Professor Janis PRIEDKALNS Former Ambassador of
Latvia to the United Nations
Currently - Professor,
University of Latvia
A.k. 52, Riga, LV 1010,
Tel.: +371 26496128
Fax: +371 67174758
E-mail: jpuika@chariot.net.au
Born: 28th March 1934, Barbele, Latvia
- Neuroendocrinology
- Water Balance and Reproductive Regulation in Arid-zone Species
- Clinical Aspects of Dehydration
- Globalization and Ethnic Heritage
Languages: Latvian, English, German, French
- University of Sydney (Australia), BVSc, Veterinary Medicine, 1959
- University of Minnesota (USA), PhD, Medical Sciences - Endocrinology, 1966
- University of Cambridge, Downing College (England), MA, 1970
- Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons ( England), MRCVS , 1971
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia, Deacon, 1990
- Latvia University of Agriculture, Doctor honoris causa in Sciences, 1997
- Instructor/Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota (USA); Alexander von Humboldt
Research Fellow, Universities of München and Giessen (Germany); French Government
Research Fellow, École nationale vétérinaire de Lyon and Collège de France (France),
1961 - 1970
- University Demostrator, University of Cambridge (England) and Visiting Professor,
Harvard Medical School (USA), 1970 - 1972
- Elder Professor of Anatomy&Histology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Adelaide
at times, Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Adelaide, and Visiting Professor (at
times), Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires,
Witwatersrand University Medical School (Johannesburg), University of Giessen Faculty of
Medicine, Collège de France (Paris), Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm), University
of Cambridge (England), University of Washington (Seattle), Harvard Medical School
University College of Medical Sciences (New Delhi), Tokyo Medical and Dental
University, National Taiwan College of Medical Sciences (Taipei), University
of Turku, Latvian Academy of Medicine, 1972-1996
- Member of the Latvian Parliament (Saeima) and of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe, 1996 - 1997
- Director, Press Analysis Division, Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Riga, 1997
- Ambassador of Latvia to the United Nations, 1997 - 2001
- Professor, Latvian Academy of Medicine (Riga Stradin University), 2001 - 2003
- Professor, University of Latvia, 2004 -
Honours and Awards
- Commonwealth of Australia Undergraduate Scholarship, 1954 - 1958
- Fellow of Royal Society, South Australia, 1978
- Latvian Prizes of Janis Dalins (1983) and Vilis Janums (1987) Memorial Funds
- Foreign Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994 - 1998
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr.h.c. , Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1997
- Emeritus Professor of the University of Adelaide, 1997
- Fellow/ Academician, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Three Stars Award of Latvia, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Editorial, Advisory, and Examining Boards for Cell and Tissue Research
- Member of Editorial Board for Anatomia-Histologia-Embryologia
- Scientific Referee for Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, Australian Journal
of Experimental Biology and Medical Science
- Counsellor of the Convent, Latvia University of Agriculture
- Member of the Habilitation Council, Latvia University of Agriculture
- Member of the Latvian Council of Science
- Assessor, National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia) and Cancer Research
Council (Victoria) Grant Applications
- Consultant, International Development Programme of the Australian Vice-Chancellors
- External Examiner, at times, at Monash University (Melbourne); Flinders
University of South Australia (Adelaide); Otago University (Dunedin)
- Chairman of Subject Committee for Latvian, Committee for Nationally Assessed Languages,
South Australian Public Examinations Board
- Chairman of Latvian Syllabus Committee, Australian Assessment Framework for Languages at
Senior Secondary Level (NAFLaSSL)
- Member of Downing College, University of Cambridge
- Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1989
- Member of the Latvian Scientists' Association, 1991
- President, Latvian Association of University Professors and Scientists (LAMZA), 2001 -
- International Board Member, United Families International, 2001 -
Courses Taught
- Human and Comparative Embryology
- Histology
- Anatomy
- Globalization and Preservation of Ethnic Heritage
Recent/Representative Publications
- J. Priedkalns. Pregnancy and the Central Nervous System. - In: Comparative
Placentation (ed. D.H.Steven), 1975, London: Academic Press, pp. 189 -213.
- J.Priedkalns, A.Okshe, C.Vleck , R.K.Bennett. The response of the hypothalamo-gonadal
system to environmental factors in the Zebra finch, Poephila guttata castanotis:
Structural and functional studies. - Cell & Tissue Research, 1984, vol. 238, N
1, pp. 23-35.
- J.Priedkalns, C.Vleck. Effect of environmrntal factors on testicular functions in the
zebra finch. - In: Current Trends in Comparative Endocrinology (eds. B.Lofts and
W.N.Holmes), 1985, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp. 265-268.
- J.Priedkalns, A.Okshe. Cytoarchitecture of the Hypothalamus in the Zebra Finch.- J.
Anat., 1987, vol. 155, p.258.
- J.Priedkalns. Female Reproductive System (Chapter).- In: Textbook of Veterinary
Histology, 1st-6th edit (eds. H.-D. Dellmann, J.A.Eurell), 1973- 2006;
Philadelphia: Lea&Febiger, Baltimore: Lippincott Williams&Wilkins.
- J.Priedkalns. Language as the core value of Latvian culture: the Australian experience.
- Journal of Baltic Studies, 1994, vol. 25, N 1, pp. 29-42.
- J.Priedkalns, R.K.Bennett. Air humidity and water supply affect reproductive activity in
the Zebra Finch. - J. Anat., 1990, vol. 173, pp. 207-208.
- J.Priedkalns. Globalization and Ethnic Heritage. - United Nations Millennium Summit
Proceedings "Imagining Tomorrow - Rethinking the Global Challenge"
(ed.K.Sharma), New York, 2000.
- J.Priedkalns (Editor). Latvijas Universitatei un Konservatorijai 1919 -1940 un
latvieu peckara izglitibai Latvija un Rietumos veltits rakstu krajums, 2004,
LAMZA/ELPA: Riga, 2004.
- J.Priedkalns.Globalizacijas un etniska kulturmantojuma saglabaana. - Universitas,
89 (252), 1-4. NewYork/Riga: Latvijas Korporaciju apvieniba, 2005.
Hobbies: Mountaineering
Last update 02.05.2007