Dr. habil. chem. Galina TELYSHEVA Head of the Laboratory of Lignin
Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
Dzerbenes iela 27
Riga, LV 1006
Phone: + 371 67555916
Fax: + 371 67550635
E-mail: ligno@edi.lv |
Born: August 17, 1937, Simferopol, Ukraine
- Biomass chemical and thermochemical processing including energy production and
modification of properties of wood and its components;
- Chemistry of lignin; technologies for novel products obtaining for environment, industry
and agriculture;
- Lignin and lignin derivatives as components of disperse systems, behaviour on the
- Lignin and silicon containing lignin products in biogeocenosis.
Languages: Russian, English, Latvian
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), 1959
- Dr. chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in Western Countries), Institute of
Wood Chemistry, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1967
- Dr.habil.chem (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Institute of Wood Chemistry, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1991
Institute of Wood Chemistry, Riga:
- Engineer, 1959-1962
- Postgraduate, 1962-1965
- Junior Researcher, 1965-1967
- Senior Researcher, 1967-1968, 1972-1984
- Scientific Secretary of the Institute, 1968-1972
- Head of the Laboratory of Lignin Chemistry, 1984
- Professor, 1993 -
Honours and Awards
- The Honour Diploma of Latvian Republic Education and Science Ministry, 2003
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1987
- The Diploma of the USSR Chemical Society, 1977
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Editorial Board, Journal The Chemistry of Plant Raw Material (Russia),
- Member of Management Committee, Cost Action E38 Woody Root Processes, 2004-
- Member of International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Sosiety
- Member, Council of Promotion, Speciality Forest Science and Material Science (Wood
Materials and Technology), Latvia University of Agriculture, 2000
- Member of the Executive Board, International Institute of Lignin, Lausanne, Switzerland,
1996 1998
- Scientific Editor-in-Charge (1974-1983) and Member (1983 ), Editorial Advisory
Board for journal Wood Chemistry (Latvia, Riga)
- Member, Latvian Chemical Society
- Scientific Secretary (1977-1991) and Member (1992-1998), Habilitation and Promotion
Council, Institute of Wood Chemistry
- Scientific Secretary, Scientific Council of Wood Chemistry, USSR Academy of Sciences,
- Member of the Scientific Council, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, 1968-
- Some lignin-based materials for industrial and agricultural uses. Invited lecture. Third
International Forum "Markets for Sulphur-Free Lignin", Fribourg , Switzerland,
Feb. 29/March 1, 1996.
Recent/Representative Publications
- G.Zakis, L. Mozheiko, G. Telysheva. Methods of Analysis of Lignin Functional Groups,
1975, Riga: Zinatne, 174 pp. (in Russian).
- G.Telysheva, R. Pankova. Fertilizers on the Lignin Basis, 1978, Riga: Zinatne ,
63 pp. (in Russian).
- G.Telysheva. Lignin modification with organosilicon compounds and utilization of
products. - In: Lignocellulosics - Science, Technology, Development and Use ( Ed.
J.Kennedy, G.Phillips, P.Williams), 1992, London: Ellis Harwood Ltd, pp.643-655.
- M.Telysheva, M. E.Akim, G.M.Shulga, T.N.Dizhbite. Compatibility of water soluble
cellulosic ethers with lignosulphonate. - In: Cellulosics: Chemical, Biochemical and
Material Aspects( Ed. J.Kennedy, G.Phillips, P.Williams), London: Ellis Harwood Ltd,
, 1993, pp. 337-342.
- G.Telysheva, G.Shulga. Chemical transformations of lignosulphonates and LS-based
polycomplexes under the action of UV radiation. - In: Cellulosics: Materials for
Selective Separation and other Technologies ( Ed. J.Kennedy, G.Phillips, P.Williams),
1993, Chichester: Ellis Harwood Ltd, UK, pp. 233-239.
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizhbite, G.Rossinskaya, E.Paegle. Influence of media acidity on the
behaviour of lignosulphonates in water solutions. In: Cellulosics: Materials
for Selective Separation and other Technologies ( Ed. J.Kennedy, G.Phillips,
P.Williams), 1993, Chichester: Ellis Harwood Ltd, UK, pp.227-232.
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizbite. Adsorption of lignosulphonates on water-solid interfaces.
In: Biomass for Energy and Industry.( Ed. D.O.Hall, G.Grassi, H.Scheer), 1994,.
Brussell-Luxemberg: Ponte Press,. pp. 1166-1170.
- G.Dobele, T.Dizbite, G.Rossinskaya, G.Telysheva. Thermocatalytic destruction of
cellulose. In: Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives: Physico-chemical aspects
and industrial application, 1995, Cambridge: Woodhead Pub. Ltd, UK, pp. 125-130.
- G.Telisheva, G.Shulga. Silicon-containing polycomplexes for protection against wind
erosion of sandy soil. - J. Agric. Eng. Res., 1995, vol. 62, pp. 221-227.
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizhbite, E.Paegle, A.Kizima. The regularities of lignosulphonate
behaviour on different interfaces (water-gas, water-solid) and its alteration by
purposeful modification. - In: The Chemistry and Processing of Wood and Plant Fibrous
Materials ( Ed. J.Kennedy, G.Phillips, P.Williams), 1996, Cambridge: Woodhead Publ.,
UK, pp. 399-404.
- G.Dobele, N.Bogdanovich, G.Telysheva, U.Viesturs. Application of sorbent obtained by
pyrolysis of sewage sludge for biological treatment of waste water. - Applied
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1996, vol. 57/58, pp. 857-876.
- G.Shulga, G. Telysheva, A. Zezin. Specific features of the interpolymer interaction
between sodium lignosulphonate and poly(acrylic) acid in aqueous media. Polymer
Science, Ser. A, 1997, vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 1130-1134.
- T.Dizhbite, G.Zakis, A.Kizima, G.Rossinskaya, E.Lazareva, G.Telysheva, U.Viesturs.
Lignin an expedient bioresource for production of sorption-active materials. -
Bioresource Technology, 1999, vol. 67, pp. 221-228.
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizhbite, A.Arshanitsa, J.Hrol. Modification of pulp fibres for their
application in the production of composite materials. - Cellulose Chemistry and
Technology, 1999, vol.33, N5-6, pp, 423-432.
- G.Dobele, G. Rossinskaja, G. Telysheva, O. Faix, D. Meier. Cellulose dehydration and
depolimerization reactions during thermal treatment under the action of phosphoric acid.
J. Appl. Analyt. Pyrolysis, 1999, vol. 49, pp. 307-317.
- G.Telysheva, G.Lebedeva, T.Dizhbite, N.Zaimenko, J.Ammosova, U.Viesturs. The use of
silicon-containing products for in-situ soil bioremediation. In: Remediation of
Hazardous Waste Contaminated Soils, Section, II-3 Soil Specific Bioremediation
Techniques, Marcel Dekker, 2000, pp.699-727.
- V.Mnuskina, G.Telysheva, T.Dishbite, U.Viesturs. Novel technology for production of a
wood material suitable for fabrication of glass-reinforced plastic parts. In: Proceedings
1st Intern. Symp. On Wood Machining (Eds. S.E.Stanze, A.Reiterer), Vienna,
Austria, 27-29 September, 2000, pp.231-241
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizhbite, A.Volperts, E.Lazareva. Investigation of lignocellulosic
materials adsorptive properties with resonance potentials method. Latvian
Journal of Chemistry, 2001, pp.171-180
- G.Telysheva, T.Dizhbite, E.Paegle, A.Shapatin, I.Demidov. Surface active properties of
hydrophobised derivatives of lignosulphonates: effect of structure of organosilicon
modifier. Journal Applied Polymer Sci., 2001, vol.82, pp.1013-1020.
- G.Dobele, T.Dizhbite, G. Rossinskaja, G.Telisheva, D.Meier, S.Radtke, O.Faix. Fast
pyrolysis: a promising method for obtaining 1,6-anhydrosaccharides. - J.Anal.Appl.Pyrolysis,
2003, vol. 68/69, pp. 197-211.
- T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva, V. Jurkjane, U. Viesturs. Characterization of the radical
scavenging activity of lignins natural antioxidants. Bioresource
Tehnology, 2004, v.95, pp.309-317.
- T. Bikova, A. Treimanis, G. Rossinska, G. Telysheva. On-line study of lignin behaviour
in dilute alkaline solution. Holzforschung, 2004, v.58, pp.489-494.
- G. Telysheva, G. Lebedeva, T. Dizhbite. A prospective product for biological agriculture
obtained from the wood processing waste. In: Biomass for Energy, Industry and
Climate Protection, Eds. D.O Hall, G. Grassi, H. Scheer. Ponte Press,
Brussell-Luxemberg, 2004, pp. 1659-1661.
- T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva, A. Skujina, A. F. Danil de Namor. Lignocellulosic-based
products for enhancing mineralization of pesticide 2,4-D by soil-indigenous microflora. -
In: Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Eds. D.O Hall, G.
Grassi, H. Scheer. Ponte Press, Brussell-Luxemberg, 2004, pp.2033-2036.
- M. Bekers, U. Viesturs, A. Upitis, R. Linde, A. Danilevich, M. Grube, G. Telysheva.
Integrated sugar beet biomass processing into biofuels, food and feed products using
biotechnological processes - In: : Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate
Protection, Eds. D.O Hall, G. Grassi, H. Scheer. Ponte Press, Brussell-Luxemberg,
2004, pp. 1572-1573.
- G. N. Lebedeva, G. M. Telysheva. Efficiency of the use of lignosilicon fertilizers and
growth activators in cerials cultivation. - In: Proc. 2nd Scientific Practical
Conference Earthworms and Soils Fertility, Vladimir, Russia, March
17-19, 2004, chapter III, pp. 204-207.
- T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva, T. Bikova, G. Rossinska, M. Gulbis, A. Abacherli. Soda
lignins of agricultural plants interconnection of functionality and structural
characteristic with the antioxidant properties. In: Proc. EWLP'04. 8th
European Workshop on Lignocellulosic and Pulp, Latvia, Riga, August 22-25, 2004,
- G. Dobele, G. Rossinskaja, G. Telysheva, D. Meier, O. Faix. Potentials of fast pyrolysis
for producing 1,6-anhydrosaccharides. In: Proc. EWLP'04. 8th European
Workshop on Lignocellulosic and Pulp, Latvia, Riga, August 22-25, 2004, pp. 537-540.
- G. Telysheva, T. Dizhbite, V. Nikolaeva, A. Abacherli. Lignin products for
decontamination of enviroment objects from pathogenic microflora. Proc. 7th
Inter. Forum Bringing Lignin Back to the Headlines: Priority, Research and New
Approach, Barselona, Spain, 2005, 71-74.
- G.Dobele, G.Rossinskaja, T.Dizhbite, G.Telysheva, D.Meier, O.Faix Application of
catalysts for obtaining 1,6-anhydrosaccharides from cellulose and wood by fast pyrolysis.
- J. Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis, 2005, 73, 2,401-405.
- G. Telysheva, G. Lebedeva, T. Dizhbite. Regulation of sorption properties of commercial
lignins by their modification. Proc. International Conference «Physicochemistry of
lignin», Arkhangelsk, 3 6 July 2005, 213-216.
- T. Bikova, G. Rossinskaja, T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva. Characterization of the chemical
heterogeneity of lignin. Proc. International Conference «Physicochemistry of lignin»,
Arkhangelsk, 3 6 July 2005, 244-245.
- G. Telysheva, T. Dizhbite, G. Lebedeva, N. Zaimenko, S. Popovs,
Regulation of lignocellulose materials sorption properties by modification for
environmental application. In: J.M. Loureiro, M. Kartel (Eds.), Combined and Hybrid
Adsorbents. Fundamentals and Applications, Springer, Netherlands, 2006, pp. 271-276.
- G. Telysheva, T. Dizhbite, L. Jashina, A. Andersone, N. Mironova-Ulmane. Synthesis
of lignin-based hybrid materials using a -Keggins type
polyoxometalates as inorganic building blocks. - Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 2006, N 2, pp. 13-22.
- T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva, V. Jurkjane. Evaluation of antioxidant properties of lignin
products from pulping process. Advances in Chemistry and Processing of
Lignocellulosics, Proceedings of 9th EWLP, BOKU, Vienna, Austria, 2006,
pp. 227-230.
- T. Bikova, G. Rossinska, T. Dizhbite, G. Telysheva , Multiwave UV/VIS
detection at SEC analysis. Evaluation of reactive sites and polyconjugated substructures
over MW distribution of lignins. - La Chimica e Industria, 88 (2006) 2, pp. 82-86.
Research Projects
- G.Telysheva (Head of Project). Regulation of Lignin Adsorption Force Ratios on the
Water-Solid Interface by Means of Changing the Macromolecule Hydrophilic-Lipophilic
Balance. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1996).
- G.Telysheva (Head of Project). Mechanisms of Thermooxidation in the System
Lignin-Variable Valency Metal. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1996).
- G.Telysheva (Head of Project). Mechanisms of Lignin Structure Transformations under
Chemical and Thermochemical Affects in Multi-Phase Systems Containing Polymer-Oligomer
Co-Reagents. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- G.Telysheva (Head of Project).Development of Supra-molecular Systems Based on Lignins
and Lignocellulosics. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
- G.Telysheva (Head of Project).Modified Lignins as the Basis of Functionally Active
Polycomponent Systems. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
- G.Telysheva (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Lignosulphonates Modification and
Applications. Borregaard LignoTech Ltd. (Norway) (1992-1996).
- G.Telysheva (Head of Project). Characterization of Lignin Residues from Ethanol
Production by Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Materials. Swedish Ethanol Foundation
- G.Telysheva (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Pyrolysis of Wood for the Obtaining
of Value Added Products". Institute for Wood Chemistry and Technology, FRG
Ministry for Wood, Agriculture and Forestry (1997-1999).
- G.Telysheva (Head of Project). EUREKA Project E! 2522 OPTI-SOILCLEAN, LR
Ministry of Education (2001-2004)
- G.Telysheva (Head of Latvian Part of Project). INCO COPERNICUS RDT Project
ICA2-CT-2000-10002 Development of Methods for the Remediation of Pesticides.
European Commission (2000 2003)
- G.Telysheva (Head of Latvian Part of Project). CRAFT Project WOOD COMP.
European Commission (2001 )
- G. Telysheva (Head of Latvian Part of Project). INCO COPERNICUS STREP IRRISEASOIL
A Cheap Easy-to-Handle Desalination Approach for Crop Irrigation under Mediterranean
Conditions, European Commission Contract FP6-509152-INCO-MPC-1 (2004-2007)
- G. Telysheva (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Integral Project NILE New
Improvements for Lignocellulosic Ethanol, European Commission Contract n0
019882 (SES6) (NILE) (2005-2009)
- G. Telysheva (Head of Latvian Part of Project). RTD Project Lignin as raw material
for chemicals, Nordic Innovation Centrs, Contract 06246 (2006-2008).
Last update 20.02.2008