| Inga LYASHENKO Senior
Researcher, Biomaterial Research and Development Laboratory
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomechanics,
Riga Technical University
Azenes st. 14/24
Riga, LV 1048
Phone: +371 7089211; +371 29436384
Fax: +371 7613071
E-mail: |
Born: February 4, 1965, Ludza, Latvia
- Medical Textile
- Textile and Clothing Technology & Design
- Mechanics of Deformable Solids
- Mechanics of Composites
- Biomechanics of Biological Tissue
- Biomaterials
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- Riga Technical University, Undergraduate course of Engineer Technologist of Textile
Industry, 1983 1988
- Professional course of Sociology at Latvian University, 1986-1988
- Course of Phlebology and Vascular Surgery Issues at the Department of Vascular Surgery
& Therapy, Latvian Academy of Medicine, 1992 1996
- Riga Technical University, Graduate Degree course of Master at Department of Textile
& Clothing Technology, 1996 1998
- Riga Technical University, Graduate Degree course of Doctor at Department of Textile
& Clothing Technology, 1998-2003
- Riga Technical University, 2005
- Engineer Technologist at Textile Manufacture a/s Rita, Riga, 1988 1992
- Senior Engineer, Head of Research Group, 2003-2006
- Senior Researcher, Head of Research Group, 2006
Lecturing activities:
- Lectures course for students in Riga Technical University, 2002 2004. Theme:
Structure, properties and calculations of the main basic and combined interlacing.
Honors and Awards:
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and LR Patent Office for the good national
invention, 2006
- Certificate of honor of
Werner Von Siemens for the good Dissertation Thesis
2006 Biomechanical Basis of Technological Parameters of Compressive Knitted
Pdoducts, Riga, 2006, 30 November. SIA Siemens.
Recent/ Representative Publications
- I.Lyashenko. Compression Knitted Products for Medical Purposes and Socks for
Prophylactic Purposes, 2006, ISBN 9984-32-395-1, Riga: RTU Publishing House, 66 pp.
(in English).
1998 2006:
- I.Lyashenko, B.Oks. Methods of Calculation the Pressure of Elastomer Articles for
Medical Purposes. - RTU 40 Students Scientific Conference, RTU Publishing House,
Riga, Latvia, 1998, pp. 114-119.
- B.Oks, I.Lyashenko. Methods of Calculation of Local Pressure of Elastomer
Products. - Medical Textiles99 International Conference, Cambridge
Woodhead Publishing Limited, Proceedings, Bolton, England, August 24-25, 1999,
pp. 8291.
- I.Lyashenko
, B.Oks. Scientific bases of medical purpose knitted items production
technology. - 80th World Conference The Textile Institute. Manchester 2000,
Manchester, England, April 16-19, 2000. (thesis).
- B.Oks, I.Lyashenko. Using Frequencu Description of Muscles to Project Knitted
Items for Medical Purposes. - International Conference for Young Scientists on
Mechanics, Biomechanics and Bionics, Proceedings Riga-Varna, Varna, Bulgaria, June
5-7, 2000, pp. 2932.
- B.Oks, I.Lyashenko. Scientific Bases of Medical Purpose Knitted Items Production
Technology. - Fibrous Products in Medical and Health Care International Conference,
TTKK PAINO, Proceedings, Tampere, Finland, June 12-14, 2000, pp. 266275.
- I.Lyashenko
, V.Gonca, B.Oks. Designing Medical Knitwear in View of Geometrical and
Biomechanical Characteristics of Rounded Surfaces. - 1st International
Textile Clothing & Design Conference, Proceedings, Zagreb, Croatia, October
69, 2002, pp. 517521.
- B.Oks, I.Lyashenko. Compressive Solid Knitted Wares for Treatment of
Varicose Veins. Structure and Technology. - World Textile Conference 3rd
AUTEX CONFERENCE A.C.G.M.Lodart S.A., Proceedings, Lódz
Publishing House, Gdansk, Poland, June
25-27, 2003, pp. 330335.
- I.Lyashenko. Therapeutic stocking. - Int.conf., 4th AUTEX Conference, Book
of Proceedings, ISBN 2-9522440-0-6, Roubaix Publishing House, Lille, France, June
22-24, 2004, pp. 526-528.
- I.Lyashenko. Therapeutic stocking. - The Textile Institute 83rd
World.Conf., Proceedings, Shanghai, China, May 23-27, 2004, pp. 10421047.
- I.Lyashenko
, V.Gonca, J.Viba. Functional Features of Compressive Knitted Product. - Book
of Proceedings Magic World of Textiles, Dubrovnik, CROATIA,
October 3rd - 6rd, 2004, pp. 749753.
- I.Lyashenko. The Medical Functional Features of Compressive Knitted Product. - The
First International Conference of Applied Research in Textile CIRAT-1, Book of
Proceedings, Tunisie, South Africa, December 3-5, 2004, pp. 121124.
- I.Lyashenko. Synthesis of Knitwear Manufacture with Compression Kind. - RTU 45th International Scientific Conference. Proceedings of Riga Technical
University, Serija 7; Sejums 8; Latvia ISBN 9984-32-959-4, RTU Publishing
House, Riga, Latvia, October 14-16, 2004, pp. 65 (7 pages).
- I.Lyashenko. New Biomedical Aspects on Functional Features of Compressive Knitted
Product. - The 17th IMACS World Congress, Paris, France, July 11-15,
2005, pp. 1021- 1029.
- J.Viba, I.Lyashenko. Designing of Knitwear bandage. - RTU 46th
International Scientific Conference, ISBN 9984-32-358-7, RTU Publishing House, Riga,
Latvia, October 1315, 2005, pp. 87 (5 pages).
- I.Lyashenko. Biomechanical Basis of Technological Parameters of Compressive Knitted
Products. - ISBN 9984-32-286-6, RTU Publishing House, Riga, Latvia, 2005, (31
- I.Lyashenko
, V.Gonca. Textile Article For the Destruction of Fungal And Bacterial
Infection. - The 3rd International Conference of Textile Research Division
National Research Center, Textile Processing: State of the Art & Future Developments,
Copyright AGAHassabo©2006 TRD, NRC; 3 (2), Cairo, Egypt, April 24, 2006,
pp. 8085.
- I.Lyashenko
, V.Gonca. A Spesial Advanced Material. - Int.conf., Book of
Proceedings, Dubrovnik, CROATIA, ISBN 953/7105/12/1, October 8-11, 2006, - pp. 65-70,
(6 pages).
- I.Lyashenko
, V.Gonca. Method of transforming standart 3D model into real model
geometrical form. - The 2006 IFFTI, Int.conf., IFFTI AUTEX, Raleigh, North
Carolina, USA, June 20-22, 2006, (10 pages).
- Inga Lyashenko
, Rudolfs Cimdins Development of Testing Methods for New
Anti-Thrombogenic Biomaterials // RTU 47th International Scientific
Conference, RTU Izd., ISBN 9984-32-875-9, Riga, Latvia October 12 14, 2006
p. 6.
- Inga Lyashenko
, Vladimirs Gonca Analysis and Designing of Knitwear Bandage //
RTU 47th International Scientific Conference, RTU Izd., ISBN 9984-32-875-9,
Riga, Latvia October 12 14, 2006 p. 12.
- Inga Lyashenko
, Rudolfs Cimdins Complex Threads with Lower Strained
Deformed State Used in Angioplasty // ENSAIT/GEMTEX Futurotextiles International
Conference, Book of Proceedings, Lille, France, November 23-24, 2006, pp. 93 - 100.
- Inga Lyashenko
, Vladimirs Gonca Analysis Threads with an Anti-Thrombogenic
Features // Int.conf., Book of Proceedings - The Second International Conference of
Applied Research in Textile CIRAT-2, Tunisie, 30th of November to 2nd
December 2006, p. 10.
- Inga Lyashenko Textile Article with a Moiré Effect. // Int.conf., Woodhead
Publishing Limited, Proceedings Cambridge, England, July 17-18, 2007, - pp. 8 (in
- Inga Lyashenko A SPECIAL EXTREME MATERIAL. // International Conference
IFFTI 2007 Extreme Fashion", Proceedings Toronto, Canada, April 12
16th, 2007, - p. 8 (in print).
Patents of the Republic of Latvia:
- I.Lyashenko
, B.Oks, M.Smith. Compressive Solid Knitted Articles for Treatment
of Varicose Veins. LV Patent 12856 B, Int.Cl. A 61F13/08, - Riga, 2002, pp. 14.
- I.Lyashenko
, P.Nousiainen. Compressive Articles for Therapeutic Use. LV Patent
13043 B, Int.Cl. A 61F13/08, - Riga, 2003, pp. 21.
- I.Lyashenko
, P.Nousiainen. Compressive Textile Article for Therapeutic Application. LV
Patent 13278 B, Int.Cl. A 61F13/08, - Riga, 2003, pp. 7.
- I.Lyashenko. Textile Article For the Destruction of Fungal And Bacterial Infection. LV
Patent 13314 B, Int.Cl. A 61F13/08, - Riga, 2005, pp. 34.
- I.Lyashenko
, J.Viba, S.Kovalovs, L.Ivanova, I.Sedlins, V.Gonca. Compressive Textile
Article for Therapeutic Application And Method of Manufacturing of This Textile Article. LV
Patent 13315 B, Int.Cl. A 61F13/08, - Riga, 2005, pp. 13.
International Patent:
- I.Lyashenko
, P.Nousiainen, I.Pyykko. Textile Article for Therapeutic Use. WO2006/088342,
PCT/LV2005/000004, priority date 18.02.2005, Pub. Date 24.08.2006, - EPO, pp. 34.
Research Projects:
- I.Lyashenko. (Head of Project). Compressive wares for treatment of varicose veins. Latvian
Ministry of Higher Education (2004-2006)
- I.Lyashenko. (Head of Project). Textile Article For the Destruction of Fungal And
Bacterial Infection and Methods of Manufacturing of This Textile Article. Latvian
Ministry of Higher Education (2006-2008)
- I.Lyashenko. (Head of Work Group). Perspective biomaterials and Medical Technology. Latvian
Council of Science (2006)
- I.Lyashenko. (Head of Project). Textile threads with antithrombosis features. Riga
Technical University (2006-2007).
Avocations: Arts; horseback riding (the member of British-Latvian Association
of horseback riding since 2001).
Last update 14.03.2007