Andris OZOLS
Born: December 6, 1944, Riga, Latvia
- Photoinduced processes in azobenzene molecular films, amorphous chalcogenide films and
optical fibres
- Holography
- Physical aspects of optical information recording, processing and transmission
- Quantum information
Brief description of main research:
I have investigated both experimentally and theoretically the photoinduced processes in
KBr, KCl and NaCl crystals with colour centres, in electrooptic LiNbO3:Fe
crystals, in amorphous As-S and As-Se chalcogenide films. The obtained results were used
to optimise the optical information recording in these materials. The non-linear processes
in optical glass fibres and planar waveguides have also been studied. The most important
results include: the development of the theory of thin amplitude-phase gratings; the
deduction of properties and mechanisms of coherent, incoherent and relaxational hologram
self-enhancement effects in above mentioned materials; the development of optical methods
for spatially resolved F-centre diffusion studies; the deduction and explanation of the
picosecond processes in As-S and As-Se films; the discovery and the explanation of the
strong structure relaxation effects on the holographic recording in amorphous chalcogenide
films; the discovery, properties and mechanism of the sub-band-gap light holographic
recording in amorphous chalcogenide films; the first realisation of the efficient
transient millisecond pulse recording in amorphous semiconductor films. I have also
studied polarization holograms and diffraction anisotropy in As-S, As-S-Se and azobenzene
organic films. New real-time holographic method is developed to measure the photoinduced
anisotropy in polarization-sensitive materials. Efficient azobenzene materials for direct
surface relief hologram recording in red spectral region have been developed. Recording
and self-enhancement of dynamic scalar and vector gratings have been experimentally
studied in amorphous chalcogenide films and azobenezene molecular glassy films in both
two-wave-mixing and four-wave-mixing geometry.
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian, German.
- University of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) (Faculty of Radiophysics), Russia, 1968
- Postgraduate, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1979
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in Western countries), Institute of
Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1980
- Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences in former USSR, Institute of
Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1991
- Dr.habil.phys., Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Senior Engineer, University of Latvia, 1972-1973
- Senior Engineer, Junior Researcher, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Visiting Researcher, University of Essen, Germany, 1982-1983
- Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1984-1993
- Leading Researcher, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 1993-2006
- Associate Professor, Riga Technical University, 1991-1994
- Visiting Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Joensuu, Finland, 1992-1993
- Professor, University of Latvia , 1994-2000
- Professor, Riga Technical University, 1998 -
Honours and Awards:
- Professor, University of Latvia
- Professor, Riga Technical University, 2000
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2010
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Chairman, Latvian Optical Society,( the section of the European Optical
Society) 2009-2014
- Member of Board, European Optical Society, 2012-2018
- Chairman, Professorial Council in Physics and Astronomy , Riga Technical University ,
2001 -now
- Member, Professorial Council in Physics and Astronomy, University of Latvia, 2005-now
- Member, International Society for Optical Engineering
- Member, Optical Society of America
- Member, Promotion Council in Electronics and Telecommunications, Riga Technical
- Member, Latvian Physical Society
- Member, Editorial Board of the Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences.
Riga Technical University:
- General Physics
- Communication Theory
- Advanced Communication Theory
Recent/Representative Publications:
K.Schwartz, A.Ozols. Holography - Revolution in Optics. Riga: Zinatne, 1975,
208 p. (in Latvian)
A.Ozols. Diffraction efficiency of thin amplitude-phase holograms. - Optika I
Spectroscopiya, 1977, vol.42, 1, pp.93-96
A.Ozols, , M.Reinfelde. Relaxational self-enhancement of holographic gratings in
amorphous As2 S3 films. - J.Applied Physics, 1994,
vol.75, 7, pp.3326-3334
O.Salminen, P.Riihola, A.Ozols, T. Viitala. Spatially resolved optical studies of
F-center diffusion in KBr Crystals. - Physical Review B. Condensed
Matter, 1996, vol. 53, N 10, pp. 6129-6136
A.Ozols, N.Nordman, O.Nordman. Effect of structure relaxation on the holographic
recording in amorphous As2S3 films. - Optics
Communication, 1997, vol.136, 5-6, pp.365-369
A.Ozols, N.Nordman, O.Nordman, P.Riihola. Model of holographic recording in amorphous
chalcogenide films using sub-band-gap light at room temperature. - Physical Review
B. Condensed Matter, 1997, vol. 55, N 21, pp. 14236-14244.
A.Ozols, N.Nordman, O.Nordman. Two-color holographic grating formation in amorphous As2S3 films.
- J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 1998, vol.15, N 9, pp. 2355-2360
O.Nordman, A.Ozols, N.Nordman. Diffraction efficiency oscillations in amorphous As2S3 films.
- J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 1999, vol.16, N 4, pp.631-636.
A.Ozols, O.Nordman, N.Nordman. Holographic manifestations in D centres in amorphous As2 S3 films.
- Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 1999, vol.150, pp.369-374
A.Ozols, M.Reinfelde. Holographic properties of dielectric crystals and amorphous
semiconductor films. - Proc. SPIE, 2001, vol.4358, pp.64-75
A.Ozols, V.Kampars, M.Reinfelde, V.Kokars. Hologram recording in azobenzene oligomers.
- Proc. SPIE, 2003, vol. 5123, pp.102-109.
A.Ozols, M.Reinfelde. Theoretical and experimental studies of light diffraction
anisotropy by holograms in a-As-S-Se films. - Proc. SPIE, 2003,
vol. 5123, pp.136-141.
A.Ozols, M.Reinfelde. Polarization holograms and diffraction efficiency in amorphous
chalcogenides. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2004,
vol.6, issue 3, pp.134-141.
A.Ozols, S.Lazarevs. Peculiarities of holographic recording in a-AS40S15Se45 films
at millisecond exposures. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 2004, vol.49,
No 4, pp.310-312.
J.Porins, A.Ozols, G.Ivanovs, J.Eimuss. Nonlinear optical losses in telecommunication
fibres. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2004,
No 4, pp.48-57.
A.Ozols, M.Reinfelde, V.Kampars, V.Kokars. Structure optimization of azobenzene
oligomers for holography. Phys. Status Sol. C, 2005, vol.2, issue 1,
A.Ozols, Dm.Saharovs, M.Reinfelde. Holographic recording in amorphous As2S3 films
at 633 nm. - J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2006, vol. 352, pp. 2562-1656.
Ozols A., Reinfelde M., Saharovs D.Kundzins K, Kampars V., Kokars V. Holographic
recording of surface relief gratings in tolyle-based azobenzene oligomers. Thin Solid
Films, 2008, vol.516 , pp. 8887-8892.
A.Ozols, V.Kokars, P.Augustovs, I.Uiska, K.Traskovskis, D.Saharov. Effect of light
polarization on holographic recording in glassy azocompounds and chalcogenides. Centr.
European J.Phys., 2011, vol.9, No2, pp.547-552. DOI: 10.2478/s11534-010-0125-6.
A.Ozols, P.Augustovs, D.Saharov. Recording of holographic gratings and their coherent
self-enhancement in an a-As2S3 film with a minimum light intensity
modulation.Lithuanian Journ.of Physics, 2012, vol.52, N01, pp.10-18.
A.Ozols, V.Kokars, P.Augustovs, K.Traskovskis, D.Saharov. Holographic studies of
photoinduced anisotropy in molecular glassy films containing diphenylamine
azochromophores. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2012, vol.38, 012011
(pp.1-6) doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/38/1/012011.
A. Ozols, P Augustovs, V.Kokars, K.Traskovskis, and D.Saharov. Effect of holographic
grating period on its relaxation in a molecular glassy film. IOP Conf. Series: Materials
Science and Engineering, 2013, vol.49, 012043 (pp.1-6). Doi:
A.Ozols, V.Kokars, P.Augustovs, D.Malinovskis, K.Traskovskis, E.Zarins,
G.Ivanovs.Self-Enhancenment of Scalar and Vector Holographic Gratings in Azobenzene
Molecular Glassy Films. Optics and Photonics Journal, 2014, vol.4, pp.143-152. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/opj.2014.46015.
A.Ozols, A.Belyaev, V.Kokars, P.Augustovs, K.Traskovskis, D.Saharov .Recording and
self-enhancement of dynamic polarization gratings in degenerate four-wave mixing geometry.
Proc. SPIE, 9421, Eighth International Conference on Advanced Optical Materials and
Devices (AOMD-8), 9421108-1 9421108-11 (22 October 2014); doi: 10.1117/12.2084046.
A.Ozols, P.Augustovs, K.Kenins, V.Kokars, E.Zarins, K.Traskovskis, D.Saharov. Dark
relaxation of holographic gratings in azobenzene and chalcogenide films. IOP Conf. Series:
Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, vol.77, 012018.doi:10.1088/1757-899X/77/1/012018.
P.Augustovs, A.Ozols, E.Zarins, V.Kokars. Holographic photosensitivity intensity
dependence of azobenzene molecular and chalcogenide glassy films. Advanced Materials
Research, 2015, vol.1117, pp.90-93. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1117.90.
L.Bajarune, A.Ozols. Latvian language as a code in different communication channels.
Environment.Technology.Resources, Rezekne, Latvia, 2015. Proc. of the 10th Int.Scientific
and Practical Conf. Volume III, pp.11-16, 2015. Rezekne Higher Education Institution
(Rezeknes Augstskola), Rezekne, 2015. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/etr2015vol3.182.
E.Zarins,A.Tokmakovs, V.Kokars, A.Ozols, P.Augustovs, M.Rutkis. Triphenyl group
containing molecular glasses of azobenzene for photonic applications. Optical Materials,
2016, vol.53, pp.146-154. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016./j.optmat.2016.01.044
A.Ozols, E.Letko, P.Augustovs, D.Saharov, E.Zarins, V.Kokars. Photoinduced anisotropy of
IWK-2D azobenzene molecular glassy films. Key Engineering Materials, 2018, vol.762, pp.
233-238, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.762.233. ISSN: 1662-9795.
128. E.Zarins, K.Balodis, A.Ruduss, V.Kokars, A.Ozols, P.Augustovs, Dm.Saharovs.
Molecular glasses of azobenzene for holographic data storage applications. Optical
Materials, 2018, vol.79, pp. 45-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2018.03.020.
129. A.Trizna, A.Ozols. An Overview of Quantum Key Distribution Protocols. Information
Technology and Management Science, 2018, vol.21, pp.37-44. doi:10.7250/itms-2018-0005.
Research Projects:
- Head of Project. Holographic Recording and Phase Conjugation in Materials with Complex
Photorefraction. Latvian Council of Science, 2005-2010
- Latvian State Research Program "Development of innovative multifunctional
materials, signal processing and information technologies for competitive science based
products" (2010-2013). Project 1 " Multifunctional materials for energy
conversion and information recording, storage, transfer and transformation, and their
efficient applications in high technology devices". Subproject " Studies and
optimization of holographic recording in stilbene azobenzene compounds" (head of
subproject A.Ozols)
- Researcher, ERDF project
Design of high speed optical access networks and
elements, Nr. 2010/0270/2DP/, ERAF, 2010-2015
Latvian State Research Program "Multifunctional materials, photonics and
nanotechnologies"(2014-2018). Project 1: Photonics and materials for photonics. Subproject
Y8092.2: light-matter interaction investigation using methods of holography, microscopy
and Raman spectroscopy (head of subproject A.Ozols)
Researcher, Joint
Latvian-Ukrainian project " Development of novel organic glass forming
molecular azobenzene based materials and their evaluation for dynamic holography and
design of diffractive and refractive optical elements", 2017-2018.
Last update 19.03.2019