Gundaris TETERS
Professor Gundaris TETERS Senior Researcher
Institute of Polymer Mechanics, University of Latvia
Aizkraukles iela 23
Riga, LV 1006
Phone: +371 7543307
Fax: + 371 782 0467
E-mail: teters@edi.lv |
Born: August 21, 1928, Moscow, Russia
- Mechanics of Solids
- Mechanics of Composite Materials
- Structural Mechanics
- Civil Engineering Structures
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian, French
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Civil Engineering), 1953
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Tallinn
Polytechnical Institute, Estonia, 1961
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1968
- Engineer and Researcher, Institute of Civil Engineering, Institute of Polymer Mechanics,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1953-1967
- Head of the Laboratory of Thin Walled Structures(1967-1997), Leading Researcher (1997 -
) , Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1967-1997
- Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Riga Technical University, 1969 -
Honors and Awards:
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Fr.Cander Prize (in Mechanics), 1972 and 1981
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Editorial Board for Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1970 -
- Member, Latvian National Committee of Mechanics, 1992
- Structural Mechanics, Riga Technical University, 1965 -
- Reinforced Concrete Structures, Riga Technical University, 1990 -
Recent/Representative Publications:
- A.Malmeisters, V.Tamush, G.Teters. The Strength of Rigid Polymer Materials, 1974, Ohio,
USA: Wright Patterson AFB, 500pp.
- A.Malmeisters, V.Tamush, G.Teters. Mechanik der Polymerwerkstoffe, 1977, Berlin:
Akademie-Verlag, 598 S. (in German)
- A.Lagzdinsh, V.Tamush, G.Teters and A.Kregers. Orientational Averaging in Mechanics of
Solids, 1992, UK: Longman, 236pp.
- G.Teters. Multi-objective optimum design of composites. - Proceedings of 2nd
Intern. Conf. "Strength of Materials and Structures", 1999, pp.217-222.
- G.Teters. Effect of couple-stresses on nonlinear deformation. - Proceedings of 6th
Intern. Conf. "Modern Building Materials and Structures", 1999, pp.82-87.
- G.Teters, A.Lagzdins, A.Zilaucs. Deformation of dispersely failing composites. - Mechanics
of Composite Materials, 1999, vol.35, Nr 5, pp.561-574
- G.Teters, A.Kregers. Optimization of a composite plate bulking under thermal action with
account of reliability. Mechanics of Composite Materials (N.Y.), 2000,
vol.36, No.6, pp.453-458.
- G.Teters. Creep stability of thin-walled composite structures. Mechanics of
Composite Materials (N.Y.), 2001, vol.37, No.5/6, pp.519-524
- Teters G. Reliability estimation of optimal viscoelastic composite
shells in critical-time calculations. Mechanics of Composite Materials,
2003, vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 553-558.
- Teters G. Multicriteria optimization of a composite cylindriclal shell subjected to
thermal and dynamic actions. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2004, vol.
40, No. 6, pp. 489494.
Research Projects:
G.Teters (Head of Project). Nonlinear Mechanics and Optimization of Composite Materials
and Structures. Latvian Council of Science (1991 - )
Last update 01.09.2005