Born: November 13, 1950, Aluksne district, Markalne's village, Latvia
- Experimental Phonetics and Phonology of Latvian Language
- Child Language
- Dialects of Latvian Language
Language skills: Latvian (native); Russian, English, Lithuanian
(excelent); French (conversational)
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Philology), 1969-1974
- University of Latvia, Post Graduate Course, 1974-1979
- University of Vilnius, Lithuania, Post Doctoral Course, 1990-1993
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Vilnius University,
Lithuania, 1983
- Dr.habil.philol., University of Latvia, 1994
Work Experience
- Professor in Latvian Synchronic Linguistics , RTTEMA, since 2009 -
- Director of RTTEMA Child Language Research Centre, 2006 - 2007
- Rector of RTTEMA, 2005 -
- Acting Rector of RTTEMA, 2004 - 2005
- Head of the Baltic Philology Department, University of Latvia, 2000 - 2004
- Professor of Baltic Linguistics at the Faculty of Philology, University of Latvia,
1997 - 2009
- Vice-Rector for Research , RTTEMA, 1995 - 2003
- Professor at the Department of Latvian Language and Literature Teaching Methodology,
University of Latvia, 1994 - 2004
- Head of the Latvian Language and Literature Department, University of Latvia, 1992
- 1994
- Doctoral Student; Vilnius University Faculty of Philology, Lithuania , 1990
- 1992
- Docent, Head of the Language and Literature Department, Latvian State University,
1987 - 1990
- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Philology, Latvian State University, 1985 - 1987
- Head of Editor and Publishing Department, Latvian State University, 1981 - 1985
- Senior Laboratory Assistant, Faculty of Philology, Latvian State University, 1974,
1979 - 1981
Honors and Awards
- Full Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- Corresponding Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS), 1998
- Award from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia , 2000
- J. William Fulbright Scholarship, 1998
- Award and Prize from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia ,
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of the International Phoneticians Association (IPhA)
- Member of the of Latvian Scientists' Association
- Expert and Head of University of Latvia Council of Promotion in Linguistics
- Member of the Latvian State Language Commision, 2010 -
- Member of the Latvian State Language Centre Expert Commission
- Latvian Association of University Professors, Board Member
- Member of the LAS Senate
- Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius University Scientific Council Expert in Humanities
- Republic of Lithuania, Vytautas Mabnus University Scientific Council Expert in
- LR Ministry of Education and Science, National Centre for Education Expert on the
Latvian language as a second language acquisition
- Member of CLARIN National Advisory Council
- Member of the State Agency "Latvian Academic Library"
- Member of Editorial Board:
- University of Latvia
compilation of scientific articles "Baltu filoloģija" (Baltic Philology);
"Valoda un literatūra kultūras apritē" (Language and
Litereature in Cultural Circulation); "Valoda: nozīme un forma. Plašsaziņas
līdzekļu valoda" (Languagge: Meaning and Form. Language of Mass Media).
Scientific Articles"
scientific journal "Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences" .
Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences"
Academic Courses (2003 - 2012)
- Contemporary Latvian II: Phonetics
- Child Language and Philosophy
- Phonology of Baltic Languages
- Language Culture
- Teaching Methology of Latvian Language Pronunciation (authored e-course)
- Syllable Theory in Baltic Languages (authored course)
Representative Publications (2003 - 2012)
- Markus D., Grigorjevs J. (2003). Fonētikas pētīšanas un vizualizēšanas
metodes. Fonētikas pētīšanas un vizualizēšanas metodes II. [Phonetics Research and
Visualization Methods. Phonetics Research and Visualization Methods II] Riga: Rasa ABC,
(80 p.) 5,4 a.l.
- Markus D. (2003) Bērna valoda: no pirmā kliedziena līdz pasakai [Childs
Language: From the First Cry to the Fairy-Tale]. >Monograph. Riga: Rasa ABC,
143 pp.
- Bond Dz., Markus D., Stockmal V. Evaluating native and non-native Latvian. Journal
of Baltic Studies, 2003, vol.34, Nr.2, pp.223-229. Web of Science database.
- Markus D., Stockmal V., Bond Dz. Measures of native and non-native rhythm in a quantity
language. Language and Speech, 2005, vol.48, Pt.1, London: Kingston Press, pp.55-63.
- Markus D., Stockmal V., Bond Dz. Sixty years of bilingualism affects the pronunciation
of Latvian vowels. - Language Variation and Change, 2006, vol. 18, N 2 (USA:
Cambridge University Press), pp. 165-177.
- Markus D. Bērns runā kultūras pasaulē (Child Speaking in the Cultural World),
2007, Riga: Rasa ABC, 160 p. (in Latvian).
- Markus D. Researching Latvian Child Language. Ad verba liberorum: Lingusitics &
Pedagogy & Psychology, 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1. Riga: Gandrs, pp. 48-56, ISSN
- Markus D., Bonda Dz. (2009) Valodas fonētisko līdzekļu maiņa dziedājumā. Vārds
un tā pētīšanas aspekti [Changing Phonetic Means of Language during Singing. Word and
Aspects of Its Research] compilation of articles 13(1) (Vards gramatika un stilistika.
Varda diahroniskais un arealais aspekts [Word in Grammar and Stylistics. Diachronic and
Areal Aspects of a Word). Liepaja: Liepaja University, p. 16-23, ISSN 1407-4737.
- Radošie malēnieši un viņu valoda. [Creative Malenians and Their Language]
Monograph. Riga: Publishing house Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis. 216 p.
- Markus D., Bond Z. (2010) Continuing Research on Latvian Syllable Intonations. Žmogus
ir Žodis. Mokslu darbai. Vol. 12, Number 1. Vilnius: Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas.
52-61 p.
- Markus D. (2012) Childrens Explanations of the Concept of Future in Latvian. Journal
of Baltic Studies Vol.43, No. 2, June, pp.273-290. ISSN 0162-9778. Routledge Taylor &
Francis Group, Web of Science
Supervised and Defended Dissertations (2003-2012)
- Juris Grigorjevs. Acoustic and Auditive of the System of Vowels in Latvian (2006).
- Sanita Lazdina. Correlation between Textual Learning Means and the Dominant Approaches
in the Acquisition of Latvian as a Second Language (2007).
- Arvils Šalme. Novelty in the Subject of Latvian as a Second Language within Changing
Educational Processes (organizational and linguistic aspects of the subject) ( 2006).
- Ilze Auzina. Computerized Modelling of Latvian Language Pronunciation (2006).
- Solveiga Ceirane. Acoustic Description of Voiced Consonants in the Latvian Language
- Felikss Svirskis. Integration of Modern Technologies into Latvian Language Acquisition
(since 2009).
Reviewed Works (2003 - 2012): 15
Experience in Project Management and Implementation in Latvia (2003-2012):
- National research programme National Identity (History and Culture of Latvian
Language, Human Safety), 2010-2014
- 09.1129 Coordinator of Latvian Council of Science grant project Latvian Language
Phonetics: Theory vs. Practice, 2009-2012
- Participant in the RTTEMA project Language of Native Latvian Children at the Start of
the 21st Century (coordinator A.Vulane), 2011 No 04/2011-2
- National research programme: Letonika: research on history, language and culture,
coordinator of project Age Group Language Peculiarities in Latvia: linguistic, social
and cultural aspect, 2005-2009
- 04.1071. Coordinator of Latvian Council of Science grant project Phonetic
Phonological Research: database, phonological analysis and classification, international
transcription, 2004 2008
- Participant in the University of Latvia project Latvian Language Grammar, 2008
- Participant in the Latvian Council of Science programme 02.0018 project Regional
Development of Latvia. Social and Humanitarian Dimension (coordinator J. Kursite).
- Participant in the University of Latvia project No 2007/ZP Development of
International Transcription System for Latvian Language (coordinator
J. Grigorjevs), 2007;
- Participant in the project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science Problems
and their Solutions in the Development of Linguistic Terms and their Use in Contemporary
Latvian Language Study Courses at RTTEMA (coordinator I. J. Freidenfelds), 2007,
RTTEMA Reg. No 5/2007
- Author of the project financed by the State Language Agency Explanatory Dictionary of
Linguistic Terms, 2006-2007
- Participant in the project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science
Identities and their New Role in Contemporary Cultural, Cognitive and Communication
Processes (01.12.2004. 15.12.2005)
- Project expert of the European Social Fund activity Attracting Human
Resources to Science (identification No VIAA/CA-2009-01)
- Author of the NordForsk project Sociophonetic Studies of Nordic and Baltic Dialect
(2006-2008). Leading country Finland.
Hobbies: Singing, Sports
Last update 04.02.2013