Edvins Vanags
Professor Edvins Vanags
University of LatviaDirector
Latvian Statistical Institute
Kr.Barona iela 30
Riga, LV 1011
Phone: +371 728 6876;
Fax: +371 7286876
E-mail: lsi@latnet.lv |
Born: July 12, 1938, Daugavpils, Latvia
- Public Administration Reforms
- Comparative Public Administration
- Management of Local Government
- Territorial Statistics
- Development of Local Economy
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Economics), 1961
- Dr. oec., (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Institute of Economics, Moscow, 1973
- Dr. habil. oec. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Institute of Economics,
St.Petersburg, 1988
- Director of the Latvian Statistical Institute, 1991-
- Professor, University of Latvia, 1992 -
- Head of Department of Public Administration, University of Latvia, 1994-2003
- Head of Department of Regional Information, Latvian Statistical Institute, 1970-1991
- Head of Department, Latvian Statistical Board, 1964-1970
- Senior Economist of the Latvian Statistical Board, 1963-1964
- Economist, Latvian Statistical Board, 1961-1962
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, the Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee
for Economics and Law Sciences , 1996 -
- Member, Council of Economics Science of the University of Latvia, 1992 -
- Affiliated Member, International City Management Association, 1992 -
- Member, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), 1993 -
- Member, Committee of Independent Experts on Monitoring the Application of the European
Charter of Local Self-Government, 1997-
University of Latvia:
- Organization of State Administration and Local Government
- Local Governments in Europe and Latvia
- Reforms of State Administration and Local Government
Recent/Representative Publications
- E.Vanags, O.Krastins, I.Vilka, V.Locane, P.Skinnis, A.Bauere. Diverse Latvia: Rural
Municipalities, Areas, Towns, Districts, Regions. Evaluations, Perspectives, Visions. -
Riga: Latvian Statistical Institute, State Agency of Regional Development, 2004. - 539 pp.
- I.Vilka, E.Vanags, O.Krastins, V.Locane. Identification of Territories Deserving of
Special Support in Latvia Using Statistical Indicators and Methods. -In: Research in
Statistics - Basis of Social Sciences and Education. - Riga; University of Latvia,
2004. - pp.170-176.
- E.Vanags, O.Krastins, V.Locane. Development of Regions. - In: Message on Development
of Economy of Latvia . - Riga: Ministry of Economy, 2003. -pp.72-76.
- E.Vanags, O.Krastins etc. The Improvement of Statistics and Social-Economical
Development of Territories in the Context of the EU. - In: Main Research Directions of
Economies and Low Science in 2003. - Riga: Experts Commission of Economies and Law
Science of Latvian Council of Science, 2004. - pp.163-173.
- E.Vanags, I.Vilka. Identification of Territories in Latvia Eligible for Special Support
in the Context of the EU Enlargement. - In: Readiness of the Candidate Countries for
the EU Regional Policy/ Conference Almanac, Bratislava, Slovak Republik, 3-5 pp.
November,2003. - Bratislava: Slovak Foreign Policy Association, 2003. - pp.177-184.
- E.Vanags, I.Vilka. Local Democracy in the Baltic Countries: a New Beginning. - In: Local
Democracy in Post - Communist Europe. Germany: Leske+Budrich, Opladen, 2003. -
- E.Vanags, I.Vilka. Local Government Reform in the Baltic Countries. - In: Reforming
Local Government in Europe: Closing the gap between Democracy and Efficiency. -
Leske+Budrich, Opladen, 2002 - P.309-322.
- Indicators of local Democracy in Latvia/ Inga Vilka, Maris Pukis, Edvins Vanags// The
State of Local Democracy in Central Europe., 2002, Budapest: Local Government Public
Service Reform Initiative, Open Society Institute, pp. 107-179.
- E.Vanags, I.Vilka. Local Government in Latvia. - In: Decentralization: Experiments
and Reforms / Edited by Tamas M.Horvath / Local Governments in Central and Eastern
Europe, volume 1 - Budapest: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2000,
pp. 115-164
- E.Vanags, I.Vilka.Territorial Statistics and Regional Development in Latvia.- Humanities
and Social Sciences. Latvia: Latvian Economy at the Turn of Centuries, 2000, N 1,
- E.Vanags. Public Administration Education: Latvia. - In: Building Higher Education
Programmes in Public Administration in CEE Countries /Edited by Tony Verheijen and
Juraj Nemec. - Bratislava, Slovakia: NISPAcee, 2000, pp. 148-161.
- Edvins Vanags, Howard R.Balanoff. Latvia: a Civil Service System in Development. -In: Civil
Service Systems in Central and Eastern Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK,
Northampton, MA, USA, 1999, pp. 267-298.
- Edvins Vanags, Inga Vilka. Organization of State Administration and Local Government. -
Riga, 1999, 192 pp. (in Latvian).
- Edvins Vanags, Howard R.Balanoff, John J. Lauletta. After the Fall of the Soviet Union:
the Changing Status of Local Governments in the Republic of Latvia. - International
Journal of Public Administration, 1999, vol. 22, N 1, pp. 165-169.
- Edvins Vanags. Regional economic development in Latvia. - Paper presented at the International
Conference "The Role of Social Science in the Development of Education, Business and
Government Entering the 21st Century", Kaunas, Lithuania, 1998, 12 pp.
- Edvins Vanags. Public Administration Reforms. - Riga, 1998, 110 pp. (in Latvian).
- Edvins Vanags. Public Administration Reforms in Foreign Countries. - Riga, 1998, 36 pp.
(in Latvian).
- Edvins Vanags. Organization and Economy of Local Government. - Riga, 1997, 160 pp. (in
- Edvins Vanags, Inga Vilka. The Role of State and Local Governments in the Development of
Enterpreneurship. - Paper presented at the IPSA XVII World Congress, Seoul, 1997,
27 pp.
- Edvins Vanags. Organization and Economy of Local Governments. - Riga: University of
Latvia, 1997, 160 pp. (in Latvian).
- Inese Vaidere, Edvins Vanags. The Promotion of Regional Economic Development. -
In: Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia: State and Local Government as Promoters of
Economy, 1997, N 2(15), pp. 47-72.
- per Kristen Mydske, Anton Steen, Edvins Vanags. Public Administration Reforms in Latvia.
- In: Hallinnon Tutkimus, 1996, N 4, pp. 275-281.
- Edvins Vanags, Ilmars Vanags, Vilnis Straumens. The Development of Territorial
Statistics in Latvia.- In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Regional Statistics, Baden, 1996,
pp. 155-158.
- Edvins Vanags. The Problems of Central Government Reforms in Latvia. - Paper presented
at the Workshop Administrative Reforms and Governance in Eastern
Europe, Oslo, 1996, 23 pp.
- Edvins Vanags. State Administration Reforms in Latvia, 1995, Riga, 148 pp. (in Latvian).
- Edvins Vanags. Organization of Local Government, 1995, Riga, 123 pp. (in Latvian).
- Edvins Vanags. The History and Development of Local Governments in Latvia, 1995, Riga,
62 pp. (in Latvian).
- Edvins Vanags, Inga Vilka. State, Local Governments, and Business, 1994, Riga, 68 pp.
(in Latvian).
- Edvins Vanags. Local Government Reforms in Latvia and Other Baltic States. Public
Finance and Comparative Public Administration Curricula Development and Teaching
Methodology.- In: Proceedings from the Second Summer Workshop, 1995, Stara Lesna,
pp. 124-147.
- Howard R.Balanoff, Edvins Vanags. After the Fall of the Soviet Union: The Changing
Status of Local Governments in the Republic of Latvia. - Paper presented at the 55th
Annual Conference of the ASPA, 1994, Kansas City, 21pp.
- Howard R.Balanoff, Edvins Vanags. Government Reform in Latvia: Developing a New System
for the Professional Development and Training of the Latvian Civil Service. - Paper
presented at the 56th Annual Conference of ASPA, San Antonio, 1995, Texas, 20 pp.
Research Projects
- Edvins Vanags (Head of Project). The Development of Statistical Information According to
International Standards. Latvian Council of Science, 1991- 2000.
- Edvins Vanags (Head of Project). The Development of the Territorial Statistical
Information System. The Economic Development Institute of the World Bank and Danish
Ministry of Interior (1997-1998).
- Edvins Vanags (Head of Project). The Investigation of Regional Economy Develpoment in
the European Union Countries and Possibility of Use this Experience in Latvia. Ministry
of Economy (1998).
- Edvins Vanags (Head of Project). The Development of the Functions and
Relationships of central Government, Local Government, NGO, and Private Sector in the
Conditions of Democratization and Decentralization. Public Administration Reform
Bureau (1999).
- Edvins Vanags (Head of Project). The Improvement of Statistics and Social-Economical
Development of Territories in the Context of the EU. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 - 2004).
- Edvins Vanags (Head of Project). Specific Problems of latvia's Statistics within the
Framework of EU Statistics. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
Last update 05.01.2005