Dr. habil. ing., Professor Imants-Atis
SKRUPSKIS Head of Department of Nutrition and
Latvia University of Agriculture
Liela iela 2
Jelgava, LV 3000
Phone: +371 30 21714
Fax: +371 30 27238
E-mail: rector@cs.llu.lv
- Chilled Fruit and Vegetables
- Frozen Fruit and Vegetables
- Storage of Fruit and Vegetables
- Food Quality
- Nutrition
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian
- Latvia University of Agriculture, engineer-technologist of
food industry, 1971
- Dr.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Institute of Economics, Moscow, Russia,1980.
- Dr.habil.ing. (Food Science), Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1996.
- Technologist and Head of the Jelgava Trade Enterprise,
Latvia, 1972 - 1977
- Head of the Laboratory of Consumer Goods, University of
Latvia, 1977 - 1982
- Lecturer, Department of Consumer Goods, University of
Latvia, 1982 - 1983
- Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Extramural Post-graduate, 1973 - 1977
- Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of Food
Technology, 1983 - 1991
- Head of the Department of Nutrition and Household, 1991 -
- Professor, Faculty of Food Technology, 1996 -
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of Scientific Council, Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1990 -
- Vice-president, Professional Association of Practical
Educational Subjects, Latvia, 1994 -
- Member, Latvian Council of
Science Expert Committee for Food Science, 1997-
- Member, Latvian Society of Scientists, 1990 -
Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Physiology of Nutrition, 1996
- Basic Principles of Scientific Research, 1997
- Food Freezing, 1997
Recent/Representative Publications
- V.Kokars, I.Skrupskis. How to Preserve Fruits and
Vegetables for Winter, 1992, Riga: Zinatne, 77 pp. (in Latvian).
- I.Skrupskis. Preserving quality of fruits and vegetables,
grown in Latvia, by quick freezing. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
B, 1995, N 9/10, pp. 133-137(in Latvian).
- I.Skrupskis. Quality preservation of fruits, berries and
vegetables by freezing. - Food and Nutrition, 1996, Tallin: Tallin Technical
University, pp. 74-89.
- I.Skrupskis. Quality preservation of fruits and vegetables
grown in Latvia by quick freezing. - Food Industry Technology and Energy Applications,
Thailand, 1996, p. 4.
- I.Skrupskis, U.Iljins. Evaluation possibilities of quality
of quick frozen fruits and berries. - Proceedings of the Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1996, pp. 67-70 (in Latvian).
- I.Skrupskis, A.Aboltins. Natural losses in fruits during
chilling. - Food Chemistry and Technology, Kaunas Technologijas Universitietas, 1997,
pp. 91-93.
- I.Skrupskis, A.Aboltins. Quality preservation of fruits and
vegetables grown in Latvia by quick freezing. - Scientific Works HIFFI-Plovdiv, 1998,
vol. XLIII, Roll 1, pp. 167-173.
- A.Aboltins, J.Palabinskis, I.Skrupskis. Results of
modelling the treatment of granular agricultural produce. - Acta Horticulturae, 1998,
N 476, pp. 85-91.
- U.Iljins, I.Skrupskis, A.Abolins. Theoretical investigations of the thawing of frozen
fruits and berries. - In.: Advances in the Refrigeration Systems, Food Technologies
and Cold Chain. (Ed. K.Fikiin). Refrigeration Science and Technology Proceedings IIF/IIR
Sofia, 2000, pp. 298-302.
Research Projects:
- I.Skrupskis (Head of Project). Storage and Processing of
Agricultural Products. Latvian Council of Science (1991 - 1993).
- A.Aboltins (Head of Project), I.Skrupskis (Chief
Researcher). Automatized Storage Technology of Vegetables. Latvian Council of Science
(1997- 1999).
- A.Aboltins (Head of Project), I.Skrupskis (Chief
Researcher). Thermo-Physical Criteria of Preserving Agricultural Production. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 - ).
Last update 24.10.2001