Born: April 5, 1942, Madona, Latvia
- General Linguistics
- History of Latvian Linguistics
- Morphology Theory, Problems of the Parts of Speech , the Structure of Grammatical
Categories, Studies on the Latvian Participles
- Language, Politics and Social Processes
- Language Culture in Latvia
- Functional Linguistics, the Pragmatics of Discourse, the Magic of Common Language
- Stylistics of Individual and Author Language
- Language in Education, Latvian Teaching
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German; basic knowlwdge - Lithuanian,
English, Hungarian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of History and Philology), cum laude, 1966
- Postgraduate at the Department of General Linguistics, Moscow University, 1966-1969
- Dr. philol. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), Moscow University, 1970
Thesis: "J.Endzelins Linguistical Views"
- Dr.habil.philol. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Vilnius University, 1981
Thesis: "System of the Prepositions in Latvian Written
- Researcher, Institute of Language and Literature, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1969-1977
- Associate Professor, Professor at the Pedagogical Institute of Daugavpils, 1977-1983
- Chair of the Department of Languages and Literature at the University of Latvia,
(Pedagogical Faculty), 1983-1986
- Rector of the Pedagogical Institute of Liepaja, 1986-1990
- Professor, Department of Baltic Languages, University of
Latvia, 1990-1998
- Professor at the Pedagogical Institute of Szombathely and ELTE University in Budapest ,
Hungary, 1993-1996
- Professor, Institute of Languages, Riga Technical
University, 1998 -
Honours and Awards
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Janis Endzelins Prize in Latvian Linguistics, 1980
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1990, 1997 -
- The Ministry of Education of Latvia Award (for book "Latvian Teaching"), 1991
- German encyclopaedia: Linguisten - Handbuch, 1993, Tubingen: Gunter Narr Press, vol. 2,
(A research work by D. Nitina - p. 958).
Professional Activities
- Lectures in nine fields of linguistics including four special lecture courses for
students, Latvian higher schools ( in Riga, Daugavpils, Liepaja), 1977-
- Lecture course Introduction in Baltic Linguistics for
postgraduates of the Department of Slavonic Philology at the Budapest University, Hungary,
- Member, Promotion Council for Linguistics, Pedagogical Academy of Liepaja, 2001 -
Recent/ Representative Publications
- System of the Prepositions in Latvian Written Language, 1978, Riga, Zinatne Press,
249pp. (in Latvian).
- Problems of the Parts of Speech in Latvian. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1985, vol. 1, pp. 68-76 (in Latvian).
- The Pronoun and System of the Parts of Speech in Latvian.- Questions of Linguistics,
Moscow, 1987, vol. 6, pp. 90-100 (in Russian).
- J. Endzelins and His Contribution to the Development of Linguistics. -Linguistics
Theory and Methodology, 1989, Moscow: Nauka Press, pp. 190-255 (in Russian).
- Introduction to Linguistics. 1991, Riga, University Press. 118 pp. (in Latvian).
- German Linguistics, A. Bielenstein and Latvian Research in 19th Century. -
Satz-Text-Diskurs, 1994, Tubingen, Max Niemeyer Press, pp. 239-245 (in German).
- The Magic of Words. - Das sprachliche Bild der Bernsteinstrasse-Region, 1994,
Szombathely: Savaria University Press, pp. 35-42 (in German).
- On the Hungarian- Latvian Verb Prefixes. - Studia Comparativa Linguarum Orbis Maris
Baltici and Central Europe, 1996, Szombathely: Savaria University Press, pp. 49-62
(in German).
- The Latvian Way to the Status of State Language.- Specimina Sibirica, 1997,
Orbis Maris Baltici and Central Europe, 1996, Szombathely: Savaria University Press, vol.
12, pp. 151-160 (in German).
- Folia Baltica. Latvian Language, 1998, Szombathely: Savaria University Press,
162 pp (in Hungarian)
- Contribution of Janis Endzelins in education and tendance of Latvian language. - Proc.Latv.
Acad. Sci., A, 1999, vol. 53, N1-3, pp. 86-92.
- Latvian Morphology, 2001, Riga: RTU, 109 pp. (in Latvian).
- Latvian - Hungarian Dictionary /Ed. J.Pusztay/, 2004, Szombathely: Savaria
University Press, 362 pp.
- Language of Modern Man, 2004, Riga: State Language Agency, 112 p. (in Latvian).
- State Language Quality, 2004, Riga: State Language Agency, 74 pp. (in Latvian).
Research Projects:
- D.Nitina (Head of Project) Latvian Teaching (for Hungarians). - Pro Renovanda Cultura
Hungariae, 1995-1996
- Latvian Pragmatic. Latvian Council of Science (Head of Project: D. Nitina),
1998 -2001
- D.Nitina (Head of Project). Pragmatics Aspects of the Innovations of the Latvian
Language. Latvian Council of Science , 2001 - 2004
- D.Nitina (Head of Project). Methodological Questions of Latvian. Latvian
Council of Science, 2005 -
Last update 25.04.2005