Professor Nikolay VEDERNIKOV
Head of Laboratory
Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
Dzerbenes iela 27
Riga, LV-1006
LatviaPhone: +371-7550635
Fax: +371-7310135
E-mail: ved@edi.lv |
Born: February 8, 1937, Tver, Russia
Wood Chemistry and Technology
Research. The theory of differential catalysis of the
pentosan hydrolysis and pentose dehydration reactions has been elaborated. Regularity of
catalytic activity of cations in the pentose dehydration reactions has been revealed.
The mechanisms and kinetics of hydrolytic and mechano-chemical depolymerization of
polysaccharides and the relationships of changes in supramolecular structure of cellulose
in the furfural obtaining process have been established. The results obtained are
described in 313 scientific publications, and 24 patents in 11
countries have been received.
Practice. The new technologies of furfural production from
hardwood, corncobs as well as cotton, sunflower and rice seed hulls were realized in 7
plants, with the annual profit more than 6 million USD. A licence was sold, and contracts
with firms of Slovenia, Hungary and Finland were successfully performed with an increase
in the furfural yield by 30% on the average. Prof. N.Vedernikov was the leading expert
in furfural production in the USSR and supervised all the experiments and
implementation of his and other state-of-the-art technologies. He worked at 6 ethanol and
15 furfural production plants, including the furfural plants constructed by the firms: Escher
Wyss (Germany), Rosenlew (Finland), Sunds Defibrator (Sweden), Agrifurane
(France). For the first time in the worlds industrial practice, the problem
of the joint production of furfural and ethanol from deciduous wood and agricultural
residues was solved and, in 1997, was successfully realized on an industrial scale.
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English
- Technical College, 1954
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), 1959
- Dr.chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1965
- Dr.habil.chem.(Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1981
Institute of Wood Chemistry:
- Engineer, 1959 - 1965
- Senior Researcher, 1965 - 1971
- Head of Laboratory of Polysaccharide Chemistry, 1971 -
- Deputy Director, 1985 -1987, 1997 - 2000
- Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Scientific Council, 1997 - 2000
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1989
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Member, Latvian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Sciences, 1992
- Fellow, International Academy of Wood
Science, 2002
- The Badge of Honour (USSR), 1981
- Latvian SSR State Prize, 1982
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2000
- Gold Medal of USSR Exhibition of National Economy Achievements, Moscow, 1980, 1989
- Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1975, 1988
- The American Biographical Institute. Five Hundred Leaders of Influence, 1997,
p. 287
- Latvian State Emeritus Scientist, 2000.
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Scientific Secretary and Member, Scientific Council for Wood Chemistry of the Academy of
Sciences of the USSR, 1969 - 1991
- Expert, USSR State Planning Committee, 1981 - 1991
- Expert, USSR State Committee for Science and Engineering, 1981 - 1991
- Member, Expert Committee for Chemical Technology, USSR State Supreme Scientific
Certification Board, 1982 - 1991
- Member, Editorial Board for Wood Chemistry, 1981 - 1993
- Member, Editorial Board for Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 1989 -
- Member, Board of Appeal of Latvian Board of Patents, 1995 - 2000
- Member, Coordinative Council of Latvian National Program Production and Application
of Bio-Fuel in Latvia, 1996 - 2000
- Deputy Chairman of Habilitation and Promotion Council, Institute of Wood Chemistry, 1993
- 1998
- Member of Scientific Council, Institute of Wood Chemistry, 1972 - 2000
- Deputy Chairman and Chairman of Scientific Council, Institute of Wood Chemistry, 1997
- New theory and technology for furfural production. Lectures for specialist groups from
Japan, France, Canada, Great Britain, Israel, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, China, Iran ,
Indonesia, and Malaysia, 1989 2006
- Development of the furfural production in the world and new theory of its formation from
plant raw materials (invited lectures). Swedish University of Agriculture
Sciences, Uppsala, 1994
Riga Technical University, Faculty of Materials Science and
Applied Chemistry:
- Production of furfural
- Hydrolysis of wood and ethanol production
Recent/Representative Publications
- M.S. Dudkin, V.S. Gromov, N.A. Vedernikov, R.G. Katkevich, N.K. Cherno. Hemicelluloses,
1991, Riga: Zinatne, 488 pp. (Monograph, in Russian).
- N.A. Vedernikov. On the analogy between Arrhenius law and the dependence of catalytic
activity of cations during pentose dehydratation on the ionization energy of corresponding
atoms. - Wood Chemistry, 1980, N1, pp.114-115 (in Russian).
- N.A. Vedernikov, V.P. Karlivan, I.M. Roze, A.J. Rolle. Mechanochemical destruction of
plant raw material polysaccharides in presence of small amounts of concentrated sulfuric
acid. - Siberian Chemical Journal, 1991, N 5, pp. 67-72.
- N.A. Vedernikov, L.V. Mileeva, I.K. Kruma, A.Y. Bucena. Kinetics of the furfural
formation from xylose in solutions of various valence metallic salts. - Wood Chemistry,
1993, N 5, pp. 30-35; N 6, pp. 53-59 (in Russian).
- N.A. Vedernikov, Popov S.S., Bucena A.Y. Kinetics of the pentose dehydration in thin
layer on the surface of inert carrier. - Wood Chemistry, 1993, N 5, pp. 36-41; N 6,
pp. 41-45 (in Russian)
- N. Vedernikov. New approach in the furfural production from pulping waste liquors. - The
8th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland, June 6 -
9, 1995. - Proceedings, vol. 3, pp. 367-370.
- N.Vedernikov, I.Kruma, J.Zandersons, A.Zhurinsh, A.Tardenaka, B.Spince, J.Chirkova.
Production of furfural and carbon materials from deciduous tree wood wastes. - 7th
European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Turku, Finland, August 26-29, 2002, Proceedings,
pp. 51-54.
- N.Vedernikov. Depolymerization of hardwood pentosans and furfural formation. - Report
on the Business Meating of the International Academy of Wood Science, Cesis, Latvia,
August 4-9, 2003, 14p.
- J.Zandersons, N.Vedernikov, I.Kruma, M.Puke, J.Rizhikovs. Impact of birch wood
prehydrolysis conditions upon the yield and properties of activated carbon from
lignocellulose. - 8th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Riga, Latvia,
August 22-25, 2004, Proceedings, pp. 543-546.
- N.Vedernikov, J.Zandersons, I.Kruma, M.Puke, J.Ryzhikovs. Principal organic chemicals
and activated carbon from hardwood residues. - In: Environmental Education,
Communication and Sustainability, Vol. 15, Integrative Approaches towards
Sustainability in the Baltic Sea region. Ed. W.L.Filho, A.Ubelis, Peter Lang Publisher
Hause, Frankfurt am Main, 2004, pp. 451-457.
- N.Vedernikov, I.Kruma, M.Puke. Influence of temperature on the kinetics of acetic acid
formation from wheat straw. - 9th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp,
Vienna, Austria, August 27-30, 2006, Proceedings, pp. 564-567.
- N.Vedernikovs. Ethanol and furfural from wood. - In: Ulman Encyclopedia, Belgium
(in press).
Research Projects
- N. Vedernikov (Head of Project). Technical and Economical Evaluation of the Furfural
Production in Latvia. Latvian Ministry of Agriculture (1997).
- N.Vedernikov. Pre-Feasibility Study for Furfural Production in Latvia. Latvian
Development Agency (1999).
- N. Vedernikov (Head of Project). Elaboration of Theoretical Backgrounds for Technology
to Obtain Furfural and other Products from Alder Wood. Latvian Council of Science (1997
- 2000).
- N. Vedernikov (Head of Project). Obtaining of Furfural and Activated Carbon from Birch
Wood Wastes. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
- N. Vedernikov (Head of Project). Birch Wood Cellulose Depolymerization in the Furfural
Obtaining Process. Latvian Council of Science (2005 -2007).
- N. Vedernikov (Head of Project). Obtaining of Acetic Acid and Carbonaceous Oxydised
Microporous Sorbents from Woodworking Industry Wastes. Latvian Council of
Science (2005 -2007).
Last update 03.04.2007