Professor Karlis ROCENS
Institute of Structural Engineering and Reconstruction
Riga Technical University
Kalku iela 1
Riga, LV-1658
Latvia Phone: +371 708 9284, +371 7089184
Fax: +371 7089121
E-mail: rocensk@latnet.lv |
Born: March 3, 1939, Riga, Latvia
- Structural Engineering
- Technological Mechanics of Composite Building Materials
- Wood and Wood Materials Science and Technology
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Civil Engineering), 1963
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Lvov
Polytechnical Institute, Ukraine, 1967
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of science in former USSR), Moscow State University of Civil
Engineering, Russia, 1980
- Junior Researcher and Senior Engineer, Head of Group, Institute of Polymer Mechanics,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1963-1967
- Senior Researcher, Department of Materials Mechanics, Latvia University of Agriculture,
- Senior Researcher and Scientific Secretary, Institute of Wood Chemistry, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1968-1972
- Head of the Laboratory of Modification of Wood at the Institute of Wood Chemistry,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1972-1985
- Professor, Head of the Department of Structural Engineering, Riga Technical University, 1985- 1999, 2004-
- Director of the Institute of Structural Engineering and Reconstruction, 1993- 2004,
- Professor, Head of the Group of Design of Structures, Riga Technical University, 1999 -
- Chairman of the Expert Commission, Latvian Building Materials Sertification Centre, 1999
- 2002
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1995-1997
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997 -
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1972 and 1980
- Fridrih Canders name prize , 2007.
Professional Activities and Memberships
- President, Latvian Materials Research Society, 1994-2003
- Editor: Designing and Optimization of Structures of Buildings, Riga Polytechnical
Institute (in Russian), 1988-1991
- Expert on wood and wood materials and structures at the Moscow State Forest University,
- Member, Scientific Committee of the International conference on Modern Building
Materials, Structures and Techniques (1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2007 )
- Member, Local organizing committee of the International Conferences on Mechanics of
Composite Materials, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006
- Member, Executive Committee of the Association of Baltic Materials Societies
- Member, Regional Coordinating Council of Wood Science at the Moscow State Forest
University, 1990-
- Member, Council of the European Ceramic Society (1995-1997)
- Member, Council of the Latvian Civil Engineers Society, 1990-1994
- Member, Latvian National Committee for Mechanics, 1992-
- Member of Editorial Board for journal Civil Engineering and Management
("Statyba", Lithuania (www.jcem.vgtu.lt ),
1999 -
- Member, COST Technical Committee (Urban Civil Engineering) of European Commission, 1999
- Regulation variants of properties of wood. USSR Conference on Theoretical Aspects of
Modification of Wood, Riga, April 26, 1983
- Modern approach to the improvement of wood technical properties. USSR Conference on
Problems of Complex Use of Wooden Materials. Riga, October 11, 1984
- Ideological principles of numerous structural constructive kinds of the vegetable
kingdom. Wood behaviour in the process of its structural modification. To the group of
scientific staff from Chinese Academy of Forestry. Riga, Autumn 1990
Riga Technical University
- Structural Engineering. , 1995-
- Design of Timber and Composite Materials Structures, 1982-
- Design of Timber and Wood Materials Structures, 1996-
Recent/Representative Publications
- A.Skudra, F.Bulavs, K.Rocens. Kriechen und Zeitstandverhalten Verstärkter Plaste, 1975,
Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag für Grundstaff-industrie, 215 S.
- K.Rocens. Grundlagen von Berechnungen an Armierten Lagen-holzwerkstoffen.-
Holztechnologie, 1975, Bd.16, H2, S.112-116
- K.Rocens. Rheological Features of Wood Plasticized with Ammonia. - J.
Appl.Polym.Sci., Appl.Polym.Symp., 1976, 28, pp.1109-1116
- K.Rocens, K.Steiners. Estimation of the Compliance and Stiffness of Unbalanced
Monoclinic Composites.- Polymer Mechanics. 1976, 6, Riga: Zinatne, pp.1030-1035 (in
- K.Rocens, P.Sabulis. Relationships of Deformation of Short Fibre Reinforced Concrete
with Due Regard for Modification of Rheological Coefficients.-Technological Mechanics
of Concrete, 1977, 2, RPI, pp.14-28 (in Russian)
- K.Rocens, K.Steiners. Provisional Relationships of the Compliances of Polycomponent
Layered Composite.- Polymer Mechanics, 1978, 6, Riga: Zinatne, pp.1020-1026 (in
- K.Rocens. Technological Regulation of the Properties of Wood. 1979, Riga: Zinatne,
224 pp. (in Russian)
- K.Rocens, A.Berzonis, J.Gulbis. Peculiar Properties of Modified Wood, 1983, Riga:
Zinatne, 207 pp. (in Russian)
- K.Rocens. Macrostructure Theory of Modification of Wood Properties.-J.Appl.Polym.Sci.,
Appl.Polym.Symp., 1983, 37, pp.923-941
- A.Berzonis, P.Videnieks, K.Rocens (et.al.). Mounting Plates Made of Wooden Pressed Mass,
1987, Riga: Zinatne, 124 pp. (in Russian)
- J.Brauns, K.Rocens. Applied Model of Composite with Incomplete Bonding and Finite Length
of Reinforcing Elements. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1991, 27(5). pp.
567-573, (New York: Plenum Publ.Co).
- J.Brauns, K.Rocens. Analysis of the Effect of Stress State of Structural Elements on the
Viscoelastic Properties of a Composite. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1993,
vol. 29(1), pp.20-26 (New York: Plenum Publ.Co).
- J.Brauns, K.Rocens. Nonlinear Moisture Deformation of a Composite with a Densified
Reinforcement. Mechanics of Composite Materials. 1994, 30(3), pp.222-226 (New York:
Plenum Publ.Co).
- K.Rocens, L.Pakrastins, J.Brauns. Warping of Composite materals.- Proceedings of the
Int.conf. "Strength, Durability and Stability of Materials and Structures",
1996, Kaunas, Lithuania, pp. 248-252.
- I.Brauns, K.Rocens. Hydromechanical behaviour of wooden composites. - Wood
Sci.&Technol., 1997, vol. 31, pp. 193-204 (Springer Verlag).
- I.Brauns, K.Rocens. Performance and optimum design of the inner steel liner of a
thermobattery. - J. Constructional Steel Research, 1999, vol. 49, pp. 181-188
- D.Serdjuks, K.Rocens, L.Pakrastinsh. rational geometrical characters of saddle shape
cable roof supported by tensioned cables. - Proc. 6th Int. Conf. "Modern
Building Materials, Structures and Techniques", Vilnius, 1999, vol.II, pp.
- D.Serdjuks, K.Rocens, L.Pakrastinsh. Utilization of composite materials in saddle shape
cable roof. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2000, vol. 36, N 5, pp. 637-644
(in Russian).
- J.Brauns, K.Rocens. The effect of reinforcement on properties of porous materials.
Proceedings of 2nd BIOPT Conference on Poromechanics, Grenoble,
France, 26-28 August, 2002. POROMECHANICS II, A.A.Balkema Publ., pp.135-140.
- D.Serdjuks, K.Rocens. Rational shape of square in plan saddle shape cable roof.. - Proc.
10th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Metal Structures,
Gdansk, Poland, 2001, vol.2, pp. 301-307.
- J.Brauns, K.Rocens. Design of hymidity sensitive wooden materials for multi-objective
applications. In: Wood Science and Technology, 2005, Springer-Verlag,
vol.38, pp.311-321.
- J.Brauns, K.Rocens. The effect of material strength on the behaviour of concrete-filled
steel elements. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2004, vol.X, No
3, pp.177-182.
- L.Pakrastinsh, K.Rocens. Cable material consumption depending on the geometrical
parameters of hierarchic roof. Proceedings of the final conference of COST Action C12.
Insbruck. 2005 185-192.
- J.Brauns, K.Rocens. Reinforced Materials: Elastic Properties and Strength Prediction. Encyclopedia
of Materials: Science and technology. (2005) pp.1-9.
- L.Pakrastinsh, K.Rocens, D.Serdjuks. Deformability of hierarchic cable roof. Journal
of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 62, Issue 12, December 2006. Elsevier, Oxford,
p.1295 1301.
Research Projects
- K.Rocens (Head of Project). Development of Scientific Basis for Rational Utilization of
Wooden Staff in Formation of Constructional Materials. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996)
- K.Rocens (Head of RTU Part of Project). Research Program of national importance.
Investigation, Technology and Rational Use of Composite Materials in Engineering
Structures. Latvian Council of Science. 1997- 2001.
- K.Rocens (one of the executors of the Project). Research Program of national importance.
Perfection of Security, Durability and Protection of the Materials and Structures. Latvian
Council of Science, 1997-2001.
- K.Rocens (managing executors of two subprograms) Materials for Latvian national economy:
development of technologies, investigation of qualities, designing, drafting of rational
utilization of basic principles, 2002-2005.
- K.Rocens (managing executors of the section) COST Action C12. Improvement of Buildings
Structural Quality by New Technologies. 2000 - 2004.
- K.Rocens head of two subprograms sections in the project of interdepartment research.
Innovative structurally integrate composite materials: design, technologies of acquisition
and processing, sustainability. 2006-
- K.Rocens (managing executor of the section) COST Action C25. Sustainability of
Constructions: Integrated Approach to Life Time Structural Engineering. 2006 -2010.
Hobbies: Bee-keeping, Landscape formation, Tree growing
Last update 19.10.2010