Born: March 14, 1952, Rujiena, Latvia
- Asymmetric synthesis of unnatural aminoacids
- Synthesis and investigation of small 3- and 4-membered heterocycles
- Stereoselective synthesis of natural products
- Investigation of ferment and receptor binding active compounds
Coauthor of antiischemic drug mildronate and anticancer
immunomodulator leakadine. Research in different fields of aliphatic and
heterocyclic unnatural amino acids. Among them one could mention chemistry of heterocycles
(aziridines, oxaziridines and indoles), steroids (estradiols and cholic acids) and
azasugars (hydroxylated 1,2-oxazines and 1,2-oxazolidines). Investigation of named
reactions, like multicomponent Ugi reaction, Nenicesku reaction mechanisms and their
applications in organic chemistry to increase borders of building blocks for new drug
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Latvian State University (Chemistry Department), 1974
- Dr.chem. Institute of Organic Synthesis Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, 1982. Thesis:
Synthesis and investigation of derivatives of 1H-aziridincarboxylic acids,
supervisor professor Edmunds Lukevics
- Postdoc studies. Central Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences (DDR) with
professor Klaus Jähnisch, 1990
- Postdoctoral studies. University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA) with professor Edwin
Vedejs, 1992-1993
- TEMPUS stipend supported studies, RWTH-Aachen (Germany) with professor Carsten Bolm,
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis:
- Graduate student, Scientific cooworker, 1974-1993
- Researcher and Leading researcher, 1993-2000
- Head, Department of Organic Chemistry, 2001
- Invited professor Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, 2002
Honours and Awards:
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of Scientific Council, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, since 1990
- Member of American Chemical Society (ACS), since 1992
- Vice-President Latvian Chemical Society (LCS), 1994-1999
- Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), since1999
- President, Latvian Chemical Society (LCS), since 2000
- Member, Library Council, Latvian Academy of Sciences, since 2002
- Member, Editorial Board Latvijas Zinatnes Vestnesis,
since 2004
Lectures delivered abroad:
- Rhein-Westfall Technical University, Aachen, Germany, 1996 and 1997
- Hannover University, Hannover, Germany, 1997
- Brussels Free University, Brussels, Belgium, 1997
- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001
- Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, 2002
- Lyon University, Lyon, France, 2002
- Alicante University, Alicante, Spain, 2003
- New Drug design, Latvian University, since 2004
- Small Heterocycle Chemistry, Riga Technical University, 2003
- Selected Chapters of Metalloorganic Chemistry, Latvian University, 1995-1996
Recent/Representative publications:
Total number of publications more than 120, including 60 patents
- Trapencieris, P.; Kalvin, I.; Kupce, E.; Lukevics, E.
1996, 142-143. Synthesis of new aziridine bicyclic system:
- Trapencieris, P.; Kalvin, I.; Kaulina, L.; Kauss, V
. Organic Process
Research & Development 1997, 1(4), 259-263. Unnatural amino acids. 1. A facile
synthesis of methyl ester of aziridine-2-carboxylic acid
- Kostyanovsky, R.G.; Dormov, P.E.; Trapencieris, P.; Strumfs, B.; Kadorkina, G.K.;
Chervin, I.I.; Kalvins, I.Ya. Mendeleev Communications, 1999, 26-27.
Optically active 2,2-dimethyl-1,3,4-triazabicyclo[4.1.0]heptan-5-one: synthesis,
spontaneous resolution and absolute configuration
- Vedejs, E.; Trapencieris, P.; Suna, E. J.Org.Chem., 1999, 64, 6724-6729.
Substituted isoquinolines by Noyori transfer hydrogenation: enantioselective synthesis of
chiral diamines containing an aniline subunit
- Starchenkov, I.; Trapencieris, P.; Kauss, V.; Jas, G.; Kalvinsh, I. Steroids,
2000, 65, 143-147. A convenient synthesis of 5b
-cholestan-26-oic and 5b -cholestan-26,27-dioic acids
- Suna, E., Trapencieris, P. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds(Engl.Ed.) 2000,
36(3), 287-300. Synthesis of racemic 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines and their separation
- Shtrumfs, B., Chernyak, D., Kums, I., Kalvins, I., Trapencieris P. Chemistry of
Heterocyclic Compounds(Engl.Ed.) 2004, 40(6), 725-733. Unnatural amino acids. 2.
Simple method of obtaining esters of aziridine-2-carboxylic acids by a transesterification
- Katkevica, D., Trapencieris, P., Boman, A., Kalvins, I., Lundstedt, T. The
Nenitzescu reaction: an initial screening of experimental conditions for improvement of
the yield of a model reaction. - Journal of Chemometrics, 2004, vol. 18, pp.
- I.Kalvinsh, A.Gutcaits, L.Bagdoniene, D.Labeikyte, P.Trapencieris,
N.Sjakste. Hypothetical gamma-butyrobetaine esterase-dependent signal transduction
system: possible link to mildronate action. Medical Hypotheses and Research, 2006,
vol. 3, N 3, pp.803-812.
- B.Shtrumfs, E.Hermane, I. Kalvins, P.Trapencieris. Unnatural amino acids. 3.
Aziridinyl ketones from esters and amides of aziridine-2-carboxylic acids. - Chemistry
of Heterocyclic Compounds(Engl.Ed.), 2007, 43(2), pp. 169-174.
Research Projects:
- P.Trapencieris (Head of Project). Investigation of Nenicesku reaction.
Latvian Council of Science (Grant # 05.1784; 2005- 2008)
- P.Trapencieris (Head of Project). Novel ammonium and hydrazinium
betaines. Latvian Council of Science (Grant # 05.1785; 2005-2008)
- P.Trapencieris (Head of Project). Deprotonation studies of nitrogen heterocycles. Latvian
Council of Science (Grant # 01.192; 2001-2004)
- P.Trapencieris (Head of Project). Novel routes in asymmetric synthesis of chiral
functional amino compounds. Latvian Council of Science (Grant # 722; 1997-2000)
- P.Trapencieris (Head of Project). Novel ways to stereoselective aziridine synthesis. Latvian
Council of Science (Grant # 445; 1994-1996)
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project), P.Trapencieris (Main executor). The novel pathways to
Synthesis of Mitosenes. NATO Communication (1994-1997)
Last update 20.02.2008