Born: July 19,1959, Viesite, Latvia
- Biomechanics
- Biomaterials biocompatibility
- Anthropology
- Human anatomy
- History of medicine
Languages: Latvian (native), English, Russian
- Riga Medical Institute (Faculty of Medicine), 1983
Scientific degree
- Dr.habil.med., Latvia Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 1993
Thesis: Implants bioactive covers in traumatology and orthopaedics
- Dr.med.hon.c., Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004
- 1992-up today Rector, Riga Stradin University (till 06/2002 Medical Academy
of Latvia)
- 1983-1992 Latvia Institute of Orthopedics & Traumatology
- 12/1998-08/1999 Member of Parliament
- 1998-up today Elected as Professor of Medicine at the Medical Academy of Latvia
in the field of Anatomy
- 1993-up today Manager of Latvian and International Scientific projects on
research of Biometrials and Anthropology
- 02/1992-08/1992 Deputy Head Doctor, Latvia Scientific-Research Institute of
Traumatology & Orthopedics (LSR ITR)
- 1987-1992- Junior Research Associate, Doctor at the Department of Bone and Joint
Pathology, LSR ITR
- 1984-1986 - Head, Laboratory of Endo-prosthetics Biomechanics Latvia Scientific-Research
Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedy (LSR ITR)
- 1983-1984 - Junior Research Associate, LSR ITR
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Chairman, Riga Stradin University Council of Professors in Medicine
- Chairman, Riga Stradin University Council of Promotion in Theoretical medical
- Permanent Expert, Riga Stradin University Council of
Promotion in Surgical disciplines
- Chairman, Latvian Rectors Council
- Member of European Anthropological Association, Latvian Association of Traumatologists
& Orthopedists, Latvian Association of Public health, Latvian Society of Anatomists,
Histologists & Embryologists, etc.
Recent / Representative Publications
- L.Berzina, R.Cimdin, J.Vetra, M.Dobelis, O.Diktenko. Bioceramics in the System
CaO-Nb2O5-P2O5. - Proceedings of the 7
th International Symposium on
Ceramics in Medicine, Bioceramics, 1994, Vol.7, Turku, pp.151-158.
- L.I.Slutski, J.J.Vetra. Biocompatibility and Reactogenicity of materials: a semantic and
logical analysis of definitions and their practical significance. - Cells and
Materials, 1996, Vol. 6, Nr. 1-3, pp. 137-142.
- R.Cimdins, J.Bossert, L.Berzina, J.Vetra, N.Hassman, Z.Katkovskis. Microstucture of
bioactive polylayer coating of Ti alloy. - J.Ceramica Acta, 1998, Nr.4/5,
I.Kokare, Dz.Krumina, J.Vetra, U.Teibe. Secular Changes in
Body Height in Latvian Conscripts During the Last 122 Years. - Perspectives in Human
Biology, 1999, Vol.4, N 2, pp.175-180.
- Rita Gravere, Ruta Lindberga, Janis Vetra. Atceroties Jana Raina naves gadadienu. - Latvijas
arhivi , Riga, 1999, 4, pp. 72-85 (in Latvian).
- Ruta Lindberga, Janis Vetra. Lucijas Jerumas-Krastinas
laikabiedri. //Gramata Medicinas doktore Lucija Jeruma Krastina, Riga, 1999.,
- J.Vetra, L.Ivanova, I.Kreile. Cytokines. - Gematologija i Transfuziologija,
2000, vol. 45, pp. 45-49 (in Russian).
- J.Vetra, Y.Dekhtyar, V.Noskov et al. Investigation physical
properties of several centuries bones. - Proc. e Internat. Federation for Medical
and Biological Engineering Conference.- Vienna, Austria.- 2002, Part 1.- pp.178-181.
- A.Actinhs, Yu.Dehtyar, V.Noskov, J.Rauzins, J.Vetra,
V.Zemite. Physical Properties of Aged and Non-Aged Human Bones. - Masinzinatne un
transports (Transport and Engineering), 2002, Ser.6, Vol.9, Riga, pp. 117-122.
- V.Zemite, Yu.Dekhtjar, H.J.Hein, V.Noskov, J.Vetra, G.Sagalovics, R.Zakovskis.
Microstructural and electronic characteristics of several centuries bones.- Conference
Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas,
Lithuania, 2002, pp.23-27.
- Vetra Ya.Ya., Ivanova L.V., Shidlovska V.A. Factors of
angiogenesis and regeneration of epidermic tissues. - Gematologija i Transfuziologija,
2002, N 4, pp. 40-43.(in Russian).
- V.Sklarevics, J.Vetra, I.Kalnin, Z.Kasvande. Occurence of Hypermobility of Joints
and Its Link with Flatfoot in Pre-School Children in Latvia. - Proceedings of the
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2002, vol.56, N 6, pp. 254-257.
- I.Dobele, L.Kise, J.Vetra. Biomaterials for Reconstruction in Otorhinolaryngology.- Proc.
2nd Baltic Otorhinolaryngology Conference and 1st Baltic Meeting on
Audiology, . 6-8 June, Riga, 2002, pp.83-88.
- Ya.Vetra, M.Saba, A.Pavars, I.Ivanov. Abscessed lymphadenitis complicated by subclinical
mycotic invasion. - Surgery, 2003, N 3, pp. 57-58.
- A.Greitane, J.Vetra, U.Teibe. Relationship between linear growth, peripheral fat
stores, and functional level in cheldren with cerebral palsy. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004,
vol.58, N 3/4, pp. 115-119.
Last update 07.09.2005