Indulis VANAGS
Born: October 6, 1948, Gulbene, Latvia
- Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
- Biomechanics of Hollow Organs
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German
- Riga Stradins University (Riga Medical Institute), (Faculty of Medicine), 1973
- Dr.med. (Surgery) (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Riga Stradins University (Medical Academy of Latvia), 1982
Thesis: Strength and
deformative properties of trachea and main bronchi and their significance in
tracheobronchial surgery.
- Dr.habil.med. (Medicine), Latvian Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 1996
Thesis: Mechanical, acoustic and structural properties of oesophagus and their
significance in pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment.
- Anaesthetist, Central District Hospital in Gulbene, 1973-1975
Medical Academy of Latvia (Riga Stradins University) -
- Researcher, Department of Lung Surgery, 1975-1983
- Associate Professor, Department of Pathological Physiology, 1984-1993
- Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology, 1994-1998
- Professor, Head of Department, 1998 -
- Head of the Clinic Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology of the Pauls Stradins Clinical
University Hospital, 2006 -
Honours and Awards
- First award of the Fifth OESO World Congress in Paris, (Biomechanical investigations of
oesophagus), 1996
Professional Activities and Memberships
- President of the Society of Anaesthesiologists and Reanimatologists of Latvia,
2010 -
- Member of the Board, Latvian Society for Study and Therapy of Pain, 2001 -
- Member of the European Academy of Anaesthesiology, elected in 1996
- Member of European Society of Anaesthesiologists, 1997-
- Member of International Association for the Study of Pain, 2003-
- Member of Habilitation and Promotion Council (Medical Biomechanics), Riga Stradins
University, 1998-
- Member of the Editorial Council of Acta Chirurgica Latviensis, 2002 -
- Member of the Senate, Riga Stradins University
Medical Academy of Latvia:
- Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and Intensive Care
- First Aid
- Disaster Medicine and Toxicology
Recent/Representative Publications
Scientific publications -282
USSR Authors Certificates - NN: 942772, 1010505, 10183775, 1189428, 1435241, 1466711,
1603223, 1754077; Latvia 13179, 13151, 13160, 13204.
- I.Vanags, A.Sondore. Clinical Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. Riga:Nacionalais
Apgads, 2008, 1232 pp. (Monograph in Latvian).
- I.Vanags, E.Daugulis, P.Tomin. Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and Intensive Care. Riga:Nacionalais
Apgads, 2002, 576 pp. (Monograph in Latvian).
- M.O.Mikhelson, I.E.Vanags, G.O.Pfafrod. Biomechanical aspects of rupture of the
tracheobronchial tree. In: Chest surgery, Moscow:Medicine, 1982, N 6, pp.90-94.
- V.V.Utkin, I.E.Vanags, Iu.Zh.Saulgozis. Biomechanical properties of oesophagus wall and
their significance in surgery. In: Chest and Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow:Medicine,
1990, N 11, pp.61-65 (in Russian).
- B.Mamaja, I.Vanags. COPA (Cuffed Oropharingeal Airway: a new tool for airway management.
- Anesteziol. & Reanimatol., Moscow: Medicine, 2001, N 2, pp.20-23 (in
- I.Vanags, A.Petersons, V.Ose, I.Ozolanta, V.Kasyanov, J.Laizans, E.Vjaters,
J.Gardovskis, A.Vanags. Biomechanical properties of oesophagus wall under loading. -
Journal of Biomechanics, 2003, Vol. 36/9, pp. 1387-1390.
- I.Vanags , A.Sondore. History and development of anaesthesiology and intensive care in
Latvia. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., 2005, 59 (5), p. 183-187.
- I.Vanags, A.Petersons, V.Ose, I.Ozolanta, V.Kasyanov, J.Laizans, M.Dobelis,
J.Gardovskis, E.Vjaters, A.Vanags. The relationship between biomechanical and structural
properties of oesophagus wall. - Acta Chirurgica Latviensis, 2005, 5, pp. 10-13.
- O.Sabelnikovs, I.Vanags, L.Nikitina-Zake, I.Jaunalksne, P.Oss, A.Krauze. Association of
TNF-308 A/G Polymorphism with TNF Level, Illness Severity and Outcome in Septic Patient.
- Acta Chirurgica Latviensis, 2006, 6, pp. 86-88.
- I.Vanags, A.Sondore, I.Kokars, L.Peica-Gavare. The role of the Brain Entropy in the CNS
Response Monitoring at the Induction of Anaesthesia. - Scientific Proceedings of Riga
Stradins University, 2006, Riga RSU 2007, pp.295-297.
- O.Sabelnikovs, I.Jaunalksne, I.Vanags, P.Oss. Association of TNF-R2/TNFa Ratio
with Clinical Outcome in Severe Sepsis Patients. - Scientific Proceedings of
Riga Stradins University, 2006, Riga RSU 2007, pp.160-162.
- I.Golubovska, P.Studers, I.Vanags. Does postoperative epidural analgesia may influence
postoperative outcome and immune response surgery? - Acta Chirurgica Latviensis,
2007, 7, pp. 42-47.
- I.Golubovska, P.Studers, I.Jaunalksne, I.Vanags. Effect of postoperative pain
medication on immune and endocrine response in patients undergoing knee replacement
surgery. - RSU. Collection of Scientific Papers: Research articles in medicine&
pharnmacy. 2007. Riga: Riga Stradins university, 2008, pp. 33-38.
- I.Golubovska, I.Vanags. Anaesthesia and stress response to surgery. - Proceedings of
the Latvian Academy of Sciences , B, 2008, vol. 62 (4/5), pp. 141-147.
- E.Vasilevskis, A.Miscuks, I.Vanags. Special devices for regional anaesthesia. - Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences , B, 2008, vol. 62 (4/5), pp. 148-155.
- O.Sabelnikovs,L.Nikitina-Zake, I.Vanags. Association of interleukin6 promoter
polymorphism (-174G/C) with IL-6 level and outcome in severe sepsis. - Proceedings of
the Latvian Academy of Sciences , B, 2008, vol. 62 (4/5), pp. 162-164.
- I.Taivans,G.Strazda, N.Porite, I.Vanags, J.Lejnieks, R.Lacis, E.Strike. Regional lung
blood perfusion measured with laser doppler method during body position change, Valsalva
manoeuvre and cardiopulmonary bypass. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
, B, 2008, vol. 62 (4/5), pp. 170-175.
- I.Golubovska, P.Studers, I.Jaunalksne, I.Vanags. Effects of different epidural analgesic
compositions on postoperative pain relief and systemic response to surgery. - Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences , B, 2008, vol. 62 (4/5), pp. 182-188.
- O.Sabelnikovs, L.Nikitina-Zake, J.Zhuravleva, E.Sama, I.Vanags. Association of
IL-10 promoter polymorphism (-1082 G/A) with adverse outcome in severe sepsis and
septic shock. - Critical Care, 2009, vol. 13 (1), pp. 144-145.
- I.Golubovska, P.Studers, I.Vanags. Local anaesthetics: what can we expect more
than pain relief? - Acta Chirurgica Latviensis, 2009, 9, pp. 100-105.
Recent Research Projects:
Ministry of Education and Science grant TOP 06-04. (Head of Project- I.Vanags).
Ministry of Education and Science grant RSU-ZPO7-4. (Head of Project- L.Viksna).
Immunogenetic basics of sepsis and its relationship with severity of multiple organ
failure and prognosis. (Head of Project- I.Vanags). Latvian Council of Science grant
08.2200 (2008-2008)
Geographical maps (for relaxation).
Last update 20.04.2010