation of Structure of Thin Layers of Nanostructured X-ray
Amorphous Metal Alloys and Metal-inorganic Compound. Latvian Council of Science
(2005 -)
- I.Vitina (Head of Project). The European Information Service on Providers of Conformity
Assesment Activities (2001 - )
Family status: married;
Husband - Uldis VITINS, Dipl.eng. He works for the state
joint stock company "Riga Electric Machine Building Plant" as a head of
construction division.
Sons -
Aigars VITINS, Dr.chem. He works as leading researcher at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of
Gints VITINS, M. Sc. Occupation - Programmer.
Girts VITINS, M.Sc., Dr.chem. He works as a researcher at the Institute of Solid State Physics , University of Latvia.
Last update 20.02.2008