Dr. philol. Agris TIMUSKA
Leading Researcher
Latvian Language Institute
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV 1050
LatviaPhone: +371 722 6345
Fax: +371 722 1258
E-mail: latv@lza.lv |
- Dialectology
- Dialectal Lexicography
- Semantics
- Geolinguistics
- Language Typology
Brief Description of Main Research
The voluminous Joint Dictionary of Latvian Subdialects started
and to be completed still in the next centenary is the greatest challenge for Latvian
dialectal lexicographers which shall result in their basic lexicographic project with
rather high scientific value.
Languages: Latvian, German, English, Lithuanian, Russian, French
- Humboldt University at Berlin (Faculty of Germanistics), 1985
- Dr.philol., University of Latvia, 1993
- Economist and Junior Researcher, Institute of Economics, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Junior Researcher, Institute of Language and Literature, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Deputy Director, Latvian Language Institute, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992-1995
- Leading Researcher, Latvian Language Institute, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994-
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Latvian Union of Scientists, 1989-
- Academic Secretary, Department of Baltic Languages, Atlas Linguarum Europae, 1992-
- Member, Board of Directors Atlas Linguarum Europae, 1994-
- Member, International Sociolinguistic Conference (1992) Organization Committee
- Chairman, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee Elections (1993) Branch
Organization Committee
- Vice-chairman, Baltistica VII, 7th International Congress of Balticists (1995)
Organization Committee
- Chairman, 29th Editorial Board Meeting of the Atlas Linguarum Europae (1996)
Organization Committee
- Member, International Society of Dialectologists and Geolinguists (SIDG), 1997 -
- Member, Latvian Language Experts Board, State Language Centre, 1999-
- Council Member, Latvian Union of Scientists, 2000 -
- Congress Director, 4th International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists, 2003,
- Chairman, 36th Editorial Board Meeting of the Atlas Linguarum Europae(2003) Organizing
- Diachronic Research at the Latvian Language Institute. - 29th Editorial Board Meeting of
the Atlas Linguarum Europae. Latvian Academy of Sciences. September 20, 1996
- Quatre-vingt-dix, ninety, neunzig, devjanosto, noventa, novanta. - 32nd Editorial Board
Meeting of the Atlas Linguarum Europae. Junior College, La Valletta, Malta, April 8, 1999
- Geolinguistic Atlases of the Baltic Languages. - Int. Workshop " Dialectal Corpus
and the Use of Informatics in Geolinguistics" , University of Pau& Adour Coast,
Bayonne, France, June 22, 2001.
- Homme/ femme, man/woman, Mann/ Frau, muzcina/zenscina, uomo/ donna, hombre/ mulier. -
35th Editorial Board Meeting of the Atlas Linguarum Europae, Slovenian academy of Sciences
and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 17, 2002.
Recent/Representative Publications
- A.Timuska, Dz.Zundane. German Grammar: A Manual for Forms 10-12, 1990, Riga: Zvaigzne
Publishers, 268pp. (in German).
- A.Timuska. Semasiological-semantic Peculiarities of Comparisons in some Vernaculars of
Northern Vidzeme. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1993, No 8,
pp.14-17 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Ethnonyms within Comparisons from Vernaculars of Northern Vidzeme. - Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1993, No 10, pp.43-45 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Lets climb an asp, dont jump onto a palmtree! - Latvian Language
Culture Problems, 27th edition, 1993, Riga: Avots Publishers, pp.110-115 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Comparisons in Vernaculars of Northern Vidzeme and their Lexicographic
Interpretation. Thesis for acquiring of the scientific degree doctor philologiae,
1993, Riga, 105 pp.
- A.Timuska, E.Kagaine. Some Aspects of Dialectal Lexicography. - First International
Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists. Abstracts of Scholarly Papers,
1993, Budapest, pp.53-54 (in German).
- A.Timuska. Most Essential Semantic Features of Zoomorphisms in Some Vernaculars of
Latvian. - Baltistica VII, the 7th International Congress of Balticists. Abstracts
of Scholarly Papers, 1995, Riga: Latvian Language Institute, pp.116-117 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Some Compilation Problems of Dialectal Aspectual Dictionaries. - In: Problems
of Lexicography: Semantics, Etymology, Reflection of Dialectal Data, Compilation
Principles of Dictionaries. Abstracts of Scholarly Papers of the Conference, 1995,
Vilnius, p.34-35 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Actualization of the Semantic Word Structure in Comparisons. - In: TheWord
and its Research Aspects. Abstracts of Papers of a Scientific Conference,
1996, Liepaja, pp.62-63 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. The Actual Compilation Problems of Dialectal Aspectual Dictionaries. - Theory
and Practice of Lexicography. Abstracts of Papers of the Scientific Conference in
memoriam the 124th Anniversary of J.Endzelins, Full Member of the Academy, 1997,
Riga: Latvian Language Institute, pp.43-45 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Some Compilation Problems of Dialectal Aspectual Dictionaries. - Problems
of Linguistics, XXXVII, 1997, Vilnius, pp.146-153 (in Lithuanian).
- A.Timuska. Most Caharacteristic Features of Several Zoomorphisms in Some Vernaculars of
Latvian. - Linguistica Lettica, I, 1997, Riga, pp.256-263 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Actualization of the Semantic Word Structure in Comparisons. - Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1997, No 3/4, pp.20-23 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Dialectal Aspectual Dictionaries: a Prospective Project of Latvian
Lexicography. - 2nd International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists. Book
of Abstracts, 1997, Amsterdam, p.138 (in German).
- A.Timuska. Most Actual Compilation Problems of Dialectal Aspectual Dictionaries. - Linguistica
Lettica, II, 1998, Riga, pp.188-196 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Latvian Dialectal Material in the "Atlas Linguarum Europae". - In: The
Word and its Research Aspects, 2. Scientific Papers of Liepaja Teachers Training
Academy, 1998, Liepaja, pp.123-130 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Lexicographic Considerations about Variability of Dialectal Phraseology. - Linguistica
Lettica, III, 1998, Riga, pp.61-69 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Diachronic Research at the Latvian Language Institute. - Dialectologia et
Geolinguistica. Journal of the International Society of Dialectologists and
Geolinguists, 6, 1998, Alessandria, pp.99-104 (in English).
- A.Timuska. Regional Dialectal Comparative Constructions under Comparative-Historical
Aspect. - Baltistica, Supplement V, 1998, Vilnius, pp.227-232 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. The Numeral "90" in Sub-dialects of Latvian and other European
Languages. - In: The Word and its Research Aspects, 3. Scientific Papers of
Liepaja Teachers Training Academy, 1999, Liepaja, pp.198-204 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Tradition and Innovation within the "Dictionary of Latvian
Sub-dialects" to be compiled. - In: Baltic Philology, IX. Scientific Papers,
scient.ed. P.Vanags. 9th issue, vol.625, 2000, Riga, pp.137-142 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine, A.Timuska. "Dictionary of Vainizi Sub-dialect" as Lexicographic
Reflection of a Specific Language Sub-system. - In: Sub-dialects: Problems of Texts
and Dictionary Compilation. Materials of an International Scientific Workshop, 2000,
Siauliai, pp.26-33 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Main Regional Language Contacts of Latvian and their Lexicographic
Reflection. - 3rd International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists. Abstract
Book, 2000, Lublin, p.99 (in English).
- A.Timuska. Development of Geolinguistics in Latvia in the Context of Linguistics
Worldwide. - The Baltic Languages on the Turn of Centuries, 9th Int. Congress of
Baltistics. Abstracts of Scholarly Papers, 2000, Riga, pp. 314-315 (in Latvian).
- E.Kagaine, A.Timuska. Dialectal Atlas of Latvian [Review]. - Dialectologia et
Geolinguistica. Journal of the Int. Society of Dialectologists and Geolinguists,
2000, 8, Alessandria, pp. 102-109 (in German).
- A.Timuska. The Numeral '90' in Baltic Languages under Geolinguistic Aspect. - Problems
of Languages and sub-dialects in Borderlands: Papers Presented on an International
scientific Conf. devoted to the European Year of Languages, 2001, Siauliai, pp.
151-155 (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Detalization of Word Semantics in Geolinguistic Sources. - In: The Word
and its Research Aspects, 5, Scientific Papers of Liepaja Teachers Training Academy,
2001, Liepaja, pp.460-469 (in Latvian).
- M.Putnina, A.Timuska. Dictionary of Comparisons from Sinole Sub-dialect, 2001, Riga,
XXVI, 293 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Problems Reflecting Phraseological Units in the " Dialectal Dictionary
of Latvian". - Problems of Lexicography and Lexicology. Abstracts of papers
presented on a conference to honour the 100th anniversary of Antanas Salys, 2002,
Vilnius, pp. 62-63 (in Latvian).
- A. Timuska. " Equal Rights of both Sexes" in Dialects of European Languages
under Typological Aspect. - In: The Word and its Research Aspects, 6, Scientific
Papers of Liepaja Teachers Training Academy, 2002, Liepaja, pp. 53-62 (in
- A.Timuska. Main Regional Language Contacts of Latvian and Their Lexicographic
Reflection. - Proc. 3rd Int. Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists, 2003, Lublin ,
Vol.II, pp. 375-380.
- E.Kagaine, A.Timuska. The role of the Geolinguistic Criterion at the Origin Analysis of
Dialectal Fenno-Ugrisms in Latvian. - 4th Internat. Congress of Dialectologists and
Geolinguists. Abstracts of Scholarly Papers, Riga, 28 July - 2 August, 2003, pp.
122-124 (in German).
- J. 'Svambaryte, A.Timuska. 4th Int. Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists
/Review/. - In: Mother Tongue, 2003, N 9, Vilnius, pp. 23-25 (in Lithuanian).
- A.Timuska. Problems Reflecting Phraseological Units in the " Dialect Dictionary of
Latvian". - In: Problems of Lexicography and Lexicology , 2003, Vilnius, pp.
114-118 ( in Latvian).
- A.Timuska. Baltic Names for Wheels and Carriages: a tradition or a novelty? - In: Historical
Scripts and Local Culture, Collection of scientific articles dedicated to the
millenium of mentioning the name of Lithuania, 2004, Siauliai, Ryga, pp. 63-67 (in
- A.Timuska. Names for Draw-well under Geolinguistic Aspect. - In: The Word and its
Research Aspects, 8, Scientific Papers of Liepaja Teachers Training Academy, 2004,
Liepaja, pp. 217-223 (in Latvian).
Research Projects
- A.Timuska (Head of Project). Atlas Linguarum Europae. Latvian Council of Science
- A.Timuska (Researcher). Dialectal Dictionaries of Latvian. Latvian Council of
Science (long-term project).
- A.Timuska (Researcher). Dialects and Areal Studies of Latvian. Latvian Council of
Science (long-term project).
Last update 03.01.2005