Dr.habil.phys. LEONIDS SHEBANOVS Senior Researcher
Institute of Solid State Physics, University
of Latvia
Kengaraga iela, 8
Riga LV 1063
Phone +371 726 0896, +371 7261304
Fax +371 7132778
Born: August 11, 1949, Riga, Latvia
Dead: April 17, 2002, Latvia
- X-ray Diffractometry
- Phase Transitions in Electrically Active Materials, Ferroelectrics in Particular
- X-ray and Crystallographic Computing Software
Languages: German, English, Latvian, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics) cum laude, 1971
- Postgraduate in Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, cum laude, 1979
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR,Ph.D in Western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1980
- Dr.habil.phys., University of Latvia, 1999
- Laboratory Assistant, Engineer, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of
Latvia, 1968-1975
- Engineer, Researcher, Senior Researcher, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of
Latvia, 1975-1991
- Head of the Complex Research Laboratory, Ferroelectric Physics Department, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 1992 - 2002
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member , Latvian Union of Crystallography, 1992
- Member of Programme Commitee, The International Conference on Transparent Ferroelectric
Ceramics: Production, Properties & ApplicationsRiga, Latvia, 1991
- Member of the International Centre for Diffraction data (ICDD), 2000
X-ray Experimental Methods in Solid State Physics, 1985-1988
Recent/Represantive Publications:
- L.A.Shebanov. X-Ray Temperature Study of Crystallographic Characteristics of Barium
Titanate. Phys.St.Sol(a), 19 ,vol.65, No1, pp.321-325
- L.A.Shebanov, V.G.Osipyan,E.Zh. Freidenfeld. Ferroelecticity in Bi10Ti3W3O30.-
Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 1982, vol.71, N 1, pp. K61-K62
- L.A.Shebanov, L.V.Korzunova. Perovskite-Like Compounds with Bismuth Layer Structure:
Some New Materials and Phase Transitions.- Mat.Res.Bull.,1985, vol.20, N 7,
- L.A.Shebanov. Field induced reversible or irreversible lattice rearrangement of
transparent PLZT 9/65/35 ferroelectric ceramics.- Ferroelectrics, 1989, vol.90,
- L.Shebanov,K.Borman. On lead-scandium tantalate solid solutions with high electrocaloric
effect.- Ferroelectics, 1992, vol.127, pp.143-148
- L.Shebanov, M.Kusnetsov, A.Sternberg. Electric field induced antiferroelectic-to-
ferroelectric phase transition in lead zirkonate titanate stannnate ceramics modified with
lanthanum.- J.Appl.Phys., 1994, vol.76, N 7, pp. 4301-4304
- L.Shebanovs, A.Sternberg, W.N.Lawless, K.Borman. Isomorphous ion substitutions and
order-disorder phenomena in highly electrocaloric lead-scandium tantalate solid solutions.
- L.Shebanovs. Heterovalent ion replacement in Bi7Ti4NbO21:
Some new compounds and phase transitions.- Ferroelectrics, 1996, vol.185,
- L.A.Shebanov,K.Ya.Bormanis,B.A.Lasmane. Active element for microcryogenic devices.-
USSR Author`s Certificate No.1705263 (Nov.28,1990)
- A.Sternberg, L.Shebanovs, E.Birks,Y.Yamashita,M.Tyunina,V.Zauls. Effects of structure
ordering, structure defects and external conditions on properties of complex ferroelectric
perovskites.- Ferroelectrics, 1998, vol.217, pp.307-317.
- A.Sternberg, L.Shebanovs, E.Birks, M.Ozolinsh. Structure ordering effects in lead
containing ceramic perovskites.- J.Korean Phys.Soc.,1998,vol.32, pp.S981-S984.
- A.Sternberg, L.Shebanovs,Y.Yamashita, M.Antonova, M.Livinsh, I.Shorubalko. Structure and
properties of high piezoelectric coupling Pb(B1/2Nb1/2)O3
- PbTiO3 binary systems.- Ferroelectrics, 1999, vol.224, pp137-144.
- A.Sternberg,E.Birks,L.Shebanovs,E.Klotinsh,M.Ozolinsh,M.TyuninaV.Zauls,M.Kundzinsh.
Phase transition and properties of perovskite ferroelectric ceramics and films for certain
applications.- Ferroelectrics, 1999,v.226, pp.217-224.
- E.Birks, A.Sternbergs, L.Shebanovs. Effects of structure ordering in complex
ferroelectric perovskites.- Ferroelectrics, 1999,vol.223,pp.107-111.
- M.Antonova, L.Shebanovs, M .Livinsh, J.Y.Yamashita, A.Sternberg, I.Shorubalko, A.Spule.
Structure and properties of hot-pressed Pb(Lu1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbTiO3
binary system ceramics.- J. Electroceramics, 2000,vol.4,No1 pp.179-187.
- A.Sternberg, L. Shebanovs, J.Y.Jamashita, M.Antonova, M.Livinsh. Morphotropic ceramic
solid solutions of the Pb(B3+1/2Nb1/2)O3 -
PbTiO3 binary system. - Ferroelectrics, 2000,vol.241,pp.51 - 58.
- A.Sternberg, L.Shebanovs, M.Antonova, M.Livinsh, I.Shorubalko, and J.Y.Yamashita.
Structure and Properties of Novel Pb(B1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbTiO3
Binary Systems with High Piezoelectric Coupling In: Piezoelectric Materials: Advances in
Science, Technology and Applications (eds: C.Galssi et al.) Kluver Academic Publishers,
2000, pp. 39-48
- L.Shebanovs, A.Sternberg, V.Zauls, and A.Krumins. Some New Ceramics and Thin Films of
Pb(B3+,Nb)O3 - PbTiO3 System. - Ferroelectrics,
2002, vol. 267, pp. 271-276
- L.Shebanovs, K.Bormanis, W.N.Lawless, and A.Kalvane. Electrocaloric Effect in Some
Perovskite Ferroelectric Ceramics and Multilayer Capacitors. - Ferroelectrics,
2002, vol.273, pp. 137-142
Research Projects:
- L.Shebanovs (Head of Project). Development of Ferroelectric Ceramics with High
Electrocaloric Effect. Russia, Moscow Power Institute (1985-1987)
- L.Shebanovs (Head of Project). Electrostrictive and Piezoelectric Materials and
Composites. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996)
- L.Shebanovs (Head of Project) Electrically Active Materials with Different Topology:
Developement, Structure and Induced Effects. Latvian Council of Science (1997-
- L.Shebanovs (Head of Project). Nonequilibre Thermodynamic, Crystallographic Properties
and External Factors Induced Phase Transitions in Ferroelectrics with Different Degree of
Ordering. Latvian Council of Science (2001 ).
Other interests
- basketball and tennis playing
- music - clasic including sacral and hard rock
- lily growing - member of association "Lilium Balticum", 2000
Last update 07.04.2003