Professor Peteris PROKOFJEVS Nuclear Research Centre
Latvian Academy of Sciences
Miera iela 31
Salaspils, LV 2169
Phone: +371 294 5840
Fax: +371 790 1212
Born: August 1, 1925, Daugavpils district, Latvia
Dead: December 1, 2000
- Nuclear Structure
- Neutron Fundamental Properties
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1950
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute
of Metrology, Leningrad, Russia, 1957
- Dr. habil. phys. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Joint Institute of Nuclear
Research, Dubna, Russia, 1971
- Professor, 1982
- Researcher, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1950-1958
- Head of Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of
- Head of Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Nuclear Research Centre, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1992 -1996
- Lecturer, University of Latvia, 1959 -1961; Daugavpils Pedagogical University, Latvia,
- State Emeritus Scientist, 1997
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1978 - 1992
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992 -
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Fr.Canders Prize (in Physics), 1996
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences E. Silinsh Prize (in Physics), 2001
- Member, Organizing Committees of International conferences on Nuclear Spectroscopy and
Neutron Capture gamma-ray.
- State Professor Emeritus, 1996 -
- Special Prize of Soros Foundation, 1993
Recent / Representative Publications:
- P.Prokofjevs et al. Spectra of Electromagnetic Transitions and Level Schemes Fllowing
Thermal Neutron Capture by Nuclides with A 143-193, Riga: Zinatne Press, 1973, 112 p.
- T.von Egidy, ..., P.Prokofjevs et al. Nuclear Levels in 152Eu, ZAND Federal
Republic, Germany, 1978, 141 p.
- J.Van den Cruyce, ..., P.Prokofjevs et al. Nuclear levels in the double 182Ta
nucleus, Phys. Rev C, 1979, vol.20, 2, pp.504-527.
- M.Balodis, N.Kramer, P.Prokofjevs et al. Level structure of the odd-odd nucleus 156Eu,
Nucl.Phys., A, 1991, vol.523, pp.261-299.
- J.Kern, ..., P.Prokofjevs et al. Nuclear levels in 192Ir, Nucl.Phys., A,
1991, vol.534, 1, pp.77-127.
- P.Prokofjevs et al. Nuclear structure of 183W studied in (n,g ), (n,n', g ) and (d,p) reactions, Nucl.Phys.,
A, 1997, vol.614, pp.183-216.
- V.Bondarenko, ..., P.Prokofjevs et al. Nuclear levels 187W, Nucl.Phys., A,
1997, vol.619, pp.1-48.
- P.Prokofjev, L.Simonova, M.Balodis, J.Berzins, V.Bondarenko. Level scheme of 166Ho.
- Abstracts of rep. of 5-st Intern.Conf. Application on Semiconductor Detectors in
Nuclear Physical Problem, Riga, May 18-22, 1998, p.37.
- J.Berzins, V.Bondarenko, P.Prokofjev. 160Gd, 162Dy and 164Dy
studied in (n, ?) and (n, n', ?) reactions. - Abstracts
of Rep. of 5-st Intern.Conf. Application on Semiconductor Detectors in Nuclear Physical
Problem, Riga, May 18-22, 1998, p.16.
- J.Berzins, V.Bondarenko, P.Prokofjev. 160Gd, 162Dy and 164Dy
studied in (n, ?) and (n, n', ?) reactions. - Abstracts
of rep. of 5-st Intern.Conf. Application on Semiconductor Detectors in Nuclear Physical
Problem, Riga, May 18-22, 1998, p.16
- P.Prokofjev, L.Simonova, M.Balodis, J.Berzins, V.Bondarenko. Level scheme of 166Ho.
- Abstracts of rep. of 5-st Intern.Conf. Application on Semiconductor Detectors in
Nuclear Physical Problem, Riga, May 18-22, 1998, p.37.
Research Projects:
- P.Prokofjevs (Head of Project). Investigation of Excited States of Heavy Nuclei and
Neutron-Electrical Properties Using Nuclear Reactions. Latvian Council of Science
- P.Prokofjevs (Head of Project). Investigation of Fundamental Properties of Neutron.
Collaboration project with Munich Technical University. Volkswagen Stiftung (1993-1995).
Last update 06.03.2001