Antons RUZA
Born: July 3, 1938, Daugavpils, Latvia
- Agronomic Practice in Grain Crop Breeding
- Connection between Grain Crop Yield and its Quality
- Research on Species of Grain Crops
- Quantitative Genetic and Seed Science
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Agriculture) cum laude, 1969
- Post-graduate (Crop Production), Latvia University of Agriculture, 1970-1972
- Dr.agr. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), Latvia University of Agriculture, 1975
- Dr.habil.agr., Latvia University of Agriculture, 1996
Head of Department, Jelgava State Variety Testing Centre, 1967-1970
Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Assistant, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Department of Crop Production, 1972-1996
- Vice-Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, 1980-1989
- Head of Department of Crop Production, 1993-
- Professor, Department of Crop Production, 1996-
Honours and Awards
- Sejejs-96 Prize (Agricultural Sciences), awarded a medal and diploma,
Latvia, 1996
- Ernests Sovers Prize (popular science), Society of Agronomy, Latvia, 1996
- Gold Medal For Diligence, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia,
- The Three Stars Order (IV category), Republic of Latvia, 1998
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Chairman, LR Council of National Plant Variety
- Head, LR Council of National Plant Sort Expert Committee for Grain and Pulse Crops
- Chairman, National State Council of Plant Sorts, 1992
- Leader, Latvia State Council of Plant Sorts Expert Committee for Cereal and Legume
Crops, 1992-
- Member, International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), 1997
- Member of Convent, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1994
- Member of Senate, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1998
- Chairman, Latvian Council of Science Expert Commission for Agricultural Sciences, 1999 -
- Member, Scientific Conference of Baltic States Agricultural Universities Organising
- Editor, Problems of Field Crop Husbandry and Soil Management in the Baltic States
- Member, Latvian Society of Agronomy
- Member, Latvian University Professors Association
- Member, Latvian Seed Breeders Association
Latvia University of Agriculture:
- Crop Production
- Quantitative Genetics and Seed Science.
Recent/Representative Publications
- A.Ruza. Principles of Agronomy. Riga : Zvaigzne ABC, 1994, pp.109-122 (in Latvian)
- A.Ruza. Possibilities of providing qualitative properties in high yielding wheat
sowings. - Proceedings of Baltic-American Cereal Production Symposium, Vecauce,
Latvia, June 19-21, 1995, pp.35-36
- A.Ruza, Kreita D. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer in winter wheat yield and quality. - In:
Crop Problems of field husbandry and soil management in Baltic States,
Tartu, Estonia, 1995, N 182, pp.104-108
- A.Ruza. Agroecological substantiation of wheat and barley yields and yield quality.
Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 1996, 75p. (in Latvian, summary in English and
- A.Ruza. Seed production conditions and facilities for utilizing agroecology potential in
Latvia. - Proceedings of Scientific Conference, Jelgava, Latvia, 1996, pp.101-103
(in Latvian)
- A.Ruza. Problems of field crop husbandry and soil management in Baltic States. - Proceedings
of Cereal Yield Forming Components conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, 1997, pp.203 - 212
(in Russian)
- A.Ruza. Connection between productivity and grains quality in wheat. - Proceedings of
scientific conference, Jelgava, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1997, pp.97 - 99 (in
- A.Ruza. The quality of food grain / Gluten content in grains, factors affecting it. -
Latvian Agricultural Advisory and Education Support Centre, 1998, 28p. (in Latvian)
- A.Ruza, I.Karele. Chlorophyll content dynamics in winter wheat. - Proceedings of
international scientific conference of Agricultural universities of Baltic states,
Jelgava, 8-10 July, 1999, LUA Institute of Soil Management, pp.229-239.
- A.Ruza. Phytrometic indices of yield formation in barley. - Proceedings of
International Scientific Conference of Agricultural Universities of Baltic States,
Jelgava, 8-10 July, 1999, LUA Institute of Soil Management, pp.240-249.
- A.Ruza. Prerequisites for the development of grain- farming. - In: Scientific
Principles of Latvian Agriculture (Scientific monograph), LUA, 1999, pp.5.9-5.12 (in
- A.Ruza. Prerequisites for scientifically substantiated production of plant output. - In:
Scientific Principles of Latvian Agriculture (Scientific monograph), LUA, 1999,
pp.7.44-7.63 (in Latvian).
- A.Ruza. Purposeful technological and organising management of grain quality. - In: Scientific
Principles of Latvian Agriculture (Scientific monograph), LUA, 1999, pp.11.20-11.29
(in Latvian).
- A.Ruza. A.Linina. Changes of graion seed Pathogens during lasting storage under diverse
conditions . - Proc. Internat. Seed Health Conf. PTFit. - IHAR 2000, Poland,
Radzikow, 2000. p. 52.
Research Projects
- A.Ruza (Head of Project). Optimization of Decisive Factors of Field Crop Productivity in
Latvia Agroecological Conditions. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- A.Ruza (Head of Project). Optimization of the Formation of Yield and its Quality of the
Main Field Crops under Special Production Conditions. Latvian Council of Science
- A.Ruza (Head of Project). Elaboration of Field Crop Yield and Quality Purposeful
Management Patterns Under Latvia's Agroecological Conditions. Latvian Council of
Science (2001 - 2004).
- A.Ruza (Head of Project). Justification of Rational Use of Agro-Ecological Factors for
Growing Field Crops. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
- A.Ruza (Head of Part of Project). Ecologically Safe and High-Quality Agricultural
Foodstuffs. Quality Criteria and Competitiveness. Program VNPP 04-2 (1997-1999).
- A.Ruza (Head of Project). Maintenance, Renovation and Improvement of Cultivated Plant
Gene Pool. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia (1998-1999).
- A.Ruza (Head of Project). Investigation of Seeds Qualitative Traits and Improvement of
Normative Standards in Seed Breeding. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of
Latvia (1997).
- A.Ruza (Head of Project). Demonstration Trials in Spring Wheat. Latvian Agricultural
Advisory Centre (1998).
- A.Ruza (Head of Project). The Work in Preparing Provisions for Regulating Normative -
Technical Standards for Latvia Cereal Market According to EU Standards. Ministry of
Education and Research of the Republic of Latvia (1999).
- A.Ruza (Head of Project). Reference Book in Plant Breeding. Ministry of Agriculture
of the Republic of Latvia (1999).
Last update 26.04.2000