(18.02.1928 - 10.2003)
Dr.habil.phys. Irena PLAVINA
Leading Researcher
University of Latvia Institute of Solid State physics
Kengaraga iela 8
Riga, LV 1063
Latvia |
Born: February 18, 1928, Riga, Latvia
Departed: October, 2003, Riga, Latvia
- Experimental Solid State Physics
- Mechanism of Radiation (UV-light, X-ray, electron) Storage in Alkali Halides Doped with
ns2 Ions
- Photostimulated Luminescence
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1952
- Postgraduate, P.Lebedev Institute of Physics, Moscow, 1957
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), 1959
- Dr.habil.phys. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1976
- Engineer, Scientific Research Institute, Russia, Frjazino, 1953
- Junior Researcher; Senior Researcher, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Head of the Laboratory of Spectroscopy of Ionic Crystals, Institute of Physics, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1968-1992
- Leading Researcher, University of Latvia, Institute of Solid State physics, 1993 -
Honours and Awards:
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award (1977, 1981) and Second Award
- State Emeritus Scientist, 1996
Recent/Representative Publications:
- P.Bratslavets, A.Kalnins, I.Plavina, B.Rapoport, A.Tale. The optical destruction and
restoration of (F, In2+) pairs in KBr-In crystals. Phys. Stat. Sol. (B),
1992, 170, pp.395-401.
- A.Kalnins, I.Plavina, A.Popov, A.Tale. Induced decay of anion excitons in alkali halide
crystals in the vicinity of positive charged defects. J. of Physical and Technical
Sciences, 1992, 3, pp.315.
- I.Plavina, A.Popov. The observation of a new D-absorption band in KBr-In crystals. Phys.
Stat.Sol. (B), 1993, 176, pp.255-259.
- A.Kalnins, I.Plavina, A.Tale. Powdered KBr-In as an X-radiation storage material with a
wide dynamic range. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 1994,
128, pp.27-33.
- I.Plavina, A.Popov. Excitation spectra of activator luminescence - the observation of a
new D absorption band in KBr-In crystals. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids,
1994, 128, pp.27-33.
- A.Kalnina, I.Plavina, A.Tale. UV radiation image sensor utilising photostimulated
luminescence. Proceedings of the Forth Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry,
Ontario, Florida 23-27 Oct., 1994, pp.103-108.
- I.Plavina, A.Popov, A.Tale. Photostimulated luminescence of KBr-In crystals. Radiation
Effects and Defects in Solids, 1995, 135, pp.125-128.
- I.Plavina, A.I.Popov, A.Tale and A.Kalninsh. "Possible mechanism of energy storage
in optically stimulable materials - doped alkali halides"; In: Optical Inorganic
Dielectric Materials and Devices. (Ed.: A.Krumins, D.Millers, A.Sternberg, J.Spigulis),
Proc. SPIE 2967, 1997, pp.52-57
- I.Plavina, A.Popov, A.Tale, A.Kalninsh. Efficiency and dynamic range of photostimulable
X-ray storage material KBr-In" ibīdem pp.74-78.
- A.Tale, I.Plavina, A.Kalnins, A.Popov. "Some performance data of the
optically-stimulable irradiated materials-doped alkali halides - oriented for imaging and
dosimetry purposes". Ibīdem pp.79-84.
Research Projects:
- I. Plavina (Head of Project). Storage of Radiation Defects and Their Spatial Correlation
in the Photostimulable Materials (Doped Alkali Halides). Latvian Council of Science
Last update 10.09.1997