Dr.habil.math.Andrejs REINFELDS Associated Professor,
University of Latvia
Institute of Mathematics and
Computer Science
University of Latvia
Raina bulv. 29,
Riga, LV 1459, Latvia
Phone: +371 7033719
Fax: +371 7820153
E-mail: reinf@latnet.lv |
Born: June 2, 1942, Riga, Latvia
- Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
- Dynamical and Semidynamical Systems
- Difference Equations
- Impulse Differential Equations
- Application of Differential Equations
- Acturial Mathematics
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1965
- Postgraduate, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1973
- Dr.math. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Thesis: A
Reduction Theorem and Dynamical Equivalence of Autonomous Differential Equations,
University of Latvia, 1974
- Dr.habil.math., Thesis: Reduction
Principle of Differential Equations, University of Latvia, 1998
- Lecturer of Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1966-1970
- Researcher, Junior and Senior Researcher, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1973-1991
- Head of Laboratory of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, Institute of
Mathematics, Latvian Academy of Sciences and University of Latvia, 1991 -
- Director, Institute of Mathematics, Latvian Academy of Sciences and University of
Latvia, 1997 - 2003
- Head of the Board, Institute of Mathematics, Latvian Academy of Sciences and University
of Latvia, 2003 -
- Associated Professor, University of Latvia
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Expert, Latvian Council of Science, 1993-1996; 2000
- Member, American Mathematical Society, 1992
- Member, International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts, 1996
- Member, International Society of Difference Equations, 2001
- Editor- in-Chief, journal Acta University of Latvia, Ser. Mathematics,
- Member, Editorial Board of journal Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
Sec.B (Natural Sciences), 1995 -
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, journal Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (The
Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis and Differential
Equations), Lithuania, 1999-
- Chair, Latvian Society of Mathematics, 2001
- Expert, journals Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik,
- Chair of the 3rd International
Conference of Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 1998 , 2000.
- The Reduction of Discrete Dynamical and Semidynamical Systems in Metric Spaces. Invited
lecture. University of Augsburg, Germany, 1994
- Invariant Sets and Dynamical Equivalence. Invited lecture. Technical University of
Budapest, Hungary, 1995
- Partial Decoupling for Noninvertible Mappings. Invited lecture. Limburgs Universitair
Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium, 1996
University of Latvia:
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Theory of Stability
- Equivalence of Dynamical Systems
Recent/Representative Publications
- A.Reinfelds. A reduction theorem. Differentsial'nye Uravneniya, 1974, vol.10, 5,
pp.838-843 (in Russian); English transl. in Differential Equations, 1975, vol.10,
5, pp.645-649
- A.Reinfelds. A reduction theorem for closed trajectories. Differentsial'nye
Uravneniya, 1975, vol.11, 10, pp.1811-1818 (in Russian); English transl. in Differential
Equations, 1976, vol.11, pp.1353-1358
- A.Reinfelds. A generalized Grobman-Hartman theorem. Latv.Mat.Ezhegodnik, 1985,
vol.29, pp.84-88 (in Russian)
- A.Reinfelds. A reduction theorem for extensions of dynamical systems. Latv.Mat.Ezhegodnik,
1989, vol.33, pp.67-75 (in Russian)
- A.Reinfelds. The reduction principle for discrete dynamical and semidynamical systems in
metric spaces. Z.Angew.Math.Phys., 1994, vol.45, 6, pp.933-955.
- A.Reinfelds. Partial decoupling for noninvertible mappings. Differential Equations
Dynam.Systems, 1994, vol.2, 3, pp.205-215.
- A.Reinfelds. A reduction theorem for systems of differential equations with impulse
effect in a Banach space. J.Math.Anal.Appl., 1996, vol.203, 1, pp.187-210
- A.Reinfelds. Invariant sets and dynamical equivalence. Proc.Est.Acad.Sci.,
Phys.Math., 1996, vol.45, 2-3, pp.216-225
- A.Reinfelds. The reduction of discrete dynamical and semidynamical systems in metric
spaces. In: Six Lectures on Dynamical Systems (eds.B.Aulbach and F.Colonius), 1996, NY:
World SciPubl., River Edge, pp.267-312
- A.Reinfelds. The shadowing lemma in metric space, Univ.Iagel.Acta Math., 1997,
vol.35, pp.205-210
- A.Reinfelds. The reduction of discrete dynamical systems in metric space. In: Advances
in Differential Equations (eds. S.Elaydi, I.Gyö ri and G.Ladas). Proc. of the Second
Intern.Conf. on Differential Equations, Veszprem, Hungary, Aug.7-11, 1995, Gordon and
Breach, Yverdon, 1997, pp.525-536
- A.Reinfelds. Decoupling of impulsive differential equations in Banach space. In:
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering. (eds.C.Costanda, J.Saranen and S.Seikkala),
vol.1: Analytic Methods, Addison-Wesley, Harlow, 1997, pp.144-148
- A.Reinfelds. Dynamical equivalence of impulsive differential equations. Nonlinear
Anal., 1997, vol.30, pp.2743-2752
- A.Reinfelds, O.Dumbrajs, R.Meyer-Spasche. Analysis of electron trajectories in a
gyrotron resonator. IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, 1998, vol.26, pp.846-853
- M.I.Airila, O.Dumbrajs, A.Reinfelds, D.Teychenne. Traces of stochasticity in electron
trajectories in gyrotron resonators. - Int. J. Infrared Millimetre Waves, 2000,
vol.21, No 11, pp.1759-1778
- A.Reinfelds. Decoupling of impulsive different equations. - Proceedings of Intern.
conf. on Differential Equations Equadiff'99 (eds. B.Fiedler, K.Groger, J.Sprekels),
World Sci.Publ.: Singapore, 2000, pp.1433-1435
- A.Buikis, J.Cepitis, A.Reinfelds. Porous medium models for wood and paper production. - ECMI
Newsletter, 2001, vol.29, March, pp.20-23
- M.Airila, O.Dumbrajs, A.Reinfelds, U.Strautins. Nonstationary oscillations in gyrotrons.
Physics of Plasma, 2001, vol.8, No 10, pp.4608-4612
- A.Buikis, J.Cepiitis, H.Kalis, A.Reinfelds. Non-isothermal
mathematical model of wood and paper drying. In: Progress in Industrial
Mathematics at ECMI 2000, Springer, Berlin, 2002, pp. 488-492.
- A.Buikis, J.Cepitis, H.Kalis, A.Reinfelds. Mathematical model of sawn timber drying.
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Sec.B, 2003, vol.57, No 3/4
(626), pp.128-132.
- J.Cepitis, H.Kalis, A.Reinfelds. Comparison of numerical methods for the problem arising
in the gyrotron theory. Math. Model.Anal., 2005, N 1, pp.19-30.
Research Projects
- A.Reinfelds (Head of Project). Dynamic Systems with Structure. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993)
- A.Reinfelds (Head of Latvian Part of Project). EmNet/C&E, Euromath Network and
Services for Central- and Eastern European Countries. European Union (COST Programme
- A.Reinfelds (Head of Project). Selected Problems of Dynamical Systems Theory. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996)
- A.Reinfelds (Head of Project). Selected Problems of Qualitative Dynamical Systems Theory
and Applications. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000)
- A.Reinfelds (Head of Project). Analysis of Selected Problems of Differential Equations
and Discrete Dynamical Systems. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2004)
- A.Reinfelds (Head of Project). Urgent Issues of Qualitative Theory of
Ordinary Differential Equations and Difference Equations Problems. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - )
- A.Reinfelds (Head of Project) Modelling of Stochastic Processes in Gyrotrons and Novel
Method of Improving Mode Selection in a Coaxial Cavity. The European Atomic Energy
Community (2000-2001)
Last update 30-10-2007 12:46:05