Born: August 29, 1952, Riga, Latvia
- X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) with Synchrotron Radiation - Picoscopy (10-12 m)
- Local atomic and electronic structure, dynamics and phase-transitions in transition
metal (TM) oxides and chalcogenide: mixed valence state and metal-insulator (MI) phase
transitions, small radius polaron formation, charge-density waves (CDW), Jahn-Teller
- Magnetron sputtering and characterisations (XAFS, XRD, Raman, IR, EPR) of advanced
materials for electrochromic application: new mixed TM:TM nanocrystalline and amorphous
- Local atomic and electronic structure of superionic TM oxides, solid state electrolytes,
glasses (oxide and chalcogenide) and solutions doped with rare-earth (RE) ions
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, French, Italian, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics), 1974
- Postgraduate, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 1976-1979
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute of
Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 1980
Thesis: EPR of Disordered Solid State Materials
- Dr.habil.phys., Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 1993
Thesis: XAFS Spectroscopy of Transition
Metal Oxides.
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of
- Junior Researcher, Researcher, Senior Researcher, 1974 - 1988
- Leading Researcher, Head of XAFS Group, 1988 - 1998
- Head of EXAFS Laboratory, 1998
- Visiting Researcher, Frascati National Laboratories, International Institute of Nuclear
Physics, Roma University, Italy, 1982-1983 (10 months)
- Fellowship for high level scientist "Ministere de la Recherche et de l'Espase pour
l'accueil de checheurs éntrangers de haut niveau", LURE (Orsay), France, 1993-1994
(6 months)
- Fellowship for Researcher of CNR, ITC (Trento), Italy, 1995 (2 months)
- Fellowship for Researcher of INFM and Physics Dept., Universita di Trento, Italy, 1996,
1998 (4 months)
- Associate Professor:
- Laboratoure de Reactivite et de Chimie des Solides, Universite de Picardie, France,
1994,1995 (3 months)
- Laboratoure de Spectroscopie Moleculaire et Crisralline, Universite Bordoaux I, France,
- Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Dip. di Chimica, 1995 (2 months)
- Universite Paris-Sud, France, 1996, 1997 (3 months)
- Physics Dept., Universite Marseille II, France, 1995, 1997 (4 months)
- Senior Visiting Fellowship, Frascati National Laboratories, University of Roma, Italy,
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Head, Latvian Synchrotron Radiation Society, 1997 -
- Member of Committee, Council of Synchrotron Radiation, Zelenograd, Russia, 1988-1993
- Member of Committee, European Synchrotron Radiation Society (ESRS), 1993-1996
- Member, Latvian Physical Society, 1991-
- Member, Union of Latvian Scientists, 1991-
- X-ray absorption - Picoscopy. Physics Dept., Université Marseille II, France,1996, 1997
- XAFS study of electrohromic oxides. Uppsala University, Sweden, 1997
- O K-edge XANES study of Hydrogen intercalation in ReO3 and WO3 oxides. 12th
International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Sant-Malo, France,
- X-Ray absorption fine structure data analysis, Université Paris-Sud, France 1995-1996
- Structural methods in condensed matter characterisation, University
of Latvia, 1994-1997
- Synthesis, properties, and application of thin films, University of Latvia, 1986-1992
- I was also invited as Associate Professor at French (Paris-Sud, Marseille, Bordoaux I,
Amiens) and Italian (Trento, Rome) Universities and delivered lectures on XAFS
spectroscopy and a course on X-ray absorption fine structure data analysis.
Recent/Representative Publications
- J.Purans, A.Kuzmin,E.Burattini. Double-electron excitations in L-edges x-ray-absorption
spectra of W, Ir and Cs oxide compounds. - Jap.J. Appl.Phys., 1993, vol.32, Suppl.
32-2 64-66.
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans. A new fast spherical approximation for calculation of multiple
scattering contribution in the X-ray absorption fine structure and its application to
ReO3, NaWO3 and MoO3. - J. Phys.: Cond.Matter, 1993, vol.5, pp.267-282.
- F.Rocca, A.Kuzmin, J.Purans, G.Mariotto, X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of a
Nd3+-exchanged beta"-alumina crystal, Phys. Rev. B, 1994, vol.50,
- J.Purans, A.Kuzmin, Ph.Parent, H.Dexpert. XAFS analysis of the low symmetry octahedral
molybdenum and tungsten oxides. - Physica B, 1995, vol.208&209, pp.307-308.
- A.Kuzmin, N.Mironova, J.Purans, A.Rodionov. X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of
Ni{c}Mg{1-c}O solid solutions on the Ni K edge. - J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 1995,
vol.7, pp.9357-9368.
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans, G.Dalba, P.Fornasini, F.Rocca, High-temperature x-ray absorption
spectroscopy study of ReO3, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 1996, vol.8, pp.9083 - 9102.
- E.Cazzanelli, G.Mariotto, C.Vinegoni, A.Kuzmin, J.Purans. Changes of structural, optical
and vibrational properties of WO3 powders after milling and mixing with ReO3. - Proc.
Electrochem. Soc., 1996, 96-24, pp.260-274.
- N.Mironova, A.Kuzmin, J.Purans, A.Rodionov. X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of the
off-centre Ni2+ ions in NicMg{1-c}O solid solutions. - Proc. SPIE,1996, vol.2706,
- J.Purans, A.Kuzmin, C.Guéry. In-situ x-ray absorption fine structure and x-ray
diffraction studies of hydrogen intercalation in tungsten oxides. - Proc. SPIE,
1997, vol.2968, pp.174-179.
- A.Kuzmin, N.Mironova, J.Purans. Influence of pd-mixing and magnetic interactions on the
pre-edge peak intensity at the Co (Ni) K absorption edge in Co(Ni){c}Mg{1-c}O solid
solutions. - J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 1997, vol.9, pp.5277-5286.
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans, A.Rodionov. X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of the Ni K edge in
magnetron sputtered nickel oxide thin films. - J. Phys.: Cond.Matter, 1997, vol.9,
- A.P.Menushenkov, S.Benazeth, J.Purans, A.Y.Ignatov, K.V.Klementev. Local Structure
Anomalies of the BaBi(Pb)O3 system Low Temperatures - an X-ray absorption study. - Physica
C, 1997, vol.277(3-4), pp.257-264.
- A.Kuzmin, Obst, J.Purans. XAFS and MD study of Zn2+ local structure in aqueous solutions
J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 1997, vol. 9, pp. 10065-10078.
- S.Banazeth, J.Purans, M.-C.Chalbot, et.al. Temperature and pH dependence XAFS study of
GdDOTA and GdDTPA complexes: solid state and solution structure. - Inorg. Chem.,
1998, 37, pp.3667-3674
- J.Purans, A.Kuzmin, Ph.Parent, C.Laffon. Study of the electronic structure of rhenium
and tungsten oxides on the O K-edge. - Ionic, 1998, 4, pp.101-105
- G.Dalba, P.Fornasini, R.Grisnti, J.Purans. Anharmonicity and thermal expansion in
crystalline germanium. - J.Synchotron Rad., 1999, 6, pp.253-254.
- E.Gazzanelli, C.Vinegoni, G.Mariotto, A.Kuzmin, J.Purans. Low temperature polymorphism
in tungsten trioxide powders and its dependence on mechanical treatments. - J. Solid
State Chem., 1999, vol.123, pp.67-74
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans. Extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy of
perovskite-type compounds. - In: Defects and Surface - Induced Effects in Advanced
Perovskites (eds. G.Borstel, A.Krumins, D.Millers), NATO ASHT, ser.3, vol.77, 2000,
Kluwer-Dordrecht, pp.139-144
- J.Purans, A.Azens, C.G.Granqvist. X-ray absorption study of Ce-Ti oxide films. - Electrochim.
Acta, 2001, vol.46, pp.2055-2058.
- V.L.Aksenov, A.Y.Kuzmin, J.Purans, S.I.Tiutiunnikov. EXAFS spectroscopy at
synchrotron-radiation beams [Review] - Phys. Part. Nucl., 2001, vol.32, pp. 675 -
- A.Kuzmin, J.Purans, R.Kalendarev, D.Pailharey, Y.Mathey. XAS, XRD, AFM and Raman studies
of NiO-WO3 electrochromic thin films. - Electrochim. Acta, 2001, vol.46,
- G. Moreau, L. Helm, J. Purans, A.E. Merbach. Structural investigation of the aqueous Eu2+
ion: Comparison with Sr2+ using the XAFS technique. J. Phys. Chem. A,
2002, vol.106, pp. 3034 - 3043.
- A.Kuzmin, R.Kalendarev, J.Purans. Local structure of Ta-Re mixed oxide thin films
studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy. - Proc. SPIE, 2003, vol.5122, pp.80 - 86.
- A.Kuzmin, R.Kalendarev, J.Purans, D.Pailharey. Iridium L3-edge and oxygen
K-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy of nanocrystalline iridium oxide thin films. - Proc.
SPIE, 2003, vol.5123, pp.215 - 219.
- D.Pailharey, D.Tonneau, A.Houel, A.Kuzmin, R.Kalendarev, J.Purans. Scanning probe
microscopy of nanocrystalline iridium oxide thin films. Proc. SPIE, 2003
vol.5123, pp.267 - 273.
- E.Cazzanelli, M.Castriota, R.Kalendarev, A.Kuzmin, J.Purans. Sputtering deposition and
characterization of Ru-doped WO3 thin films for electrochromic applications. - Ionics,
2003, vol.9, pp.95-102.
- A.Kuzmin, R.Kalendarev, A.Kursitis, J.Purans. Confocal spectromicroscopy of micro- and
nano-strustured materials for its development in Latvia. - Latvian J. Physics
& Technical Sci., 2006, N 2 (1), pp. 66-74.
Research Projects
- J.Purans (Head of Project). X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Disordered Metal Oxide
Compounds and Amorphous Solids. Latvian Council of Science
- J.Purans (Head of Project). X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Mixed Transition Metal
Oxides and Chalcogenides. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- J.Purans (Head of Project). X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Itercalated Transition
Metal Oxides. ( LV 8001 and LJ 8001) International Science Foundation (1994-1996).
- J.Purans (Head of Projects). XAFS - projects at LURE SRF (Orsay, France): Multiple
Scattering study of octahedral molybdenum oxides (1992-1993); In situ XAFS study of phase
transitions in WO3-MoO3 system
(1994-1996); O K-edge XANES study of ReO3, WO3
and MoO3 oxides (1996- ).
- J.Purans (Head of Latvian Part of Project ). Local structure of beta-alumina doped by RE
ions. CNR Collaboration Project: Universita di Trento (CNR, Italy) - University of
Latvia (ISSP, Riga ) (1993-1994).
- J.Purans (Head of Latvian Part of Project ). In-Situ XAFS Study of Transition Metal
Oxides. PECO International (CE) Project On Applying Synchrotron Radiation. LURE SRF
(Orsay, France,1994 - 1997).
- J.Purans (Head of Project). X-Ray Absorption Picoscopy of Advanced Materials. Latvian
Council of Science (2001- ).
Last update 10.09.2007