Professor Evalds MUGUREVICS
Institute of History of Latvia
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV-1050
LatviaPhone: +371 722 3715
Fax: +371 722 5044
E-mail: lvi@lza.lv |
Born: April 6, 1931, Rezekne district, Latvia
- Archaeology of Eastern Europe
- Written Sources of Medieval Ages
- History of Latvia
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of History and Philology) cum laude, 1956
- Dr.hist. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1962
- Dr.habil.hist. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Institute of Archaeology, Moscow,
Russia, 1984
- Researcher, Museum of Latvian History, 1956-1957
- Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher, Institute of History of Latvia , 1958-1970
- Head of Department of Archaeology, Institute of History of Latvia , 1971-1995
- Senior Researcher, Department of Archaeology, Institute of History of Latvia , 1996-2001
- Professor, Faculty of History and Philosophy, University of
Latvia, 1984-1995
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1989-1992
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1975, 1977
- The Latvia State Prize, 1976, 1987
- The Latvian Culture Foundation Award "Spidolas balva", 1993
- The Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies Prize, 1994
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2001
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint-stock Company " Grindex"
Award, 2004
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Editor, Collected Articles Archaeology and Ethnography (in
Latvian, Riga), 1973-
- Chairman of Editorial Advisory Bord, Newspaper "Zinatnes vestnesis" (Science
News), 1989-
- President, Latvian National Committee of Historial Sciences,1992-
- Member of Permanent Council, International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric
Sciences, 1994-
- Member of Editorial Advisory Bord, Journal of the Institute of History of Latvia , 1997-
- Full Member, Gesellschaft "Medium aevum quotidianum", 1990 -
- Corresponding Member, Baltische Historische Kommission, 1993 -
- Member of International Committee of historical Sciences. 1995 -
- Member of Projects of Centre for Baltic Studies, Gotland University, 1998 -
- Member of Society " Medieval Chronicles" , 1999 -
- Member of Editorial Advisory Board "Liertuvos Archeologija", 2000 -
University of Latvia:
- The Archaeology of Iron and Middle Ages, 1997-1998
- The Written Sources About the Balts, 1998-1999
Recent/ Representative Publications
- E. Mugurevics. Interactions between Indigenous and Western Culture in Livonia in the
13th to 16th Centuries.- In: From the Baltic to the Black Sea: Studies in Medieval
Archaeology. Ed. D. Austin, L.Aalcok, London: 1990, pp.166-178.
- E. Mugurevics. Skandinavian Written Sources from the 9th to the 12th Centuries and
Archaeological Finds from the Territory of Latvia. In: Die Kontakte zwischen
Ostbaltikum und Skandinavien in frühen Mittelalter. Stockholm, 1992, vol.9,
pp.125-133 (in German).
- E. Mugurevics. Preface and Commentaries to the1993 Edition of Heinrici Chronicon
Livoniae. Riga: Zinatne, pp. 7-32, 333-451 (in Latvian).
- E. Mugurevics. A Historical Survey and Present Problems of Archaeological Science in the
Baltic States.- Journal of Baltic Studies, 1993, vol. 24, pp.283-294.
- E. Mugurevics. Archaeological Research and Protection of Ancient Monuments in Latvia.- Bulletin
Nr. 3 of the XIII Congress of International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric
Sciences, Forli, Italy 1996 - Forli, 1995, pp.95-98.
- E. Mugurevics. The Baltic Crusade and the Changes of Indigenous Culture in Livonia
(Thirteenth - Fifteenth Centuries). In: 18th International Congress of Historical
Sciences from 27 August to 3 September 1995, Montreal: 1995, pp.331-332.
- Mugurevics. Finds of Glass Beads from the Tenth to Thirteenth Centuries in Latvia. In: Glass
Beads Cultural History, Technology, Experiment and Analogy (Proceedings of the Nordic
Glass Bead Seminar 16.-18. October 1992 at the Historical Archaeological Experimental
Centre in Lejre, Denmark, vol.2, Lejre, 1995, pp.33-36.
- E. Mugurevics. Early Maps of the Baltic region.- In: Old Maps of the Baltics,
Riga: 1996, pp.19-21.
- E. Mugurevics. Similarities and Differences among Lettigallian and German Castles in
Eastern Latvia during the 9th - 15th centuries.- In: Castella Maris Baltici II,
Nyköping, 1996, pp.117-124.
- E. Mugurevics. The Geographic Treatise "Descriptiones terrarum" from the
Middle of the 13th Century and its Possible Sources of Information on the Eastern Baltic
Peoples.- In: Slowiaszcyzna w Europie Sredniowiecznej, 1996, . Wroclaw, pp.
125-130 (in German).
- E. Mugurevics. Interaction between Balts and Slavs in early Middle Ages. - In: Slavia
Antiqua, 1996, Poznan, vol. 37, pp. 127-133 (in Russian).
- E. Mugurevics. Ethnic processes in Baltic inhabited territories, and the
emergence of the Latvian nation in the 6th to the 16th century. - In: Humanities and
Social Sciences Latvia, 1997, University of Latvia, vol.3 (16), pp.75-92.
- E. Mugurevics. Kurlands Siedlungsplätze in frühgeschichtlicher Zeit. - In: Archaelogia
Baltica 2, Vilnius, 1997, pp. 85-93.
- E. Mugurevics. Tolowa, Wenden, Wolkenburg. - In: Lexicon des Mittelalters, Bd.
8-9, Munchen, 1997-1998.
- E. Mugurevics. Eisenzeitliche Funde an der unteren Daugava (Düna). - In: Festschrift
für M.Müller-Wille, Neumünster, 1998, S. 585-589.
- E. Mugurevics. Preface and Commentaries to the 1998 Edition of the Livonian Rhymed
Chronicle, 1998, Riga:Zinatne, pp. 5-33, 303-372, 382-387.
- E. Mugurevics. The work of archaeologists from the Latvian Institute of History in
post-war years (1946-1998). - In: Inside Latvian Archaeology, 1999, Goteborg, pp.
- E. Mugurevics. Die Verbreitung des Christentums in Lettland von 11 Jh. bis zum Anfang
des 13 Jh. - In: Rom und Byzanz im Norden, 1999, Maniz-Stuttgart, pp. 81-96.
- E. Mugurevics. Die livländischen Chroniken des 13 Jh. - 2nd Conference " The
Medieval Chronicle", 16-21 July, 1999, Utrecht, Abstracts, pp. 76-77.
- E.Mugurevics. Die Balten im fruhen Mittelalter nach schriftlichen Quellen. - Archeologia
Baltica 4/ Ed. Kazakevicius et al.- Vilnius, 2000, pp. 1-80.
- E.Mugurevics. Die Funde der Hammeräxte und Hämmer aus Horn auf dem
Territorium Lettlands und ihre mytologisches Deutung. - In: Is´ Baltu kultúros
istorijos: skirima Adolfo Tautaviçiaus 75-meçiui, Vilnius, 2000, pp. 63-74.
- E.Mugurevics. Viking Age and Medieval Finds of East Baltic Amber in Latvia and the
Neighbouring Countries (9th - 16th Century). - Amber in Archaeology. - Riga,
2003, pp. 90-95.
Research Projects
- E.Mugurevics (Head of Project). Latvia between East- and West- Europe in Ancient Times
and Middle Ages. Latvian Council of Science
- E.Mugurevics (Head of Project). Curonia and the Basin of Daugava in the Iron Age
(1st-13th Centuries). Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004)
- E.Mugurevics (Head of Project). Culture of Inhabitants of Latvia in 9th - 13th Centuriy
in the Context of Economical and Political Events in Baltic Region. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - )
Last update 04.02.2005