Professor Indrikis MUIZNIEKS Pro-Rector
for Research, University of Latvia
Raina bulv. 19
Riga, LV 1586, Latvia
Phone: +371 7034401
Fax: +371 7034302
Head of the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology,
Faculty of Biology
Kronvalda bulv., 4
Riga, LV 1586
Phone: +371 7034866
Fax : +371 7034862
E-mail: Indrikis.muiznieks@lu.lv
Born: July 9, 1953 Riga, Latvia
Main fields:
Other fields:
- Molecular Biology
- Biotechnology
- Iimmunology
- Biophysics
Current research interests:
Replication and structural stability of plasmid genomes, impact of DNA topology upon
the functional activity of genes and replicons, immunomodulating properties of fungal
polysaccharides and glycoproteins.
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology), 1976
- Dr.biol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Timirjazev
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 1980
- Dr. habil. biol., University of Latvia, 1997
In-service training:
- Department of Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague,
Czechoslovakia, 1986 - 1987
- Department of Genetics, University of Regensburg, Germany, 1988 -1989
- Engineer, Research Assistant, Associate Professor, Professor, Faculty of Biology,
University of Latvia, 1975 - 1998
- Visiting Professor and Research Fellow, University of Regensburg, Germany, 1991, 1992,
- Research Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation at the Institute of Genetics,
University of Cologne, Germany, 1992 1993, 1994 -1995
- Visiting Professor and Research Fellow, University of Cologne, Germany, 1997, 1999
- Head of the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology, University of Latvia, 1992
- 1998
- Head of the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia, 1998 -
- Professor, University of Latvia, 1997 -
- Dean of the Faculty of Biology, 1997 -
- Deputy-Chairman of the Senate,
University of Latvia, 1998 -
- Pro-Rector for Research, University
of Latvia, 2000 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- The USSR Council of Ministers Prize for the investigation of microbial enzymes, 1986
- Fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 1992
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member and the President of Latvian Society of Microbiology
- Member, Latvian Society of Biochemistry
- Member, Latvian Society of Genetics
- Member, European Association of Biologists (Eurobio)
- Latvian Representative at the Commission for Education, Federation of European Societies
of Biotechnology
- Co-ordinator of the European Union Tempus Project Restructuring of the Education
in Biology at the University of Latvia, 1995-1998
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
Molecular biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Virology
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 2003 -
Papers in referred journals - 30; communications to scientific meetings - 53; text
books and teaching materials - 8
Recent/Representative Publications
- C.Aslanidis, I.Muiznieks, R.Schmitt. Successive binding of raf repressor
to adjacent raf operator sites in vitro. - Mol.Gen.Genet.,1990, vol.
233, pp. 297-304.
- R.Jaenicke, I.Muiznieks, C.Aslanidis, R.Schmitt. Ultracentrifugal analysis of the
qaternary structure of the raf repressor from Escherichia coli. - FEBS
Lett., 1990, vol. 260, pp. 233-235.
- I.Muiznieks, R.Schmitt. The role of two operators in regulating raf-operon
in Escherichia coli. - Mol.Gen.Genet., 1994, vol. 242, pp. 90-99.
- I.Muiznieks, W.Doerfler. The impact of 5-CpG-3 methylation on
the activity of different eukaryotic promoters: a comparative study. - FEBS Lett., 1994,
vol. 344, pp. 251-254.
- I.Muiznieks, W.Doerfler. The topology of the promoter of RNA polymerase II- and
III-transcribed genes is modified by the methylation of 5-CpG-3 dinucleotides.
- Nucl. Acids Res., 1994, vol.22, pp. 2568 2575.
- Nikolajeva V., Eze D., Kamradze A., Indulena M., I.Muiznieks. Protective effect
of adenylate deaminase (from Penicillium lanoso-viride) against acute infections in
mice. - Immunopharmacology, 1996, vol. 35, pp.163 - 169.
- I.Muiznieks, W.Doerfler. Unusual electrophoretic properties of DNA fragments
having specific sequences in the single stranded overhangs. - Nucl. Acids.Res.,
1998, vol. 26, pp. 1899 1905.
- I.Muiznieks, N.Rostoks. Analysis of Specific Protein-DNA Interactions. - In: Basic
Cloning Procedures. V.Berzins (ed.), Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1998, pp. 68 104.
- I.Muiznieks, N.Rostoks, R.Schmitt. Effective regulation of transcription of the
bacterial raf operon by two Raf repressor dimers and CAP protein that bend DNA in
opposite directions. - Biol.Chem., 1999, vol. 380, pp. 19-29.
- I.Muiznieks. Natural Sciences in the University of Latvia: Scientiae et
Patriae; - Latvijas vesture (History of Latvia), 1999, N 1 (33), pp. 13-20
(in Latvian).
- V.Nikolajeva, D.Eze, Z.Petrinja, I.Muiznieks. Treatment of experimental
autoimmume encephalomyelitis with adenylate deaminase from Penicillium lanoso-viride. -
J. Autoimmun., 2000, vol. 14, pp. 107-113.
- V.Nikolajeva, D.Eze, Z.Petrinja, I.Muiznieks. Treatment of Pharmacokinnetics and
tissue distribution of adenylate deaminase (from Penicillium lanoso-viridae) in mice
- M.Munnes, S.Fanaei, B.Schmitz, I.Muiznieks, A.M.Hlschneider, W.Doerfler. Familial
form Hirschpring Disease:Nucleotide sequence studies reveal point mutations in the Ret
Proto-oncogene in two of six families but not in other candidate genes. - Am. J.
Med.Genetics, 2000, vol. 94, pp. 19-27.
- R.Remus, M.Zeschnigk, I.Zuther, A.Kanzaki, H.Wada, A.Yawata, I.Muiznieks, et al.
The state of DNA methylation in the promoter region of the human red cell membrane protein
(Band 3, Protein 4,2 and beta- Spectrin Genes). - Gene Func. Dis., 2001, vol. 2,
pp. 171-184.
- E.Polyakov., D.Erts, U.Malinovskis, I.Muiznieks, E.Tuite. SPM studies of
DNA Architectures on Au(111) and Mica Surfaces. - Phys. Low-Dim. Struct., 2003, N
3/4, pp. 269-276.
- T.Zorenko, N. Matjuskova, I.Muiznieks. The effects
of mushroom shiitake on ontogenesis and reproduction of the social vole Microtus
socialis (Rodentia, Cricitidae). - Baltic Journal of Laboratory Animal Science, 2003,
vol. 13, N 2, pp. 69 78.
- M.Dalecka, N.Matjuskova, I.Muiznieks. The identification of the incompatibility
groups of Letinula edodes with different methods using strain collection at the
University of Latvia and natural isolates from open-air grown mushrooms - Forestry
Studies, 2004, vol. 48, pp. 63-72.
- N.Hochstein, I.Muiznieks, L.Corzilius, S.Auerlochs, H.Brondke, W.Doerfler. The
Fate of Viral Transgenes in Mammalian Cells. - Deutsche Gesllschaft f. Virologie, 2005,
p. 592.
Research Projects
- I.Muiznieks (Head of Project). In vivo Targeted Evolution of
Enzymes in Industrial Yeast Strains. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - ).
- I.Muiznieks (Head of Project). Employment of DNA Topology Properties for
the Construction of Microbial and Molecular Sensor Systems. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 - ).
Last update 23.02.2007