Maija Ruklisha
Professor Maija Ruklisha Senior Researcher
Head of Laboratory of Metabolism Control of Producers
Institute of Microbiology & Biotechnology, University of Latvia
Kronvalda bulv. 4
Riga, LV 1586
Phone: +371 7034866
Fax: +371 7034866
E-mail: coryne@lanet.lv |
- Physiology and Biochemistry of Corynebacteria
- Lysine and Valine Biosynthesis
- Glucose Transport
- Product Export
- Intracellular Metabolite Flux Control
- Stringent and Growth Control Mechanisms
- Central Metabolism Control in Corynebacteria
- Bacterial Stress Responses
Brief Description of Main Research:
General principles of metabolism and product (lysine, valine) synthesis control in Corynebacterium
glutamicum were investigated. The aim of these studies was the development of
theoretical principles enabling to maintain high microbial process productivity and
comparatively low production cost of amino acids. It was estimated that the essential
parameter to increase the productivity of the technological process of amino acid
synthesis was the increase of product yield from C-substrates. Metabolite flux control in
bacterial cells (the activity of substrate uptake, central metabolic pathway functioning
and product export) was established as the most significant method for the increase of
product experimental yield from C-substrates (Ruklisha et al., 1992, 1993, 2000, 2001,
Paegle & Ruklisha, 2003).
Principles of metabolite flux control depending on the rate of energy generation and
utilization in the cells, switching on or off the stringent control mechanism and others
were investigated and applied to improve lysine and valine biosynthesis by C.
glutamicum cells.
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology) cum laude, 1966
- Dr. biol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, Riga, 1974
- Dr. habil. biol., A.Kirchensteins Institute of Microbiology, Riga, Latvia, 1993
- University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Individual Mobility Grant
from TEMPUS Phare, 1997: Lecture course development in: Physiology and
Biochemistry of Bacterial Cells: Global Regulatory Phenomena, their Application to
Increase Product Microbial Synthesis (Lecture course for Mc. students)
- Biochemist, Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia, 1966-1967
- Chemist, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1967-1969
- Ph.D. student, A.Kirchensteins Institute of Microbiology, 1969-1972
- Junior Researcher, Institute of Microbiology, 1972-1975
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Microbiology, 1975-1995
- Professor, Head of Laboratory of Metabolism Control of Producers, Institute of
Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia, 1995 -
- Lecturer, Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia, 1994 -1999
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Council of Habilitation and Promotion (Microbiology), A.Kirchensteins Institute
of Microbiology, 1994-1997
- Member, Council of Habilitation and Promotion (Microbiology, Biotechnology and Molecular
Biology), University of Latvia, 1997 -
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
Microbiology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, and Virology, 1995-2000
- Member, Union of Latvian Biochemists, 1975-1991
- Member, Union of Latvian Microbiologists, 1995 -
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1995 -
- Member, Association of Latvian Scientists, 1996 -
- Member, Section of Microorganism Physiology, European Federation of Biotechnology
(Brussels), 1998 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- The (LAS) Presidium First Award, 1976 and 1988
- The LAS und joint stock company " Aldaris" Prize, 2002
Biochemical Responses of Brevibacterium flavum to Substrate Concentrations and
Medium Mixing Intensity. Invited lecture, 11th International Congress of Chemical
Engineering, Prague, September, 1993.
University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology) -
- Product Synthesis Control in Bacteria, 1994-1995
- Industrial Microbiology, 1995 -
Recent/ Representative Publications
151 scientific publications (1 monograph, 52 articles in
internationally reviewed journals) and 13 patents
- Ruklisha M., Shvinka J., Viesturs U. Biotechnology of Bacterial Synthesis, 1992, Riga:Zinatne,
358 pp. (in Russ.); Annex, 1993, 117 pp. (in English).
- Beker M., Mezhina G., Ruklisha M., Viesturs U., Selga S., Alexandrova M.,
Apsite A., Savenkov V. Correlation between aeration and physiological activity of the
producer of extracellular L-Lysine. - Biotechnol. Bioeng., 1973, 4, pp. 233-239.
- Beker M., Mezhina G., Ruklisha M., Ose V., Apsite A., Viesturs U.
Morphologische und physiologische untersuchungen des L-lysin-produzenten Brevibacterium
sp. 22L unter den bedingungen der kontinuierlichen kultivierung. Zeitschrift fur
Allg.Mikrobiologie 1976, 16, 7, pp.497 506 (In German).
- Ruklisha M., Marauska D., Viesturs U. Regulation of enzymes involved in
metabolism of glucose and acetic acid in lysine producing bacterium Brevibacterium
flavum. - Microbiology, 1978, 47, 6, pp. 992-996 (in Russ. or in Engl.
version of journal).
- Ruklisha M., Sakse A., Selga S., Shvinka J., Toma M., Viesturs U. Yield
characteristics of L-lysine producing bacteria in continuous culture related to glucose
and oxygen metabolism. - In: Continuous Cultivation of Microorganisms, Prague,
1980, pp. 711-716.
- Shvinka J., Viesturs U., Ruklisha M. Yield regulation of lysine
biosynthesis in Brevibacterium flavum. - Biotechnol. Bioeng., 1980, 22, pp.
- Ruklisha M., Shvinka J., Marauska D., Toma M., Galinina N. Coordination
of energetic and carbon metabolism in lysine producing Brevibacterium strains. Biotechnol.
Letters, 1981, 3, 9, pp. 465-470.
- Shvinka J.E., Viesturs U.E., Ruklisha M.P., Baburin L.A., Galinina N.J.
Energetic and carbon metabolism regulation in lysine producing Brevibacterium flavum
strains. - Acta Biotechnol., 1981, 1, 4, pp. 371-375.
- Marauska D., Ruklisha M., Galynina N. Energy-dependent glucose transport
in Brevibacterium flavum cells. - Microbiology, 1981, 50, 5, pp.763-768 (in
Russ. or in Engl. version of the journal).
- Leite M.P., Ruklisha M.P., Viesturs U.E., Shvinka J.E. Regulation of
lysine biosynthesis in Brevibacterium flavum. - Acta Biotechnol., 1982, 2,
1, pp. 79-85.
- Shmite I.A., Eglajs V.O., Ruklisha M.P., Viesturs U.E. Biosynthesis of
polyribonucleotides phosphorylase and polyribonucleotides by E.coli. - Acta Biotechnol.,
1982, 2, 4, pp. 359-369.
- Ruklisha M., Marauska D., Labane L. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and
its operation in lysine producing bacterium Brevibacterium flavum. - Microbiology,
1982, 51, 1, pp.17-20 (in Russ. or in Engl. version of journal).
- Ruklisha M., Labane L., Viesturs U., Shvinka J., Shmite I., Lacars A.
Coordination between changes in the activity of glucose transport and metabolism in Brevibacterium
flavum. Mikrobiologija, 1983, 52, 5, pp.739 743 (in Russ.).
- Toma M., Shvinka J., Ruklisha M., Sakse A., Baburins L. Cyanide resistant
oxygen consumption by lysine-synthesizing bacteria Brevibacterium flavum 22 LD. - Applied
Biochem. Microbiol., 1984, 20, 1, pp.95-99 (in Russ. or in Engl. version of
the journal).
- Baburin L.A., Shvinka J.E., Ruklisha M.P., Viesturs U.E. Gas balance
method for testing of microbial growth efficiency after carbon substrate pulses. - Acta
Biotechnol., 1986, 6, 2, pp. 123-128.
- Ruklisha M., Duntse M., Levane V., Kalninya R. The functioning of the
tricarboxylic acid cycle in Brevibacterium flavum and Micrococcus glutamicus.
- Microbiology, 1987, 56, 5, pp.759-763 (in Russ. or in Engl. version of the
- Ruklisha M. Kinetic characteristics of glucose transport in
Brevibacterium flavum. - Microbiology, 1987, 56, 1, pp. 21-26 (in Russ. or
in Engl. version of the journal).
- Viesturs U., Dubrovskis V., Sakse A., Ruklisha M. Biogas production from
the wastes of L-lysine industrial production. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., 1987,
8(481), pp. 102-105 (in Russ.).
- Ruklisha M. Kinetic characteristics of glucose transport in
Brevibacterium flavum. - Microbiology, 1987, 56, 1, pp. 21-26 (in Russ. or
in Engl. version of the journal).
- Viesturs U., Dubrovskis V., Sakse A., Ruklisha M. Biogas production from
the wastes of L-lysine industrial production. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., 1987,
8(481), pp. 102-105 (in Russ.)
- Are R., Beker M., Duntse M., Ruklisha M., Shvinka J., Krikis V.
Continuous cultivation of L-lysine producing bacteria: Biochemical and physiological
aspects. - In: Continuous Culture, London, Acad. Press., 1988, pp. 119-126.
- Ruklisha M., Viesturs U., Jalinska A., Reinholde D. Application of the
principles of functioning of glucose transport and catabolism for the control of lysine
biosynthesis by Brevibacterium flavum. Proc.Latv.Acad.Sci. 1988,
12(497), pp. 94 97.
- Ruklisha M.P., Vanags J.J., Rikmanis M.A., Toma M.K., Viesturs U.E.
Biochemical reactions of Brevibacterium flavum depending on medium stirring
intensity and flow structure. - Acta Biotechnol., 1989, 9, 6, pp. 565-575.
- Viesturs U., Ruklisha M., Krikis V., Duntse M., Shvinka J. Microbial
synthesis of L-lysine: problems, bioenergetics, biochemistry, technology, equipment. - In:
" Interbiotech '89, Mathematical Modelling in Biotechnology",
Eds. Blazej A. and Ottova A., Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo, Elsevier, 1990, 6,
pp. 325-336.
- Toma M., Ruklisha M., Vanags J. et al. Inhibition of microbial growth and
metabolism by excess turbulence. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 1991, vol. 38, pp.
- Ruklisha M., Damberga B., Shvinka J. Stringent control and ppGpp
synthesis in Brevibacterium flavum during amino acid starvation. - Proceed.
Latv. Acad. Sci.(B), 1993, N 12 (557), pp. 57-70.
- Ruklisha M., Viesturs U., Labane L. Growth Control and ppGpp Synthesis in Brevibacterium
flavum Cells at Various Medium Mixing Rates and Aeration Intensities. - Acta
Biotechnol.,1995, vol. 15, N 1, pp. 41-48.
- Ruklisha M., Viesturs U. Some Biochemical Responses of Brevibacterium flavum to
Substrate Concentrations and Medium Mixing Intensity. - Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering Quarterly, 1996, vol. 10, N1, pp. 1-7.
- M. Ruklisha, U.Viesturs, R.Ionina. Microbial Responses at Different Substrate
Concentrations and Mixing Intensities in Bioreactors. -In: Bioprocess Systems'97,
Sofia, Bulgaria, 1997, pp. 1.12-1.24.
- M. Ruklisha , R. Ionina. L-lysine Experimental Yields
by Corynebacterium glutamicum on Carbon Substrates. - 12-th Forum
for Applied Biotechnology, Gent, Belgium, vol. 1, 1998, pp. 1341-1344.
- M.Ruklisha , R.Ionina , M.Bekers , M.Vikmane. Applications
of Lysine Concentrate Form to Increase Soil Fertility and Plant Growth. - 12-th Forum
for Applied Biotechnol. Gent, Belgium, vol.1, 1998, pp. 1935-1938.
- M.Ruklisha, R.Ionina. Effect of Changes in the Cellular
Energy State on Glucose Transport Activity in Brevibacterium flavum. - Process
Biochemistry, 2000, vol. 35, pp.841-848.
- M.Ruklisha, R.Ionina, L.Paegle, G.Petrovica. Metabolism and
lysine biosynthesis control in Brevibacterium flavum: Impact of stringent
response. - In: Applied Microbiology (Eds. DurieuxA. and Simon J.-P.), Kluwer
Acad. Publ., 2001, vol.2, pp. 51-57.
- Ruklisha M., Paegle L. Metabolic fluxes and L-lysine synthesis by Corynebacterium
glutamicum in relation to cellular total reducing activity. - Process Biochem.,
2001, vol. 36, pp. 1233-1240.
- Paegle L., Ruklisha M. Lysine synthesis control in Corynebacterium
glutamicum RC 115 in mixed substrate (glucose-acetate) media.- J.
Biotechnol. 2003, vol. 104, 1-3, pp.123-128.
- Paegle L., Denina I., Ruklisha M. Yield regulation of L-valine
synthesis by Corynebacterium glutamicum. - Abstr.5th Eur.
Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science, 2004, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 344-345.
- I.Denina, L.Paegle, M.Ruklisha. The effect of stringent control on valine
biosynthesis by Corynebacterium glutamicum. - Acta Universitatis Latviensis, 2005,
vol. 692, Biology, pp. 83-91.
Participation in International Congresses and Conferences
33 European and International congresses and conferences.
* Years 2000-2003:
- Ruklisha M., Paegle L., Ionina R. Metabolic fluxes and lysine synthesis by Corynebacterium
glutamicum as a consequence of changes in cells total reducing activity. Abstracts
of the World Congress on Biotechnology Biotechnology 2000, Berlin, Germany,
2000, vol.2, p.242.
Ruklisha M., Shvinka J., Toma M., Galinina N. Electron transfer in Brevibacterium
flavum: Effect of balance between catabolic and anabolic reactions in bacterial cells.
Abstracts of the FEMS Symposium The physiology, regulation and
biochemistry and electron transfer in microbial catabolism, Terschelling, The
Nertherlands, 2001, p. 18.
- Ruklisha M., Paegle L., Denina I. Metabolite flux balancing to increase lysine yield
from C-substrates by Brevibacterium flavum RC 115. - Abstracts of the conference
Metabolic Engineering IV, United Eng.Foundation, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy,
2002, Poster session 1, No. 35.
- Ruklisha M., Paegle L., Denina I. The effect of changes in cellular physiology on
L-valine biosynthesis in Corynebacterium glutamicum. - Abstracts of the 11-th European
Congress on Biotechnology, Basel, Switzerland, 2003, p. 274.
- Ionina R., Ruklisha M., Lindley N. The changes of carbon flux during phosphate
starvation of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Abstracts of the report at the
plenary session of the 1-st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists, 2003, Ljubljana,
International Collaboration
- Collaboration in the frame of the Agreement between Academies of Sciences of France and
Latvia on Global Regulatory Phenomena in Corynebacteria(Dr. Lindley N.,
Department of Genetics, Biochemistry and Foodstuff of the National Inst.of of Applied
Sciences, Toulouse (France) (Ruklisha, 1999);
- Collaboration in the frame of Marie Curie Fellowship on Modified carbon flux
during phosphate starvation of Corynebacterium glutamicum (ibid. Ionina, 2001-2002);
- Collaboration in the frame of the Agreement between Academies of Sciences of the Czech
Republic and Latvia on: Construction of the genetically modified L-valine
producing C. glutamicum strains (Dr. Patek M., Institute of Microbiology of Prague,
The Czech Republic) (Ruklisha, May 2002; Ruklisha et al., June 2003);
- Collaboration in the frame of EF 5 project VALPAN (2001-2004): * with
scientific institutes: University of Bielefeld (Germany); Institute of Microbiology of
Prague (The Czech Republic); Institute of Genetic and Microbiology, University of
Paris-Sud, Orsay (France); Institute of Biotechnology, Juelich Research Centre (Germany);
Chem. Eng. Sci. Lab. UPR CNRS, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France), Department of Applied
Microbiology University of Ulm (Germany); Department of Genetics, Biochemistry and
Foodstuff of the National Inst.of of Applied Sciences, Toulouse (France); Institute of
Biochemistry, University of Cologne (Germany), Department of Microbiology, University of
Leon (Spain); Centre for Bioprocess Engineering School of Chemical Engineering, University
of Birmingham (UK);
- ** with an industrial partner: Degussa Huels AG, Halle (Germany).
Research Projects supported by the Latvian Council of Science:
- Ruklisha M. (Head of project) Stringent Control in Corynebacteria (1991-1993)
- Ruklisha M. (Head of project) Molecular Mechanisms of Growth Control in Corynebacterium
glutamicum (1994-1996)
- Ruklisha M. (Head of project) Substrate Transport and Product Export Systems in Corynebacteria.
Biochemical Aspects of Their Control (1997-2000)
- Ruklisha M. (Head of project) Regulatory Phenomena of the Central Metabolism in
Valine and Lysine Producing C. glutamicum Strains (2001-2003)
- Ruklisha M. (Head of project). Control of the Intracellular Precursor
Availability and Amino Acid (Valine and Lysine) Overproduction in Genetically Modified Corynebacterium
glutamicum Strains (2004- )
Research Projects supported by the European Union:
- Ruklisha M. (Head of the Latvian part of project (Partner 11): Construction
of Corynebacterium glutamicum Strains Producing either L-Valine or D-Pantothenic
Acid - a Rational Approach Using Genome Research (VALPAN)
(EF 5 program "Quality of Life", European Commission, contract
No.QLK3C2000-00497, years 2001 2003)
Other Research Projects (Agreements):
- Ruklisha M. (Head of project). Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of
L-Lysine Producing Strains of Brevibacterium flavum (years 1992-1993, Delft,
The Netherlands)
- M.Ruklisha (Head of project). Lysine Producing Strains of Corynebacterium
group (year 1995, Johannesburg, The Republic of South Africa)
Participation in License Affairs
On Lysine producing strains and technologies (With Hungary, 1995,
Yugoslavia, 1998; Finland, 1993)
Last update 12.09.2007