Nicholas A. NECHVAL
- Mathematics
- Stochastic Processes
- Pattern Recognition
- Digital Radar Signal Processing
- Operations Research
- Statistical Decision Theory
- Adaptive Control
From 1965 to 1992 participated as a scientific co-worker in early
research and development work on the problem of Statistical Decisions in Civil Aviation at
the Aviation Research Institute, Riga, Latvia. From 1987 has been a member of the
Scientific Society (on problem of Protection from Biodeterioration) of the Russian Academy
of Sciences. The holder of several patents in these fields.
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian
- Riga Civil Aviation Engineers Institute (Faculty of Electrical
Engineering) cum laude, 1965
- Ph.D. degree in automatic control and systems engineering, Riga
Aviation University, Riga, Latvia, 1969
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (radio engineering), Riga Aviation University
(RAU), 1993
- Researcher, Aviation Research Institute, Riga, 1965-1992
- Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, RAU,
- Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, RAU, 1993-
Honours and Awards:
- Silver Medal of the Exhibition Committee for research of the
problem of Prevention of Collisions between Aircraft and Birds, Moscow, Russia, 1992
- Golden Medal of Inclusion for Unfailing Service in Chosen Field,
International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 1997
- His name has been inscribed in the Twelfth Edition of THE
INTELLECTUALS, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 1997
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Scientific Society (on problem of Protection from
Biodeterioration), Russian Academy of Sciences, 1987-
- Member, Latvian Association of Professors, 1997-
- Goodness-of-fit testing on small samples of the data. Invited
lecture. Department of the Mathematical Institute of Steklov, Leningrad, Russia, 1985.
- Decision making on small samples of the data. Invited lecture.
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 1993.
D.Sc. courses in automatic control and applied mathematics.
Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia, 1974-1975.
Recent/Representative Publications:
- N.A.Nechval. Constructive invariant coupling method and some
applications thereof for solving problems of statistical sequential analysis and synthesis
of decision rules at discrimination of composite hypotheses. Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Miami Beach, Florida USA, December
1-4, 1980, pp.1366-1368.
- N.A.Nechval, A new statistical approach to efficient solving the
some problems which arise in pattern recognition. Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Pattern Recognition, Paris, France, October 27-31, 1986, pp.111-113.
- N.A.Nechval, Effective invariant coupling technique for designing
the new or improved statistical procedures of detection and estimation in signal
processing systems. In Book: Signal Processing. III: Theories and Applications, I.T.Young
et al (editors), 1986, North-Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp.1051-1054.
- N.A.Nechval, A new efficient approach to constructing the minimum
risk estimators of state of stochastic systems from the statistical data of small samples.
Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter
Estimation, Beijing, P.R.China, 27-31 August 1988, pp.71-76.
- N.A.Nechval, Goodness-of-fit testing in the presence of nuisance
parameters with applications to feature selection and pattern recognition in digital image
processing. - SPIE Proceedings on Visual Communications and Image Processing ¢ 88, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA, 9-11
November 1988, vol.1001, Paper No.1001-124, 8 pages.
- N.A.Nechval, An efficient testing procedure for comparing several
competing treatments in clinical trials. In Book: Cybernetics and Systems Research¢ 88, R.Trappl (ed.), 1988, Dordrecht - The
Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.501-507.
- N.A.Nechval, A general method for constructing automated
procedures for testing quickest detection of a change in quality control. Computers in
Industry: An International Journal (North-Holland), 1988, vol.10, pp.177-183.
- N.A.Nechval, On predicting accidents and serious incidents to
civil aircraft due to bird strikes in a future time period from known observations. Proceedings
of the 20th Meeting of Bird Strike Committee Europe, Helsinki, Finland, 21-25 May
1990, pp.147-155.
- N.A.Nechval, The equal probability test and optimal allocation of
subjects to the groups when comparing a new drug and a placebo. Cybernetics and Systems:
An International Journal (USA), 1990, vol.21, pp.503-512.
- N.A.Nechval, Sample size determination in clinical trials for
estimation of minimum survival times. In Book: Cybernetics and Systems Research ¢ 92, R.Trappl (ed.), 1992, vol.2, World
Scientific Publishing Co. Ptc. Ltd., Singapore, pp.939-946.
- N.A.Nechval, A conditional sequential test for the equality of two
odds ratios in 2x2x2 comparative clinical trials. In Book: Cybernetics and Systems
Research¢ 94, R.Trappl (ed.),
1994, vol.2, World Scientific Publishing Co. Ptc. Ltd., Singapore, pp.999-1006.
- V.D.Ilyichev, V.Ya.Biryukov, N.A.Nechval, Technical-Ecological
Strategy of Protection from Biodeterioration, 1995, Moscow: Nauka, 248 pp. (in Russian).
- N.A.Nechval, Recognition of structural changes in stochastic
systems from the data of small samples. In Book: Cybernetics and Systems Research¢ 96, R.Trappl (ed.), 1996, vol.1, Austrian
Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, pp.122-127.
- N.A.Nechval, Adaptive CFAR tests for detection of a signal in
noise and deflection criterion. Proceedings of the 4th UK/Australian International
Symposium on DSP for Communication Systems, Perth-Joondalup, Australia, 23-26
September 1996, 8 pages.
- N.A.Nechval, UMPI test for adaptive signal detection. SPIE
Proceedings on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition VI, Orlando,
Florida USA, 21-24 April 1997, vol.3068, Paper No.3068-73, 12 pages.
- N.A. Nechval, K.N. Nechval. Adaptive optimization in stochastic
systems via fiducial approach. - CASYS (Int. J. Computing Anticipatory Systems),
2000, vol. 6, pp. 309-327.
- N.A. Nechval, K.N. Nechval. Detecting a change point in a sequence
of small area statistics. - Statistics in Transition, 2000, vol. 4, N4, pp.
- N.A. Nechval, K.N. Nechval, E.K.Vasermanis. Tolerance limits for
reliability analysis in maintenance problems. - Aviation (Appendix of Scientific
Journal 'Transport Engineering'), 2000, N 5, pp. 109-114.
- N.A. Nechval, K.N. Nechval, E.K.Vasermanis. Optimization of
interval estimators via invariant embedding technique. - CASYS (Int. J. Computing
Anticipatory Systems), 2001, vol. 9, pp. 241-255.
- N.A. Nechval, K.N. Nechval, E.K.Vasermanis. Change point detection
in regression relationship. - Managemnt of Organizations: Systematic Research,
2001, vol. 19, pp. 81-88.
- E.K.Vasermanis, K.N. Nechval, N.A. Nechval. Normal regression and
prediction. - Managemnt of Organizations: Systematic Research, 2001, vol. 19, pp.
- N.A. Nechval, K.N. Nechval, E.K.Vasermanis. Optimization of
inventory control systems based on the past data. - In: Cybernetics and Systems 2002,
R. Trappl (ed.), Vol. 1, Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, 2002, pp. 63-68.
- K.N. Nechval, N.A. Nechval, E.K.Vasermanis. Optimization of dosage
of certain drugs via the dual control approach. - In: Cybernetics and Systems 2002,
R. Trappl (ed.), Vol. 1, Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, 2002, pp.
- K.N. Nechval, N.A. Nechval, E.K.Vasermanis. Cost-risk analysis in
statistical validating simulation models of service processes. - In: Cost-Oriented
Automation, R.Bernard&H.-H. Erbe (eds.), North Holland:Elsevier Science
Publishers B.V., 2002, pp. 51-56.
- N.A. Nechval, K.N. Nechval, E.K.Vasermanis.
Statistical model for prediction of the fatigue crack growth in aircraft service.
In: Fatigue Damage of Materials 2003, (Eds.A.Varvani-Farahani, C.A.Brebia),
Southampton, Boston: WIT Press, 2003, pp. 435-445.
- E.K.Vasermanis, N.A. Nechval, K.N. Nechval,. Dual
adaptive credit granting policy. - Management of Organizations: Systematic Research,
2003, vol.27, pp. 163-170.
Research Projects
- N.A.Nechval (Head of Project). Statistical Inferences on Small
Samples of the Data. Latvian Council of Science, 1995-1996, 1997-1999
- N.A.Nechval (Head of Project). Statistical Inferences and
Efficient Decision-Making on Small Samples of the Data. Latvian Council of Science (2001
- 2004)
- N.A.Nechval (Head of Project). New criteria
of decision-making and algorithms of dual control for the systems with computer-based
decision support. Latvian Council of Science (2005 -
Last update 12.02.2004