Born: September 6, 1939, Tallin, Estonia
- Forest Policy, Policy Research. Sustainable
Forest Certification
- Forest Resources. Evaluation of the Quality and
Competitiveness of Latvian Wood. Marketing of Wood Products
- Tools and Equipment of Wood Processing
- Forestry Science Policy
- Higher Academic and Professional Education in
Forestry and Wood Processing
Languages: English, Latvian,
Estonian, Russian, Polish
- Tallinn Technical University (Mechanics), Estonia,
- Latvia University of Agriculture , Engineer (Wood
Processing), 1960-1963
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR,
Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvia University of Agriculture, 1970
- Dr.habil.sc.ing.( Wood Processing), Riga Technical
University, 1993
Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Assistant, Lecturer, Associate Professor -
Department of Wood Processing, 1963-1992
- Professor, Department of Wood Processing, 1993 -
- Head of the Department of Wood Processing,
1985-1990 and 1996-
- Deputy Vice-Rector for Studies, 1991-1995
Scholarship Holder -
- Poznan Agricultural University (Poland), 1987
- University of Helsinki, 1994
Honours and Awards:
- Full Member, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Science of Latvia, 1992
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr.h.c. (Forestry),
Estonian Agricultural University, 1996
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of the Presidium, Head of the Division of
Forest Products, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science of Latvia, 1993-
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert
Committee for Forestry Sciences, 1993-1996; Chairman, 1996 -
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 2003 -
- Member of the Board, NOVA-BA Co-operation Program
of the Nordic and Baltic Agricultural and Forestry Universities, 1994-
- Member of the Board, Baltic Joint Committee of the
Agricultural Scientists, 1993-
- Member, IUFRO Research Group 3.08.00
"Small-scale Forestry", 1996-
- Member of the Board, Latvian Council of Distance
Education, 1996-
- Member-expert, Latvian National Certification
Council of Agricultural and Forestry Machinery, 1995-
- Chairman, Non-Governmental Organisation Green
Certification in Latvian Forestry, 1997-
- Member of Editorial Board for Baltic Forestry,
- Member of Editorial Board for Latvia University
of Agriculture Proceedings, 1995-
Forest Policy and Forestry Industries in Latvia.
Invited lectures. Kymenlaakso Polytechnic (Finland), November 23-24, 1995 and February
10-15, 1997
Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Forest Policy, 1995-
- Tools and Equipment for Wood Processing, 1963-
- Wood Cutting Processes, 1987-
Recent/Representative Publications:
- H.Tuherm. Wood Processing Tools, 1985, Riga:
Zvaigzne, 246 pp. (in Latvian).
- H.Tuherm, V.Kozulins. Sawmill Industries, 1992,
Riga: Zvaigzne, 304 pp. (in Latvian).
- Tuherm H., Busmanis P. Quality and the Problems of
Internationalisation of Higher Agricultural Education in Latvia. -Integrated Rural
Development.International Scientific Conference. Proceedings. Kaunas, December 8-9, 1994.
- Helsinki, 1995, pp. 150-154.
- H.Tuherm . Higher Education System in Forest
Economics in Latvia. - Report on FAO/WAU Workshop, Rome, 1995, pp. 127-132.
- H.Tuherm . Forest Policy in Latvia. -
Integrating Environmental Values in Forest Planning-Baltic and Nordic Perspectives: EFI
Proceedings, 1996, N 1, pp. 35-42.
- H.Tuherm. Forest policy, policy research and
studies in Latvia. - Scandinavian Forest Economics, 1997, N 36. - Joensuu:
Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics, pp.242-253.
- H.Tuherm et al. Forestry in Changing Societies in
Europe: Teaching Module, 1999, Joensuu: University Press, 480 pp.
- H.Tuherm, J.Hrols, L.Lipinsh, V.Pushinskis.
Studies of the properties of Latvian Scotch Pine wood. - Proc. NSV-meeting,
Ruros, Norway, June 2000, pp.16-23.
Research Projects:
- H.Tuherm (Head of Latvia University of Agriculture
Part of Project). Materials Based on Wood and Vegetable Stuff. Part 1: Complex and
Long-term Evaluation of Latvian Wood as a Structural Material. Latvian Council of
Science (1995-1999).
- H.Tuherm (Head of Project). Forest Policy in
Latvia. State Forest Service (1996-1998).
- H.Tuherm (Head of Project). Certification System
of Forestry and Wood Processing Machinery in Latvia. Ministry of Education and Research
of Latvia (1995).
Last update 06.09.2001