Professor Ojars NEILANDS
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry
Riga Technical University
Azenes iela 14/24
Riga, LV 1048
Latvia |
Born: April 8, 1932, Liepaja, Latvia
Departed: October 27, 2003, Riga, Latvia
- Organic Synthesis
- Theoretical Organic Chemistry
- Chemistry of 1,3-Indandione and ß-Dicarbonyl Compounds
- Modification of [60]Fullerene
- Organic Metals and Semiconductors
- Charge Transfer Complexes
- Hydrogen Bond Complexes
- Policoordinate Iodine Organic Compounds
- Organic Materials for Electronics and Optics
Main Research:
Synthesis of novel organic compounds with unusual physical properties:
semiconductivity, metallic conductivity and superconductivity, nonlinear optical effects -
materials for electronics and optoelectronics. Investigation of organic pi-conjugated
molecules with electron donor and electron acceptor groups, capable to intramolecular
electron transfer. Recognition of organic molecules by hydrogen bond formation.
Languages: German, English, Russian, Latvian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry) cum laude, 1956
- Dr. chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), USSR Academy of Sciences , Moscow, 1961
- Dr. habil. chem. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1971
- Senior Technician, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Latvia, 1956-1958
Riga Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry (Chemical Technology)(since
2000 - Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry), Latvia -
- Postgraduate, Lecturer, Senior Researcher, 1958- 1964
- Associate Professor, 1964-1973
- Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry, 1964 - 1999
- Professor, 1973-1999
- Professor Emeritus, Leading Research Fellow, 2000 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1989
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Gustavs Vanags Prize (in Chemistry), 1978
- The Latvian State Prize, 1980
- The Merited Scientist of Latvia, 1982
- The Gustavs Vanags Medal (Riga Technical University), 1991
- The Solomon Hiller Medal ( Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis), 1992
- The Paul Valden Medal (Riga Technical University), 2000
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint-stock Company " Grindex"
Award, 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, (Vice-chairman, 1991-1999), Latvian Council of
Science Expert Committee for Chemistry, 1991-2002
- Chairman, Habilitation Council (Organic Chemistry), Riga Technical University, 1991-1997
- Member, Promotion Council (Chemistry), Riga Technical University, 2000-
- Member, the Latvian Academy of Sciences Gustavs Vanags Prize (in Chemistry) Committee,
1989 -
- Chairman of Programme Committee, Conferences on Chemistry of beta-Dicarbonyl
Compounds (1966, 1971, 1976, 1980, 1986, 1991)
- Member, The American Chemical Society, 1996 -
- Member, The Latvian Chemical Society, 1990 -
- Member, Management Comission of Action COST D19 Chemical Functionality Specific to
the Nanometer
Scale, European Comission, 2000-
- Intermolecular and intramolecular electron transfer. Lecture Series. Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, November 10-December 2, 1994
- Novel Materials for Nonlinear Optics. Two lectures. Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, May 14-May 26, 1997
- Aryliodonium betaines as sources for catalytic generation of dioxocarbenes and
acylnitrenes. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, November 10- 18,
- Pyrimido-fused Tetrathiafulvalenes. University of Angers (France), May 11, 1999.
- Aryliodonium betaines of beta-dicarbonyl compounds in organic synthesis. University
of Angers (France), May 19, 1999.
- Organic Molecular crystals and polymers for electronics and optics. Corporation 3M,
Innovation Centrum, St.Paul, USA, October 23, 2000.
- Modification of fullerene C60 in Riga Technical University. University of Angers,
France. Labor. Ingenierie Moleculaire et Materiaux Organiques. June 29th 2010.
- The search for tetrathiafulvalenes capable to form intermolecular hydrogen bonds. University
of Angers, France. Labor. Ingenierie Moleculaire et Materiaux Organiques, July 2nd 2001.
Riga Technical University -
- Organic Chemistry, 1964-1999
- Theoretical Problems of Organic Chemistry, 1962-1974
- Organic Analysis, 1962-1966
- Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry, 1964-1974
- Stereochemistry, 1995-
- Contemporary Organic Synthesis, 1997-1999
- Organic Materials for Electronics and Optics, 2000
- Organic Chemistry, 1977, Riga: Zvaigzne , 798 pp. (in Latvian).
- Organic Chemistry, 1990, Moscow: Visshaya shkola , 751 pp. (in Russian).
Recent/Representative Publications:
- O.Neilands, J. Stradinsh, E. Silinsh, D. Balode, S. Valtere, V. Kadisha, S. Kalnina, V.
Kampars, I. Mazheika, L. Taure. Structure and Tautomeric Interconversions of
ß-Dicarbonyl Compounds, 1977, Riga: Zinatne, 448 pp. (in Russian).
- Khodorkovsky V.Yu., Tormoz G.V., Neilands O.Ya., Kolotilo N.V., Ilchenko A.Ya.,
New long-chain tetrathiafulvalene derivatives with a diacetylene group. - Tetrahedron
Letters, 1992, vol. 33, N 7, pp. 973-976.
- Tormoz G.V., Khodorkovsky V.Yu., Neilands O.Ya., Belyakov S.V., A novel
cyclocondensation reaction of xantogenic acid derivatives, containing the active methylene
groups with isothiocyanates. Spectra data and X-ray structures of the products. - Tetrahedron,
1992, vol. 48, N 33, pp. 6863-6874.
- Roze M.P., Berzinsh E.L., Neiland O.Ya, The synthesis of 3,4-dicyanophenylmalonic acid
esters and preparation of soluble phthalocyanines. - Zhurn. Organ. Khim., 1992,
Vol. 28, N 4, pp. 827-830 (in Russian).
- Neiland O.Ya., Synthesis and properties of surface-active quinones and
tetracyanoquinodimethanes. - Sibirsky Khim. Zhurnal, 1992, N 4, pp. 45-51
(in Russian).
- Tormos G.V., Neilands O.J., Cava M.P., Synthesis and characteristics of
bis(5-carbomethoxy-4-methylthio-3-phenyl-2-thiazolinylidene). - J. Organic Chemistry, 1992,
vol. 57, N 3, pp. 1008-1009.
- Neiland O.Ya., Tilika V.Zh., Edzhinya A.S., Pyrimidotetrathiafulvalenes. - Chem.
Heterocycl. Compounds, 1992, N 8, pp. 945-950 (in Russian pp. 1122-1128).
- Neiland O.Ya., Khodorkovsky V.Yu., Tilika V.Zh., Synthesis of derivatives of new
heterocyclic system 5,7-dioxo(4H,6H)-1,3-dithiolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine on the basis of
barbituric acid. - Chem .Heterocycl. Compounds, 1992, N 12, pp. 1432-1438
(in Russian pp. 1667-1673).
- Sudmale I.V., Tormos G.V., Khodorkovsky V.Yu., Edzina A.S., Neilands O.J., Cava M.P.,
Synthesis and properties of new bridged tetrathiafulvalenes. - J. Org.Chem., 1993,
vol. 58, N 6, pp. 1355-1358.
- Sudmale I.V., Khodorkovsky V.Yu., Edzhinya A.S., O.Ya.Neiland, Synthesis and properties
of (4-hydroxy-5-methoxycarbonylthieno)-tetrathiafulvalenes. - Chem. Heterocyc.
Compounds, 1993, N 6, pp. 652-658 (in Russian pp. 761-768).
- Rutkis M.A., Gerca L.E., Silinsh E.A., Neilands O. Y., Roze M.P., Berzinsh E.L.,
Klimkans A.B., Larssons S., Langmuir-blodgett films of indandione-1,3 pyridinium betaine.
I Preparation, electronic structure, optical properties. - Advanced Materials for
Optics and Electronics, 1993, vol. 2, pp. 319-330.
- Neiland O.Ya., Katsen Ya.Ya. A new electrondonor for conducting Langmuir-Blodgett films-
stearoyloxymethyl-bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene. - Chem. Heterocycl. Compounds,
1994, N 3, pp. 373-374 (in Russian pp. 422-423).
- Khodorkovsky V.Yu., Ellern A., Neilands O., A new strong electron acceptor. The
resurrection of 2,2-biindanylidene-1,3,1,3-tetraone. - Tetrahedron
Letters, 1994, vol. 35, N 18, pp. 2955-2958.
- Neiland O.Ya.,Tilika V.Zh.,Edzhinya A.S., Pyrimidotetrathiafulvalenes. 2.
Trimetylsylilation of 5,7-dioxo(4H,6H)-1,3-dithiolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine-2-selone and the use
of the silylated product for the synthesis of 2,4-dioxopyrimidotetrathiafulvalenes. - Heterocycl.
Compounds, 1994, N 9, pp. 1116-1119 (in Russian pp. 1285-1289).
- Neilands O., Belyakov S., Tilika V., Edzina A., Synthesis and X-Ray crystal structure of
a novel tetrathiafulvalene dimethyl[2,4-dioxo(1H,3H)pyrimido]tetrathiafulvalene, able to
form intermolecular hydrogen bonds of nucleic acid base-pair type. - Chemical
Communications, 1995, N 3, pp. 325-326.
- Troitsky V.I., Berzina T.S., Katsen Ya.Ya., Neilands O.Ya., Nicolini C., Conducting
Langmuir-Blodgett films of heptadecylcarboxymethyl-BEDT-TTF. - Synthetic Metals, 1995,
vol. 74, pp. 1-6.
- Neiland O.Ya., Tilika V.Zh., Supe A.A., Edzhinya A.S., Pyrimidotetrathiafulvalenes. 3.
Synthesis and properties of cation-radical salts, cation-radical betaines and iodine
complexes of dimethyl[2,4-dioxo(1H,3H)pyrimido]tetrathiafulvalene and its
N-alkylderivatives. - Chem. Heterocycl. Compounds, 1996, N 1, pp. 123-129
(in Russian).
- Neilands O., Tilika V., Sudmale I., Grigorjeva I., Edzina A., Fonavs E., Muzikante I.
Dioxo- and aminooxopyrimidotetrathiafulvalenes--p -electrondonors for design of conducting
materials, containing intramolecular hydrogen bonds of nucleic acid base pair type. - Advanced
Materials for Optics and Electronics, 1997, vol. 7, pp. 39-43
- Puplovskis A., Kacens J., Neilands O. New Route for [60]fullerene functionalisation in
cycloaddition[4+2] reaction using indene. - Tetrahedron Letters, 1997,
vol. 38, N 2, pp. 285-288.
- Sudmale I., Puplovskis A., Edzina A., Neilands O., Khodorkovsky V. An efficient
synthesis on new long chain substituted tetrathiafulvalene derivatives involving two
tetrathiafulvalene moieties. - Synthesis, 1997, N 7, pp.750-752.
- O. Neilands, I. Sudmale, A. Schnell, K. Georgieva, Th. Kappe. Synthesis of
5-Dialkylaminothio-carbonylthiobarbituric Acids and
5-Diethylaminothiocarbonylthio-6-aminouracil. - J. Heterocycl.Chem., 1998,
vol.35, N 1/2, pp.157-160
- O.Neilands. From deep coloured 2-Aryl-1,3-indandiones - organic semiconductors to
photoconductors, non-linear optical materials and synthetic metals. - Latvian J.
Physics and Techn. Sc., 1998, N 4, pp.28-38.
- L.M.Goldenberg, O.Neilands. Hydrogen Bond Complexation of
Dimethyl-[1-butyl-2,4-dioxo(1H,3H)pyrimido]tetrathiafulvalene with aminopyridine
derivatives probed by cyclic voltammetry. - J. Electroanalyt. Chem., 1999,
vol.463, N 4, pp.212-217.
- M.Utinans, O.Neilands. Quantum chemical calculations, synthesis and properties of novel
organic materials with the photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer and giant change
of the electric dipole moment in the excited state. - Advanced Materials for
Optics and Electronics, 1999, vol. 9,. pp. 19-25.
- D.Gonzalez, O.Neilands, M.C.Rezende. The solvatochromic behaviour of 2- and
4-(N-pyri-dinio)phenoxides. - J.Chem.Soc.,Perkin 2, 1999, pp.713-717.
- V.Khodorkovsky, A.Ellern, L.Shapiro, O.Neilands. Synthesis and Properties of a Novel
Electron Acceptor Derived from p-Benzoquinone, Tetrahedron Letters,1999, Vol.40,
- M.Plotniece, E.Shabanova, O.Neilands, K.Schaumburg. Dihidrofuro-Fused Fullerene C60
Derivatives: Side Chain Reactions and Characterization. - Acta Chemica Scandinavica,
1999, Vol.53, pp.528-529
- N.Tonkikh, H.Duddeck, M.Petrova, O.Neilands, A.Strakovs. Unusual formation of
2-Aryl-7,7-dimethyl-6,8-epidiseleno-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-5-quinazolones. - Eur.Journ.Organ.Chem.,
1999, pp.1585-1588.
- O.Neilands, V.Liepinsh, B.Turovska. Synthesis of Novel Tetrathiafulvalene System
Containing Redox-active Ribonucleoside and Oligoribonucleotide. - Organic Letters, 1999,
Vol.1, No13, pp.2065-2067.
- O.Dubrovich, M.Utinans, V.Zauls, O.Neilands, Synthesis, Modelling and Characterization
of Novel Non-Linear Optical Polymers Containing Indandionylpyridinium Betaine (IPB) Units.
- Materials Science and Engineering C, 1999, Vol.8/9, pp. 391-394.
- O.Ya. Neilands, E.B.Shebenina, G.G.Pukitis, Investigation of Reaction Ability of
Substituted Phthalic Acids and Anhydrides in a Condensation Reaction with
N-carboxymethylpyridinium, Substituted N-carboxymethylpyridinium and
N-carboxymethylisoquinolinium salts and Synthesis of Novel N-
(1H-indene-1,3(2H)-dion-2-yl)pyridiniobetaines. - Chem. Heterocycl. Compounds, 1999, No 12, pp. 1647-1654 (in Russian).
- Neiland O.Ya., Belyakov S.V. Ethyl(3-amino-2-phenyliodonium)crotonate
tosylate: synthesis, crystal structure and preparation of heterocyclic compounds on its
basis - Chem.
Heterocycl. Compounds, 2000,
No 6, pp. 770-777.
- M.Utinans, V.Khodorkovsky, O.Neilands. Long Chain Substituted Tetracyanoquinodimethanes:
a Convenient Synthetic Approach. - Synthetic Communication, 2001
vol.31, N 7,pp.971-974.
- O.Neilands. Aryliodonuim betaines as sources for catalytic generation of dioxocarbenes
and acylnitrenes . In: "Modern Problems of Organic Chemistry",
Issue 13, ed. A.A.Potekhin, R.R. Kostikov, M.S.Baird, 2001, StPetersburg University Press,
pp. 145-176.
- O.Neilands, Dioxo- and aminooxopyrimido-fused tetrathiafulvalenes - base compounds for
novel organic semiconductors and for design of sensors for nucleic acid components
recognition. - Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2001,
Vol.355, pp. 331-350.
- M.Giffard, G.Maban, E.Leclair, N.Mercier, M.Allain, A.Gorgues, P.Molinie, O.Neilands,
V.Khodorkovsky, Oxidation of TTF derivatives using (diacetoxyiodo)benzene; a general route
cation radicals, dications and nonstoichiometric salts. - J.Amer.Chem.Soc., 2001,
Vol.123, No16, pp. 3852-
- O.Neilands. The Use of N-Carboxymethylazinium and Diazolium Salts in Synthesis of
2- Onium Derivatives. - "Chemistry and Biological Activity of
Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles and
Alkaloids", Vol.1, Moscow, Iridium Press, 2001, pp. 410-416.
- O. Ya. Neiland, R. A. Valter, S. B. Belyakov.
5.7.-Dichloro-1,3-dithiolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine-2-thione and -2-selone: synthesis, crystal
structure, solvatochromism and reactions with nucleophiles. - Chem. Heterocycl.
Compounds, 2002,
No 1, pp. 87-94.
- O.Neilands, Aryliodonium betaines of (-dicarbonyl compounds: synthesis and use in
generation of
dioxocarbenes. - Latvian J. Chem., 2002, N 1, pp. 27-59.
- O.Neilands. Organic compounds capable to form intermolecular hydrogen bonds for
created on solid surface aimed to sensor design. - NATO Science Series II-
Mathematics, Physics and
Chemistry "Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 181-190.
Research Projects:
Last update 29.01.2003