Dr. phys. Andrejs SPEKTORS
Head of Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Latvia
Raina bulvaris 29
Riga, LV 1459Phone: +371 721 3304
Fax: +371 782 0153
E-mail: aspekt@ailab.mii.lu.lv |
Born: October 6, 1943, Riga, Latvia
Computer Science
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Mathematics), 1974
- Dr. phys. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute,
Moscow, 1981
- Radioastrophysical Observatory of the Latvian Academy of Sciences radiotelescope
construction; cosmology and the general relativity, 1968-1970
- Computer modelling of Solar flares, 1974-1979
- Head, Department of Solar Physics of the Radioastrophysical Observatory, 1979-1983
- Chief of Laboratory for Computer Network Host Systems in the Institute of Electronics
and Computer Technique of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1983-1985
- Head of Department of Programming Environment for Communication Systems at the Research
Institute of the Industrial Corporation VEF, 1985-1986
- Head of the Artifical Intelligence Laboratory, Institute of Mathematics and Computer
Science of the University of Latvia, 1987 -
Recent/Representative Publications
- A. Spektors. The Latvian Language and Computers. - The World Congress of Latvian
Scientists, Riga, 1991, 7, pp. 12-17 (in Latvian).
- R. Chevere, I. Greitane, A. Spektors. The Problems of Word Classification in the
Formation of Thematic Wordstock of Automatized Terminological Dictionaries. -
International Terminological Conference Terminology Science and Terminology
Planning in commemoration of E. Drezden (1892-1992), TermNet- Vienna, 1994,
pp. 195-200.
- A. Spektors, M. Baltina. Project Analysis, Computer Aided Processing and
Development of Data Base for Latvian Historical Texts. - Language and
Technology in Europe 2000. Seminar, Riga, 10-11 November 1994.
- A. Spektors. The Latvian Language Corpus. - Baltistica VII. International
Congress of Baltistics. Riga, 1995, pp. 105-106.
- A. Spektors. Electronic Dictionaries. - In: The Theory and Practice of Lexicography,
1977, Riga, pp. 36-40 (in Latvian).
- A. Spektors. The Latvian Language in the Internet and Resources of Computer Linguistics,
- In: The Latvian Language-Existence, Environment, Context, 1997, Riga: PBLA, pp.
46-53 (in Latvian).
- J. Borzovs, G. Fricnovics, A. Spektors. The Latvian Language and IT&T.- Baltic IT
Review, 1997, N5, pp. 24-28.
- A.Spektors. Computed-aided language learning resources for the Latvian language. - Proceedings
of Intern. conference & exhibition "Information Technologies and
Telecommunications in the Baltic States", Riga, Latvia, April 15-18, 1998, pp.234-237
- K.Levane, A.Spektors. Morphemic analysis and morphological tagging of Latvian corpus. -
Proceedings of 2nd Intern. conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Athens,
Greece, 2000, May 31 -June 2, vol.2, pp.1095-1098
- E. Milconoka, N.Gruzitis, A.Spektors. Natural language processing at the Institute of
mathematics and computer science: 10 years later. - Proceedings of the 1st
Baltic conference "Human Language Technologies - the Baltic Perspective",
Riga, 2004, pp. 6-11.
- N.Gruzitis, I.Auzina I., S.Berzina-Reinsone,
K.Levane-Petrova, E.Milconoka, G.Nespore, A.Spektors. Demonstration of resources and
applications at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, IMCS, UL. - Proceedings
of the 1st Baltic conference "Human Language Technologies - the Baltic
Perspective", Riga, 2004, pp. 38-42.
Research Projects (1997 - 2005)
- A.Spektors (Head of Latvian Part of Info-Copernicus Network Project).
Trans-European languages resources infrastructure (1995-1997).
- A.Spektors (Head of Project). Development of methodology for acquisition of linguistics
knowledge of the Latvian language. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- A.Spektors (Head of Project) Software for Latvian Speech Processing. Latvian Council
of Science (2001 - 2004).
- A.Spektors (Head of Project) Modelling of Universal Latvian Lexicon Framework. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - )
Last update 22.08.2005