Professor Arnis TREIMANIS
Senior Researcher
Institute of Wood Chemistry
Dzerbenes iela 27
Riga LV 1006
LATVIAPhone: +371 29258122, +371 67551559
Fax: +371 67550635
E-mail: arnis.treimanis@edi.lv
Born: February 19, 1940
- Wood Chemistry
- Pulping Processes
- Environmental aspects of pulping and papermaking
- Wood Pulp Fiber Properties.
Languages: English, German, Russian, Latvian.
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), 1963
- Dr. chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute
of Wood Chemistry, Riga, 1971
- Dr. habil. ing., Institute of Wood Chemistry, Riga, 1991.
Scientific Consultant (part-time), Ministry of Agriculture, 2000 - 2004
Institute of Wood Chemistry:
- Postgraduate, 1963-1967
- Engineer, 1967-1971
- Senior Researcher, 1972-1984
- Deputy Director and Head of Laboratory, 1984-1993
- Head of Research Group, 1994 -
Latvian State Forest Service:
- Head of Project Group, Department of Forest Products, 1994 - 1999
Riga Technical University:
Latvia University of Agriculture:
Honours and Awards
- Foreign Member , Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, 1994
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Member, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences of Latvia, 1997
- Professor, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1998 -
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Editorial Advisory Board for Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, Romania, Iasi,
1990 -
- Representative of Latvian Association of Pulp and Paper Makers in European
- Member of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Wood Chemistry, Riga Technical University, 1992 -1996
- Pulp and Paper Technology, Riga Technical University, 1994 - 1998
- Wood Chemical Technology, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1998 -
Selected Publications
- A.Treimanis. Wood pulp structure and chemical composition, their influence on
technological processes.- Nordic Pulp & Paper Research J., 1996, N 3, pp.
- A.Treimanis, M.Leite, U.Viesturs, M.Eisimonte. Some aspects of the biological processing
of recycled fibers - Proceedings of 5th International Conference on New Available
Techniques, Stockholm, June 4-7, 1996, part 1, pp.199-210.
- T.Bikova, V.Klevinska, A.Treimanis. Effect of green liquor pretreatment on pine wood
components behaviour during kraft pulping.- Holzforschung, 1997, vol.51.
- A.Treimanis, M.Leite, M.Eisimonte, U.Viesturs. Enzymatic deinking of laser-printed white
office wastepaper. - Chemical & Biochem,ical Eng. Quaterly, 1999, vol. 13, N
2, pp. 53-57.
- U.Viesturs, M.Leite, M.Eismonte, T.Eremeeva, A.Treimanis. Biological deinking technology
for the recycling of office waste papers. - Bioresource Technology, 1999, vol.
76, pp. 255-265.
- T.Bikova, V.Klevinska, A.Treimanis. Monitoring of lignin and hemicelluloses in spent
cooking liquor during kraft delignification. - Holzforschung, 2000, vol. 54, N 1,
pp. 66-70.
- A.Treimanis, T.Maloney, V.Klevinska, M.Eismonte, H.Paulapuro. The swelling behaviour of
spruce wood cell walls during kraft pulping. - Lenzinger Berichte, 2000, vol. 79,
pp. 137-142.
- T.Bikova, A.Treimanis. Solubility and molecular weight of hemicelluloses from Alnus
incana and Alnus glutinosa. Effect of tree age. - Plant Physiol. Biochem., 2002,
vol. 40, N 4, pp. 347-353.
- T.Bikova, A.Treimanis, M.Eisimonte, V.Klevinska. Relationship between the alkali
solubility of hemicelluloses and lignin from unbleached hardwood kraft pulp and pulp
bleachability. - J. Pulp & Paper Science, 2003, vol. 29, N.6, pp. 208-212.
- A.Treimanis, U.Grinfelds, M.Skute. The impact of different forest growth conditions on
the composition and properties of the pinewood for pulping. - In book: Chemical
Technology of Wood, Pulp and Paper, published by Slovak University of
Technology, Bratislava, 2003, pp. 282-286.
- Bikova T., Treimanis. UV-absorbance of oxidized xylan and monocarboxyl cellulose in
alkaline solutions. - Carbohydrate Polymers, 2004, vol. 55, N 3, pp.
- Bikova T., Belkova L., Treimanis A. Alkali-resistant chromophores in kraft pulp xylan.
- J. of Pulp and Paper Science, 2005, vol. 31, nr.4, pp. 193-196.
- Treimanis A. Advanced traditional methods of analysis of fibre surface layers a
powerful tool in research of lignocellulosics. - La Chimica e lIndustria,
2006, vol. 88, nr. 2, pp. 72-75.
- Dauge K., Treimanis A., Budreiko A. Management of wood residues and recovered wood in
Latvia. - In: Management of Recovered Wood, 2007, Klagenfurt,
Austria, pp. 229-236.
- Treimanis A., Grinfelds U., Skute M. Are the pulp fiber surface layers the most
resistant ones toward bleaching. - Bioresources, 2009, 4 (2), May, pp. 554-565.
- Treimanis A. Should we be refining first, then discarding fines, then bleaching? - Bioresources,
2009, 4 (3), August, pp. 907-908.
Research Projects
- A.Treimanis (Head of Project). Chemical Composition and Properties of the Wood and Kraft
Pulp Fibres Obtained in Relationship to the Trees Growth Conditions. Latvian Council of
Science (2005 - 2008).
- A.Treimanis (Head of Project). The Properties and Structure of Micronised Cellulose of
Different Origin and Hydrolisis Conditions. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -
- A.Treimanis (Head of Project). The Influence of Heterogenous Hydrolysis of Cellulose on
Its Structure and Chemical Properties. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- A.Treimanis (Head of Project). Extended Kraft Delignification of Spruce Wood. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996).
- A.Treimanis (Consultant of Project). Prefeasibility Study for a Market Pulp Mill in
Latvia. Latvian State Budget (1995-1996).
- Participation in European COST Projects
Action E41 " Analytical Tools with Applications for Wood and
Pulping Chemistry (2004-2008)
Action E50 "Cell Wall Macromolecules and Reaction
Wood" (2005 - 2009).
Action E54 (2006-2010) (Head of Project)
Last update 05.01.2010