Andris Sternbergs
Born: May 13, 1944, Riga, Latvia
- Ferroelectrics: structure ordering and phase transitions in perovskite compounds;
properties and application.
- Field induced and diffused phase transitions in ordinary ferroelectrics and relaxors
(incl. transparent ferroelectric ceramics).
- Radiation effects on ferroelectric materials.
- Processing and properties of ferroelectric thin films and heterostructures. Dielectric,
electromechanical, optical and electrooptical characteristics.
- High temperature superconductor ceramics and films; composites high temperature
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1970
- Dr.phys. Theses "The features of phase transitions and electrooptic properties of
La-doped Lead Zirconate-Titanate and Lead Scandate-Niobate ferroelectric ceramics",
Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1978
- Dr.habil.phys., University of Latvia, 1999.
University of Latvia:
- Research assistant, Laboratory of Ferroelectrics, 1970-1976
- Head of the Laboratory of Electrooptics, Institute of Solid State Physics, 1982-1984
- Head of the Department of Ferroelectric Physics, Institute of Solid State Physics, 1984
- Director, Institute of Solid State Physics, 1999 -
- Guest scientist under BMWF contract, Atomic Institute of Austrian Universities, Vienna,
1988-1996 (1 month yearly)
- Siemens AG, Munich, Germany, Commission of EC fellowship, 1993.06-09
- Shonan Institute of Technology and Kyoto University, Japan, 1995.02
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Physics Society
- Organizer of the regular I,II, and III Soviet Seminars on "Production, Research and
Application of Transparent Ferroelectric Ceramics", Riga, 1985,1988 and 1991
- Organizer of the International Conference "Advanced Optical Materials and
Devices", Riga, 1996, 2002
- Contractor, Excellence Centre of Advanced Material Research and Technology at the
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (CAMART), European Commission, 2001
- Member, Expert Commission in Physics, Latvian Council of
Science, 2003
Ferroelectric Materials and Electronic Ceramics for graduate and post-graduate
students, Supervision of Bchl., Mg., PhD projects.
Recent/Representative Publications:
Over 150 published works in specialized scientific journals and proceedings of
- A.Sternberg. Recent advances in transparent ferroelectric ceramics: research and
applications. Ferroelectics, 1992, vol.134, pp.29-34.
- A.Sternberg, A.Krumina, A.Sprogis, H.W.Weber, H.Klima, H.Schwabl, S.Dindun, U.Ulmanis.
Radiation effects in PLZT and PSN ceramics. Ferroelectrics, 1992, vol.131,
- A.Sternberg, L.Shebanov, E.Birks, M.Ozolinsh,V.Dimza and E.Klotins. Modified
Lead-containing perovskite ceramics for electrooptic, electrocaloric, pyroelectric and
electrostrictive applications. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on
Applications of Ferroelectrics. August 30-September 2, 1992. Greenville, USA. Ed. by.
M.Liu, A.Safari, A.Kingon, G.Haertling. IEEE Catalogue number 92CH3080-9, pp.134-139.
- M.Dambekalne, A.Sternberg and K.Bormanis. (Pb1-xBax)Sc1/2Nb1/2O3 Electrooptical
Ceramics. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronic Ceramics &
Applications (EUROCERAMICS IV), Aachen, Germany, September 5-7, 1994. (Augustinus
Buchhandlung). Ed. by R.Waser et al. Vol.1, p. 447-450.
- L.Shebanov, M.Kusnetsov, A.Sternberg. Electric field-induced
antiferroelectric-ferroelectric phase transition in lead zirconate titanate stannate
ceramics modified with lanthanum. J.Appl.Phys., 1994, vol.76, pp.4301-4304.
- E.Birks, M.Kusnetsov and A.Sternberg. Relation between deformation and polarization in
the region of diffused phase transition of PLZT 8/65/35. Ferroelectrics, 1995, vol.
173, pp.45-51.
- E.Birks, A.Plaude, A.Sternberg, A.Gajevskis, M.Kalnberga, E.Seidl, G.Brandstätter,
H.W.Weber. Production and Properties of Sedimented YBCO and YBCO-BaTiO3
Composite thin filoms. Condensed Matter and Materials Communication, 1995, vol.2,
Number 1, pp.55-61.
- L.Shebanovs, A.Sternberg, W.N.Lawless, and K.Borman. Isomorphous ion substitutions and
order-disorder phenomena in highly electrocaloric lead-scandium tantalate solid solutions.
Ferroelectrics, 1996, vol.184, pp.239-242.
- A.Sternberg, L.Shebanovs, E.Birks, V.Dimza, H.W.Weber, F.M.Sauerzopf, H.Klima and
U.Ulmanis. Radiation effects on lead-containing perovskite ceramics. Ferroelectrics,
1996, vol.183, pp.301-310.
- A.Sternberg, M.Tyunina, M.Kundzinsh, V.Zauls, M.Ozolinsh, E.Birks, L.Shebanovs,
L.Calzada, L.Pardo, M.Kosec, K.V.Rao, R.Kullmer. Measurements of ferroelectric and
electrostrictive properties on lead containing perovskite thin films. Workshop of the
COST 514 European Concerted Action on Ferroelectric Thin Films, ICMM.CSIC. Madrid
(Spain), 4-5 March, 1996, pp.3-8.
- M.Dambekalne, K.Bormanis, A.Sternberg, L.Chakare, I.Brante, B.Pakulat, C.Schick.
Production and properties of doped PSN elecytro-optical ceramics "Optical Inorganic
Materials and Devices", Andris Krumins, Donats K.Millers, A.Sternberg, Janis
Spigulis, Editors, Proc.SPIE 2967, 1997, pp. 193-198.
- A.Sternberg, A.Spule, L.Shebanovs, E.Birks, H.W.Weber, H.Klima, F.Sauerzopf. Phase State
And Structure Of Ferroelectric Ceramics Under Irradiation. Key Engineering Materials,
1997, vols 132-136, pp.1096-1099.
- K.Bormanis, M.Kalnberga, M.Livinsh, A.Patmalnieks, A.Sternberg. Microscopic Studies of
YBCO-Based Polycrystalline Materials. Key Engineering Materials, 1997, Vols
132-136, pp.1269-1272.
- A.Sternberg, L.Shebanovs, E.Birks, M.Ozolinsh. Structure ordering effects in lead
containing ceramic perovskites. The 9th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, August
24-29, 1997, Seoul, Korea. Submitted to J. of Korean Phys. Soc.
- A.Sternberg, M.Tyunina, M.Kundzinsh, V.Zauls, M.Ozolinsh, K.Kundzinsh, I.Shorubalko,
M.Kosec, L.Calzada, L.Pardo, R.Kullmer, D.Bauerle, J.Levoska, S.Leppavuori, T.Martoniemi.
Composition-structure-properties correlation in ferroelectric thin films. The 9th
International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, August 24-29, 1997, Seoul, Korea. Submitted to J.
Korean Phys. Soc.
- A.Sternberg, L.Shebanovs, E.Birks, Y.Yamashita, M.Tyunina, V.Zauls. Effects of structure
ordering, structure defects and external conditions on properties of complex ferroelectric
perovskites. Ferroelectrics, 1998, vol.217, No.1-4, pp.307-317.
- E.Klotins, A.Sternberg, K.Kundzins. Macroscopic elastic and electric fields in
ferroelectric: phenomenology and simulations. Ferroelectrics, 1999, vol.235,
- K.Bormanis, M.Kalnberga, A.Patmalnieks, A.Sternberg, M.Livinsh. Surface morphology of
ferroelectric and high temperature superconductor ceramics. Ferroelectrics,
2001, vol.258, Part II, pp.71-76.
- M.Dambekalne, K.Bormanis, L.Chakare, M.Antonova, A.Sternberg. Production and properties
of Lead Scandoniobate ferrolectric ceramics doped with rare-earth oxides. Proceedings
of 7th Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Key
Engineering Materials, 2002, vols.206-213, pp.1433-1436.
- A.Sternberg, A.Krumins, K.Kundzins, V.Zauls, I.Aulika, L.Cakare, et al. . Irradiation
effects in lead zirconate thin films. - Proc. SPIE, 2003, vol. 5122, pp.
- A.Sternberg, S.I. Tiutiunnikov, V.V.Efimov. Structural changes of the PLZT ceramics
irradiated by high-current pulsed electron beam. - Proc. SPIE,
2003, vol. 5122, pp. 348-357.
- A.Sternberg, M.Antonova, M.Livinsh, M.Dambekalne, et al. Impact of structure ordering
and defects on properties of complex ferroelectric perovskites. - Ferroelectrics,
2004, vol.298, pp.283-288.
- E.Klotins, A.Sternberg. Free-energy functional technique for finite ferroelectric
bodies. -Ferroelectrics, 2004, vol.299, pp.35-42.
- V.Ta.Shur, G.G.Lomakin, E.L.Rumyantsev, S.S.Beloglazov, D.V.Pelegov, A.Sternberg,
A.Krumins. Fractal clusters in relaxor PLZT ceramics: evolution in electric field. Ferroelectics,
2004, vol.299, pp.75-81.
- A.Sternberg, I.Muzikante. National Research Program of Latvia in materials science. -
Latvian J. Physics & Technical Sci., 2006, N 2 (1), pp. 3-6.
Research Projects:
- A.Sternberg (Head of Project). Production and Studies of Flux Pinning Centres in
Polycrystalline Thick Films of High Temperature Superconductors. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1996).
- A.Sternberg (Head of Project). Morphology and Physical Properties of Polar Dielectric
and Hight Temperature Superconductor Thin Films and Heterostructures. Latvian Council
of Science (1997-2000).
- A.Sternberg (Head of Project). Optimisation of Sintering Process,
Physical Properties and Polarization Micromechanisms in Ferroelectrics with Different
Degree of Ordering . Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
- A.Sternberg (Principial Investigator). Evaluation on Diffused Phase Transitions in
Lead-Contained Perovskite Ferroelectrics. International Science Foundation and Latvian
Council of Science grant #LFA000 (1994-1995).
- A.Sternberg (Principial Investigator) Ferroelectric Multilayer Structures and Thin Films
for Actuator and Microactuator Applications. COPERNICUS project ERBCIPA CT 940236
- A.Sternberg. Contractor of Excellence Center of Advanced Material Research and
Technology (CAMART) at the ISSP UL - Contract No. ICA1-CT- 2000-70007 (2001-2003); Latvian
Representative in COST Technical Committee on Physics (1999 - ).
- A.Sternberg (Sub-Group Coordinator) EC COST514 Action "Advanced Electroceramics:
Grain Boundary Engineering" (1998 - 2000).
- A.Sternberg. Task Coordinator and Head of Research Unit of Association EURATOM -
University of Latvia (AEUL) (2001 - ).
Last update 21.09.2007