Born: June 27, 1934, Valmiera, Latvia
- Organic Chemistry
- Chemistry of N-Heterocycles
- Chemistry of Cyclic 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compounds
- Medical Chemistry
- Antihistaminic Substances
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry), 1957
- Dr.chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1962
- Dr.habil.chem. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1975
- Lecturer, Daugavpils Pedagogical University, 1957-1959
- Postgraduate, Riga Technical University, 1959-1961
- Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor - Riga Technical University, 1961-
- Prorector for Research, Riga Technical University, 1974-1985
- Head of Department of Organic Synthesis and Biotechnology, Riga Technical University,
1990 -2000
- Professor, Department of Chemical Technology of Biological Active Compounds, Riga
Technical University
Honours and Awards:
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Compiler and Editor, Collected articles "Aleksandrs Veiss", 1988,
Riga:Zinatne, 287 pp. (in Latvian).
- Member, the Riga Technical University Paul Walden Prize Committee
Riga Technical University:
- Chemistry and Technology of Pharmacy
- Pesticides
- Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Compounds
- Medical Chemistry
- Chemistry and Technology of Fine Organic Synthesis
Recent/Representative Publications:
- A.Strakovs, E.Gudriniece. Synthesis of heterocycles from 1,3-cyclohexanediones. I - Khim.
Geterotsikl. Soedin., N 8, pp. 1011-1030 (in Russian), II - ibid., 1988, N 6, pp.
723-738, III - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 1994, pp. 387-405 (in Russian).
- A.Strakovs, A.Moiseenkov, E.Rozhkov. Eine einfache Synthese von Analoga des
8-Aza-D-homoestrans. - Journal für praktische Chemie, 1980, Bd. 322, N 4, S.
- A.Strakovs, et.al. Series of articles about a -acyl and a -cyano-b -aminovinylketones. -
Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 1991, N 1, pp. 95-99; N 2, pp. 164-167, pp. 168-174;
N 5, pp. 612-616; N 6, pp. 736-739; 1992, N 5, pp. 608-612; 1993, N 3, pp. 344-349; pp.
470-473, pp. 474-477, pp. 478-482; N 6, pp. 731-736; 1994, N 1, pp. 106-109 (in Russian). J.
Org. Chem., 1999, vol. 64, N 4, pp. 1426-1428.
- A.Strakovs, et.al. Series of articles about indazole and 3-acyl-1,5-benzodiazepine. - Chemistry
of Heterocyclic Compounds, 1995, vol. 31, N 3, pp. 289-295; 1996,
vol. 32, N 1, pp. 72-74; N 2, pp. 221-226; N 4, pp. 431-434, pp. 435-440; 1997,
vol. 33, N 2, pp. 234-240; N 3, pp.379-391; N 4, pp. 516-519; N 9, pp. 1116-1117; N 12,
pp. 1443-1449; 1998, vol.34, N 1, pp.92-94; N 6, pp. 669-672 830 -834;
N 9, pp. 1209-1213; 1999, vol. 35, N 5, pp. 696-700; 2000,
N2, pp. 212-216; N 4, pp. 533-539, N 6, pp. 847 - 853; N 7, pp. 962-965, N 11, pp.
1539-1541; 2002, N 4, pp. 494-498;2002, N 6, pp. 724-729; 2003, N 4, pp.
603-607, N 5, pp. 751-753; 2003, N12, pp. 1827-1836; 2004,
N 1, pp.48-51; N 7, pp.1089-1094, 1095-1100, 1101-1107; 2005, N 5, pp.
740-750; N 8, pp. 1230-1235; 2006, pp.574-582; 2007, pp.
793-798, 1512-1518; 2009, pp. 695-704..
- Eur. J. Org. Chem., 1999, pp. 1585-1588.
- Tetrahedron Lett., 2009, 50, pp. 3046-3049..
- Latvian J. Chem., 2003, N 1, pp. 65-68; N 2, pp. 187-190; N 3,
pp.275-282, N 4, pp. 380-384; 2004, pp.290-294; 2005,
pp. 51-60, 174-178, 387-390; 2006, pp. 269-278, 345-350; 2007,
pp. 259-266; 2008, pp. 176-180, 244-250, 357-362.
Research Projects:
- A.Strakovs (Head of Project). The Synthesis and Properties of Azoles, Azines and
Azepines in connection with 2-acyl-1,3-cyclandiones. Latvian
Council of Science (1997-2000).
- A.Strakovs (Head of Project). The Synthesis of Blocators of Histamine H2- and
H3-Receptors. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- A.Strakovs (Head of Project). Multicomponental Synthesis and Reactions of
alpha-Oxocyclohexenoheterocycles. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2004).
- A.Strakovs, F.Avotinsh (Head of Project). The Integrated Intermediates for Synthesis of
Quinazoline. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2004).
- A.Strakovs (Head of Project). 3,4-Annelated coumarine and 4,5-annelated indazole
synthesis and reactions. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - 2008)
- A.Strakovs (Head of Project). 3-Heterylcoumarines. Latvian Council of Science (2006 -
Last update 21.01.2010