Born: December 1, 1949, Ventspils, Latvia
- EU Agricultural Policy
- Rural Development
- Marketing
- EU Higher Education System and its Evaluation
Languages: Latvian, Russian and English.
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Economics), Cum laude, 1973
- Dr.oec. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Latvia University of Agriculture,1977
- Dr.habil.oec. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvia University of Agriculture,1990
Latvia University of Agriculture, Professor (elected 1992.,1998.,
2004., 2010.).
Member of the Latvia Parliament (2006-2010)
Latvia Parliament Budget and Finance Commission (Vice-Chair)
Ministry of Education and Science, minister (2006-2007)
Council of Higher education, chairwoman (1996-2006)
LLU EF Department of Economics, head of department (2000-2002)
LLU Faculty of Economics, dean (2002-2006)
Honours and Awards
- Latvia Academy Prize of Karlis Ulmanis for achievements in research (2010);
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1995
- Corresponding Member, Russia Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1991
- Full Member, Latvia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, 1992
- Corresponding Member, the Academy dei Georgofili, Italy
- Foreign Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, 2006
- The Three Star Order, Republic of Latvia, 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships
- President of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of Latvia since 2000;
- Full member of the Academy of Sciences of Latvia, member of Senatus since 2000;
- Chairwoman of Latvian university professor association since 2011;
- Member of The Main Directions of Research in Economics, Law and Historical Sciences by
the Latvian Council of Science till 2006, and repeatedly since 2011, chair person from
- Member of the Commision of Strategic Analysis, chancery of the State President,
- Member of the Board of Association of Nordic agricultural scientists sectors of the
economy since 2005;
- Member of the Board of Association of European Agricultural and Forest Sciences since
2004, president (2008-2010)
- Councillor of the European Commission in the framework 5. priorities "Food quality
and safety" (2004-2006)
- Member of Regional Scientific Committee for Europe and North America in the UNESCO Forum
on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge (2004-2009)
- Member of the Board of University of Estonia Life sciences research papers inventory
editorial team since 2006
- Member of Scientific Committee for Europe and North America in the UNESCO Forum on
Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, 2003
- Member of European Commission Sub-Committee for Higher Education
- Member of committee on States language development projects evaluation, 2003
- Member of work group on conception output for development of regional higher education
institutions, 2003
- Chairperson, Latvia Higher Education Council, 1996-
- Member, Higher Education and Research Committee, Council of Europe, 1997
- Member, Senate of Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1995 -
- Member of the Board of the Latvia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, 1995- ;
President, 1999 -
- Chairperson of Council for Promotion and Habilitation in Economics Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1992 -
- Chairperson of the Doctoral degree defense committee in Economics
- Member of the Advisory Group in the 6th EU Framework Program for Research (FP6)
- Member of National innovation program Managerial council, 2003
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 1996 -
- Vice-Chair, Euro Faculty Steering Committee (Riga, Latvia), 1997 -
- Editorial Advisory Board for Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences , 1996 -
- Head of the team in European Society for Rural Sociology, 1990
- Member, Senate of Latvia University of Agriculture, 1994 -
- Editorial Advisory Board for Proceedings of Latvia University of Agriculture ,
1996 -
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference "Stimulation,
Gaming, Training and Business Process Reengineering in Operations, Riga, 1996
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference "Economical
Education in the Period of Transformation"
- Member of LAISA (Latvia Association of University Women)
- Chairperson of the Faculty of Economics Council, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1992
- Chairperson of the Tempus International Seminar programme committee, 1992, 1993, 1994,
1995 (Latvian, Irish, Danish, Polish, Swedish, German, Estonian, Lithuanian colleagues)
- EU Expert-Evaluateur (Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities), European Commission
- EU Expert- Evaluateur, PHARE Academic Programms
Latvia University of Agriculture:
- Regional Economics
- Marketing
- Rural Development
Supervisor of doctoral thesis
Doctors degrees (Dr.oec.) 10
- M. Lescevica (2004)
- A. Slara (2005)
- H. Jirgena (2009)
- E. Konstantinova (2009)
- I. Stokmane, I. Baraskina, L. Medne, D. Viksne (2010)
- L. Medne, S.Cingule Vinogradova, G. Grinberga Zalite, A. Liscova (2011)
Major scientific publications:
- Riva, S., Riva, P., Pilvere, I., Riva, B. Dynamic
model of the farm producing biogas from agriculture biomass. WMSCI 2012 - The 16th
World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings 1 , 2012,
pp. 81-84, indexed in the data-base SCOPUS.
B., Rivza,
S., Rivza,
P. Risk
assessment in renewable energy production from agriculture biomass in Latvia. Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences 66
(1-2) , 2012, pp. 54-58, indexed in the data-base SCOPUS.
L., Rivza, P., Konstantinova, E. Coastal
spatial planning problems in Latvia. Journal
of Coastal Research (SPEC. ISSUE 64) , 2011, pp. 1224-1227, , indexed in
the data-base SCOPUS.
S., Pilvere,
I., Rivza,
P., Rivza,
B. 2011, Conceptual
models of risk assessment in renewable energy production in Latvia WMSCI 2011 - The
15th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings 1, 2011,
pp. 118-122, , indexed in the data-base SCOPUS.
P., Rivza,
B. Agricultural
science in Latvia. Engineering for Rural Development, 2011, pp. 9-13,
indexed in the data-base SCOPUS.
B., Teichler,
U. The
changing role of student mobility Higher
Education Policy 20 (4), 2007, pp. 457-475, indexed in the data-base
B. Economic,
social and environmental conditions in Latvian rural areas. Ambio
26 (7), 1997, pp. 439-441, indexed in the data-base SCOPUS.
Kruzmetra M., Rivza B., Rivza S. Role of Social Factors Generating Business Environment.
In monograph Moira kai Myra, University of Athens, Greece, 2011, pp. 93-105 (in
English and Greek).
Rivza B., Kruzmetra M., Jermolajeva E. FEM: Sievieu uznemejdarbibas attistiba.
(FEM: Development of Women Entrepreneurship). Jelgava, LLU, 2009, 129 lpp. (Library
of Congress Publication Data).
Konstantinova E., Rivza B. Mentoringa kustibas rokasgramata (Mentoring hand book),
Jelgava, 2007, 112 lpp. (Library of Congress Publication Data).
Darba tirgus pieprasijuma ilgtermina prognozeanas sistemas izpete un
pilnveidoanas iespeju analize (Long term forecast system of labour market and
analyses of it development possibilities). Projekta vad. Frolova L.; petnieki: Krumina I.,
Riva P., Riva B., u.c. Riga, LU, 2007, 175 lpp.
Kruzmetra M., Riva B., Konstantinova E. Mentorings inovativas
domaanas parneses lidzeklis (Mentoring as a tool for inovative thinking), Jelgava, 2006,
45 lpp.
B.Rivza, E.Konstantnova. Mentoring as a Tool of Knowledge Transfer in Promoting Womwn's
Enterpreneurship in Rural Areas of Latvia. - In: Perspectives of the Baltic States
Agriculture under the CAP Reform, Estonia University of Agriculture, Tallin: June 2005,
pp. 191-201, ISSN 1406-40492005.
B.Rivza, V.Bratka. Latvia's Farms inEU's Common Market: the Influence of CAP Reform. - Humanities
and Social Sciences (University of Latvia). The Salzburg Conference and Rural
Development in Latvia, 2004, N 3 (43), pp. 22-32.
Rivza B., Kruzmetra M. Discourse on rural development in Latvia. Jelgava, LUA, 2003,
432 p.
B.Rivza, J.Eglitis, P.Rivza. Knowledge based management and the analytic
hierarchy process in Latvia. - International Conference Modeling and simulations of
business systems May 13-14, 2003, Vilnus, Lithuania. Ed.H.Pranevicius,
E.Zavadskas, B.Rapp. Pp.123 127.
B.Rivza, U.Kondratovics. Latvian universities for the new Europe. - Latvian History,
2003, Nr.1 (49), pp. 8-13.
B.Rivza. The impact of the fundamental goals for higher education on the roles of
women in Latvia. - Addressing Inequalities of gender participation in institutional
decision making systems, Higher Education Research Network (HERN) 5th seminar and Steering
Group Meeting, Stockholm, 13-15 March, 2003.
B.Rivza, M.Kruzmetra. Discourse on Rural Development in Latvia. - Latvia University
of Agriculture: Jelgava , 2003, 432 pp. (in Latvian).
B.Rivza, B.Wiberga. Women entrepreneurship resource centres in Baltic States. - The
catalogue of project ideas. International conference Third BSR INTERREG III B
partner search forum. Gdansk, Poland, 15. 18. June, 2003. Page 29.
B.Rivza, M.Kruzmetra Microcredit Movement in Latvia Outcome of Nordic
Baltic Collaboration. - NJFs 22nd Congress, Nordic Agriculture in Global
Perspective. July 1- 4, 2003, Turku, Finland.
B.Rivza, P.Rivza, M.Belovs. Latvian rural development and role of pre-accession program
SAPARD in it. - Achievements of trans-border Polish German co-operation in
socio-economic activation of borderland, Tom I. Akademia Rolnicza w Szczwcinie Bialoruska
Akademia Rolnicza w Gorkach Uniwerytet Warminsko Mazurski w Olsztynie, Szczecin 2003,
pp. 327 - 331.
B.Rivza, H.Jirgena, M.Kruzmetra. Multifunctional management prospects in Vidzeme. - Proc.
Int. Conf. "Economic Science for Rural Development", April 9-10, 2003,
Jelgava, Latvia, pp. 334-342.
B.Rivza. The origin of agricultural and forestry sciences. - In: Lauki
- Latvijas sirds (Countryside- the Heart of Latvia), 2002, Latvijas
Lauksaimniecibas unversitate: Jelgava, pp.218-233 (in Latvian).
B.Rivza.Higher Education and Life Long Learning in Latvia. Lifelong Learning for Equity
and Social Cohesion: a New challenge to higher education. - Compendium of National
Contributions. Final Conference, The Council of Europe and the Conference of the
Presidents of University. Paris, 15-17 November, 2001.
B.Rivza, M.Kruzmetra. Influence of Political and Socio -Economical Changes on the
Prospects of Agriculture Education in Latvia. - Proc. 4th European Conference on Higher
Agricultural Education, Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow, 2001.
P.Rivza, B.Rivza, L.Ramute. Experience in the Use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in
Latvia. -Latvian Countryside Today, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Latvia,
B.Rivza, M.Kruzmetra. Latvia and the New Perspective on Rural development in
Europe. -Latvian Countryside Today, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Latvia,
Higher education in Latvia during the Last Decade and Ph.D. Courses as the Driving Force
in Educational Development. - Trends in the Development of Higher Education. A Passport
to Social Cohesion and Economic Prosperity. Report on Education in Latvia 2000. The
Soros Foundation-Latvia, 2001, pp. 8 - 13.
B.Rivza, D.Rosselle Report of the Evaluation of the Legislative Reform Program for
Higher Education and Research. - Legislative Reform Program in Higher Education and
Research 1991-2000, Strasbourg, 2000.
B. Rivza. Financing of science and education and it efficiency. Reforms of schools and
higher education establishments the way to the qualitative education. - Education
and Science treasure of Latvia, Riga, 2000.
V. Bikse, B. Rivza. The knowledge-based economy a challenge for XXI century
Latvia. - The knowledge-based economy. Warsaw, 2000.
Higher Education as a Challenge for the Development of Baltic Countries. - Nordic-Baltic
Sea Region on the Eve of 21st century, Riga, 2000.
Higher Education in Latvia in the Last Decade and Doctorate Studies as a Means for its
Development. - Humanities and Social Sciences Latvia, 2(27)/ 2000.
Rural Development in the Baltic States. - University of Helsinki Mikkeli Institute for
Rural Research and Training, Publications 68, Mikkeli 2000.
B.Rivza, I.Stokmane. Economic and Social Analyses of the Baltic Countries. -
Nordic-Baltic Sea Region on the Eve of 21st century, Riga, 2000.
V.Bikse, B.Rivza. The knowledge-based economy - a challenge for XXI century Latvia. - Science
and Government Series, Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Rewasz, 2000,
vol. 4,5, pp.122-130.
B.Rivza, M.Kruzmetra, Sustainability of Rural Areas Transition and Higher Agricultural
Education. -5th European Conference on HAE From Production Agriculture to Rural
Development: Challenges for HE in the New Millennium, Plymouth, UK, September 10-13,
Higher Education in Latvia: Situation and Development in the 21st Century. - http://www.unesco.org/education/educprog/wche/index.html
Reform of Universities of Latvia: optimum and real. - Works of Latvia University
of Agriculture, Nr.2, 2000.
B.Rivza, P.Rivza, Feasibility of using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for
Decision-Making on the Perspective Development of Higher Education System in Latvia. -
Estonian Agricultural university, Tartu, 1998.
Transition of economical system in rural area of Latvia. - Revue Baltique (Vilnius), 1998,
pp. 81-90 (co-author).
Production Potential of an Agricultural Enterprise and the Main Ways of Improving Its
Use, Riga: Zinatne Press, 1988, 220 pp. (in Latvian).
Use of factor analysis for evaluating and comparing potential of resources in rural
communities. Estonia agricultural University. Volume 118, Tartu, 1996.
Economic, Social and Environmental Condition in Latvian Rural Areas. - AMBIO, J.
Human Environment, 1997, vol. 26, N 7, pp. 439-441.
Latvia Human Development. Part 4. Latvia Regional Development. - UNDP materials, 1997,
pp. 67-85 (co-author).
Labour market in rural areas. Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow, 1996.
Attitude of the citizens towards the privatization of land in Latvia: V Common Property
Conference. Bodo, Norway, 1995.
The Role of the Faculty of Economics in teaching social and economic subjects at the
Latvian University of Agriculture. Workshop "Strengthening teaching and developing
training materials in social- economic subjects in higher education institutions in
Central and Eastern European countries". Warsaw FAO, 1995, co-author.
Some problems of rural development in Latvia. - Latvia University of Agriculture Works,
Issue 2, Agrarian reform in the Baltic states: experience and prospects of development,
Jelgava, 1994.
The prospects of Latvian agriculture in the international contacts of economy -
Materials of the 33rd EAAE Seminar. Tartu, 1993 ( co-author).
Rural development. Material in English written by participants of EC Tempus project,
1993, Cork.
Agricultural specialists in front of choice - Transition to market economics in
agriculture. Kaunas - Academy, 1993.
B.Rivza, A.Balezentis, A.Kaleta, S. OReilu, H.Peterson, P.Sandal. Rural
Development. Volume I, Volume II. - ELLPID TEMPUS Korka - Toruna, 1993, p. 395.
Labour force in Latvian agriculture. Theses at the World Latvian Congress of Sciences,
Riga, 1991, (co-author).
Migration process in rural Latvia and its social and economic consequences. Proc.
Latv. Acad. Sci., 1990, Nr. 7 (co-author).
Research Projects
- ESF project The course content and the implementation of the improvement of staff
competences and academic development, executor (2011-2012)
- NVA Nr. 2010/61_ESF assessment research Active employment measures Training
skills acquisition and maintenance, if the employer is the municipality evaluation
of the results elaboration, (2010-2011)
- ERAF funded project The Latvian Academy of Sciences and the LLMZ of capacity
building and international development projects, (No. 2DP/
- European Commission-funded project ERA - NET Ruragri Nr. 235175, Latvias national
coordinator (2009-2011)
- European Commission-funded 9 country project European Federation of girls and
young women mentors, the lead country Austria, Latvias national
coordinator (2009.01.08.-2010.31.07.)
- The Latvian Science Council grant 09.1477 Partnership models for the promotion of
women's entrepreneurship, executor (2010-2012)
- The Latvian Science Council grant 09.1579 Business promotion in Latvia: economic and
social conditions, executor (2009)
- EU structural funds national program "Labour market research" projects (2005-
- Vocational and higher education program compliance with the requirements of the
labour market;
- Graduate of higher and professional educational establishment professional
activity after school end;
- Labour market demand long term forecasting system for research and development
ability analysis.
- SSA FP 2004-INNOV-04 Innovation through the ability to search,
INTRO, The EU 6 framework programme for research.
- The Latvian Science Council grant Mentors create a movement in Latvia in
accordance with good practice in the Nordic countries, project leader (2005-2008)
- FEM Women's enterprise and lifelong learning reunion the creation of the Baltic
and Nordic countries, INTERREG III B project, Latvias coordinator (20042007)
- Project Nordic Council of Ministers ' programme Nordplus Neighbour within
the framework Problems of lifelong education harmonization in the context of quality
and recognition project leader (01.08.2004.31.07.2005.)
- Project Five O Zonta International and Soroptimist Club mentoring
program for rural women project leader (20042005)
- The European Commission project Loss of talent: individual problem updating the
wider public. Women and science in developed countries, project participant (2004)
- Employment and demographic survey in rural areas especially for young people and
women. Field types, coordinator of project: Scottish Agricultural College (SAC),
Edinburgh, funded by the European Commission, No. AGRI/2004?F3/1, Latvias national
coordinator (2004-2005)
- B.Rivza (Head of Project). Universities' Reform Program, 2003
- B.Rivza (Head of Project). International Women Clubs for rural Women
Life-long-learning. Project Five - O, 2003
- B.Rivza (Head of Project). Female Entrepreneurial Resource-Centres in the Baltic Sea
Region, Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B, Spring 2003
- B.Rivza (Participant). Councils of Higher Education of Latvia and Latvian National
Commissions for United Nations in Latvia organized discussion for gender
equality in higher education, 2003
- B.Rivza (Participant). Higher Education Research Network (HERN), 2001 - 2003
- B.Rivza (Participant).Common agricultural policy reform and the Central and Eastern
European countries, 2002
- B.Rivza (Participant). Nature of Rural Development in ten European countries including
three accession countries (Poland, Latvia, Hungary), 2001
- B.Rivza (Participant). PHARE program Creating of distance-learning model,
Project Nr.DE97-063: B.Rivza co-ordinator of the Creation of deepened program in
agribusiness marketing and management, 1998 - 2000
- B.Rivza (Head of Project). Nordic-Baltic Rural Women Co-operation Network Micro
Credit, 1999 2002
- B.Rivza (Head of Project). Development of Multifunctional Rural Enterprises in
Conformity with New Rural Policy of the EU. Latvian Council of Science, 2001 -).
- B.Rivza (Coordinator). Strengthening Rural Community Economic Development. - Tempus
Complementary Measures Grant CME 02003 - 96
- B.Rivza. (National Coordinator). Tempus JEP 4341 , 1992-1995 .
- Common projects with Sweden, Norway and Finland on Rural Development and Women problems.
Last update 28.07.2013.