Born: November 13, 1943, Riga, Latvia
- Cancer of gl. Mammae: Epidemiology, Diagnostics, Treatment and Prognosis
- Significance of Immunomudulators in Combined Therapy of Lung Cancer
- Use of Chemoteraphy in case of Ovarian Tumours
- History of Medicine.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Medical Academy of Latvia ( Riga Medical Institute), 1968
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries),
USSR Centre of Oncology, Moscow, 1975
- Dr.habil.med. , Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of Latvia,
Riga, 1997
Certificate in Surgery - Oncology
Certificate in Sexopathology
- Surgeon-Oncologist, Central Hospital of Saldus region, Latvia, 1968- 1971
- Junior Researcher, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1974- 1975
- Lecturer, Department of Oncology, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1975- 1982
- Associate Professor, Head of Department of Oncology, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1982-
- Professor (Oncology), Dean of Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia, 1998 -
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Chairman of Senate, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1993- 1997
- President, Association of Oncologists of Latvia, 1998 - 2001
- Member of Editorial Board for Journal of Latvian Physicians
- Member of Editorial Board for Acta Oncologica
- Editor-in-Chief for journal Gimenes Arsts
6 study programs for Medical Studies
Recent/Representative Publications
More than 100 scientific publications, 4 methodical recommendation's for studies on
Oncology, study programms in medicine.
U.Vikmanis. Breast Cancer of Glandula Mamma, 1999, Riga: LA (in Latvian).
Text book:
V.Bramberga, D.Leja, V.Rozenbaha, U.Vikmanis. Oncology, 1981,
Riga:Zvaigzne, (in Latvian).
N.Sjakste, T.Sjakste, U.Vikmanis. Role of the nuclear matrix proteins in malignant
transformation and cancer diagnosis. - Exp Oncology, 2004, N 3, pp.170-178.
B.Stamere, L.Krigere, K.Saleniece, U.Vikmanis, R.Muceniece. Studies on the interaction
between the opioid and melanocortin-ergic systems: dynorphin binding to melanocortin
receptors. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., B, 2004, vol. 58, N 1, pp. 9-13.
N. Sjakste, T. Sjakste, U. Vikmanis. Role of the ubiquitin proteasome
protein degradation pathway in carcinogenesis, tumor propession and susceptibility to
tumor treatment. - Experimental Oncology , 2002, vol. 24, pp. 1 6.
I. Silin, X. Wang, A. Tadesse, K.Y. Icensen,
I.T. Schiller, U. Vikmanis, E. Awall-Lund-qvist, B. Frankendal und I. Dillner. A
population based study of Cervical Lancer and HPV infection in Latvia. - Proceedings
of the XI International Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. Barcelona,
Spain, June 9 13, 2002, pp. 111 115.
N.Sjakste, T.Sjakste, I.Rumba and U.Vikmanis. Protosomes in patology . - Procedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, B, 2002, vol. 56, N 1/2 , pp. 7-16 .
I. Silins, Z-H. Wang, E.Avall-Lundkvist, B.Frankendal, U.Vikmanis, M.Sapp, J.T.Schiller,
J.Dillner. serological evidence for protection by human papilomavirus (HPV) type 6
infection against HPV type 16 cervical carcinogenesis. -In: Type-Specific Human
Papillomavirus Antibodies: Detection, Characterization and Applications in
Seroepidemiology, 1999, Stockholm.
U.Vikmanis. Ftorafur. - Acta Oncologica, 1998, vol. 2, N 2, pp. 76-86.
U.Vikmanis, A.Stengrevics, A.Eglite. Female breast cancer in Latvia. 1980-1994. A
survey. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., 1998, vol. 52, N 3/4, pp. 98-101.
U.Vikmanis, A.Berzins, D.Leja, et.al. Breast conserving operations, prognostic factors
and life quality. - J. Radiology and Oncology, 1997, vol. 31, N 2, pp.103-106.
V.Bramberga, U.Vikmanis, A.Eglite, et al. LATVIA. Cancer Incidence in five continents.
Volume 6. International Agency for Research on Cancer. - IARC Scientific Publications
(Lyon), 1992, N 120, pp. 662-665.
Research Projects
- U.Vikmanis (Head of the Latvian part of Project). HPV Infection in Cervical Cancer
Patients, Pre-Cancerous Lesion Patients and Healthy Population of Latvia and Role of
Coo-Factors in Cervical Cancerogenesis''. With Karolinska institute, Sweden,
- U.Vikmanis (Head of Project). Clinical-Morphological Prognostic Criteria in Locally
Advanced Breast Cancer after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 - ).
Last update 17.01.2005