Born: December 15, 1942, Riga,
- Solid and Structural Mechanics
- Composite Materials
- Structural Optimization and Identification Problems
- Fracture Mechanics
- Politics and Democracy
Brief Description of Main Research:
- Finite Element Analysis of Sandwich and Laminated
Composite Structures
- Optimal Design and Identification of Composite
Materials and Structures
- Delamination Fracture Analysis of Laminated Composites
Languages: Latvian, English, German,
- Riga Technical University
(Faculty of Civil Engineering), Dipl.ing., 1966
- Dr.tech. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in
Western countries), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1970
- Dr.sc.tech. (Doctor of Science in former USSR),
Moscow Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Moscow, Russia, 1983
- Dr.habil.ing., Latvian Council of Science, 1992
- Researcher Associate, Institute
of Polymer Mechanics, Latvian Academy of Science, 1968-1981
- Associate Professor, Department of Strength of
Materials, Riga Technical University, 1981-1986
- Professor, Department of Strength of Materials, Riga Technical University, 1986-1990
- Member of Parliament
of Latvia, 1990-1993
- Professor, Specialized Institute of Computer Analysis
of Structures, Riga Technical University, 1994-2001
- Professor, Director of Institute
of Materials and Structures, Riga Technical University, 2001-
Honors and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992-1997
- Full Member, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1997
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Award for the
monograph "Stability of Composite Shells", 1975
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Award for the
monograph "Optimization of Composite Cylindrical Shells", 1979
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Fr. Zander's Award in
Engineering Sciences for the investigations "Development of Computer Methods of
Analysis of Structures", 1996
- The Three Stars Order (Republic of Latvia) for
the progress in scientific research, 1997
- The Three Stars Order (Republic of Latvia) for
political activities (1988-1993) in restoration of independence of Latvia, 2000
- The Award of Cabinet of
Ministers (Republic of Latvia) for Significant contribution in
materials science and technologies, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, IACM (International Association of
Computational Mechanics), 1991-
- Member, ISSMO
(International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization), 1995-
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board for "Mechanics
of Composite Materials".
- Contributing Editor, International journal "Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures".
Invited Lectures
- Dynamic and Damping Analysis of Composite Structures.
Invited lecture. University of Aalborg, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Denmark, 1992
- Damping Analysis of Composite Materials. Invited
lecture. RISO National Laboratory, Materials Research
Department, Roskilde, Denmark, 1992
- Dynamic Analysis and Optimal Design of Sandwich and
Laminated Composite Structures. Invited lecture. Berlin
Technical University, Germany, 1993
- Optimization of Composite Structures, Invited lecture.
Technical University of Munich, Germany, 1993
- Dynamic and Damping Analysis of Composite Structures.
Invited lecture. University of Innsbruck, Austria,
- Dynamic and Damping Analysis of Composite Structures.
Invited lecture. Delft University of Technology, The
Netherlands, 1993
- Dynamic and Damping Analysis of Composite Structures.
Invited lecture. University of Siegen, Germany,
- Finite Element Analysis of Shells. Invited lecture. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 1994
- Finite Element Analysis of Composite Structures.
Invited lecture. Technical University of Lisbon,
Portugal, 1995
- Damping the Vibrations of Composite Plates and Shells.
Invited lecture. Imperial College of Science Technology
and Medicine, England, UK, 1995
- Design of Composites with Recycled Particles. Invited
lecture. Institute of Structure of Matter,
Madrid, 1995
- Damping Analysis of Structures. Invited lecture.
University of Magdeburg, Institute
of Materials Science, Germany, 1996
- Method of Experiment Design in Structural Optimization
and Identification. Georgia Institute of Technology,
USA, 1999
- Identification Problems of Composite Materials and
Structures, Texas A&M University, USA, 1999
- Identification Problems of Composite Materials and
Structures, Drexel University, USA, 1999
- Finite
Element Analysis and Design of Structures for Different Applications in Engineering, University of Kassel, Institute
of Materials Science, Germany, 2001
- Modern Trends in Composite Laminates, CISM Courses and Lectures, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy,
- Application
of Composite Materials in European Aerospace and Shipbuilding Industry, University of Kassel, Institute
of Materials Science, Germany, 2001
- Mechanics of Materials, Riga
Technical University, 1981-1990
- Finite Element Method in Solid Mechanics, Riga
Technical University, 1986-1989;
- Introduction in Finite Element Method, University of Kassel, Institute
of Materials Science, Germany, 1995
- Introduction in Mechanics of Composite Materials,
First School on Composite Materials in Mexico, University of
Colima, Mexico, 1996; University of Kassel, Institute of Materials Science,
Germany, 1996
- Fracture Mechanics of Composite Materials. Course of
Lectures, University of Kassel, Institute
of Material Science, Germany, 1997; University of Halle, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Germany,
- Methods of Identification of Material Properties.
Course of Lectures, University of Kassel, Institute of Materials Science,
Germany, 1998
- Finite Element Analysis of Laminated Structures.
Course of Lectures, University of Kassel, Institute of Materials Science,
Germany, 1999
- Finite Element Method. Course of Lectures, Riga Technical University, 1999-
- Advanced Materials in Civil Engineering, Riga Technical University, 1999-
- Structural Optimization, Riga
Technical University, 2003-
Recent/Representative Publications
Five books and more than 300 articles on
mechanics of solids
- R. Rikards, A. Chate, A. Korjakin. Vibration and
damping analysis of laminated composite plates by FE method. Engineering Computations, 1995,
12 (1), pp.61-74.
- R. Rikards, A.Chate. Optimal design of sandwich and
laminated composite plates based on planning of experiment. Structural
Optimization, 1995, 10 (1), pp.46-53.
- R. Rikards, F.-G. Buchholz, and H. Wang. Finite
element analysis of delamination cracks of cross-ply laminates. Mechanics of Composite
Materials and Structures, 1995, 2, pp.281-294.
- H. Altenbach, J. Altenbach, R. Rikards. Introduction
in Mechanics of Laminated and Sandwich Structures, Deutscher Verlag fuer
Grundstoffindustrie, Stuttgart, 1996, 410 p, (in German). Deutscher Verlag fuer
Grundstoffindustrie, Stuttgart, 1996, 410 p, (in German).
- R. Rikards, F.-G. Buchholz, A. K. Bledzki, G. Wacker,
and A. Korjakin. Mode I, mode II and mixed mode I/II interlaminar fracture toughness of
GFRP influenced by fibre surface treatment. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1996,
32 (5), pp.636-662.
- Rikards, R. and Chate, A. K., Vibration and damping
analysis of laminated composite and sandwich shells. Mechanics of Composite Materials
and Structures, 4, (1997), 209-232.
- Rikards, R., Baltá Calleja F. J., Flores, A., Rueda.
D. R. and Kushnevski, V., Study of elastic properties of polymers from microhardness
tests. J. of Polymer Engineering, 17, No. 3, 1997, 179-196.
- Buchholz, F.-G., Rikards, R. and Wang, H.,
Computational analysis of interlaminar fracture of laminated composites. Int. J. of Fracture, 86, 1997,
- Rikards, R., Flores, A., Ania, F., Kushnevski, V. and
Balta Calleja, F. J., Numerical-Experimental method for the identification of plastic
properties of polymers from microhardness tests. Computational Materials Science, 11,
1998, 233-244.
- Rikards, R. Korjakin, A., Buchholz, F.-G., Wang, H., Bledzki, A. K.
and Wacker, G., Interlaminar fracture toughness of GFRP influenced by fiber surface
treatment. J. Composite Materials, 32, 1998, 1528-1559.
- Rikards, R. and Chate A., Identification of elastic
properties of composites by method of planning of experiments, Composite Structures,
42 (3), 1998, 257-263.
- Korjakin, A., Rikards, R., Buchholz, F.-G., Wang, H.,
Bledzki, A.K. and Kessler, A. Comparative study of interlaminar fracture toughness of GFRP
with different fibre surface treatments, Polymer Composites, 19 (6),
1998, 793-806.
- Rikards, R., F.-G. Buchholz, H. Wang, A. K. Bledzki,
A. Korjakin, and H.-A. Richard. Investigation of mixed mode I/II interlaminar fracture
toughness of laminated composites by using a CTS type specimen, Engineering Fracture
Mechanics, 61 (3/4), 1998, 325-342.
- Rikards, R., Chate, A., Steinchen, W., Kessler, A. and
Bledzki, A. K. Method for identification of elastic properties of laminates based on
experiment design, Composites. Part B, 30, 1999, 279-289.
- Bledzki, A. K., Kessler, A., Rikards, R. and Chate A.
Determination of elastic constants of glass/epoxy unidirectional laminates by the
vibration testing of plates, Composites Science & Technology, 59,
1999, 2015-2024.
R. Interlaminar fracture behaviour of laminated composites, Computers & Structures,
76, 2000, 11-18.
Rikards R., Method for identification of elastic properties of laminates. In: Inverse
Problems in Engineering Mechanics II. Proc. Int. Symp. on Inverse Problems in Engineering
Mechanics (ISIP 2000), March 7-10, 2000, Nagano City, Japan. Eds. M. Tanaka and G. S.
Dulikravich, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 161-170.
- Rikards R., Chate A., Ozolinsh O.,
Analysis for buckling and vibrations of composite stiffened shells. Composite Structures, 51, 2001, 361-370.
- R.Rikards and A.Flores. Numerical modelling of microhardness tests
for polymer materials. J.Macromolecular Sci., Physics, 2001, vol.B40(5),
- R.Rikards, A.Chate, G.Gailis. Identification of elastic properties of
laminates based on experimental design. Int.J. Solids and Structures,
2001, vol.38, pp.5097-5115.
- Rikards R., Cate A. Galigo
elementu metode, RTU izdevnieciba, 2002, 130 lpp.
R., Auzins J. Response surface method for solution of structural identification problems.
In: Inverse Problems in Engineering : Theory and Practice Vol. 1. 4th
International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2002, ed. H. Orlande, Rio de Janeiro, e-papers, 2002, p. 243-250.
Latvijas Zinatnieki. Latvijas Zinatnu
akademijas akademikis Rolands Rikards. Biobibliografija, sastaditaja M. Neilande,
redaktore L. Levinoka, RTU Zinatniska biblioteka, Latvijas Akademiska biblioteka, Riga,
2002, 146 lpp.
- Rikards R.,
Abramovich H., Green T., Auzins J., Chate A., Identification of elastic properties of composite
laminates. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2003, vol. 10, pp. 335-352.
- Rikards R. Identification of
mechanical properties of laminates. In: Modern Trends in Composite Laminates Mechanics.
CISM Courses and Lectures No. 448, eds. H. Altenbach, W. Becker, Springer, Wien, 2003,
pp. 181-225.
R. Rikards, H.
Abramovich, J. Auzins, A. Korjakins, O. Ozolinsh, K. Kalnins and T. Green. Surrogate
models for optimum design of stiffened composite shells, Composite Structures, Vol.
63, No. 2, (2004), p. 243-251.
European Research Projects
Improved Postbuckling
Simulation for Design of Fibre Composite Stiffened Structures, POSICOSS (5th Framework, GROWTH, 2000-2003). Project coordinator DLR - German Aerospace Center, Germany.
Advanced Composite
Sandwich Steel Structures, SANDWICH (5th
Framework, GROWTH, 2002-2003). Project
coordinator Meyer Werft, Papenburg, Germany.
Design of an Advanced
Composite Production Process for the Systematic Manufacture of Very Large Monocoque Hybrid
Sandwich Structures for the Transportation Sectors, HYCOPROD (5th
Framework, GROWTH, 2002-2003). Project
coordinator Advanced Railway Research Centre, University of Sheffield, United
Integration of
technologies in support of a passenger and environmentally friendly helicopter, FRIENDCOPTER (6th
Framework, 2004-2007). Project coordinator Eurocopter Deutschland, Germany.
Increasing Safety and Materials
Exploitation of Composite Airframe Structures by Accurate Simulation of Collapse, COCOMAT (6th
Framework, 2004-2007). Project coordinator DLR - German
Aerospace Center, Germany.
Project InterSHIP (6th Framework, 2003-2007). Project coordinator Kvaerner Masa Yards, Turku, Finland.
Married. Wife, Baiba Ozola (b. 1948) is Dr. biol.
(Latvian Agricultural University). Has two children - Viesturs
(b. 1981) and Martins (b. 1988). Hobby - sports (skiing, surfing, canoe on wild rivers). Has passion for music and
painting. Favorite composers are L. van Beethoven, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Imants
Kalnins. Favorite painters are Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso and Rudolfs Pinnis. Favorite
dish - fish. Favorite drink - good wine.
Last update January 07, 2004