Dr. soc. Aivars TABUNS
Department of Sociology
University of Latvia
Lomonosova iela 1, Riga, LV-1019 LatviaPhone: +371 722 7110
Fax: +371 7089852
E-mail: aivars.tabuns@lu.lv
Home address:
Maskavas iela 254/4 - 29
Riga, LV 1063, Latvia
Phone: +371 7248974 |
Born: March 22, Cesis, Latvia
Sociology of Development
Sociology of Culture
Ethnic Relations
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Dr. soc. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Institute of Applied Sociology, Moscow,
- Postgraduate, Institute of Applied Sociology, Moscow, 1985-1988
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Philosophy), 1975-1980
- Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Latvia,
2003 -
- Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of
Latvia, 1999 - 2003
- Leading Researcher, Programme Director, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, 1992-
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, 1991-1992
- Senior Researcher, Department of Social Sciences, Riga
Technical University,1990-1991
- Researcher, Department of Social Sciences, Riga Technical University, 1988-1989
- Junior Researcher, Department of Social Sciences, Riga Technical University, 1980-1988
Honours and Awards
Current Professional Activities and Memberships
- President, Latvian Sociological Association
- Chairman of Promotion Board in Sociology, Communication Studies and Political Sciences,
University of Latvia
- Member of European Commissions Programme Committee "Science and Society"
- Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (Section A), Member
of Editorial Board
- Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia, Editorial
- Polish Sociological Review, Member of Editorial Advisory Board
Recent/Representative Publications
- Tabuns A., Comments on David Laitins book. In: Acta Univesitatis Latviensis,
2005, Vol.680. Political Science, 2005, pp. 177-184
- Tabuns A., Culture and Integration of Society, Cultural Dilemmas during Transition.- East
Central Europe versus Taiwan, LIT Verlag Munster, 2004, pp.267-287
- Tabuns, A., Sociology in the Latvia after 1990. - In: Sociology in
Central and Eastern Europe: Transformations at the Dawn of a New Millennium,
ed. by Mike F.Keen and Janusz Mucha, Praeger Publishers, 2003, pp. 87-96.
- Tabuns A., Attitude of Society Toward The Framework Convention for the Protection of
National Minorities. - Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia, 2003,
vol. 1 (38), Riga, pp.20-38.
- Tabuns A., Sociology Latvia. - In: Three Social Science Disciplines in
Central and Eastern Europe. Handbook on Economics, Political Science and Sociology
(1989-2001), ed.by Max Kaase and Vera Spranschuh, co-edited Agnieszka
Wenninger, Social Science Information Centre/Collegium Budapest, 2002, pp.452-466.
- Tabuns A., How to Deal with the Heritage, Future and Speed of Transformations the
Baltic Experience. - Proceedings of 8th Baltic Conferences of Intellectual
Co-operations, . 15-16 June, Tallinn, Estonian Academy of Science, 2002, pp.42-49.
- Tabuns A.,The Role of Social Scientists in Society Formation. - Materials of
the International Conference Towards Civic Culture in Central and Eastern European
Countries, Riga, November 19-21, 2001, Latvian National Commission for
UNESCO, 2002, pp.45-49.
- Tabuns A., review of National-Building and Ethnic-Integration in Post-Soviet
Societies. An Investigation of Latvia and Kazakstan. Edited by Pål Kolstu. Westview
Press, A Member of the Perseus Books Group, 1999. In: The Slavic Review,Summer
2002, vol. 61, N 2, , p. 395.
- A.Tabuns, J.Broks, A.Tabuna, T.Tisenkopfs. National, State and Regime Identity in
Latvia, 2001, Riga, 271 pp.
- A.Tabuns, A. Tabuna. Globalization and development of democracy in Latvia. - In: National
Identity and Vision of Europe. Annales of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts,
2000, vol. 28, N 9, Riga, pp. 58-78.
- A.Tabuns, R.Rungule, Market Economy, Democracy, Globalisation and Youth. - Latvia.
Human Development Report 1999, Riga, 2000, pp. 97-118.
- A.Tabuns, S.Vanaga. Labour Market in Latvia: Employment and Unemployment. - In: Unemployment.
Risks and Reactions ( ed. by N. Genov), UNESCO, Paris-Sofia, 1999,
- A.Tabuns, J.Broks, A.Bisers, B.Ramina, Z.Priede. Individual and private sector: sharing
responsibility for the develpment of the labor market. - Latvia Human
Development Report 1998, Riga, pp. 56-72.
- A.Tabuns, A.Giddens. - Constitution of Society, Anthony Giddens, AGB, 1999, pp. 8-10 (in
- A.Tabuns, A.Tabuna. Estranged Europeans - Sociological Investigation of Latvian Society.
- Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia: Latvia in Europe Sociologically,
1999, 1(22), University of Latvia, pp. 4 - 35.
- A.Tabuns. Transformation Risks: Experience in Disintegrated Societies . - In: Central
and Eastern Europe Continuing Transformation ( ed. by. N.Genov), UNESCO-MOST, Paris
-Sofia, 1998, pp.88-104.
- A.Tabuns, N.Muiznieks, B.Cilevics, A.Kamenska , T.Liguta, I.Mezs. National Integration
and Social Cohesion. - Latvia Human Development Report 1997, pp.48-66.
- A.Tabuns. Sociology in Latvia: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. - In: Social
Changes in Latvia, 1998, Riga:Jumava, pp. 8-71 (in Latvian).
- A.Tabuns, J.Broks, U.Ozolins, G.Ozolzile, T.Tisenkopfs. The Stability of Democracy in
Latvia: Pre-Requisites and Prospects. - In: Social Changes in Latvia, 1998, Riga:
Jumava, pp.142-174 (in Latvian).
- A.Tabuns, J.Broks, U.Ozolins, G.Ozolzile, T.Tisenkopfs. The Stability of Democracy in
Latvia: Pre-Requisites and Prospects. - Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia,
1996-1997, Nr.Nr.4(13)-1(14), pp.103-134.
- A.Tabuns. Sociology in Latvia: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.- Humanities and Social
Sciences. Latvia, 1996-1997, Nr.Nr.4(13)-1(14), pp.7- 63.
- A.Tabuns, V.Priedite. Archiving of Social Science Data in Latvia.- Proceedings of the
Latvian Academy of Sciences, A, 1996, vol. 50, Nr.3, pp.38-42 ( in Latvian).
- A.Tabuns. Ethno-Demographic Analysis of Latvian Peasant Communities in Siberia. - In: Lejas
Bulana: Latvian Community in Siberia, 1995, Riga: Zvaigzne, p.263-279 ( in Latvian).
- A.Tabuns. Agriculture Education and Training in Latvia: Changes and Problems. - In: An
Overview of Rural Development Strategies for the Baltic,1993, Ames: Iowa State
- A.Tabuns, R.Taraskevics, E.Lavendelis. The Forecasting of the Reqirement of
Professionals in Latvia Republic, 1992, Riga, 104 pp.
- A.Tabuns. Family as a reproductive factor of the socio-professional structure of
society. - In: The Sociological Research in the Baltic States, 1990, Vilnius.
- A.Tabuns. The role of values in the regulation on an individuals behavior. - In: Sociological
Research of Youth Path Life, 1988, Vilnius.
- A.Tabuns, M.Titma. Youth Attitude Towards Work. - In: Youth - Orientation and Path
of Life,1988, Riga: Zinatne, pp.137-145 ( in Russian).
Research Projects
- (Project Director). Constitution of Law-based State and Social Policy in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science, 2002-2005
- (Project Director). Cultural Activieties of Youth and National Intergation. PHARE
programme,2003/004-979-01-01/2-11/27, 2005-2006
- (Team Member). Marketing Sustainable Agriculture: An Analysis of the Potential Role of
New Food Supply Chains in Sustainable Rural Development. The Fifth
Framework programme, Proposal No: QLRT-2001-01349, 2004-2006
- (Project Director). Promotion of Awareness and Co-operation between Social Scientists
and Society. UNESCO, 2001-2003
- (Team Member). The State of Three Social Science Disciplines in Central and
Eastern Europe. European Commission, 2001-2003
- (Project Director). The Attitude of Society toward Framework for Convention for
the Protection of National Minorities Adopted by the Council of Europe. Council
of Europe, 2002
- (Project Director). The Formation of the Latvian Social Science Data Archive.
Latvian Council of Science,1993 -1999
- (Project Director). Assessment of Latvian Unemployment Policy. The Latvian
Privatisation Agency, 1999
- (Team Member). Public Awareness and Attitude to Social Insurance. World Bank,
- (Project Director). Changing National, State and Regime Identities in Latvia. Central
European University Research Support Scheme, Praha, Czech Republic, 1997-1999
- (Team Member). Survey on Public Access to EU Information. Delegation of the European
Commission in Latvia, 1997
Last update 29.09.2005