Professor Paul PUMPENS
Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre,
Ratsupites iela 1
Riga, LV 1067, Latvia
Phone: + 371 7808214
Fax: + 371 7442407
E-mail: paul@biomed.lu.lv

Born: October 21, 1947
- Protein engineering of viral capsids
- Replication of RNA phages
- Principles of protein engineering
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry), 1970
- Dr. biol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute
of Organic Synthesis, Riga, 1975
- Dr. habil. biol. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Institute of Molecular Biology,
Moscow, 1988.
- Junior and Senior Researcher, Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga, 1973-1989
- Head of Laboratory, Institute of Organic Synthesis,
1989 - 1990
- Head of Department, Biomedical Research and Study Centre, University of Latvia, 1990-
- Scientific Director, Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, 2004 -
- Professor, University of Latvia, 1994 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia Prize, 1998
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Microbiology, and Virology, 1993 -
- Member, Latvian Biochemical Society, 1972 -
- Member, Association of Latvian Scientists, 1989 -
- Coordinator, Marie Curie Fellowships
project "Artificial chimeric proteins as diagnostic, vaccine, and gene
therapy carriers"
Recent/Representative Publications:
- P.Pumpen, V.Bauman, A.Dishler, E.Gren. Control of replication in RNA bacteriophages. - J.Virol.,
1978, vol. 28, pp. 725-735.
- P.Pumpen, A.Dishler, T.Kozlovskaya, V.Bichko, E.Gren, M.Rivkina, A.Grinberg, R.Kukaine.
Cloning of hepatitis B virus DNA in Escherichia coli . - Proc. USSR Acad. Sci.,
1981, vol. 220, N 4, pp. 1022-1024 (in Russian).
- T.Kozlovskaya, G.Borisova, V.Bichko, J.Kalis, R.Kukaine, E.Gren. Expression of hepatitis
B virus surface antigen gene in E.coli. - Gene, 1984, vol. 30, pp. 207-216.
- E.Gren, P.Pumpen. Recombinant virus capsids as new generation of immunogenic
proteins and vaccines. - J. All-Union Mendeleyevs Chem. Soc., 1988, vol. 33, pp.
531-536 (in Russian).
- G.Borisova, B.Arya, A.Dishlers, O.Borschukova, V.Tsibinogin, D.Skrastina, M.Eldarov, P.Pumpens,
K.G.Skryabin, E.Grens. Hybrid hepatitis B virus nucleocapsid bearing immunodominant region
from hepatitis B virus surface. - J.Virol., 1993, vol. 67, N 6, pp. 3696-3701.
- T.Kozlovska, I.Cielens, D.Dreilina, A.Dislers, V.Baumanis, V.Ose, P.Pumpens.
Recombinant RNA phage Qb capsid particles synthesized and self-assembled in E.coli. - Gene,
1993, vol. 137, pp. 133-137.
- P.Pushko, T.Kozlovskaya, I.Sominskaya, A.Brede, E.Stankevica, V.Ose, P.Pumpens,
E.Grens. Analysis of RNA phage fr coat protein assembly by insertion, deletion and
substitution mutagenesis. - Protein Engineering, 1993, vol. 6, pp. 883-891.
- R.A.Crowther, N.A.Kiselev, B.Bottcher, J.A.Berriman, G.P.Borisova, V.Ose, P.Pumpens.
Three-dimensional structure of hepatitis B virus core particles determinated by electron
cryomicroscopy. - Cell, 1994, vol. 77, pp. 943-950.
- P.Pushko, M.Sallberg, G. Borisova, U.Ruden, V.Bicho, B.Waren, P.Pumpens,
L.Magnius. Identification of hepatitis B virus core protein regions exposed or
internalised at the surface of HBcAg particles by scanning with monoclonal antibodies. - Virology,
1994, vol. 202, pp. 912-920.
- L.Liljas, K.Fridborg, K.Valegard, M.Bundule, P.Pumpens. Crystal structure of
bacteriophage fr capsids at 3,5 a resolution. - J. Mol. Biol., 1994, vol. 244, pp.
- P.Pumpens, G.Borisova, R.A.Crowther, E.Grens. HBV core particles as epitope carriers. -
Intervirology, 1995, vol. 38, pp. 63-74.
- H.Meisel, I.Sominskaya, P.Pumpens, P.Pushko, G.Borisova, R.Deepen, X.Lu, G.H.
Spilier, D.H.Kruger, W.H.Gerlich. Fine-mapping and functional characterization of two
immuno-dominant regions from the preS2 sequence of hepatitis B virus. - Intervirology, 1995,
vol. 38, pp. 330-339.
- G.Borisova, O.Borschukova (Wanst), G.Mezule, D.Skrastina, I.Petrovskis, A.Dislers, P.
Pumpens, E.Grens. Spatial structure and insertion capacity of immunodominant region of
hepatitis B core antigen. - Intervirology, 1996, vol. 39, pp. 16-22.
- T.Kozlovska, I.Cielens, I.Vasiljeva, A.Strelnikova, A.Kazaks, A.Dislers, D.Dreilina,
V.Ose, I.Gusars, P.Pumpens. RNA phage Qb coat protein as a carrier for foreign
epitopes . - Intervirology, 1996, vol. 39, pp. 9-15.
- E.Grene, G.Mezule, G.Borisova, P.Pumpens, Z.Bentwich, R.Arnon. Relationship
between antigenicity and immunogenicity of chimeric core particles carrying HIV-1 epitopes
. - AIDS Res. and Human Retroviruses, 1997, vol. 13, pp. 41-51.
- G.Borisova, O.Borschukova, D.Skrastina, G.Mezule, A.Dislers, I.Petrovskis, V.Ose,
I.Gusars, P.Pumpens, E.Grens. Display vectors. I. Hepatitis B core particle as a
display moiety. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci, 1997, vol. 51, pp. 1-7.
- T.Kozlovska, I.Cielens, I.Vasiljeva, M.Bundule, A.Strelnikova, A.Kazaks, A.Dislers,
D.Dreilina, V.Ose, I.Gusars, P.Pumpens. Display vectors. II. Recombinant capsid of
RNA bacteriophage Qb as a display moiety. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci, 1997, vol. 51,
pp. 8-12.
- T.Fehr, D.Skrastina, P.Pumpens, R.M.Zinkernagel. T cell-independent type I
antibody response against B cell epitopes expressed repetitively on recombinant virus
particles. - Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 1998, vol. 95, pp. 9477-9481.
- P.Pumpens, E.Grens. Hepatitis B core particles as a universal display model: a
structure-function basis for development. - FEBS Letters, 1999, vol. 442, pp.
- P.Preikschat, A.Kazaks, A.Dishlers, P.Pumpens, D.H. Kruger, H.Meisel. Interaction
of wild-type and naturally occuring deleted variants of hepatitis B virus core
polypeptides leads to formation of mosaic particles. - FEBS Letters, 2000,
vol. 478, pp. 127-132.
- P.Pumpens, E.Grens. Hepatitis B core particles as a carrier for B cell/T cell epitopes.
- Intervirology, 2001, vol. 44, N2/3, pp. 98-114..
- P.Pumpens, E.Grens. Artificial genes for chimeric virus-like particles. - In: Artificial
DNA: Methods and Applications, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, 2002, pp. 249-327.
- P.Pumpens, R.Razanskas, P.Pushko, R.Renhof, I.Gusars, D.Skrastina, V. Ose, et al.
Evaluation of HBs, HBc, and frCP virus-like particles for expression of human
palillomavirus 16 E7 oncoprotein epitopes. - Intervirology, 2002, vol. 45, N 1,
pp. 24-32.
- Lazdina U., Alheim M., Nyström J., Hultgren
C., Borisova G., Sominskaya I., Pumpens P., Peterson D.L., Milich D.R., Sallberg M.
Priming of cytotoxic T cell responses to exogenous hepatitis B core antigen is B cell
dependent. - J. Gen. Virol., 2003,vol. 84, pp. 139-146.
- Mihailova M., Sominskaya I., Jansons J., Rozentals R., Pumpens P. Structural features of
hepatitis B virus from long-term immunosuppressed patients in Latvia. - Proc. Latv.
Acad. Sci., 2003, vol. 57, N 5, pp. 158-163.
- Kazaks A., Dishlers A., Pumpens P., Ulrich R., Krüger D.H., Meisel H. Mosaic particles
formed by wild-type HBV core protein and its deletion variants consist of both homo- and
heterodimers.- FEBS Letters, 2003, vol. 549, N 1/3, pp. 157-162.
- Dumpis U., Kovalova Z., Jansons J., Cupane L., Sominskaya
I., Michailova M., Karayiannis P., Gardovska D., Viazov S., Ross S. , Roggendorf M., Pumpens
P. An outbreak of HBV and HCV infection in a paediatric oncology ward: Epidemiological
investigations and prevention of further spread. - J.Med.Virol., 2003, vol.69, N 3, pp. 331-338.
- Kazaks A., Borisova G., Cvetkova S., Kovalevska L., Ose V., Sominskaya I., Pumpens P.,
Skrastina D.,.Dishlers A. Mosaic hepatitis B core particles presenting complete preS
sequence of viral envelope on their surface.- J.Gen.Virol., 2004, vol. 85 (Pt 9),
pp. 2665-2670.
- Geldmacher A., Skrastina D., Petrovskis I., Borisova G., Berriman J.A., Roseman A.M.,
Crowther R.A., Fischer J., Musema S., Gelderblom H.R., Renhofa R., Ose V., Krüger D.H.,
Pumpens P., Ulrich R. An amino-terminal segment of hantavirus nucleocapsid protein
presented on hepatitis B virus core particles induces a strong and highly crossreactive
antibody response in mice. - Virology, 2004, vol. 323, N 1, pp. 108-119.
- A.Zajakina, T.Kozlovska, R.Bruvere, J.Aleksejeva, P.Pumpens, H.Garoff. Translation of
hepatitisB virus (HBV) surface proteins from the HBV pregenome and precore RNAsin Semliki
Forest virus driven expression. - J.Gen.Virol., 2004, vol. 85 , pp. 3343-3351.
- M.Mihailova, M.Boos, I.Petrovskis, O.Ose, D.Skrastina, M.Fiedler, I.Sominskaya, S.Roos,
P.Pumpens, M.Roggendorf, S.Viazov. Recombinant virus-like particles as a carrier of B- and
T-cell epitopes of hepatitis C virus (HCV). - Vaccine, 2006, vol. 24, N 20, pp.
- J.Freivalds, A.Dislers, V.Ose, D.Skrastina, I.Cielens, P.Pumpens, K.Sasnauskas,
A.Kazaks. Assembly of bacteriophage Qß virus-like particles in yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris. - J.Biotechnol., 2006, vol. 123, N
3, pp. 297-303.
- S.Ling, A.Lai, O.Borschukova, P.Pumpens, J.Holoshitz. Activation of nitric oxide
signalling by the rheumatoid arthritis shared epitope. - Arthritis Rheum., 2006,
vol. 54, N 11, pp. 3423-3432.
Research Projects:
International -
- P. Pumpens (Contractor). Combined immune and gene therapy for chronic viral hepatitis. -
EU Framework 5 RTD project (Contract No QLK2-Ct-2000-01476, Prime
Contractor: Wolfram H. Gerlich)
- P. Pumpens (Contractor). Hantavirus vaccine . - EU Framework 5 RTD project (
Prime Contractor: : Detlev H. Kruger)
- P.Pumpens (-ordinator). Artificial chimeric proteins as diagnostic, vaccine, and gene
therapy carriers. - Marie Curie Training Site (Contract No
- P. Pumpens (Contractor). Rational design and comparative evaluation of novel genetic
vaccines using West Nile virus as a paradigm. - EU Framework 6 RTD Integrated
Project COMPUVAC (Co-ordinator: David Klatzmann).
- P. Pumpens (Contractor). Network of Excellence (NoE) Malaria vaccine
(applied for November 16, 2004) - EU Framework 6 RTD Project
(Co-ordinator: Mo Klinkert).
- P.Pumpens (Coordinator). Molecular Monitoring of HBV and HCV Infection in Latvia:
Genomic Variations of HBV and HCV in Presence and Absence of HIV Infection. - US CRDF Award # LA-XO-1062-RG-04.
- P.Pumpens (Head of Project). Construction of E.coli Mutants - Overproducers of Chimeric
Proteins RNA Phage Coats. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1996).
- P.Pumpens (Head of Project). Spatial Structure of Chimeric Capsids Based on RNA Phage
Coats. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1996).
- P.Pumpens (Head of Project). Universal Cloning and Expression System by Means of
Protease Mutants. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2000)
- P.Pumpens (Head of Project). Novel VLP Model: Expression and X-Ray Analysis of
Acetinobacter RNA Phage 205 Coat Protein and Its Chimeras. Latvian Council of Science
( 2001-2004)
- P.Pumpens (Head of Project). Hematological Malignancies in Children with
Combined Chronic Viral Infection. Latvian Council of Science (
2001 - 2004)
- P.Pumpens (Head of Project). Construction of Chimeric Melanoma Vaccine Candidates. Latvian
Council of Science ( 2004 - )
- P.Pumpens (Head of Project). New Prototypes of Chimeric Vaccines: West
Nile (WNV) virus. Latvian Council of Science ( 2005 -)
Last update30-10-2007 12:46:03