Janis OSIS
Born: April 6, 1929, Valmiera district, Kauguru pagasts, Latvia
Topological Modelling
- Modelling of Complex Systems
Object Modelling and UML
- Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design
- Applied Computer Science
- Mechatronic Systems
- Formal Methods of Software Engineering
Since 1965 the research field is Topological Modelling with applications in Technical
and Medical Diagnostics. Recent fields of interest are Object-Oriented System Analysis,
Modelling and Design. Topological Functioning Model Support
for Software Engineering.
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian.
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Mechanics) cum laude, 1953.
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Kaunas Technological University (former Kaunas Polytechnic Institute) , Lithuania, 1961.
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of
Sciences, Riga, Latvia, 1972.
- Assistant, Faculty of Mechanics, State University of
Latvia, 1956-1958
Riga Technical University:
- Lecturer, Faculty of Electroenergetics, 1958-1961
- Docent and Dean, Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering, 1963-1967
- Senior Researcher, Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering, 1968-1969
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Automatics and Computer Science, 1970-1978
- Professor and Head of Chair, Faculty of Automatics and Computer Science, 1979-1993
- Professor and Director, Specialized Institute of Applied Computer Science,
- Professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2001-
- Visiting Researcher, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of California, Berkeley, USA, 1967
- Visiting Researcher, Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Universita
degli Studi di Padova, Italia, 1995
Honours and Awards:
- Diploma of Latvian Supreme Council, 1962
- Honorary Worker, Riga Technical University, 1992
- Honorary Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Diploma of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences, Joint Stock Company "DATI" and the Education Foundation of Latvia,
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences, Joint Stock Company "DATI" and the Education
Foundation of Latvia Eizhens Arinsh Prize for life-long contribution to computer sciences
and informatics, 2004.
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of the International Editorial Board, Journal Automatic Control and Computer
Sciences, Allerton Press, Inc. Riga, New York, 1967-
- Member of the International Editorial Board for the Journal Scientific Proceedings
of Riga Technical University, Series-Computer Science (5), 2000 -
- Member, Latvian Association of Scientists, 1988 -
- Member, Senate of Riga Technical University, 1990-1999
- Member of Auditing Commission, Riga Technical University, 1990 - 2000
- President of the Latvian National Organization of Automatics, 1992-1996
- Member of the Board Latvian National Organization of Automatics (LANO), 1992 - 2003
- Associated Member, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 1992 -
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee on
Informatics, 1993- 2007
- Chairman, Habilitation Council on Informatics, Riga Technical University, Latvia,
- Member, Habilitation and Promotion Council on Informatics, Riga
Technical University, Latvia, 1997-
- Member, Habilitation and Promotion Council on Computer Science, University of Latvia, 1992-
- Head of Master Studies, Chair of Applied Computer Science, Riga Technical University,
- Member, Council of Riga Information Technology Institute, 1993 -2003
- Member of Council, Faculty o Computer Science and Information Technology, 2001-2008
- Head of Continual Scientific Seminar: Data, Intellect, Technology, Formalization (DITF),
Institute of Applied Computer Systems, 2001
- Member of the European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST), 2003
- Automatic Control
- Technical Cybernetics
- Topological Modelling
- Programming Language ADA
- Object-Oriented System Analysis
- Problems of Hybrid System Analysis
- Embedded and Mechatronic Systems
- Technology of Software Development
- Advanced Topics of Applied Computer Science
- Methods and Development Trends of Applied Computer Science
- Advanced Aspects of Object-Oriented Software System Development
- Topological Models of System Functioning. University of
Lincheping, Sweden, 1994
- Functional Description of Complex Systems Based on Topological
Models. University of Padua, Italy, 1995 and 2001.
- Topological Modelling for Knowledge Representation Analysis and
Synthesis. Consiglio Nacionale delle Ricerche, Instituto per Ricerche di Dinamica delli
Sistemi e di Bioingeneria - LADSEB- CNR, Padua, Italy, 1995.
Recent/Representative Publications:
J.Osis. Automatic Control and Regulation, 1969, Riga:
Zvaigzne, 267pp. (in Latvian).
J.Osis. The topological model of system functioning.- Automatics
and Computer Science, Riga, 1969, 6, pp.44-50 (in Russian).
J.Osis, J.Gelfandbein, Z.Markovich, N.Novozshilova. Diagnostics
Based on Digraph Models (with Examples from Automotive and Aviation Techniques), 1991,
Moscow: Transport Publ., 245pp. (in Russian).
J.Osis, L.Beghi. Topological Modelling of Biological Systems.
Modelling and Control in Biomedical systems, Oxford: Pergamon Elsevier Science, 1997,
J.Osis, O.Ivasiuta, P.Rusakovs. Advances object-oriented modelling
techniques for large scale systems. - Proc. of the 8th IFAC (International
Federation of Automatic Control) Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and
Applications, University of Patras, vol.2, Rio Patras, Greece, 1998, pp.816-821.
P.Legovini, J.Osis, A.Giacomini, L.Beghi. Anemia control in
chronic renal failure. - Proceedings 4th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and
Control in Biomedical Systems (including Biological Systems), Pergamon-Elsevier Sci.,
2000, pp.177-182
J. Osis. Extension of Software Development Process for Mechatronic
and Embedded Systems. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
on Computers and Industrial Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland, 11 13
August, 2003, pp. 305 310.
J. Osis. Topological Functioning Model Support for Software
Engineering. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Series - Computer
Science (5), Applied Computer Systems, vol. 17, Riga, RTU, 2003, pp. 31 42.
J. Osis. Software Development with Topological Model in the
Framework of MDA. Proceedings of the 9th CAiSE/IFIP8.1/EUNO International
Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design
(EMMSAD2004) in connection with the CAiSE2004, Vol. 1, RTU, Riga, 2004, pp.
211 220.
J. Osis. Problem Domain Modelling at the Beginning of MDA Life Cycle By Means of
Topological Functioning Model. Proceedings of the 7th International Baltic Conference on
Databases and Information Systems (DB&IS06), Vilnius, Lithuania, 2006, pp. 105
J. Osis. Formal Computation Independent Model within the MDA Life Cycle. International
Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, ISSN 1751-1461 (Print), ISSN 1751-147X
(CD-ROM), V. 1, Nr. 2, Xiaglow Institute Ltd, Glasgow, UK, 2006, pp. 159 166.
J. Osis, E. Asnina, A.Grave. Formal Computation Independent Model of the Problem Domain
within the MDA. Information Systems and Formal Models, Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference ISIM07, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic, 2007,
pp. 47 54.
M. Kirikova, R. Strazdina, J. Grundspenkis, J. Osis. Analysis of Business Process
Flexibility at Different Levels of Abstraction. Proceedings of the 9th International
conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2007), Vol.: Software Agents and
Internet Computing, University of Madeira, Funchal, Portugal, 2007, pp. 389 396.
J. Osis, E. Asnina, A. Grave. MDA Oriented Computation Independent Modeling of the
Problem Domain. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Evaluation of Novel
Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2007), Barcelona, Spain, 2007, pp. 66 -71.
J.Osis, E. Asnina, A. Grave. Computation
Independent Modeling within the MDA. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Software Science, Technology and Engineering, 30-31 October 2007, Herzlia, Israel, IEEE
Computer Society Nr. E3021, pp. 22 34.
J. Osis, E. Asnina. Enterprise Modeling for
Information System Development within MDA. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii,
USA, 2008, p p. 490 -501.
Janis Osis, Erika Asnina, Andrejs Grave. Computation Independent Representation of the Problem Domain in MDA.
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2008, pp. 29 46.
Erika Asnina, Janis Osis, Marite Kirikova. Design of Fractal-Based Systems within MDA: Platform Independent Modelling. Lecture Notes
in Informatics (GI - LNI), Volume P-129, Proceedings of the 3rd AIS
SIGSAND European Symposium on Analysis, Design, Use and Social Impact of Information
Systems, Philipps-Universitaet Marburg/Lahn, Germany, 2008, pp. 39 53..
J. Osis, E. Asnina, A. Grave. Formal Problem
Domain Modeling within MDA. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS),
Vol. 22, Software and Data Technologies, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 387
- 398.
Osis, E. Asnina. A Business Model to Make Software Development Less Intuitive. Proceedings
of the 2008 International Conference on Innovation in Software Engineering, Vienna,
Austria. IEEE Computer Society Publishing,
2008, pp. 1230 1236.
Janis Osis, Uldis Donins. An Innovative Model Driven Formalisation of the Class
Diagrams. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel
Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2009), Milan, Italy, INSTICC PRESS, 2009, pp.
134 - 145.
Janis Osis, Janis Silins. Topological Function-Architecture Co-design of Embedded
Systems. Workshop "Model-Driven Architecture: Foundations, Practices and
Implications". Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Riga, RTU, 2009, pp,
424 - 431.
Janis Osis, Uldis Donins. Modelling Formalisation of MDA Software Development at the
very Beginning of Life Cycle. 13th East European Conference, Advances in Databases and
Information Systems, Riga, RTU, 2009, pp, 48 - 61.
J. Osis, O.Nikiforova (Eds.). Model-Driven Architecture and Modelling Theory-Driven
Development. SciTePress, Portugal, 2010, 105 p.
J. Osis, U. Donins. Platform Independent model Development by Means of Topological Class
Diagrams. In: J. Osis, O. Nikiforova (Eds.). Model-Driven Architecture and Modelling
Theory-Driven Development: ENASE 2010, 2ndMDA&MTDD Whs., SciTePress, Portugal, 2010,
pp. 13 -22.
Asnina, J. Osis. Computation Independent Models: Bridging Problem and Solution Domains.
In: J. Osis, O. Nikiforova (Eds.). Model-Driven Architecture and Modelling Theory-Driven
Development: ENASE 2010, 2ndMDA&MTDD Whs., SciTePress, Portugal, 2010. pp. 23 -32.
J. Osis, A. Slihte. Transforming Texstual Use Cases to a Computation Independent Model.
In: J. Osis, O. Nikiforova (Eds.). Model-Driven Architecture and Modelling Theory-Driven
Development: ENASE 2010, 2ndMDA&MTDD Whs., SciTePress, Portugal, 2010. pp. 33 - 42.
J. Osis, E. Asnina. Model-Driven Domain Analysis and Software Development: Architectures
and Functions.IGI Global, Hershey - New York, 2011, 514 p.
J. Osis, E. Asnina. Is Modeling a Treatment for the Weakness of Software Engineering?
In: Model-Driven Domain Analysis and Software Development: Architectures and Functions.
IGI Global, Hershey - New York, 2011, pp. 1 -14.
J. Osis, E. Asnina. Topological Modeling for Model-Driven Domain Analysis and Software
Development: Functions and Architectures. In: Model-Driven Domain Analysis and Software
Development: Architectures and Functions. IGI Global, Hershey - New York, 2011, pp. 15 -
E. Asnina, J. Osis. Topological Functioning Model as a CIM-Business Model. In:
Model-Driven Domain Analysis and Software Development: Architectures and Functions. IGI
Global, Hershey - New York, 2011, pp. 40 -64.
J. Osis, E. Asnina. Derivation of Use Cases from the Topological Computation Independent
Business Model. . In: Model-Driven Domain Analysis and Software Development: Architectures
and Functions. IGI Global, Hershey - New York, 2011, pp. 65 - 89. Research
- J.Osis (Head of Project). Topological Models and Algorithms.
Application to Medicine. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993).
- J. Osis (Leading Researcher of Project). Intelligent System for
Development of Structured System Analysis Methods and Tools. Latvian Council of
Science (1994-1996)
- J.Osis (Head of Project). Development of Object-Oriented Methods
for Hybrid System Analysis, Design and Programming. Latvian Council of Science
- J.Osis (Head of Project). Topological Model Based Object-Oriented
System Analysis and Design for Mechatronic Systems. Latvian Council of Science (
2001 - 2004).
- J.Osis (Head of Project). Formalization aspects of software
development for business and embedded systems in frame of MDA. Latvian Council of
Science ( 2005 - 2008).
- J.Osis (Researcher of Project). Development a prototype and method
for the automation of competence description's normalisation and linking. RTU and
Lattelecom Technologies ( 2009 - 2010).
- J.Osis (Researcher of Project). Methods and Models Based on
Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Web Technologies for Development of Intelligent
Applied Software and Computer System Architecture.Latvian Council of Science (
2010 - 2012).
Last update 1.06.2011