Born: January 18, 1942, Jelgava, Latvia
- Semantics and Folk Song Semantics
- Areal Linguistics and Areals of Traditional Texts
- Dialectal Lexicology
Brief Description of Main Research
- The scholarly edition of Latvian folk songs , second cycle
"Songs of the Flow of Human Life", total amount about 600.000 items, texts
of traditional culture with great international significance; editor, text editor and
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of History and Philology
- Postgraduate, University of Latvia, 1967-1970
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR),
University of Latvia, 1971
- Dr.habil.philol., University of Latvia, 1999
- English and Latvian language and literature teacher,
Zalenieki 8-year school in Jelgava district, 1964-1967
- Researcher, Institute of Language and Literature, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1970-1979
- Editor and Chief of Group of Transcription, Main Editorial
Board of the Encyclopaedia of Latvia, 1980-1982
- Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Language and
Literature, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1982-1992
- Leading Researcher, Head of the archives of Latvian
Folklore Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art , 1992-
Recent/Representative Publications
- B.Reidzane. Terms with roots krista/krusta in the
Rites of Baptizing and problem of age of Latvian Folksongs.- Proc. Latvian Acad.
Sci., A, 1987, No.10, pp.91-96 (in Russian).
- B.Reidzane.The Sister und the Sun in the Similies and
Parallelisms in "Latvju Dainas".- The Family as the Tradition Carrier. NIF
Publications No.31,volume2, Tallin 1997,pp.123-132.
- B.Reidzane.Classic Quatrains in "Livian Coast". -
Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., A, 1997, No.1/2, pp.40-51 (in Latvian).
- B. Reidzane. Latvian Jadinasana songs in the
context of other nursing songs.- ARV Nordic Yearbook of folklore, 1995, vol. 51,
Uppsala, Stokholm, Sweden, pp.143 - 153.
Research Projects
- B. Reidzane. Latvian Folk Songs, Theorethical and
Historical Investigations, Publication. Latvian Council of
Science, 1994 -