Born: July 2, 1938, Kraslava district, Latvia
- Physics and Mechanics of Polymeric Materials
- Mechanics of Composite Materials
- Methods of Accelerated Testing and Prediction of Long-term Behaviour of Polymer
Achievements include development of theory of
thermomechanical properties of hybrid fibre composites with polymer matrix, methods of
accelerated testing and prediction of long-term mechanical behaviour of reinforced
polymers; research on moisture and temperature effects of the properties of polymer
materials; research on the properties of blend of liquid crystalline polymers with
thermoplastic engineering polymers; research on the polymer nanocomposites.
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Construction) cum laude, 1960.
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1969.
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Riga, Latvia, 1986.
- Engineer and Junior Researcher, Institute of Construction and Architecture, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1960-1963.
- Engineer (1963-64), Chief Engineer (1964-1968), Senior Researcher (1969), Scientific
Secretary of the Institute, (1970-1974), Deputy Director (1979-1984), Director of the
Institute (1986-1988), Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Head
of Laboratory, 1975 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1987
- Professor (in Polymer Physics and Mechanics), VAK USSR, Moscow, 1991.
- Prize of USSR Cabinet for Achievements in Science and Engineering, 1983.
- The Latvian State Prize for Achievements in Science and Technology, 1982.
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences F.Cander's Prize, 1976.
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1974.
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Fellow, Latvian National Committee for Mechanics, 1992 -
- Editorial Advisory Board for Journal Mechanics of Composite Materials (Riga,
Latvia), 1969 -
- Editorial Advisory Board for Journal Kompozicionnie Materiali (Composite Materials)
(Tashkent, Uzbekistan), 2000 -
- Member, Board of the Division of Physical and Technical Sciences, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1987-92.
- Member, Habilitation and Promotion Council of the Institute of Polymer Mechanics, 1992 -
- Member, Scientific Council of the Institute of Polymer Mechanics, 1970 -
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conferences on Mechanics of Composite
Materials (1976, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002), Riga, Latvia.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Annual International Conferences on Polymer
Characterization (1993-2001), University of North Texas, Denton, USA.
Recent/Representative Publications
- R.D. Maksimov. Prediction of the long-term resistance of polymer composites. - Mechanics
of Composite Materials, 1984, vol. 20, 3, pp. 376-388.
- Y.S. Urzhumtsev and R.D.Maksimov. Prediction of Deformability of Polymer Materials,
1975, Riga: Zinatne Press, 416 pp. (in Russian), (Hungarian edition, 1982, Budapest:
Muszaki Konyvkiado Press, 346 pp.)
- R.D. Maksimov. Effect of temperature on the creep of a thermotropic liquid crystalline
polymer. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1995. vol. 31, 2, pp. 119-125.
- V.A. Kochetkov and R.D. Maksimov. Prediction of deformative and thermal properties of
hybrid fiber composites with polymer matrix. - Acta Polymerica, 1994, vol. 45, 5,
pp. 348-354.
- V.A. Kochetkov and R.D. Maksimov. Long-term water absorptionand swelling of glass-bead
filled plastics. - Polymer Engineering and Science, 1997, vol. 37, N 6, pp.
- R.D.Maksimov, J.Kubat. Time and temperature dependent deformation of Poly(Ether-Ether
Ketone) (PEEK).- Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1997, vol.33, N 6, pp.734-746.
- J.Kubat, R.D.Maksimov. Creep and stress Relaxation. In: Mechanical and
Thermodinamical Properties of Polymer Liquid Crystals. London: Chapman & Hall,
1998, pp.407-430.
- V.Kalkis, R.D. Maksimov, J.Zicans. Thermomechanical properties of radiation-modified
blends of polyethylene with liquid crystalline copolyester. - Polymer Engineering and
Science, 1999, vol. 39, N 8, pp. 1375-1382.
- R.D. Maksimov, L.Jirgens, J.Jansons, E.Plume. Mechanical properties of polyester
polymer-concrete. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1999, vol. 35, N 2,
- W. Brostow, N.A.D'Souza, J.Kubat, R. Maksimov. Creep and stress ralaxation in a
longitudinal polymer liquid crystal: Prediction of the temperature shift factor. - J.Chem.
Physics, 1999, vol. 110, N 19, pp. 9706-9712.
- E.A.Akinay, W.Brostow, and R.Maksimov. Prediction of long-term service performance of
polymeric materials from short-term tests: creep and prediction of the stress shift factor
of a longitudinal polymer liquid crystal. Polymer Engineering and Science,
2001, vol.41, No6, pp.977-981.
- R.D.Maksimov and E.Plume. Long-term creep of hybrid aramid/glass fiber reinforced
plastics. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2001, vol.37, No 4, pp.271-280.
- E.A.Akinay, W.Brostow, V.M.Casano, R.Maksimov, P.Olzynski. Time-temperature
correspondence prediction of stress relaxation of polymeric materials from a minimum of
data. Polymer, 2002, vol.43, pp.3593-3600.
- R.D.Maksimov, T.Ivanova, J.Zicans, S.N.Negreeva, E.Plume. Thermal and elastic properties
of poly(vinylchloride (PVC)+chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) blends. - Materials
Research Innovations, 2003, vol. 7, N 5, pp. 326-330.
- R.Maksimov, R. Merijs Meri, M.Kalnins, J.Zicans. Mechanical properties of the blends of
polyethylene with poly(ethylene terephtalate). - Mechanics of Composite Materials,
2003, vol. 39, N 3, pp. 189-196.
- T.Ivanova, J.Zicans, M.Kalnins, R.Maksimov, A.K.Bledzki. On the specifics of
deformational behaviour of chlorinated polyethylene containing polyethylene blends.
Chemine Technologija, 2005, No 1(35) 5, pp. 11-14.
- J.Zicans, R.Maksimov, S.Gaidukov, R.M.Meri. Properties of acrylic
copolymer/organomontmorillonite nanocomposites. - Latvian J. Physics & Technical
Sci., 2006, N 2 (1), pp. 30-35.
Research Projects
- R.D. Maksimov (Head of Project). Hygrothermal - Viscoelastic Behaviour of Polymeric
Composite Materials. - Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993).
- R.D. Maksimov (Head of Project). Investigations of Hygrothermal Effects on the
Viscoelastic Behaviour of Polymeric Composite Materials. - Latvian Council of Science
- R.D. Maksimov (Head of Project). Investigations of the Physical and Mechanical
Properties of Composites based on Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers and Engineering
Thermoplastics. - Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- R.D. Maksimov (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Mechanical Behaviour and Rheology of
Advanced Polymers. - North Atlantic Treaty Org., Brussels (1994-1995).
- R.D. Maksimov (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Studies of the Creep and Stress
Relaxation of Liquid Crystalline Polymers (LCPs) and Blends based on them. - The Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm (1995-1998).
- R.D.Maksimov (Leading Researcher). Multicomponent Polymer Materials Investigation and
Elaboration of Prediction Methods for Long-term Thermo-Viscoelastic Properties. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 - )
Last update 02.03.2009