Janis VIBA
Born: December 23, 1937, Riga, Latvia
- Engineering Mechanics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Vibration and Shock
- Optimal Control
- Auto Crashes
Brief Description of Main Research:
Development of methods of optimal control theory for impulse or shock systems,
practical use of effects of vibration and shock, and protection against vibration, with a
view to develop new systems for vibration transporters, vibration hammers, vibration
instruments, impact dampers and start - stop drives with adaptive control.
Languages: English, Latvian, and Russian.
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), 1960
- Postgraduate, Department of Strength of Materials, Riga Technical University, 1962-1965
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Riga
Technical University, 1968
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Leningrad Polytechnic Institute,
Russia, 1983
Riga Technical University:
- Senior laboratory assistant, Assistant, Department of Production and Automation,
- Doctoral Student, 1962 - 1965
- Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical Mechanics,
- Head of Department of Theoretical Mechanics, 1975 - 2002
- Professor of Department of Theoretical Mechanics, 1983-
- Director of Institute of Mechanics, 1998 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Fridrih Cander Prize in Mechanics for a series of
research Analysis of Bodies Collisions, Optimizations, and Synthesis in Systems with
Adaptive Control, 2004
- Latvian State Prize, 1989.
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Union of Scientists.
- Expert, Latvian Council of Science, 1990 -
- Member and Chairman of Workshop, Latvian National Committee of Mechanics, 1993 -
- Chairman, RTU Council for Professors' election in branch "Mechanics"
- Member, RTU Promotion Council (Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering)
- Chairman, RTU Students Scientifical and Technical Union, 1976 -
- Member of Presidium of Latvian Professors' Association, 1995 -
- Theoretical Mechanics and Cosmos
- Vibrotechnics
Riga Technical University:
- Mechanics
- Theoretical Mechanics
- Oscillation and Stability of Technical Systems
- Methods of Optimization
Recent/Representative Publications:
- O. Kepe, J. Viba. Theoretical Mechanics. Riga, 1982, 577 p. (in Latvian).
- J. Viba. Optimisation and Syntheses of Vibroshock Machines. Riga, 1988, 253 p. (in
- J. Viba, B.Grasmanis, J.Fontaine. Simultaneously collisions in connected bodies
systems.- In: Solid Mechanics and its Application. Vol. 73 (Proceedings of IUTAM /
IFToMM Symposium), Riga, Latvia, 24 - 28 August 1998, Kluwer Ac. Publ.: Dordrecht / Boston
/ London, 1999, pp.267 - 274.
- G.Panovko, O.Berestnev, J.Viba, B.Grasmanis. Setting up of resonance in self controlled
oscillator. -In: Solid Mechanics and its Application. Vol. 73 (Proceedings of IUTAM
/ IFToMM Symposium), Riga, Latvia, 24 - 28 August 1998, Kluwer Ac. Publ.: Dordrecht /
Boston / London, 1999, pp.219 - 226
- J.Viba, B.Grasmanis, S.Polukshko, S.Sokolova. Calculation of collisions.- Proceedings
of the 1st Baltic - Bulgarian Conference on Mechanics, Biomechanics and Bionics,
June 5 - 7, 2000, Varna, Bulgaria, pp.39 - 42.
- J. Viba, I. Tipans, O. Kononova, J-G. Fontaine . Jumping plane motion of an object
controlled by adaptive exitation. - Proceedings of the 2 nd Baltic - Bulgarian
Conference on Bionics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Varna, 2001. pp.26. - 29.
- J. Viba, B. Grasmanis, S. Polukoshko. Calculation of collisions in plane motion of rigid
body with additional constraints. In: The Dynamics of Vibroimpact (Strongly
Nonlinear) Systems. Part II. XII Symposium. Abstracts, Moscow-Zvenigorod. 2001 .
pp.177 - 180.
- Viba, S. Polukoshko. Motion of Solids, Accompanied by Serial Collisions. Proceedings
of the 3rd International Conference Industrial Engineering - New
Challenges to SME, 25 - 27. April, 2002. Tallinn, Estonia. p. 70 - 73.
- J. Viba, I. Tipans, B. Grasmanis, J.-G. Fontaine . Adaptive excitation of spring motion
of an object across plane obstacles. Proceedings of Fourteenth CISM-IFToMM
Symposium Ro.Man.Sy. Udina, Italy. 2002.
- Viba, I. Tipans, B. Grasmanis, J.-G. Fontaine. Adaptive excitation of jumping motion of
an object over plane obstacles. Proceedings of International Conference of
Robots and Manipulators, ENSIB - Bourges, France, April. 2002.
- J.Viba, S.Polukoshko. Simultaneous collisions of rigid bodies in more than one point.
Proceedings of 4th International DAAAM Conference Industrial
Engineering Innovation as Competitive Edge for SME, April 2004, Tallinn,
Estonia, pp.298-301.
- T. Akinfiev, M. Armada, J. Viba. Synthesis of vibro-cutting systems with time and
adaptive control. 5th International DAAAM Conference "Industrial
Engineering - Innovation as Compettitive Edge for
SME", 20 - 22th April 2006, Tallinn, Estonia. P. 107 -112.
- Viba J., Lavendelis E. Algorithm of synthesis of strongly non-linear mechanical systems.
- 5th International DAAAM Conference "Industrial Engineering - Innovation as Compettitive Edge for SME", 20
- 22th April 2006, Tallinn, Estonia. P. 95 98.
- Wang, XiYi, Viba J., Mironovs V. Pizelis I. Investigation of vibrator with air flow
excitation. - 5th International DAAAM Conference "Industrial
Engineering - Innovation as Compettitive Edge for SME",
20 - 22th April 2006, Tallinn, Estonia. P. 85 88.
- S. Cifanskis, M. Armada, T. Akinfiev, J. Viba. Investigation of high voltage impulse
system for granulating materials. - 1st. International Conference on Vibro-impact
Systems. 20-22 July 2006. Loughborough, UK, Book of Abstracts. P. 16.- 17. www.lboro.ac.uk/icovis.
- O. Kononova, J. Viba, A. Krasnikovs. Numerical simulation of waves by finite differences
method in vibro-impact systems. - 1st. International Conference on Vibro-impact
Systems. 20-22 July 2006. Loughborough, UK, Book of Abstracts. P. 24. www.lboro.ac.uk/icovis.
- V. Mironovs, J. Viba, V. Lapkovskis. Investigation of impulse system for moving powder
materials in vertical pipe. - 1st. International Conference on Vibro-impact Systems.
20-22 July 2006. Loughborough, UK, Book of Abstracts. P. 30 - 31. www.lboro.ac.uk/icovis.
- M. Eiduks, XiYi Wang, J. Viba, V. Mironovs. Analysis of objects motions in the wind
tunnel and tube. - XV Symposium of Dynamics of Vibroimpact Systems. Moscow, 2006.
pp. 329 - 333.
- G. Liberts, J. Viba, M. Eiduks, L. Shtals. Investigation of car crashes with large
deformations.- XV Symposium of Dynamics of Vibroimpact Systems. Moscow, 2006. pp.
333 - 338.
- J. Viba, E. Mjalo. Motion of axle-box between delimiters of vibrating pendulum. - XV
Simposium of Dynamics of Vibroimpact Systems. Moscow, 2006. pp. 339 - 343.
- XiYi Wang, J. Viba, I. Pizelis, L. Shtals. Optimization and synthesis of vibrator with
air flow excitation. - XV Simposium of Dynamics of Vibroimpact Systems. Moscow,
2006. pp. 344 - 348.
Research Projects:
- E. Lavendelis, INCO - COPERNICUS Project 960054. Efficient Start-Stop Intelligent Drives
with Adaptive Control. (Spain, France, Russia, Byelorussia, Latvia) (1997 - 1999).
- J. Viba. (Head of Project). Investigation of Oblique Impact and Adaptive Control for
High-Speed Machines. Latvian Council of Science (1994 - 1996).
- J. Viba (Head of Project). Investigation of Collisions of Bodes in Start-Stop Systems
with Adaptive Control. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2000).
J.Viba (Head of Project). Optimal Synthesis of Adaptive Controlled Intelligent
Vibroimpact Systems with Line, Surface and Volume Interactions. Latvian Council of
Science (2001 - 2004).
- J.Viba (Head of Project). Analysis, Optimisation and Synthesis of Self-Exciting
Vibroimpact Macroscopic Systems by Using Micro Interaction of Elements. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - ).
Recreation: Sports, Fishing, Hunting
Last update 07.03.2007