Born: May 22, 1962, Ogre district, Latvia
- Morphology
- Immunohistochemistry
- Radioimmunoassay
- In situ Hybridization
- Neuropeptides
- Diffuse Neuroendocrine System
- Human Tissue (respiratory system, gastrointestinal system)
Languages: English, German, Latvian, Russian
- Medical Academy of Latvia (Faculty of Pediatry) cum laude, 1986
- Dr. med. (Ph.D. in Western countries), Medical Academy of Latvia, 1992
- Dr. habil. med., Medical Academy of Latvia, 1997
- Assistant, Department of Histology, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1990-1994
- Head of the Department of Histology, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1994-1997
- Head of the Laboratory of Neuropeptides, Latvian Postgraduate and Continuing Medical
Education Institute, Riga, 1997-1998
- Head of the Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine (University
of Latvia), 1998 - 2001
- Head of the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Riga Stradins University (Medical
Academy of Latvia), 2001 -
- Scholarship Holder, Department of Medical Cell Research, University of Lund, Sweden,
- Visiting Scientist, Department of Medical Cell Research, University of Lund, Sweden,
1993, 1994
- Scholarship Holder, Department of Anatomy, University of Umea, Sweden, 1996
- Visiting scientist, Department of Neuroendocrine Cell Biology, University of Lund,
Sweden, 1997
- Scholarship Holder, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia, 1997
- Visiting Lecturer, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Melbourne,
Australia, 1997
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997
- The Ist Prize in the German Connective Tissue Annual Meeting, (investigations related to
the distribution of collagen and laminin in basal membranes of bronchi), 1995
- The Gratitude of Biomedical Research and Study Centre, University of Latvia
(investigation of ds RNA in the differentiation of cells), 1993
- The Gratitude of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia (ivestigation of
human neuropeptide receptors), 1997
- Honorary Member, Finnish Society of Biomedicine, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Latvian Association of Anatomy, Histology and Embriology
- Member, European Respiratory Society
- Member, World Electron Microscopy Society
- Member, Best Europe
- Member, European Neuropeptide Club
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences
- Member, Royal Electron Microscopy Society
- Member, Balt - Lasa
- Nacional Member, FELASA
- Histology, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1994-1997
- General, Special and Functional Hystology, University of Latvia, 1998 -
- Medical Embryology, University of Latvia, 1998 - 2001
Recent/Representative Publications
M.Pilmane, G.H. 'Sumahers. Mediciniska
embriologija (Medical Embryology), 2006, Riga: RSU, 336 pp. (in Latvian).
- M. Pilmane, A. Luts, F. Sundler. Protein gene product (PGP) 9,5-immunoreactivity in the
lung of children with bronchitis and bronchectasis. - Morphology, 1995, N 1, pp. 50-55
(in Russian).
- M. Pilmane, A. Luts, F. Sundler. Changes in neuroendocrine elements in bronchial mucosa
in adult diseased lung. - Thorax, 1995, vol. 50, pp. 551-554.
- M. Pilmane, A. Luts, F. Sundler. Neuroendocrine elements changes in the bronchial wall
of patients with chronic non-specific lung disease. - Pharmacology & Toxicology,
1995, vol. 76, N 4, p.102.
- M. Pilmane. Spectrophotometrical and immunohistochemical investigations of the changed
hyaline cartilage in the large bronchi of humans. - Proc. RMS, 1995, vol. 30, N 2, p.
- M. Pilmane, J. Savova, N. Mironova. The spectrophotometrical investigations of the aging
bronchial hyaline cartilage in humans. - Scan. J. Clin. Lab. Inv., 1995, vol. 55,
SUPPL, p. 223.
- V. Loza , M. Pilmane, R. Bruvere, A.Volrate, G. Feldmane. Ds RNA in cells during induced
differentiation. - Acta Medica Baltica, 1996, 1, pp. 22-30.
- M. Pilmane, N.Skidenko, N. Mironova. Spectrophotometrical alterations in the support
tissue of large bronchi in humans. - Medical and Biological Engineering& Computing,
1996, vol. 34, Suppl. I, Part 2, pp.185-186.
- M. Pilmane, N.Skidenko, N. Mironova, T. Freivalds, A. Luts, F. Sundler.
Spectrophotometrical and immunohistochemical analysis of bronchial hyaline cartilage in
the aging process of humans. - Proc. EUREM Dublin, 1996, B 12-12.
- M.Pilmane. Alterations of the pulmonary diffuse neuroendocrine system in humans with
different airways disease. - Medicina, 1996, Pr.4 (32), p. 92.
- M. Pilmane, M. Magone, N. Skidenko, A. Enkuzens, A. Luts, F. Sundler. Types of
distribution of neuroendocrine elements in bronchi of humans with and without lung
disease. - Neurobiology, 1996, vol. 4, N 1-2, p. 164.
- M. Pilmane , A. Luts, M. Magone, F. Sundler. Neuroendocrine Element-Changes in the
Bronchial Wall with Normal and metaplastic Epithelium of Patients with Chronic
Non-Specific Lung Disease. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., B,1996, N 11/12 (580/581), pp.
- M.Pilmane, A.Luts, F.Sundler, U.Kjorell, S.Forsgren. Bronchial neuroendocrine elements
in late post irradiation stage in humans after total body irradiation. - Proc. Latv.
Acad. Sci., B, 1998, vol. 52, pp. 134-143.
- M.Pilmane, I.Rumba, F.Sundler, A.Luts. Patterns of distribution and occurance of
neuroendocrine elements in lungs of humans with chronic lung diseases. - Proc. Latv.
Acad. Sci., B,1998, vol. 52, pp. 144-152.
- M.Pilmane, S.Remberga, V.Silins, A. Babjoniseva. Distribution of vasoactive intestinal
peptide (VIP)-containing nerve fibres and levels of peptide in bronchi of childrenwith
allergic airway diseases. - Eur. J. Allergy & Clinical Immunology, 1999,
vol.54, Suppl. 51:33.
- M.Pilmane, L.Jermacane, S.Boka, V.Ose, E.Vitols. Immunohistochemical(IMH) and
electronmicroscopical studies of skin innervation in neuropathic patients. - EUREM 12,
Brno, Chech Republic, Biological Sciences, vol. 1 (eds. S.Cechand R.Janisch),
2000: B 489-490.
- M.Pilmane. Mitohondriopathies in humans with myopathies. - Trends in Biomedicine in
Finland XVII, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 11-14.
- R.Tamane, M.Pilmane, A.Jemeljanovs, A.Dabuzinskiene. Expression of progesterone
receptors in bovine corpus luteum during pregnancy. - Medicina (Kaunas,
Lithuania), 2004, vol. 40, N 5, pp. 459-466.
- A.Valdovska, M.Pilmane, A.Jemeljanovs.Mycological spectrum of mink feed and its effect
on the morphology of organs. - Proc. Latvia University of Agriculture,
2006, N 16 (311), pp. 40-49.
Research Projects
- M. Pilmane (Head of Project). Investigations of T-Limphocytes in the Blood in the
Earlier Phase of Activation in Human with Specific Lung Disease. Latvian Council of Science (1995-1997).
- M.Pilmane (Head of Project). Ontogenetical Investigations of the Pulmonary Diffuse
Neuroendocrine System in Human with Non-Specific and Specific Airways Disease. European
Respiratory Society (1996-1997).
- M. Pilmane (Researcher). Investigations of the Diffuse Neuroendocrine System in Colon of
Children with Innervation Disorders of the Gut. Latvian Council of Science (1996-1998).
- M. Pilmane (Researcher). Ultrasound Investigations of the Structure in Bone of Humans
with Rachitis and Osteoporosis. Latvian Council of Science (1996-1998).
- M. Pilmane (Head of Project). Neuropeptides in the Pathogenesis of Bronchial Asthma. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 - ).
- M. Pilmane (Head of Project). Epithelial Damage in Allergic Asthma and Rhinitis. Swedish
Council of Science (2001-2003).
- M. Pilmane (Head of Project). Epithelial Damage in Allergic Asthma and Rhinitis. Swedish
Council of Science (2001-2004).
- M. Pilmane (Head of Project). Growth, Regenerative and Quality Markers in Pathogenesis,
Diagnosis and Prognosis of Facial Clefts. Latvian Council of Science (2004 - ).
Last update 25.09.2007