Nikolajs SKUJA
Professor Nikolajs SKUJA Consultant, Centre of
P.Stradins Clinical Hospital, Medical Academy of Latvia
Pilsonu iela 13
Riga, LV 1002
Phone: +371 7 560258
E-mail: nikolajs.skuja@parks.lv
Born: October 5, 1913, Zalite, Latvia
- Internal Medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Immunology
- Main Research: Pathogenesis of Gallstone disease and chronic pancreatitis.
Languages: English, German, Latvian, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Medicine), 1936
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Medical
Academy of Latvia, 1956
- Dr.habil.med. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Institute of Experimental and
Clinical Medicine, 1976
- Lecturer, Associate Professor, Chair of Internal Medicine - Medical Academy of Latvia,
- Professor, Chair of Internal Medicine, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1968-1995
- Head, Centre of Gastroenterology and Dietology, Riga, 1968-1995
- Head, Laboratory of Gastroenterology and Dietology, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1968-1995
- Consulting Professor at P.Stradins Clinical Hospital, Medical Academy of
Latvia, 1995-1999
- Professor emeritus, Pensioner, 1999 -
Honours and Awards:
- Merited Physician of Latvia, 1968
- Latvian State Prize (in medicine), 1977
- Honorary Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990
- The Three Star Order (Republic of Latvia), 1995
- State Emeritus Scientist, 1996
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for Scientific Periodicals Materia Medica Polona
(Poland), Therapeutic Archives, Clinical Medicine (Moscow, Russia), Gastroenterology
(Dushanbe, Russia)
- Responsible for Professional Education in Latvia, ASNEMGE (Association of National
European and Mediterranean Societies of Gastroenterology) - till 1995
- Contact Person in Latvia, International Coeliac Society, till 1995
- Honorary President, Association of Gastroenterologists of Latvia
- Member, Presidium of Interregional Association of Gastroenterologists, Moscow.
Internal Medicine ( for medical students and postgraduates), Medical Academy of
Latvia, 1952-1995
Recent/Representative Publications:
8 USSR Authors Certificates, 290 publications on above-mentioned interests and
various topics of Gastroenterology.
- N.Skuja . Dyscholia and formation of gallstones as a result of allergic alterations and
dyscrinia of the gallbladder wall. - Arch. franc. malad. appar. dig., 1972, vol.
61, N 6/7, p. 14.
- N.Skuja. Chronic Diseases of the Gallducts, 1972, Leningrad:Medicina, 299 pp. (in
- N.Skuja. Die anwendung von Chlorochindiphosphat zur Rezidiv-prophylaxe bei
Pancreatitis. - VI Gastroenterologen - Kongress. Kurzreferate, Rostock, 1975, S.
- N.Skuja , I.Kirmane. Certainly autoimmune ulcerative colitis: clinical data are
supported by immunologic findings. - Hellenic J. Gastroenterology, 1992, Sept.,
Suppl., p. 169.
- Skuja N. Allergic pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis and chronic cholecystitis. -In: The
2nd United European Gastroenterology Week, Barcelona, 1993, Abstracts, p. 163.
- N.Skuja, A.Danilans, G.Geldnere. Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 1999,
Riga: Zvaigzne, 538 pp.
My present pursuits are to observe growing up my 6 grandchildren and to go in for
gardening and travelling by car.
Last update 25.10.1999