Heinrichs STRODS
(20.04.1925. - 14.04.2012.)
Professor Heinrichs STRODS
Professor emeritus of Latvian History
Department of History of Latvia
Faculty of History and Philosophy
University of Latvia
Brivibas bulvaris 32
Riga, LV 1050
LatviaPhone: +371 7212715
Fax: +371 7229255
- History of Baltic States
- Agrarian History
- Political History
- History of Church
Principal Publications in History of Baltic States, 23 books and booklets, altogeteher
832 articles, papers
and chapters in books
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English, Latin
- University of Latvia, Faculty of History, 1950
- Dr.hist. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), University of Latvia, 1954
- Dr.habil. hist. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Institute of History, Moscow, 1977
- Senior Researcher, Central Historical Museum of Latvia, 1949-1957
- Senior Researcher, Head of Department of Archaeology and Etnography, Institute of
History of Latvia, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1954-1982
- Professor of History, Head of Department of History of USSR, University of Latvia,
- 1982-1989
- Professor of History, Head of Department of History of Latvia, University of Latvia,
- Professor of History, University of Latvia, 1993-1999
- Head of Scientific Program of the Occupation Museum of Latvia, 1998 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, International Council of Museums (ICOM), UNESCO, Paris, 1957
- Member, Association of Agrarian Museums, UNESCO, 1967
- Fellow, Association for Research of XVIII Century History, England, 1990
- Honorary Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Active Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1994
- Member, Council of Historians of Latvia by the President of Latvia, 1998 -
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Editorial Advisory Board for the journal of University of Latvia "History of
Latvia", 1991-2004
- Vice-Chairman, Member, Council for Promotion and Habilitation in History, University of
Latvia, 1991-1999
- Counsellor, Latvian Department of Naturalisation and Immigration, 1994-1997
- Member, Council of Symposium for Agrarian History of Russia, Moscow, 1957-1999
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for the journal "Genocide and Resistance"
(Lithuania), 2003 -
- The Results of Main Latvian Archaeological Excavations 1959- 1965. Praha, (VII-e Congres
International des Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques).
- Changes in the Composition of Traditional Field Crops in Latvia in the XIX Century. Tokyo,
1968 (VIII International Congress of Antropological and Etnological Sciences).
- Settlements of Peasants in the Baltics in the XVIII - XIX Century. Stockholm, 1981
(Sixth Conference on Baltic Studies in Scandinavia).
- General Lines of Russian Politics in the Baltic States. History and Present Situation. Warnemünde,
Germany, 1993 (International Conference: Foreign Politics of Baltic States and
International Relations to the Baltic States).
- Values in the Programs of nationalPartisans in Latvia 1944-1956. 2nd Conference on
Baltic States During the Period of Cold War from 1944 to 1956, Gdansk, 1997.
- Chief Directions of Resistance in Latvia 1940-1990, Lund, 2003
Recent Publications
- Heinrichs Strods. Latvian National Partisan War, 1944 - 1956. Documents and Materials. -
Riga,1999, 657 pp. (in Latvian; English Resume).
- Heinrichs Strods. Latvian National Partisan War, 1944 - 1956. Riga: Preses Nams
Press, 1996, 574 pp. (in Latvian).
- Heinrihs Strods. Latvian National Partisan War 1944-1956. - Riga: Latvijas vestures
fonds, 2003, 387 pp. (in Latvian; English resume)
- Heinrichs Strods. History of Roman Catholic Church in Latvia.- Riga: University of
Latvia Press, 1996.- 387 pp. (in Latvian).
- Heinrichs Strods. Under The Black - Brown Sword: The Nazi Politics in Latvia, 1941-
1944.- Riga: Zvaigzne Press, 1994.- 154pp. (in Latvian).
- Heinrichs Strods. Duchy Courland Question in the XVIII Century.- Riga: University of
Latvia Press, 1993.- Part I - II.- 420pp.
- Heinrichs Strods. Agricultural History of Latvia (till 1900).- Riga: Zvaigzne Press,
1992.- 287 pp. (in Latvian).
Research Projects
- Fate of Bolshevik Activists in Latvia 1941-1945. Commission on History of 20th
Century by President of Latvia
Last update 31.03.2004